Sarah's Prayer: A Sunset Single (Sunset Series 1.1) (3 page)

BOOK: Sarah's Prayer: A Sunset Single (Sunset Series 1.1)
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"Sarah, as your physician, I need to be concerned about your physical well-being. Have you had any sexual contact that would put you at risk..."

Sarah sat up straight like she had been shocked. "No... I told him no." She sat for a moment to collect her thoughts. "That's what started everything going downhill, I guess. He became more insistent and angry after that. I just didn't want to admit to what was going." Sarah pulled up the sleeve of her loose long-sleeved blouse to show the wounds on her arm. "This was last week when he got a little too demanding..."

Dr. Johnston had seen scrapes like this before. Abrasions of various depths on the outer right forearm caused by a metal wristwatch band. Brian held Sarah from behind and she struggled to get away. The bruises of various colors on her arms indicated the much too firm holds on several occasions over the last four to six weeks. While she kept her professional demeanor, Dr. Johnston's heart sank and her anger rose.
How could anyone do something like this to such a sweet and innocent young lady?

"Sarah, your annual is only two months away. Since you're already here, and given the circumstances, how about we go ahead and do everything now?"

"Oh, okay. I guess that's a good idea." Sarah felt a little self-conscious given the subject of their conversation.

Dr. Johnston put Sarah at ease, as she always did, and eased her own mind during her thorough examination that Sarah didn't have any more obvious signs of abuse or physical trauma.

The results of that appointment were a clean bill of health, a confirmation that Sarah's injuries were not serious, at least physically, and a referral to a counselor to discuss Sarah's issues with the soon-to-be ex-boyfriend Brian Travers.

Sarah felt refreshed and energized after meeting with Dr. Johnston, but also frightened about how to end her relationship with Brian. How would that go? How much would that hurt? Sarah wasn't looking forward to those answers.

Gabriel's leave couldn't end soon enough. Not that he didn't love being with his family. Family meant everything to him. No, he had a mission and it couldn't be completed in East Texas. His objective was in Waco. On the way out of town Gabriel called his buddies. Recon was complete and the mission was a go.

Driving back to Waco after a tearful farewell with her parents and sister, Sarah thought through how she was going to tell Brian it was over. She couldn't go on this way. She didn't want to do it alone, however. Maybe her roommate Karen would go with her. Brian was always so charming around other people. As the thoughts swirled around in her head, her anxiety grew. As her anxiety grew, she suddenly realized where she should turn.

Father, I thought I Brian loved me, but I realize now that he doesn't. I so much wanted him to love me. Where did I go wrong? Help me understand what I'm supposed to do? How do I get through this? I need you more now than ever before, maybe even your supernatural protection. Help me!

All the while, the resolution to her problem already played out last evening less than a mile from her apartment.

Out on his usual five mile run, Brian struck up a conversation with a lithe and vivacious young lady who showed a real interest in more than Brian's running ability.

"Gina" slowed down and trotted toward the back of an abandoned gas station, making sure she had his attention.
"Hey, Brian. Follow me if you're man enough" was all the bait Sargeant Lisa Henson needed to get the target to divert to the "kill zone" of sorts. Sargeant Henson kept running, alone and with a smile, leaving the target to his fate.

Brian Travers had no qualms about bruising the arms of a sweet young lady. Three combat hardened soldiers had no qualms about breaking the arm of an abusive boyfriend.

Relationship ended.

Sarah arrived at her apartment close to the Baylor campus late in the afternoon, but just in time to meet up with her doubts and fears filling up an otherwise empty two bedroom suite. Karen wouldn't be home from her internship for another few hours. Sarah decided to put off unpacking until later. She needed to calm her nerves and relax after all she had been through.

As soon as she settled onto her couch with a cup of tea the doorbell rang. The blood drained from her face. She grew cold while fear and panic gripped her so tight she couldn't move.
What if that's Brian. What do I do?
She forced herself to get up from the couch and look through the security port. It was Don, Brian's roommate.
What's he doing here? This is strange.

Sarah opened the door more out of curiosity than politeness. She could immediately tell from his demeanor that something wasn't right. "Hi, Don... What's wrong?"

"Sarah, can I talk to you for a minute. It's about Brian."

"Is he... alright? I mean..."

"Oh, he’ll be okay. I just need to talk to you about him. That's all."

"Oh, okay. Come in, I guess." Sarah was uncomfortable being alone with Don even though she knew him as long as she had known Brian.

"I don't need to stay long, Sarah. I just have to deliver a message... from Brian." Don rather sheepishly handed her an envelope. "I know what it says. That's why I wanted to talk to you... after you read it, that is."

Sarah felt confused. She had never seen Don act this way. He was normally so funny and care-free. This wasn't like him. She took the note from him and opened it hesitantly.

My Dearest Sarah,

I'm sorry I have to tell you this way, but I think it is best. I have come to the painful conclusion that I have hurt you. I can't go on hurting you any longer. Please forgive me for what I have done to you and know that, in my own way, I love you.

I think it is best if we don't see other again. I know it would be too hard for you to face me and I couldn't bear causing you any more pain. I wish you all the best and have a happy life.



Sarah read the note again,
then a third time trying to comprehend not just what it said but why it said what it did. It didn't make sense that Brian would let go of her so easily. She felt a range of emotions from overwhelming relief that she didn't have to face him, to hurt that he was the one that broke it off. She stood next to Don trying to find some kind of emotional foothold so she could move forward.

Don broke her stalemate. "Sarah, are you okay?"

"I... I don't know what I am, Don."

"You probably need to sit down... at least for the story I'm about to tell you."

Sarah dutifully backed up until she reached the breakfast table and sat down in a chair. Don followed.

"Sarah, Brian went out last evening for his usual run around the campus. He took a long time coming back. I didn't think much of it at first... he... does that sometimes."

From Don's discomfort, Sarah got the distinct impression that Brian's delays involved other women. She felt hurt. Then she felt very angry.

"It was almost dark when I heard a noise. When I opened the door, Brian was sitting on the porch, crying. He was pretty beat up and his arm was broken. He wouldn't tell me who beat him. I took him to the hospital. He wouldn't say anything to the police when they came to the ER. When we got home all he would tell me was that he deserved it and that he had to end his relationship with you. This is the note he wrote this morning. I just don't get it Sarah. What happened?"

"I... don't really know, Don." Sarah was being truthful. She didn't really know what happened, but she had an idea. She sat for a minute contemplating her next move. "Don, tell Brian that it's all for the best."

Don stared at Sarah in disbelief. "Is that all? I mean... you don't have any more to say than that?"

Sarah's eyes never left Don's as she sat for a moment to gather up her courage for the truth she was about to reveal. She slowly pulled up the sleeve of her light sweater and showed Don the deep bruise and scrapes that were beginning to scab over.

Don looked at Sarah's arm for a moment not fully comprehending what he saw. Then, a range of emotions began to show on his face that reflected disgust for his roommate to hurt for the pain that Sarah suffered. "Sarah, I... I don't know what to say except, I'm so sorry... I'm sorry I didn't see what was happening."

"It's not your fault, Don. I didn't really accept it myself until this last weekend when I talked with my family. Tell Brian it's for the best."

"I will Sarah... Is there anything I can do for you?"

"No. I'll be okay, but thanks."

Don stood up to leave. He wanted so much to hug Sarah to express his concern and sorrow, but he knew the last thing she wanted was contact from another man right now. "God bless you, Sarah. I hope you have a great life and meet a man that will love you for the beautiful soul that you are."

"Thank you, Don."

After Don walked out and Sarah bolted the door, she sat down on the couch fully expecting to cry for the next few hours over her broken relationship. She didn't. She thought about what happened to Brian and almost felt bad for him.
Almost, but not really. She had a pretty good idea of what happened. There was a guardian angel out there watching over her. An angel whose wings were Airborne wings.

BOOK: Sarah's Prayer: A Sunset Single (Sunset Series 1.1)
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