Read Scars (Marked #2.5) Online

Authors: Elena M. Reyes,Marti Lynch

Scars (Marked #2.5) (2 page)

BOOK: Scars (Marked #2.5)
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“Wait,” I called out before Jaime pushed me face down against the hood of his car. His hands—strong and callused—took a hold of mine and stretched them over my head. Palm down. Bodies pressed together. His panting breaths against my neck making me shiver.

With his mouth next to my ear, he inhaled deeply and ground his dick against my coat-covered ass. “No.”

“But my car…” The protest died on my lips. His hands left mine and traveled down my body. They snaked around my waist and found the sash that held the long coat closed and pulled slowly.

The chuckle that passed his lips at my gasp was low. Throaty. “What were you saying?”

Jaime’s hands were now on my skin, my flesh pebbling at his touch. Long fingers dragged themselves up my ribs and toward my breasts. It was his turn to let out a rough moan.

No clothing. Not a stitch of material covered me.

“I can’t wait to fuck you.”  That lust-filled tone did things to my body. It heated my flesh, made me want that elusive
that was always out of my reach.

A whimper escaped; it couldn’t be stopped. Full of want and need…the hunger that consumed me. It made him aware of the position I’d found myself in—wet, swollen, and desperate for a hard fuck.

I pushed back against him, rubbing his cock against the crease of my ass. “Please, Jaime. Don’t make me beg for your cock. Fuck. Me.”

Those words ignited him. Made that primal need to dominate this female come out, to take his pleasure from me and leave me spent. It sent him into a lustful frenzy, one I enjoyed immensely.

“Spread those pretty little legs apart, Jan. I want you open, on your toes, and quiet,” he hissed against the base of my neck before nipping the skin there. His teeth dug in, and I welcomed the sting.

The pain reminded me that even if I wasn’t girlfriend material, I was still desirable. Beautiful. Motherfucking wanted.

With a smile on my face, I spread my legs as wide as I could. Jaime, with a harsh tug, pulled my coat off my shoulders. It fell off my arms but stopped at the elbows. He liked this, to restrict my movements and hold me incapable of escape. We’ve played this game before.

His hands grabbed mine and yanked the coat the rest of the way off. Jaime didn’t release my hands. Instead, he stretched them back, making my chest push out. The cool night air caressed my breasts, and I shivered.

Nipples puckered. Tightened and throbbed for some attention.

“This will be rough.” The sash was wound around my arms, not too tight, but enough for him to keep me in place. Control my movements. “Fast.”

“Goddammit, Jaime,” I hissed as he pushed me forward. The hood of his car was cold against my fevered skin. The contrast made the moment that much more intense. Crazed.

“I said not a word.” He fisted my golden locks tightly in his hands and pulled. “You wouldn’t want anyone to see us, would you?”

“I don’t give a flying fuck.”

Jaime chuckled and kissed his way down my back. “Too bad,” he stated and stopped his descent down to nip the two dimples above my ass. “You are for my eyes only. I don’t share.”

Arching my back, I pushed my rear out and toward his face. He liked that. The animalistic grunt he made before he licked down the crack of my rear made me cry out in frustration.

“Fuck me, or I’ll find someone inside your club to take care of me.” My threat held no weight—he knew that. It was just to push. Make him lose the hold of power he loved to maintain.

“The fuck you will,” he snarled before biting down hard against the tip of my ass. That fleshy part where thigh met cheek hurt as his teeth embedded themselves into my skin.

“Harder.” My plea fell on deaf ears. Instead of giving me what I wanted, he pulled away. “What the—”

“Don’t move, Jan. You wanted this…begged with that throaty fucking voice of yours when you called—when you came to find me.” Jaime’s hand came down hard against my naked flesh. It stung. Made me feel alive. “Let me fuck you.” I could hear the teeth of his zipper as he lowered it. Felt the heat of his cock as he rubbed the head against me. “Now take it.”

That was all the preparation I was given. His tip ran up the length of my slit twice—from clit to opening—before slamming in. All the way until he bottomed out and my lips opened in a silent scream. I could do nothing else but just hold on and let the euphoria of his abuse take me into another plane.

It was just what I needed. To be consumed by anything other than the thoughts of Talan that tormented me.

“Tightest fucking pussy,” he swore and pulled me up and off his hood. My arms were his reigns as his hips slammed into my backside. Jaime held them tight in his grasp, his fingernails digging in.

“You feel so fucking good…so big,” I sobbed out. It was the truth. He was big, but not the best. That would always be Talan. If there was ever a man that could help me forget though, it would be Jaime.
Fuck, even while I’m being pleasured, I think of him.
His tall stature, broad shoulders—glorious dick. Talan was all I wanted. But tonight he’d made it clear that he didn’t want me.

The rage inside me bloomed at the image of him cupping her—holding her to his body.

The sting of Jaime’s hand landing on my ass brought me back to the present. Three times, in rapid succession, he raised his hand and brought it down with force. I moaned at the sensation and tightened around his length.

“When I fuck you, your attention is mine,” he hissed and spanked me once more. A lone tear escaped my eyes. “Fuck him, Jan. Focus on me, baby. Only on what I do to you.”

I nodded and turned my face over to look at him. If things had been different, Jaime would’ve been perfect for me. Strong, handsome, and dominating. Sweet when needed and more than once, he’d picked up the pieces of my destructive tendencies. He knew how in love I was with Talan, yet he’d never reproached me. Never turned his back on me when I would call crying.

Why couldn’t I love him?

Reaching up, I kissed his lips softly. “I’m sorry, baby.”

He nodded and returned my kiss with fervor. His lips tasted of whiskey, his drink of choice. I knew that flavor, savored it on my tongue as I pushed back against him.

“I’ll make you forget.”

“Please,” I whimpered against his lips.

“Focus on me, beautiful.” Jaime pulled away then, and with his hand tightly wrapped around my long locks, he turned my head to face forward and down. His fingers released, and then tightened in my hair while he pulled out slowly. I felt every inch of him. With his cock out, just the tip against my pussy lips, he spoke. “Tell me what you want, Janice.”

A humorless laugh escaped me. “Can’t have what I want.”

“You could, if you saw past your infatuation with
,” Jaime sneered. He let go of my hair and unwound the sash from around my arms. I was surprised by his actions, especially when he pulled me back against him.

“Fuck you!” I hissed and tried to push him away, escape the cage he held me in. How dare he?

“Calm your ass down, Jan, and hear me out.” Jaime’s hips surged forward, once again burying himself to the hilt. My hands shot out to brace myself against the hood of his car. “It’s the truth, and you know it.” Chest to metal; that’s how he took what I gave. Buried deep inside me, I felt him twitch, his breathing heavy against the nape of my neck. “Let me help you.”

He punished me with slow yet purposeful thrusts of his hips. Not enough to get me off, but enough to bloom the flames that engulfed me within. With each slam of his hips, he told me he was here for me, that I didn’t have to be alone.

“Why the fuck do you care, Jaime? You don’t want me either.” His fingers snaked around my waist, dipped down over my clit and pressed down. The ripple of pleasure that took a hold of me couldn’t be stopped.

“Bullshit. I’ve always wanted more. You on the other hand, don’t see past Talan. This,” he hissed against my skin, “is the only way you let me have you.”


“Shhh, I don’t want you to apologize.” His fingers played me, made me writhe beneath him. “You can’t control who you love any more than I can. We aren’t meant to be, Janice. I hate it, but understand. I’ll be dammed if I continue to watch you self-destruct.”

“Thank you,” I moaned out and raised a hand up to reach for him. My fingers embedded themselves into his hair as his hips began to punish me. It was hard, fast… fucking brutal.

Just what I needed, and within seconds of his fingers running tight circles against my clit, I came.

“Motherfucker!” My screams were loud; I didn’t give a fuck who heard me. After today’s emotional rollercoaster, this felt too good to hide. To silence.

“That’s it, baby. Fuck. Milk my cock, you dirty girl,” he growled into my neck before sinking his teeth in and erupting inside me. I felt each spurt as it coated my walls, and I reveled in the fact that I did this to him.

Jaime regained his composure before I did. His strong arms picked me up and settled me atop his car before he opened the door and pulled out a slim pack of baby wipes. My raised brow amused him to no end.

Rolling his eyes, he handed me a few to clean up while doing the same. “I hate having dirty hands—sue me.”

“Is that all.” I giggled at the sheepish look on his face.

“Yes, you perv.” Jaime walked over to my car and opened the back door, reaching in to grab something.

I watched him with curiosity. “What are you doing?”

“Grabbing you some clothes,” he called out. “Got it!” Jaime was excited by his discovery, not once remembering that the roof of my car wasn’t too far from his head.

“Watch out, Jai—”

“Fuck!” He cursed and pulled out from the car, slamming the door closed in the process. Jaime stomped over to where my giggling butt sat, his features schooled into a look of mock annoyance. “Not funny.”

“It’s hilarious, babe.” His lips pursed in an adorable pout, one that I couldn’t help but kiss. “Are you okay?”

“I’m better now, but I’d be better if you kissed my other head.” It was my turn to roll my eyes. “No?”

I shook my head. “Not now, but definitely later.”

“Fine.” Jaime tossed the small dress I kept in the back seat at me. “Then get dressed.”

My brow rose in question. “How did you know?”

“I know you and your penchant to always keep extra clothes in the car…something about emergency situations. You mentioned it once.”

It was true. A phobia of mine.

“Seems like something I’d say.” I laughed and stood up. The small scraps of material didn’t cover much as I pulled it over my head and down my body. I wasn’t too worried about anyone getting fresh, though; I was his girl for the night.

“You look like sin.”

“Then come be wicked with me,” I cooed and pulled him into me. “Let’s be bad together.”




We’d been in the bar for an hour when I spotted him in the corner with a girl on each side. He was hard to miss, especially after I’d witnessed his demise at my Talan’s hands.
Wonder what rich boy’s doing here?

It wasn’t a sleazy establishment by any means. Crave was bright lights, clean, sleek lines… uninhibited sexual desires. Sex was the name of its game. It didn’t fit the uptight golden boy’s persona. Not when he’d expressed his desire for that fake bitch on more than one occasion.

I’d followed her around, not going to lie about it. To school, home, and sometimes all the way toward Talan’s shop, where because of her presence, I had to park a couple of blocks down and hide inside the small coffee shop close by.

The owner and I had an easy arrangement. I sucked his cock, and he left me alone to stalk the bitch and her followers.

At this point, I knew her schedule better than Talan did.

The sound of obnoxious, overeager, laughter pulled my attention over toward where he sat. He laughed along with the bimbos; his hands wandered the down the redhead’s chest, and she smiled. Again, what was he doing here? Especially being that he was another victim encompassed in Maya’s venomous web.

His simpleton mind revolved around her world.

“What’s got your attention?” Jaime asked while placing another shot of tequila in front of me. My eyes snapped to his, the curiosity I held a second ago vanishing as his hand caressed my inner thigh.

“Nothing in particular.” I sighed and leaned into him. “Just curious about that guy—the one over in the corner surrounded by the two obviously money-hungry bitches.”

“Why do you say that? Why the curiosity?” His hand stilled on my thigh, but the hard squeeze he gave it told me he didn’t like my attention on another.

“He doesn’t fit in, looks pretentious as all fuck. Like the type of idiot that looks down his nose at anyone without a trust fund.” I fingered the rim of the glass, dipped the tip of my digit inside, and brought the wet flesh to his lips. Jaime’s lips wrapped around the offering and sucked, his chest rumbling in approval. “Plus, I know him.”

That last tidbit got his attention. His fingers on my thigh tightened once more, and I winced. “How? From where?”

“He knows that bitch,” I spat and grabbed my shot with my other hand. Leaning over, I bit his bottom lip hard before downing the clear liquid. No salt. No lemon. Just straight down. I welcomed the heat down my chest and limbs. “The one Talan’s fucking to spite me.”

“Jani—” Jaime began, but I was quick to stop him. Enough with the opinions.

“Don’t.” My warning came out as a low hiss. “I know he is. He loves me. She’s just a distraction until he’s ready for
with me.” His sad eyes locked on me. Those beautiful blue eyes bore into mine, and the hurt in them made my chest ache. “I’m not going to give up on him, Jaime. Please don’t ask me to choose, because
will always win.”

He recoiled from me as if I’d slapped him or cursed his mother. “Nice. So I’m only good for a quick, hard fuck and to pick up damaged pieces?”   His bar stool scraped against the floor while he pushed away from the table.

I shook my head vehemently. “No. Please don’t think I’m playing you…I couldn’t.”

“Right,” he sneered and made a move to walk past me; my hand on his arm stopped him. “Let go, Jan.”

“Don’t leave me.” The desperation in my voice couldn’t be hidden. My heart wouldn’t handle another person walking out of my life. All my life—since the accident—I’d been alone, insignificant to those around me. Everyone, but him and Talan. I’d die if I lost them both.

“I’m not leaving you, Jan. You know I can’t, but baby girl, I can’t continue picking up the scraps he leaves behind. I’m no one’s second choice.” He turned back to face me, his jaw ticked and his hands clenched. Anger dominated his features.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” I hedged carefully, trying to control the shaking in my hands.

“It means that I am sick and tired of trying to put together what doesn’t want to be fixed. That it kills me to see you like this!” Jaime yelled out, his body now towering over mine.

“Like what?”

“Desperate, alone…scared.” The softness in his tone betrayed the anger that radiated off his body. His hands reached out for me, but this time I pulled back. I didn’t want his pity.

“Fuck you. I’m not alone.”

“You would be so much happier if you’d just let it go. He’s happy with
, Janice.”

“I’d rather die.” It was my truth. My world revolved around Talan.

“What about what you said outside?” His warm hands caged my face, bringing me in closer. No matter how much I wanted to get up and walk out of his club, the softness in his touch wouldn’t let me leave. I’d been deprived of this closeness for so long. His lips swept over mine softly, like a feather’s touch. “About realizing that he didn’t want you, but her? Or was that just bullshit to make me…”

“It’s not like that.”

“What the fuck am I supposed to think?” he hissed and pulled back, yet his hands never released me.

“That I am a woman in love that sometimes says shit she doesn’t mean. I said that in anger and hurt—venting because the tsunami of emotions I was under at that moment were too much to bear. Please try to understand.”

He scoffed at that. “You scare me, Jan. I’m worried about how deep this shit with Talan runs.”

“Not you too,” I sighed.

“You need to speak to some—”

Enough of this shit. If he couldn’t deal, then fuck him too.

“I don’t need another therapist. Someone telling me I need fucking help!”

“And I’m not telling you to go and check yourself into a mental facility. You know me better than that. Fuck, talk to me…let me fix you.”

Taking his hands from my face, I pulled back, creating the space I needed. “There’s nothing to fix.”
Don’t lie to yourself.
“Once she leaves, he’ll be mine. Sorry.”

His features morphed. No longer was there a smile or kindness in his eyes while he looked at me. Instead, I was met with the same contempt that I’ve seen on Talan’s face over the last few months.

The waves of emotions that hit me at that moment made my chest squeeze tight. It hurt to breathe.

“Then there’s nothing for me here.” Jaime’s voice was low, gruff. “Enjoy your night, Janice. I have things that needed to be taken care of tonight, and I’ve already wasted enough of my time.”

“Jaime, please—” I began, only to be cut off.

“Enough, Janice. Your tab’s on the house…I’ll see you around.” That was it. No goodbye kisses or
come up to my office later on
. Jaime’d never pushed me away, and the feelings it created were ones I hated with every fiber of my being.


“Fuck,” I hissed out, my hands pulling on my hair as I watched him head toward the back. This was all her fault. Fucking bitch made me hurt the one person who’d always been on my side.

She needs to die.

I agreed.

I watched him—analyzed his every inhale and exhale from across the room. Scrutinized the way he puffed out his chest while the idiots around him simpered for attention. For a man enamored with my biggest competition, he loved every giggle and stroke of their fingers across his chest.

Brian smirked and slid his hand up the thigh of the woman to his right. Another silly laugh and she pulled herself closer while the other licked her lips. There was no denying that he would be whetting his dick in a mixture of their juices tonight. Wonder if he’d make them suck his cock in unison?

Would they be willing to share his come as he painted their faces in his release?

The aura of lust that surrounded the intimate group was fascinating to watch. It turned me on. Yet, the big draw for me—what caused the perfect plan to formulate—was the evil glint in his eyes.



Determination that almost rivaled mine.

“He’s utterly perfect,” I whispered low before downing the shot of whiskey I’d ordered a few minutes prior. It burned. Made me thirstier.

Pushing back from my stool, I stood up and took the first step toward my prey. The man had no idea the black plague that had befallen over his head. He’d also lose in the wicked game I played. No one would have her. Maya would die before I let that bitch ever have any kind of a happy conclusion. I was that deadly. Scorned and hurt.

More venomous than the strike of the world’s most dangerous vipers.

My eyes stayed glued to his face. Amazed by how easily people were hunted, or in this case “watched,” without realizing it. Did he not feel my eyes on him? Or were the sexual pheromones they were drowning him in taking away his sense of self-preservation?

“Leave,” I ordered once within their presence. The two women fighting for his attention looked up at the sound of my voice. They eyed me with contempt. I could almost taste the disdain…how unworthy they thought I was of his attention. “I won’t repeat myself.”

“Who the fuck—” My hand reached out and fisted the locks of the girl’s hair to his left.  Fingers tightened in their hold, and I could feel the strain in her hair as it was pulled and stretching the follicle.

“Are you insane? Let me go!” she begged while the others looked on with shock. No one intervened.

“I won’t repeat myself, bitch. Leave us.”

“Brian, help!” she yelped, her fingernails digging into my skin while I looked down at her in glee. It felt good to see the fear in her eyes. To know I put it there. “Crazy bitch.”

See, that right there angered me. Why couldn’t she take it like a real woman and admit her inferiority? Defeat? Just a few hours ago, I was her, in the same position, and bowing down to the woman I hated more than the one that birthed me.

“Shut the fuck up already,” I hissed out from between clenched teeth. Yanking once more with all my strength so that she looked up at me, I smacked her face and pushed her off. The wail of pain that passed her lips made me smile.

She grabbed her cheek with one hand while scurrying toward a stunned Brian. He never made a move to help or ease her. Their companion rushed to her aid, all the while glaring me on. Stretching my hand out, I flexed my fingers and enjoyed the small jump she gave at the action.

Stupid bitch.

“Who are you?” My mute friend finally found his voice. The poor man-child was equal parts intrigued and scared. Intimidated.

“Your new best friend.” Let him sit on that and make of it what he will.

Tilting his head to the side, Brian’s eyes roamed my body lewdly before meeting my eyes. “Lady, I don’t know you, but would be—”

“Stop it right there. Not interested.” I had to halt his nasty train of thoughts right there.

“What do you want, then? Conversation?” He licked his lips while tracing a finger across my lips. If I didn’t need his help, I’d chop the fucking digit off and feed it to the first hungry dog I found. “Dressed like that, it’s not words you’re after. Money? My cock?”

Lord, please give me the patience not to maim the fucker before everything is said and done.

Smiling, I pushed my body closer and bit his offending finger. Hard. Instead of a yelp or the curse I was expecting, I got a low groan instead. Looked like my new best friend liked a bit of pain. Good to know.

BOOK: Scars (Marked #2.5)
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