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Authors: Raven Shadowhawk

Second Base (5 page)

BOOK: Second Base
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Her eyes widened. ‘Seriously?’

‘Do it.’

She hesitated, but again only for a moment. Dan took the chance to unfasten his trousers and pull his wakening member over the top of his boxers. By the time Karen returned, he was almost hard. He patted his lap. ‘Sit.’

As she wriggled into place, Dan arranged his cock to stand up between them. He took the carrot and guided Karen’s hands down to hold him. ‘Make me come,’ he told her. ‘Hands only.’


Dan wedged the carrot into her mouth. ‘Make me come and keep that in your mouth. When we’re done I want to put it back in the fridge, so no teeth marks, understand?’

A soft groan came from behind the carrot along with a muffled, ‘I can’t do that.’

‘You can. Now be a good girl and jerk me off.’

It hurt at first, with no lube and sweat-damp fingers. He distracted himself by playing with her breasts, alternating between stroking and pinching her nipples. They hardened beneath his rough attention, visible as two round nubs against the lace. He hooked one breast free and squeezed it, dotting quick little nips all over it.

Soon a dribble of saliva fell from the corner of her lips and onto the head of his cock. She used it like lube, increasing her efforts while her soft moans grew louder.

The door to the kitchen hung slightly open. Shadows from the guests beyond flickered in and out of sight. The music changed to 80s glam rock.

He whispered in her ear. ‘Do you think they can see us? Think they can see you whimpering like a bitch in heat as you stroke me? Maybe they’ll enjoy the show. What do you think?’ He freed the second soft mound from the confines of her bra and lathed his tongue over the pebble-hard nipple. When she arched her back and paused in her stroking, he bit down on it.

‘God, Sir—’

‘Hush. Keep working.’

As she did, he unfastened her pants. She grunted.

‘You didn’t think I was going to make it easy?’

Within seconds his fingers wriggled inside her underwear, seeking the hot, moist flesh there. She writhed against him, bucking her hips against his touch.

‘Didn’t take you long to get wet, did it? Or is this from when I had you swinging from the ceiling? God you’re so fucking dirty, Kaz.’

She groaned again and twisted her hips until his index finger sank deep into her creamy centre. He let her control the penetration, waiting until she was fully impaled before adding a second finger.

‘No teeth marks on that carrot, remember. If you bite it I’ll have to find somewhere else to stick it.’

Karen thrashed against his fingers. Her breath hissed through clenched teeth, whispering over his face in hot, rhythmic gusts. Her hands moved faster.

Loud voices floated through the door.

‘Hurry up Kaz. I won’t let you come until you finish me off and if you don’t, you’re done until later tonight.’

She flashed him a deadly look, but increased the pace, adding a twist of her wrist as she drooled saliva all over her hands.

He rubbed his wet fingers over her lips, painting with her own slick juices. ‘You look great like this. Maybe we should get a bridle gag. Would you like that? Or maybe a ring gag, holding you wide open so I can fuck your sexy mouth whenever I want.’

The carrot snapped. Chunks of orange vegetable flew across the room.

He grinned. ‘Uh oh.’

Karen jerked free and slid down his lap, lying on her stomach between his legs and slurping his cock into her mouth.

Dan gasped and rocked his hips off the floor. The unexpected heat and moisture dragged him to the brink and shoved him over the edge. Stars exploded across his vision in green, blue and red. He grasped her hair, thrusting deep into her willing throat as his release barrelled through him.

Holy fucking hell!

When he finally relaxed and slumped against the cupboards, every limb hummed with weakness. Karen sat up, thumbing moisture off the corner of her mouth. She licked her lips.

He shook his head at her still fighting for breath. ‘You snapped the carrot. Big trouble, little kitten.’

Karen crawled up his body, feasting a kiss on his lips. He could taste himself on her, a salty, musky mix of her pleasure and his.

‘I’ll clean the bits.’

‘Good girl.’

She hopped away and scooped up the carrot chunks. He watched her do it while fastening his trousers. He stood. Her scent lingered on his fingers and he took a moment to sniff. Arousal pulsed in his sensitive cock, but he tamped it down.

Now the moment was over he remembered what started it. Charlaine’s thin, weary face swam across his vision. ‘Kaz? You okay?’

She faced him, dropping a handful of carrot chunks onto the table. ‘You understand me, Dan. You know what I need. You don’t ask questions, you just
. That’s all I need to get me through tonight. Tomorrow is another matter but tonight . . . I’m okay.’

He watched her face, searching for some sign of sadness, or discomfort. He found none, just a small, satisfied smile. ‘You didn’t get to come.’

She shrugged. ‘It gives me something to look forward to.’


‘I’m fine, Dan. I need to find Robert before he mauls anyone. Else.’ She swept out of the room, tugging her top back on as she went.

Dan stayed behind, staring at the sink. His breath rushed out in a long, harsh gasp and he clutched the sink with both hands. A small piece of carrot rolled to rest against his thumb. His eyes burned. Knuckles whitened. As the first salty drops splashed the back of his hands, he lowered his head, squeezing his eyes shut.

Fuck . . .

Chapter Five

Karen walked back into the living room with her head held high and her heart stampeding in her chest. She aimed for Cindy, loitering near the buffet table with her arm wrapped around Sam who still looked ragged around the edges.

‘Hey,’ she sidled closer.

‘Where the hell is your idiot Dom?’ Cindy cut a glance at her. ‘Half an hour ago I told him I needed tea. Now the bathroom stinks, the toilet is blocked and Sam still can’t stand.’

‘Sorry. We were in the kitchen. Talking.’

Cindy’s eyes narrowed. She stepped back and looked her up and down. ‘What happened?’


‘Bullshit, bitch. You’ve been crying. Spit it out.’

‘Please, Cindy, not now.’

‘Is it Robert? Why is he even here? I thought he ran off with that belly dancer from Sussex.’

‘So did I.’

‘So it’s not him. What’s wrong? Is it Dan again? Do I need to break his knee caps?’

Karen clutched her hair. ‘No! Jesus, give it a rest, will you? I’ll tell you later, okay?’

Cindy looked ready to argue, but at that moment Sam unfurled herself and planted a deep, searching kiss on her lips. When she came up for air she stroked her fingers through Cindy’s ice white tresses. ‘I need tea. Can you get me tea? I’d really, really like some tea. Tea.’

Cindy sighed. ‘God, I love it when you’re stoned. Yes, I’ll get you some tea.’ To Karen she added, ‘Keep an eye on her. This is a stronger hit than I usually give her.’ She marched off.

Karen took Sam by the arm and guided her back to the sofa. ‘Sit with me.’

Sam lurched a step forward then fell straight back onto the cushions. She spread her arms across the back and gave an inane grin. ‘You know, nobody ever tells you how pretty you are. I hope Dan realises what a lucky man he is.’

She smiled. ‘He knows.’

‘Your hair too, all puffy, black and curly. I used to wish mine would do that. You’d think it might since my dad is as black as you. But no, I got this boring straight shit. Maybe he isn’t even my dad.’

Half listening, Karen sought her own father. He fiddled with the stereo, his back to Charlaine who spoke over him with big, angry hand gestures.

Sam grabbed her shoulder. ‘They say children often worry about turning into their parents. Either they aim for it or they panic about it. Do you ever consider that your relationship with Dan is what you
your mum had with your dad?’

Stunned, Karen sat back. ‘How many cookies
you eat?’

‘Twelve.’ She giggled. ‘Don’t tell Cindy. But Dan looks after you, doesn’t he? In everything. All you have to do is what you’re told.’

Wary of the crowd, Karen scooted closer. ‘Keep it down. No one knows.’

‘I do. Cindy does. Pete too.’

Yes, more’s the pity.

Karen caught a glimpse of him on the other side of the room. When he saw her, he looked away.

‘He fancies you.’ Sam twirled a piece of hair around her finger.

‘Pete? No way. He’s Dan’s friend.’

‘He saw you naked.’

Karen thought back to the cage, to Pete’s hot, searching gaze all over her body. She groaned. ‘Don’t remind me.’

‘I’m just saying . . . maybe he thinks that gives him some sort of claim. He’s been watching you all night.’

A shiver of cold rippled down her spine. ‘Really?’

‘Like a dog eyeing a bone. Kinda creepy.’

Karen looked again, this time under the pretence of waving at her neighbours. On the peripherals of her vision Pete stared at her, his brow furrowed into a deep frown. His right hand clasped a bottle of beer, the knuckles hard and white.

He is watching me. Shit.

She picked at a join in the sofa. ‘What should I do?’

Sam interrupted her intense study of the back of her hand to give a lazy, one-shouldered shrug. ‘Simple, isn’t it? Tell Dan.’

‘I can’t. They’re friends.’

‘He won’t hear it from anyone else. Don’t you think he should know? Wow . . .’ she giggled. ‘I have loads of scars on my hands.’

‘Sam! Focus.’

‘I am. Look, that’s when I fell off my bike—I was ten. This one was Mittens; I hated that cat. This one was Cindy. She bought me a ring but it was too small. The hospital had to cut it off.’

‘Sam, please.’ Karen grabbed her hands and waited until she looked up. ‘I know you’re stoned, but you need to talk to me. I can’t tell Dan, okay? They’re best friends.’

Another shrug. ‘Then tell Cindy. She’ll fix it.’

She would, but that’s not an option if Pete ever wants to fit another shop front.

‘No. And don’t you say a word either.’

Sam lolled back against the sofa. ‘Fine. Fine, fine, fine . . .’ She trailed off into a low, distant humming, tracing more scars on the backs of her hands.

I need a drink.

She leapt up. Dodging well-wishing neighbours and colleagues she grabbed a plastic cup off the table and a half-empty bottle of cheap vodka. She poured a double and knocked it back. Then another.

‘Everything okay, Kaz?’ Pete appeared at her side. He didn’t look at her, not fully, but placed his hand on her shoulder. His grip was warm, fingers tight on her skin.

She eased away. ‘I’m fine.’

‘You’ve been crying.’

She peered into his face. A whiff of beer-breath puffed across her nostrils, hot and sour. ‘And
been drinking.’

‘So? It’s a party.’

‘That’s right.
party. I’ll cry if I want to.’

‘Touché.’ He snagged a handful of peanuts from a dish and crammed them into his mouth. ‘Can I talk to you for a second? Alone?’

The request tied her stomach in knots. The thought of being alone with him sent lines of cold racing up and down her spine. They hadn’t been alone since the cage incident.

Until that moment Karen never realised how tall he was. How big. His arms, thick and knotted with muscle from all that hard labour. He gazed at her, close enough that every breath caused his chest to brush her arm.

‘I don’t think that’s a good idea.’

‘It will only take a second. Out there.’ He gestured to the door of the living room.


‘He’s not here, Karen. Can’t he spare you for three seconds so we can talk? Or are you so into this slave thing that you can’t make up your own mind?’

Unease melted beneath a rush of irritation. ‘He doesn’t own me.’

‘Then come talk to me. Two minutes.’ He walked out.

From her position on the sofa Sam began to giggle, a shrill, constant, most un-Sam-like sound.

Karen walked passed her, following Pete’s retreating back as he aimed for the garden.

On the way Karen heard the disgusted voice of someone in the downstairs bathroom and the burbling of a toilet refusing to flush. A sickly smell permeated the hallway and she held her nose as Pete led her out the back door.

Outside, with the cool crispness of October tugging at her clothes, she wrapped both arms around herself and waited. ‘Well?’

‘I got you a present.’

She froze. ‘Why?’ The word was sharper than she intended, but she couldn’t help it.

‘Call it a housewarming gift. I saw it and thought of you.’ He reached down to the floor near the sliding doors and held up a small plastic bag.

Karen didn’t take it, wondering instead, when he had the time to come and plant this little ‘gift.’

He hunched his shoulders. ‘At least look before you reject me.’

Moonlight caught the links of her slave band as she reached for the bag. Inside fluttered the creamy pages of a thick, dusty paperback. When she pulled it out and looked at the cover her hands began to tremble. ‘Where did you get this?’

Pete scratched the back of his neck. ‘There’s a bookshop near my workshop. They’re closing down so I went in. Not for me, but, you know . . . some of my friends like books.’

She stroked the weathered cover, then opened it. The musty scent of aged paper billowed up on a cloud of dust. ‘This is a first edition.’

‘I know. The guy in the shop said that’s a good thing. I just thought you’d prefer this cover to the newer looking ones. They seem tacky.’

Karen looked again at the battered copy of ‘Alice in Wonderland’. Her fingers trembled as she turned the delicate pages. ‘I loved this book as a child.’

‘I know. You told Dan, really, but I remember. We were sitting in the kitchen at Dan’s old place. You made this weird, lumpy pork thing and called it meatloaf. It looked disgusting, but tasted amazing. You’ve not made it since.’

Karen grinned at the memory. ‘I must have used every scrap of meat left in the fridge. I can’t even remember how I did it.’

He stared into her eyes. ‘It was gorgeous.’

She clutched the book to her chest. ‘Thank you, Pete. This is really sweet of you.’ With a quick step forward, she hugged him. An impulsive move for sure. She’d never touched him that way in the past, but the gesture of the book and his uncertain expression brought it out of her.

Pete relaxed beneath her touch, running his hands down her back. ‘I wanted to do something for you. I wanted to show you that I’m just as good.’

Warning bells clanged. She tried to pull back, but his grip tightened, both hands now holding her against his body.

‘I’m just as good as Dan, Kaz. Why can’t you see?’ He pushed his lips to hers, fighting to part them with a thrust of his tongue. The taste of lager exploded in her mouth and she jerked her head back with a cry.

‘Pete, get off me.’

He gripped tighter. ‘Just give me a chance. I can control you too. That’s what you want, isn’t it?’ Another kiss. This time he held the back of her head with one hand and pinned her arms with the other. His tongue wormed in.

Karen squirmed, jerking her head from side to side. Nothing. She may well have punched an elephant for all the effect it had. Panic seared through her. Breathing quickened.

‘Get off!’

His free hand left her arms and slipped beneath her blouse, grabbing for her breasts. She drew her leg back, ready to kick him.

‘Now what’s this then?’ A voice speared out of the dark.

Pete thrust her away so hard, she stumbled and fell. The book flew from her hands and landed in the grass.

Robert stood in the open doorway, a fat, unlit cigar hanging from the side of his mouth.

Pete swallowed hard enough to be heard over the thud of music from within. ‘I—’

‘“You—” “you—”’ Robert mocked. ‘“You” what?’ He tilted his head so the brim of his hat left a thick shadow across his eyes. ‘Thought you’d manhandle mi girl while nobody was looking?’

‘It’s not like that,’ snapped Karen. She got as far as her knees before he thrust a hand in her direction, a silent order to shut up.

‘Well, I see you, boy,’ Robert continued. ‘I know a man who likes the ladies—I’m one myself. But mi girl there, she not for you. She got more class than the likes of you or I.’

A crimson flush crept up Pete’s neck and jaw. He opened his mouth but no words came out. In the end he puffed up his chest and growled low at the back of his throat. ‘Class? Yeah, real classy giving a blow job on the kitchen floor with guests less than ten feet away.’

Karen felt like he’d slapped her. She scrambled to her feet and shoved him in the chest. ‘You were watching? What’s wrong with you?’

‘That’s what you like isn’t it? An audience? Sharing? I don’t see why all these other people can be involved but
not good enough to—’ he looked away.

Silence loomed, broken occasionally by the low boom of bass from the speakers within.

‘Baby-girl, what is this idiot talking about?’

‘Shut up, Papa!’ As she finished speaking, Karen had no idea who was more shocked, Robert or herself. But the word was out now and she couldn’t take it back. She faced the easier target. ‘Pete, we need to talk about this, but not now. Do you understand?
Not now

He wiped his mouth. ‘When then? You never talk to me any more. Every time I’m in the room you make an excuse to run. I’m not the one who hits you, so why am I the monster?’

The world shrank to a tiny dot. Low buzzing filled her ears. Karen gasped, but the breath caught in her throat to leave her dizzy and light-headed.

Robert swelled like an overripe fruit. He jerked the hat off and tossed it on the ground. ‘Hits you? Who? Does he mean the skinny little Silver Fox in there?’

‘Shut up! Fuck, just go away, Robert, please.’ Switching back to his true name meant nothing. They both knew it.

‘Is that man hitting you?’

‘Go away!’

He gave a curt nod. ‘Go away, you say. I’ll go, but we’ll talk. No one hits mi baby-girl, understand? I’ll break their spine first.’

‘Papa, please!’ Desperation changed her pleas. ‘Leave me alone.’

BOOK: Second Base
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