Read Savior Online

Authors: Hazel Gower

Tags: #Romance, #Erotic, #rubenesque, #forced seduction, #analsex, #aliens have two penesis

Savior (4 page)

BOOK: Savior
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The intercom buzzed twice to tell him
he was needed at command. Slowly detangling himself from her, he
winced when he saw the blood. He really shouldn’t have used both
his cocks in her, especially knowing he was her first man. He
grinned, because he would now be the only one to have her. No one
else would dare touch her. He opened the wash room and grabbed some
cream and a cloth and gently cleaned her and applied healing

Danickra reminded himself next time he
would be gentler. She groaned and snuggled into the bed. He kissed
her lips, and walked out of his quarters and headed to


Danickra arrived at command to see the
room filled with everyone of importance. He was surprised to see a
pacing and agitated Salamanda, who turned and huffed. “My Earth
woman figured it out. She knows I’m not an earth male.”

Danickra burst out laughing as he got
close enough to see Salamanda and noted the huge cut on his lip,
and Danickra would also swear chunks of hair were missing. He
couldn’t be sure though, as Salamanda had a healing pack to his
head. “What in all of plunoto happened to you?”

Salamanda gave him a glare and winced.
“My human happened to me. They’re vicious.”

How on Vennous did your
woman hurt you on the only parts we Inteli are vulnerable?” Inteli
were plated all over except their lips, tops of their heads, which
was covered in protective hair, and of course their arse and

Danickra got a closer look at
Salamanda and doubled over with laughter. Salamanda walloped him on
the back.

You wait. They fool you
into thinking they’re sweet and innocent, then bam! They’re almost
killing you.”

The other eight clan leaders and
fellow clan members were laughing now.

I wouldn’t laugh,
Danickra. Your little human is probably in your quarters now
plotting ways to kill you.”

He did wince at that one. It was true
that she’d probably try when he explained everything to her.
Running his claws through his hair, he ground his teeth and
muttered, “Well, what do you expect me to do?”

Take your human to my
quarters. See if she can calm down my woman.”

Danickra raised his eyebrow at
Salamanda. “Your woman? So did she do this to you after the

The laugher was still strong, and
Salamanda advanced on him with rage. “Do you think I would be in
this mood if she had finished the mating? As soon as she saw my
cocks she went crazy.” Salamanda groaned, shaking his head. “She is
addictive. As soon as the woman touched me I knew she was mine. I
am not giving her up.”

He turned from him and glared at the
other clan leaders and clan members. Salamanda turned back to him,
and Danickra gulped at the torn, broken warrior. He stared into
Salamanda’s yellow eyes and cringed when he did what no Inteli
warrior had been known to do, beg.

Please, Danickra. Go talk
to your woman and see if she can convince mine to give me a

The room had quieted, and everyone
stared at Salamanda, frowning. The only happy faces were Dannina
and Uvinya, who he noticed were quietly still laughing. Shaking his
head, he growled at Salamanda. “I don’t have the communication
device to communicate with my youmnda, even if I wanted to help you
with your crazy woman.” The room was dead quiet now, and everyone
stared at him.

His best mate and closest ally,
Zinoro, leader of the Blue Clan whacked him on the back. “Looks
like we will at least have one mating ceremony to celebrate when we
get home.” Zinoro grinned as he continued. “Did your woman like
your cocks? Or were you smart enough to hide them from her, because
I have seen videos of their men, and they aren’t as privileged as
we are. Only one dick, and not even as big as one of

Danickra winced and gritted his teeth.
Gods, he hoped he hadn’t broken her. He should have been gentler.
Thinking about it now, he definitely should have only used one of
his dicks, especially considering he was the only being she had
ever been with. He groaned, and everyone started at him.

Zinoro grinned. “What have you done?
Do I need to go in and show her what a real Inteli can

Danickra didn’t know what come over
him, but just the thought of Zinoro near his youmnda drove him
berserk. Roaring, he picked up Zinoro and threw him, advancing on
him again before he even had the chance to get up. “You will stay
away from my youmnda. Don’t even look at her. Friend or not, if I
find out you have touched her you will not live to see the next
Vennous sunrise.”

Zinoro stared up at him, and his eyes
widened with shock.

Danickra felt Dannina touch his back
gently, and in a clear, strong, emotional voice she said, “Thank
the Gods. We thought heart-mates were lost to us, but it seems you,
and possibly Salamanda, have found them.”

Turning, Danickra glared at her
waiting for more. Dannina sighed and pulled him over to the seat.
She shooed Zinoro away and finally continued. “Your parents,
Danickra, were one of the last heart-mates to mate … I think.” She
shook her head. “We never used to have just one child when we
mated, nor scientific help to make that child, nor did it to take
years to conceive. Before we messed with our genetic makeup, we all
had heart-mates. These were said to be your perfect other half in
every way, and when someone found their heart-mate you knew it
would bear much fruit, and the children would be the strongest,
smartest, and so forth. Once we started controlling the sex of
children, we saw fewer and fewer heart-mates.”

He wanted to ask so many questions,
and by looking around at the other clan leaders, he knew that so
did they.

The reason we didn’t tell
you all about heart-mates is, we didn’t want to get hopes up over
something that hasn’t happened in…” She turned and stared at him.
“How old are you, Danickra?”

He sighed. “I’m only two hundred years
old. I still have a good three hundred years or so in

Dannina nodded at him and went on. “I
was correct. Your parents were the last heart-mates that I know of.
That explains why you have four siblings, too. As I said,
heart-mates find it easy to reproduce. You even have two sisters,
which as we know is very rare. Did you ever notice how possessive
your father was of your mother? How much stronger he was than
everyone else in every way? How they constantly

He thought back to his childhood
before his parents were killed in one of the worst wars to befall
them. It was the closest the Doomicko had ever come to their home
world. His father was one of the strongest men in the clan, but
Danickra always thought he was the strongest because he was the
leader of the clan.

Danickra remembered his mother was
strong and always seemed to be equally in charge as his farther. He
also remembered that his parents were always very affectionate with
each other, not to mention they hardly ever left each other’s side.
He thought of the unions he knew of now, and none were like his
parents’. He stared at Dannina, still hesitant for everything to
settle in. “What are you trying to tell us? That Opal is my

Dannina nodded. “Yes. I should have
noticed it sooner, with the way you instantly watched her. You
didn’t move much from the glass. You confirmed it though, with the
way you reacted to Zinoro’s comment, and Salamanda’s plea for help.
Usually, you are always willing to help, Danickra. Also, answer me
this. How do you feel now? I bet you are dying to get back to her.
Does your skin feel itchy? Are you worried about her?”

He growled and punched the table,
smashing it in half. He stared down shocked at what he’d done. “How
is this possible? Are you sure this isn’t because I mated her? She
isn’t even Inteli.”

Dannina raised her brow and smirked.
“How many mated males, and I know that there aren’t many, would
throw their best friend across the room telling them not to touch
their youmnda, or even look their way?”

He sighed as it sank in.

At least you may not be
in this alone. Salamanda has been given the same blessing it seems.
On a positive, she will find it very hard to resist you, to not be
near you or touch you. Your smell will draw her to you.”

He nodded, and Salamanda groaned
behind Dannina, and looked at him just as Trecno rushed in, coming
straight to him, bowing and staring at him waiting for permission
to talk. Danickra nodded.

The translation devices
are finished.” Dangolng held out his hand, and four tiny miniscule
translators were in his hand. “Place one in each ear and keep them
still for a moment so it can settle before placing the

Danickra’s tail-hand come around and
took the translators. He felt his heart surge at the thought of his
youmnda being able to understand him. It also terrified him that
his charade would be over, and he didn’t want to be in the same
situation as Salamanda.

He turned back to everyone. ”I will go
now and tell her the situation she is in. Salamanda, I will tell
her about her friend. Just give me some time.”

Salamanda saluted him. Danickra nodded
to everyone and glared at Dannina. He would have to have a talk to
her in private. She waved him away. He growled and stalked back to
his quarters, praying to all the gods his youmnda was still


As the panel opened, he breathed a
sigh of relief as he looked at Opal curled in a ball, still fast
asleep. She was the most breathtaking creature he’d ever seen. Her
long silky brown hair lay in disarray around her, and her smooth
skin begged to be touched.

Slowly he walked up to her and gently
brushed her hair aside. Danickra’s whole body relaxed as soon as he
touched her. He groaned, because he knew he had just confirmed what
Dannina had said. This Earthling was his heart-mate, his other
half, his everything.

Discarding his pants, Danickra climbed
onto the bed and pulled her gently towards and on top of him. His
cocks stood straight to attention, both wanting to explore her
depths again. Careful not to catch her delicate skin with his
claws, he ran his hands up and down her perfect rounded shape,
loving the smooth feeling of her soft skin against the pad of his
hands. He had never seen rounded women until they started the
search on Earth, so Opal was even more intriguing because of her
shape. Inteli women were tall and slim. Most were toned, and all
had hard-plated skin. He could explore her body for days, cupping
her large breasts. He messaged them and moaned when she arched into
his touch even in her sleep. He smiled, knowing they were one of
his favorite parts on Opal’s body.

When his hands came up this time, he
slightly turned her to her side and sighed knowing he shouldn’t put
off the inevitable much longer. Opening his tail hand, Danickra
carefully placed one of the translation devices in her ear. Holding
her still, he watched as she tried to move closer to

He chuckled when she whined. “Don’t
wake me up. Go away. It’s not morning time.”

His tail-hand stroked her cheek, and
he leaned down and kissed where his hand had been. He turned her
and repeated the process, placing the device in her other ear, only
this time when he kissed her cheek her eyes shot open, and she
stared straight at him in confusion at first then, if at all
possible, her brown eyes widened more, and she tried to back away.
He held her tighter, not letting her retreat.

Danickra could see she wanted to ask
questions, but for some reason she just stared at him. He knew he
had to talk quickly before she looked down and saw the two cocks,
which he was sure couldn’t be faked, standing at attention for her,
and then she would freak out. He had so many questions he wanted to
ask her, but being the idiot he was he said, “You, Opal, are my
youmnda, my pure goddess, and I’m never letting you go.”

Chapter Five


Oh. My. God.
Opal stared at the fantasy before her, surprised
he was still here and not some drunken dream she’d had. Then it
sank in, everything she’d said and done. Needing to get away from
his intense stare, as well as from the reality that she’d just lost
her virginity to a male escort dressed like an alien in one of her
sci-fi romance books, Opal scampered back. Opal didn’t get far as
clawed hands griped her tighter, and he growled out in an odd
accented voice, that she was his, and something about a

Staring at him, she slowly
looked at his face and travelled down his scrumptious huge six pack
chest and muscled body, licking her lips only to squeal at the
sight of two penises standing erect before her.
Oh they look real. Could you fake something like that?
she wondered. It explained why last night he felt
abnormally big, long, and thick.

What the hell was going on? Something
didn’t feel right. She gave Mr. Yellow a better look, getting as
close as possible, looking for any sign of the makeup, and props
lifting, the paint cracking, or coming off, anything that would
tell her what her mind was saying to her was real. Surely when he
had slept, something should have started to come off. She had the
sinking feeling that everything that’d happened, flying into the
air, the odd futuristic rooms, Mr. Yellow being so well made up,
and finally the odd language that was like nothing she’d ever
heard, was all real.

BOOK: Savior
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