Saving Abel (Rocker Series) (10 page)

BOOK: Saving Abel (Rocker Series)
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“Fucker, I’m talking to you!” I yowled, glaring at him. He knew he’d been caught ogling Gia. He hustled his lanky ass over and asked what we wanted to drink.

“Five shots of Jamo,” Cindy replied, smiling brightly.

Gia rolled her gorgeous eyes. I hung back a bit to get a better look at the non-verbal dialog between the two girls. Both of them were very obvious in their body language. I read women perfectly. It was clear to me that there was a story behind Cindy’s grin and Gia’s leer. There was a battle waging—but which of them would win was the question. My money was on Gia. She didn’t look like the type of chick to run from a challenge. Her eyes told me more than her voice ever would.

Ender stepped up to help pass out the shots. Shaking his head, Dave looked at me, then at Gia. He knew me well enough to know something was going on—even if that something wasn’t
going to amount to anything. Thick stratus clouds of sexual tension hung thickly between us.

“Here’s to?” Ender began to say.

“I got this, E,” Gia piped up, saluting us. “Here’s to good friends in hard times, and hard friends in good times.”

“Hear hear!” Cindy cheered on with a fist pump. We all shot down the fiery whisky. The burn was long and steady. My eyes were closed, savoring the sensation. I took a moment to reflect on her toast. While it was sassy and cute, I didn’t like the fact that Gia had called Ender “E.” The
I did.

“Woody and Jake still doing press?” I asked Ender. He looked towards the back of the tent before responding. We always flipped a coin to decide whose sorry ass got to suck ass with the press. The last two times, I was the one the duty fell on—and both times I nearly bit the reporter’s head off. Those scumbags always claimed it’s “off the record.” Nothing was off the record with them

Dave asked the lanky barman for three beers. Instinctively I turned, looking for Woody and Jake. Sure enough, they were walking over—and they looked none too happy. That made me grin.

“I don’t know about you, but after seeing those Ciroc girls, I’m really chubbed up,” Woody said, grabbing his dick and laughing. But when Cindy stepped out from behind Ender, his face turned a bright shade of red.

“What’s chubbed up?” Cindy asked, addressing no one in particular. We all had a good laugh. Her flushed cheeks matched Woody’s. Then she decided it was time to go the ladies room to relieve herself, which made us laugh even harder.

“We’re all going in the limo. No separate car shit, boys.” Dave announced sternly. Sometimes we split up. We all had custom, chromed-out bikes and cars. We loved to ride hard. We were all testosterone-rich come-filled speed-junkies. Road rash was a battle scar we wore proudly. Even in that we were competitive.

Dave made two phone calls, first to security and then to the limo driver. Security swiftly ushered us through throngs of screaming fans inching close enough to grab at us. Be it your hair, an arm, your belt buckle, or your cock, they latched on to any part of you they could. It was a vicious sea of opportunists. Thankfully, the driver was standing with the door open to welcome us. I nodded my hello, and let the girls in first. Gia moved to the end of the curved seat. I chose to sit on the back bench, which gave me the strategic advantage of facing forward. After all, I had to see where we were going. And Gia was cock-center—bull’s-eye.

The rest of the crew filed in looking for comfortable places to sit. Not me. I was already fucking comfortable. Jake closed the door and immediately started making cocktails for the crew. I accepted a beer. I decided I would be low-key, chill out, breeze a few babes, and take it nice and easy. The banter was light with heavy eye-fucking going on between Woody and Cindy. Gia seemed to be fascinated by a piece of invisible lint on her dress. Nervously, she wrung her hands.
made her nervous. And that made my cock twitch and thicken painfully.
. I adjusted myself with no shame. There was no shame in having a big cock. It was just a shame when you didn’t.

Despite her anxiety, her daring eyes met mine. A playful smile pulled at the corners of her lips—those perfectly heart-shaped lips, lips that would be
wrapped around my cock, killing me sweetly. Gia adjusted her position to face me head-on. Purposefully, she crossed and uncrossed her toned legs, serving me an agonizingly slow glimpse of her pussy. As in “look what I got for you, Abel.”
Fuck me.

I lost my breath for a moment and grabbed the door handle to brace myself. I needed to tether myself to something tangible to keep from fucking losing my shit in my pants. The air-conditioning button was above me. I turned that fucker on high. I never took my eyes off of her, though. Something snapped in me. My blood pushed through my veins with the force of Niagara Falls. I wanted to take her over my knee there and then for that display. She was being a perfect little brat. The thought of her perfect globes under my hand had my heart pounding. My resolve was to own her, mind, body, and motherfucking soul. I extended my hand to her. She accepted it with a sly smile. There was no smiling for me. My dick fucking

I helped her onto my lap, my jeans playing cock-block. Ender was the first to notice. He frowned. Woody, Jake, and Dave’s eyes followed, but they each went back to their conversations. I paid them no mind. I had a gorgeous girl perched on my lap who needed schooling. Now
had my full attention. I had fought this all I could, but I was fucking done with that.

“You like to poke the snake, little girl?” I asked, pulling her hair away from her ear as I nipped at her.

She shuddered under my touch. I placed my commanding hand on her thigh to quiet her. Soon her body would come to know my touch, crave it, and need it. I would be the only nourishment she would require.

“I needed to get your attention somehow, right?” she whispered, leaning into my chest and craning her neck toward my ear. “I’m trying to keep your attention. Tell me how a girl can do that.”

She pressed her ass into my already rock-hard dick.
Keep doing that, sweet girl …
I never made promises, especially if I couldn’t keep them. Maybe, just maybe, I’d do a casual thing with her—just for the night. What could it hurt?

“Well you’ve got it, babe. Let’s focus on tonight. Tonight you will be mine. I don’t like sharing. Are we clear?” I told her straight out how it would be: I didn’t fuck around or mince words. When I wanted something, I took it. And I wanted her. Even if it was for only one night.

We arrived at Blue. The line as usual was wrapped around the building. Security was at the door to walk us in, as per Dave’s instructions. With Gia at my side, I made my way in amongst the screaming fans. We had a tremendous and loyal following. I made a mental note to thank Jake for heading up our social media. He and Dave constantly tweeted and posted pics on Instagram. Fans loved that shit. Carlo, the club owner, joined us as we walked in.

“Glad to see ya, man.” He shook my hand hesitantly. I only nodded. I didn’t do the man-hug shit: the other boys did. That was Ender’s thing. It was a cultural affirmation for him. Carlo looked past me to see Gia peeking out from behind me.

“Who’ve you got here, Abel? Sweet thing, isn’t she? What’s your name, sweetheart?” He grabbed Gia’s hand to kiss it. I stepped between them to circumvent it. That prick was not putting his fucking lips on what was mine. And
was fucking

“Not going to happen, dude. Who she is, is none of your concern. Now, where’s our table?” He stepped back. I stepped forward, his face draining of color. With that, I emphatically ended the power play for Gia.

“No disrespect, Abel. Follow me to your table. It’s nice and private so you can get to know each other … if you know what I mean.” He winked at Gia as I motioned for her to scoot into the booth. This fucker was getting on my nerves. I grabbed for his neck. However, Woody stepped between us.

“Lad, if ye don’t stop acting like a cunting maggot you’re gonna get your clackers ripped off,” Woody told him. Wood’s Irish lilt always shone when he was drinking. I had to laugh at the expression on Carlo’s face. He didn’t have a clue what the man had said, but knew enough to walk away. Woody turned and braced my shoulder with his hand.

“Lad, chill for fuck’s sake.” He nodded in understanding. I turned to Gia and she smiled, patting the bench beside her. Man, he was right: I needed to chill the fuck out. I nodded to Woody.

“I’m good, bro. Drinks? Let’s get the waitress here—in a hurry,” I said, impatient to get on with it. The rest of the boys filed in with Ender taking a seat next to Gia.
Cindy sat next to Woody, who was clearly fascinated with her tits. The boys were ready to party hard and I wasn’t far behind them. A hot blonde waitress in hot pants and a bra strutted over after winning a fight among her co-workers over who was going to serve our table. We were good tippers. The waitresses weren’t only good at serving up quick liquor. They also were quick lickers. They were equally proficient and accomplished in the art of getting a dude off in record time.

“Hey, babe. Haven’t seen you in a while. Where you been hiding? I’ve missed you, baby.” The waitress leaned in, squeezing my bicep.

“Haven’t been hiding, just not interested,” I snapped. “Now, how about those drinks.” The bitch shot me a death glare. Fuck it. These chicks were tough as nails. Fan-girling took a certain amount of low self-esteem. These girls bounced back and came at you harder the next time. It didn’t mean I enjoyed being a prick. I didn’t. It’s just if you give an inch you’d have a dick warmer on your hands the whole night. And the only dick warmer I wanted was about to lay claim to me by sitting on my lap for everyone to see.

“Excuse you, babe,” Gia smirked. “Well, there really is no excuse for you, is there. Now, be a love and bring the drinks.” She and Cindy snorted. Dawn, the waitress, looked stunned. But she recovered quickly, ignoring Gia by smiling and winking at me.
Gia stiffened in my lap. Perhaps she wasn’t used to being disrespected. But fan-girls were a different breed of chick: when it came to celebrity cock, they were fucking ruthless. The table vibrated with the heavy bass of the song. This club primarily played dance music. It wasn’t really my scene. But my boys were cool with it and enjoyed hanging out here.

“Babe, you keep wiggling that tight ass of yours, I’ll have to fill it with something,” I told her, leaning in to smell her hair. Man, she smelled good—too good …

After an hour of straight drinking, the boys wanted to cruise the club. We were standing around the table. Ender was doing his thing on the dance floor, surrounded by scantily clad women pressing against him. Or was he pressing against
I couldn’t really get a good look. Woody went off with Cindy. And Jake was at the back bar with Dave. So that left Gia and me—alone. I needed to taste her. God knows, she smelled good enough to eat.

“Babe, get that fine ass in the booth,” I ordered. Smiling, she scooted in deeper. I moved in to meet her, pressing her back against the butter-soft leather booth cushions. The kiss started out nice and soft, then quickly became heated. Grabbing the back of her neck, I forced her to submit. She had a lot to learn, and this was her first lesson.

“Open for me,” I commanded. Looking into her eyes, I slipped my fingers between her thighs. Since she had on threadbare panties. I ripped them off of her in one hard yank. She gasped. I chuckled. After smelling them, I stuck them in my pocket. My hand met with her saturated pussy.
pussy. I needed a taste. I pushed both my index finger and middle finger inside her, curling them, searching for that sweet spot. I finger-fucked her to the heavy beat of the bass. I wanted to see her fall apart in my hands, and watch her face as I brought her there.

“Fuck, Abel. God, don’t stop.” She pulled me closer, writhing deeply on my fingers. She threw her head back, giving me access to her perfect neck. My tongue the opportunist took advantage of it. I licked, sucked, and nipped her column moving downward toward her gorgeous tits. They were just over a handful each—and I had a big hand. Umm-hmm. She was flushed and moaning my name. I pumped faster and twisted my fingers as they fought against her contracting pussy walls.

“That’s it, baby girl. I’m gonna take care of you. Come for me, Gia,” I growled, nearly busting a nut in my pants. Fuck, what was this chick doing to me? I was not one for open displays of anything. Down-low was one of my nicknames. With Gia, it was quickly becoming otherwise.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” she screamed, losing it all over my hand.
Fuck, yeah
. I waited a moment and kissed her deeply before removing my fingers, locked up tight inside that sweet cunt of hers. Her fragrant smell was permeating the air. I slowly vacated her, immediately tasting the goods, her flavors bursting on my tongue.

“Come, we’re taking a walk,” I commanded, extending my hand. With me, there was no asking, only taking. She nodded, smiling with her flushed face looking up at me.

“Wait, let me fix my dress. I’m all fucked-up,” she said nervously, looking around. She had just come all over my hand in the middle of the club and she was worried about her dress.
I couldn’t keep me fingers from my nose. Her scent was addicting and I was insatiable for it. I moved us quickly through the crowd, nodding to Dave and Jake. No words were needed there.

BOOK: Saving Abel (Rocker Series)
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