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Authors: Tasha Jones,BWWM Crew

Saved By The Doctor (BWWM Romance)

BOOK: Saved By The Doctor (BWWM Romance)
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To All The Readers Who Are Making My Dreams Come True



This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictionally. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or to actual events or locales is entirely coincidental.

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Copyright © 2015 Tasha Jones
. All rights reserved. Including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof, in any form. No part of this text may be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the author.

WARNING: This book contains sexually explicit scenes and adult language. It may be considered offensive to some readers. This book is for sale to adults ONLY.

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Other Titles By Tasha (Free on Kindle Unlimited)

Loving The British Billionaire

The Cowboy's Baby

For The Love Of The Doctor

Doctor Of  My Dreams

Cowboy Love

Saving The Cowboy

African Attraction

My Caring Cowboy

Books By The BWWM Crew (Free on Kindle Unlimited)

Violet Jackson

Dating A Doctor

The Love Ranch

Doctor's Love (Complete Series)

Loving The Doctor

Doctor's Baby

Doctor's Soul

The Nurse's Secret Love

Heart of Fire

Country Vibes

Doctor's Love

Falling For The Doctor

The Billionaire's Bodyguard

Jamaica, I Love You

City Vibes – Complete Series

Wanda Lewis

Love & Mocha Lattes

BWWM Crew Collab

BWWM Crew 6 in 1 BWWM Romance Bundle


About Tasha Jones


I'm Tasha and thank you so much for taking the time to take a read through my book. I'm a young mother of one, with a loving husband, currently living in Jacksonville, and am a big reader. I've decided to turn my love for books into something more, and have started to passionately write more and more. I recently went on a trip to Africa with my fam, and got many ideas for stories on that trip. I also love traveling and cooking and hope it shows in my writing. I really hope you enjoy my writing and I can bring just a tiny bit of joy into your day.



About This Book

A Brooklyn Love story about the healing power of love and redemption.


Jackie Brown only loved two things more than anything in this world. Her daughter and her paintings. But after her daughter almost gets into an accident she finds herself in a hospital with a handsome doctor who she can see herself loving. But Jackie holds herself back as she is a damaged woman, whose past is much darker than anyone realizes.


Dr. Allan Chase always had a sweet spot for damsels in distress. As a top physician nothing brought more joy into his heart than helping people in need. Always a professional, he prided himself on giving everything he had to his patients. But when Jackie comes into his office with a wounded Laila, Dr. Chase finds himself for the first time also wanting to give his heart to this single mother.


Will the doctor and Jackie find love? Or will the scars of her past, and her terrible secret keep her from loving and being loved in the future?


Find out in this touching romance by bestselling author Tasha Jones.


This hot and steamy BWWM romance is for adult audiences 18+ only

Chapter One


“Victoria, can you please just hurry up? The later we get there, the later we leave!” Jackie stepped out of the bathroom of her small apartment just across the Brooklyn Bridge and entered her living room to find her best friend, Victoria, sitting on her couch, only about halfway done with her makeup.


Victoria glanced up from her mirror, her eyebrow raised in a non-committal way. “Is that really what you're wearing?” she asked, her green eyes scanning Jackie's curvy figure from the tip of the scarf she had tied across her forehead to the point of her flats.


Jackie looked down at herself, smoothing her tight velvet skirt. Finding the right outfit to go clubbing in was always difficult, but having to dress for the New York January weather made it ten times more annoying. “Look, this is the third outfit. It's the best you're gonna get,” she replied.


Victoria scoffed, dropping her foundation brush on Jackie's small futon, and swiped up her first generation iPod. “Okay, well, you go find another outfit.”


Jackie frowned. “You know what, if it will make you happy then fine,” she muttered darkly before going back around the screen that separated her bed from the rest of her apartment. She ripped through her long exposed rack of clothing, running her fingers along the sweaters, jackets and pants that made up her winter collection of clothing, but nothing caught her eye at all. By the time she had sifted through every single thing she owned, she was just about ready to throw in the towel and settle down with a rented film for the rest of the night. Victoria could battle the men in her conquest for liquor all by herself.


“But what about this?”


Jackie turned to find Victoria standing just around the corner of her screen, holding a hanger with a velvet electric blue mini dress hanging off of it. Her eyes went wide. “I can't wear that. My dead grandmother would turn over in her grave.”


Victoria rolled her eyes as she stepped behind the screen and threw the dress onto her bed. “Don't bring your grandmother into this.”


Jackie rubbed her hand along the dress, her lips folding into a smirk as she examined every fold of the dress, or lack thereof. She couldn't go back from it, once she had taken a good look at the dress. The thought of wearing it scared and excited her at that same time and that's what made it the perfect clubbing outfit. “You're gonna kill me before the night is out, honey,” she muttered as she kicked her flats off, peeled down her stockings and slipped out of her clothes.


“Damn, you've got a great curvy body girl. I wish I had some meat on my bones,” Victoria hollered, running her thin hands through her big head of blonde hair.


“That's enough,” Jackie replied as she tried her best to slip the dress on as quickly as possible.


Victoria just laughed at her, the sound ringing through the air. “Honey, that's just the sobriety talking,” she replied as she scurried into the kitchen, no doubt to fix another hurriedly-mixed drink for her.


Jackie slipped her feet back into the shoes she had meticulously picked out for herself, and then joined Victoria in the kitchen. She was standing against the back of Jackie’s counter, her hair dipping all the way down to her waist. Jackie placed her hands on each one of Victoria’s shoulders, her gaze reaching clean over her friend's head. “I just want it straight up,” she muttered.


Victoria turned, placing the teacup filled about a quarter of the way with liquor in her hand. “How wild,” she teased.


Jackie chuckled. “God no. I just want to leave. Go finish your makeup. I'll pour myself another shot,” she replied.


And so Jackie stood in the microscopic kitchen area of her small apartment, chugging shot after shot as she watched Victoria shadow and then line her eyes,  mascara her lashes and finish with lipstick. By the time the girl was ready, Jackie had taken down a quarter of the bottle of gin and followed her thoughts all the way to the essay that was waiting to be written and due in less than 48 hours. Luckily for her, before she could finish thinking about the thesis and how severely her croak of a professor would judge her, Victoria stood up, slipped her small purse over her shoulder and joined her in the kitchen. Jackie released a sigh of relief, dropping the mug in her sink and lifting both of her hands to her head to fluff out the thick curls that crowned her head. “Okay then let's go!” she exclaimed.


With that, the two girls set out to their favorite club: a hole in the wall, on the corner of Prince and Houston Street, the heart of SoHo. Jackie and Victoria waited for less than ten minutes in the long line of people before the bouncer picked them up and admitted them, stopping only to hastily scan their IDs. Once inside, Jackie swept the small room, gingerly breathing the heavy air, wet with the scent of liquor and infused with a tinge of cigarette smoke. One small bit of her loved that atmosphere, the other bit of her wanted to leave as soon as possible. That nervous tingle had sprouted in the pit of her stomach and was making its way through to the tips of her fingers and the bottoms of her toes.

BOOK: Saved By The Doctor (BWWM Romance)
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