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Authors: C.A. Harms

Second Chances (7 page)

BOOK: Second Chances
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Mom: “Okay. I told Lily you had a
big project you were working on for school with Sophia and that you would need
to be spending some time with her to get it all finished.”

Me: “Okay Well tell her I will
see her in a little while.”

Mom: “I will…Bye”

Me: “Bye”

After I hung up and had to recollect
myself before I got up and walked out into the living room. I found the boys
playing video games with extremely enthusiasm. It was to the death or at least
you would think so by the looks on their faces. They were so determined to
mutilate one another. Sophia got up and walked over to me. “Hey girl, you
Okay?” she asked me as she hugged me. I told her I was good and I gave her the
run through of mine and my mother’s conversation. She told me she felt that I
wasn’t out of line and that I was probably handling it the best way. Soon she
steered me toward the kitchen and I leaned against the doorway. The look she
had on her face was extreme excitement. “So are you going to tell me or am I
going to have to drag it out of you.” Looking at her I realized she must be
talking about Luke and at that moment I looked out in the direction of the
guys. He was looking over at us between their Zombie killing sessions. He winked
and gave me a half smile that was knee buckling. What on earth was with this
guy? A week ago I would have never guessed that I would be feeling this way
about him. I was really glad I was though. He turned back to his game, I
watched him focusing on the screen and felt my heart flutter. “Uh Hello…I am
over here…please tell me why Luke is grinning from ear to ear and you two seem
to have these little silent messages your passing back and forth. He wasn’t
smiling until he came out of the bedroom with you…so spill it!” I stayed
looking in his direction smiled and said, “He is an amazing kisser.” She
squealed only causing all three of the guys to turn and look at us.

We went and sat on the back porch
and I gave her the details of what had happened between Luke and me in his
room. I think by the expression on her face she felt as if I may be exaggerating.
About forty five minutes passed and Evan came out and scooped Sophia up in his
arms. Luke came up next to and knelt down next to my chair “Hey Blake just got
a call and a bunch of people are going to the beach…swimming, volleyball
whatever. You want to go?” I looked into his eyes he seemed happy “Sure, but I
have to go home first.” He leaned forward I thought he was going to kiss me but
instead he kissed the tip of my nose. I felt slightly disappointed but then
smiled at the cute jester.  Both Sophia and Luke offered to come along
with me to get my suit but I declined both offers. Now wasn’t the time to have
either of them over and I didn’t feel comfortable introducing Luke just yet. It
was too early and just not the right time with everything else that was happening.

When I pulled into my driveway I
really had to fight the urge I had to back right back out and leave. Lily was
in there and I really wanted to see her. I missed her cute little giggle. I
slowly opened the door to find my mother sitting at the dining room table
staring out the back sliding doors she turned to me as I entered and closed the
door behind me. She smiled a very light smile and I did the same but walked
passed her straight up the stairs to Lily’s room. She gave me a big hug and I
tickled her. She told me how she was having a little girl that lived just down
the street spend the night and she was so excited. I love to see her smile she
really reminds me of my daddy she has his dimples and eyes. They were beautiful
brown eyes with light specs of gold throughout. She asked about my project I
was doing with Sophia and I felt horrible lying to her. I explained it was
taking a lot of time and we had to do a lot of research. I had spent a good
hour with her talking before my mom came to her door and told her that it was
time to walk down and pick up her new friend to spend the night. I was excited
for her she loved sleepovers. We hugged and exchanged our typical ‘Love you.’ I
went off to my room and I had thought that they had left but my mother lightly knocked
on my door and asked if I was going back to Sophia’s. I told her briefly of our
plans about the beach and that I would be spending the night with Sophia. She
nodded and then her and Lily left. I was packing my bag and looking for my
favorite red bikini when my phone rang. Luke’s number came up on my screen and
I made a mental note to get a photo of him today so I could label his number
with it. “Hi” I said into the phone. “Hey baby…how’s everything going?” I had
to smile when he called me baby I wasn’t ever really one for little pet names
but his sincerity in his voice when he called me ‘Baby’ just reminded me of my
daddy and the way he used to call my mom ‘Sugar’.

“I spent some time with my sister
and talked to mom very little y’all about ready to head over to the beach?” He
laughed “Y’all…I still can’t get passed how cute that sounds when you say it.
Yeah we’re ready whenever you are. So you want me to pick you up?” I still
thought keeping Luke away for now was best. “No actually I wanted to leave my
car at Sophia’s so can you just meet me there? I can leave here in about five
minutes. I just have to get my suit on.” He agreed to meet me there and then we
hung up.

As I was loading my car Lily and
her friend came along with my mother and another lady walked up the road. Lily
ran to me and introduced me to her new friend Hannah. They were so cute
together. My mother introduced me to Hannah’s mother and after I loaded my
things I backed out to head off to meet everyone at Sophia’s







I was a little nervous about
going home by herself but she didn’t want any of us
going along with her. After just talking to her she seemed okay. She didn’t
sound upset and she got to see Lily I know she was missing her. Right now I was
really missing
though. I felt a little crazy
thinking that but it was true. Since she left my house I have not been able to
stop thinking about her. I felt good about what had happened between us this
morning. I don’t regret for a second kissing her. I was actually ready to kiss
her some more and if everything went as good today as I was hoping for I was
going to talk to her about us being exclusive. I wanted to be with her. I
wanted to make this work between us. She really made me feel good when I was
with her. She frustrated me, made me mad, made me laugh and smile but I felt
alive when she was near and I loved every second of all of those feelings. We
had our stuff loaded up in my car and Evans. Sophia went home to get her things
ready and we were on our way to get our girls. I felt as if I was sixteen and
going on my first date. I was so nervous and excited for today. I was ready to
prove that I didn’t need sex to be happy. I just wanted
and no one was going to get under my skin about that today. I wanted her to see
I was serious about this between her and me. The ride over to Sophia’s house
felt like it was so long. As I turned the corner and
house came in view I saw her car and I have to admit my pulse picked up. I
pulled along the side of the road and climbed out. 
and Sophia standing out front holding their bags and she looked really good. I
had to control my hormones when I saw her. She had on a pair of cutoff jean
shorts over her red swimsuit. They were low cut shorts and you could see the strings
hanging out on the sides where her suit tied. Her stomach was so flat and her
belly button was pierced. She just had her swimsuit top on with no shirt over
it and red looked damn good on her…really good. She had pulled her hair back in
a wild ponytail with curly waves hanging out falling around her face loosely.
Her neck was exposed and I fought my urge to kiss the curve right behind her
ear. Instead I reached out and took her bag off her shoulder and kissed the top
of her head whispering to her that she really looked good in red. When I pulled
away I noticed a slightly reddened tone to her cheeks. I only hoped that meant
that she enjoyed my comment and wasn’t annoyed by it. When she smiled up at me
I knew I could go with the first option and stop worrying. Thank God! I was
still trying to learn her and her likes and how to avoid her dislikes this was
all so new to me. Normally whatever was on my mind I said it regardless if it
was inappropriate or not.

“Will you ride with me?” I asked
her before I walked away. She reached out and hooked her finger in the
waistband of my shorts which caused me to flinch but in a really good way. I
let her pull me in closer to her, “Are you
behave?” I smiled and put my finger under her chin to tilt her to me. I very
lightly place a kiss on her lips and smiled down at her before I carried her
bag to my car, opened the passenger side door and leaned against the side
waiting for her to join me. Sophia and
a few words and giggles then she started walking in my direction. The sight of
her walking toward me was definitely something I was willing to get used to. I
shut the door for her after she crawled in. Once I got in and started the car
pulling away from the curb I couldn’t help reaching out and hooking my finger
with hers and pulling her hand up to my mouth grazing my lips across her
knuckles. She was so beautiful.

She was looking at me like she
was trying to get an answer to an unspoken question. “What’s wrong baby?” I had
to ask. She continued to look over at me I could see it from the corner of my
eye. I still held onto her hand. After a few seconds had passed she asked me
“Luke is this all going to stop the minute you get around your friends…I mean
you are being super sweet to me you have been all day today. I just keep
waiting for you to snap back to the cocky arrogant Player who isn’t going to
show emotion or concern for any girl. I just really don’t want to look like a
fool…some stupid young girl who fell for your tricks.” We were pulled into the parking
space at the beach and I put my car in park turning the key. I got out and
walked around to her side and when I opened her door I helped her out and
placing my hands on each of her hips I pulled her to me so our bodies were now
touching. When my mouth was just an inch from hers I could feel her breath
quicken. “I am not playing games with you
. I
don’t care who sees me with you. I don’t care what any of the guys say. I want
every girl that looks at me with you to know that you are the only one I want
to spend my time with.” I closed the remaining distance and placed my lips on
hers for a very sweet but playful kiss. “Okay you two I am starting to get a
little jealous.” We both turned to see Whitney looking at us smiling. Oh boy I
was a little worried of how this was going to turn out. I had already told
Whitney that she and I were done with our little game I just knew I did not
like these two anywhere near each other. Whitney walked up and placed her hand
on my arm sliding her other around my back. Before I had realized it
had pulled away and she reached for her bag then said
something about letting me and Whitney talk as she walked away. Damn it we were
here for ten seconds and already something had fucked up our day.






Good god that boy can kiss. My
lips still felt like they were tingling from his lips. Whitney was talking to
him now and I had to say I hated it. I don’t like being jealous and at this
very moment I was certainly jealous. I walked off to find Sophia and Evan along
with everyone else leaving Luke and Whitney alone. I was second guessing that
choice but the fact that they have slept together made it very hard to be near
them when they talked. I had found Sophia and when she asked me where Luke was
I just pointed to the parking lot at his car I could tell by her expression she
was anything but pleased. I had laid my towel out next to
on the sand and decided to just turn my cheek and lay out. I had no claim on
him and could not tell him to stay away from her it was so not my place. I had
all my things out then slid my shorts down and off. I heard a few whistles and
hollers from some surrounding perverts. I chose to ignore them and sat down to
put on some lotion. I stole a quick glance up toward Luke and it appeared like
they were arguing or something he threw his hands up in the air and started to
walk away before spinning to face her. I took a quick drink of water then lay
back onto my back with my shades on and my iPod in my ears to enjoy some sun.

After a while had passed I sensed
someone standing over me. I opened my eyes to see Mr. Sexy had finally made his
way back to me. “I feel like I should throw a towel over you or something. I
got to say it bothers me a little that half my friends and team mates are
staring and talking about your body.” I felt a little hurt that he had taken so
long to walk away from Whitney after the confession he had just made earlier
about letting everyone know he was interested blah blah…feeling a little like
it may have been just another ploy to break down my defenses. I sat up and then
stood now standing directly in front of him. “Oh come on Luke you don’t like
your friends ogling my goodies? Maybe I should offer them a better look.” I
walked passed him and into the water. It really could not have been even five
seconds and I felt his arm sneak around my waist and pull me back to him. His
mouth was right by my ear, “Baby please
be mad
at me. She just was arguing with me about stupid shit. I told her I cared about
you too much to hurt you. That just pissed her off and she just yelled at me
for the next ten minutes about not giving a shit about her feelings. I told her
you’re just different. A good different I promise. That…up there is over and I
told her that yesterday. Don’t let it ruin our day…Please.” I was having a
really hard time staying mad. “Luke I just don’t know about this I feel like I
am setting myself up to be hurt. I can’t do…” He cut me off spun me around to
face him and kissed me as if his life depended on it putting his hands on my
waist. When he pulled back from the kiss he rested his forehead to mine “Don’t
stop us before we even get a chance to start
You really make me feel things I had no idea were even possible. These feelings
I’m having I have to admit make me a little nervous. I am so afraid of scaring
you away. Give me a chance to show you who I am, who I want to be for
you…please!” His tone was one of panic I felt a pinch in my chest. I really
wanted him to be honest. I just hoped what I was about to do I was not going to
regret later. I brought my hands up behind his neck through his hair and
pulling his lips back to meet mine. I lost myself in his kiss and crawled up
his body. Before I knew it he was lifting me up. I wrapped my legs around his
waist tightly and he gripped my upper thighs were they meet my hips and held me
tightly against him. I heard a lot of whistling and hooting from his friends
but I wasn’t going to stop quite yet. He tasted so good lightly minty and
sweet. Here we stood at the water’s edge as he held me tight to his body and
continue to kiss me. When I pulled away a few minutes later he lightly bit my
lip. “Is that a yes? Will you let me show you I can be a good guy? I want to be
with you
. I can’t get you out of my head Baby
and I don’t want to.” He let me slide back down his body allowing his hands to
rest on my hips just and the top of my swimsuit. “Don’t hurt me Luke…Please” I
whispered up at him with my eyes closed. He kissed me again a light sweet kiss.
He took my hand and led me back to where our things were. He set down and
pulled me onto his lap. He nuzzled my neck and bit my earlobe lightly. Sophia
was watching and sat down next to us after a little bit. “Okay Luke I just got
to say, you know that every girl is going on and on about how you are playing
and all the guys are saying you are totally whipped
right?” He kissed that spot right behind my ear and then looked up at Sophia
“They can talk all they want Soph. There is no way I am playing
and maybe I am whipped. I just convinced your
beautiful friend here to give me a shot. I have no intentions what so ever of
screwing this up.”

BOOK: Second Chances
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