Saint James, Elle - Unbridled and Unhitched [The Double Rider Men's Club 7] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

BOOK: Saint James, Elle - Unbridled and Unhitched [The Double Rider Men's Club 7] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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The Double Rider Men’s Club 7


Unbridled and Unhitched


Hiding out in Vegas from a stalker back home, Alexis Sherwood accidentally sees a private DRMC ménage sex show. Jackson Cordell spies her at the hotel bar the next night and downs half her drink in order to buy her another and instigate a conversation. He wants to find out if she liked what she saw.


Now they are


Derek Van Buren complicates matters by arriving late the night Jackson and Alexis hook up. He presumes that any woman in Jackson’s bed is meant to be shared.


Waking up in Vegas married without memories is outrageous. So is discovering two sexy husbands in her bed. But the three spend a gleeful weekend together anyway.


When Jackson and Derek head home to Colorado, Alexis stays behind to all of their sad regret.


Unfortunately, the person who drugged Alexis’s drink, which Jackson shared, has also stayed behind.


And he’s


Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Western/Cowboys
56,617 words



The Double Rider Men’s Club 7

Elle Saint James


Siren Publishing, Inc.

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IMPRINT: Ménage Everlasting


Copyright © 2012 by Elle Saint James

E-book ISBN: 1-61926-370-X

First E-book Publication: January 2012

Cover design by Les Byerley

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Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Unbridled and Unhitched
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To my fabulous husband, the man I eloped with over twenty-three years ago. I love you so much. And just so you know, I’d elope with you all over again given the chance.

Note to all: We didn’t get drugged or drunk in Las Vegas before we eloped.


The Double Rider Men’s Club 7


Copyright © 2012

Chapter One

Las Vegas, Nevada

Alexis Sherwood needed a place to hide. Las Vegas was so busy she expected to blend in and be completely anonymous for her entire stay. So far her plan had worked, but now she had a new problem.

Force of habit these past few days caused her to glance quickly over one shoulder into the casino’s main floor to ensure no one watched or followed her. It was late evening, but still all the heads she saw were focused on the machines in front of them like they were mesmerized into spending every bit of their money one dollar at a time. No one in the room even paid the least attention to her.

Strolling away from the blazing bells and other loud sounds of the main casino floor, she headed down the empty hallway at the back of the hotel looking for a place to conceal herself.

If only she could catch a couple hours of sleep in a quiet, out-of-the-way place, she’d be fine for tonight. Then she could save the cost of a hotel room. Money was tight when one was on the run. Cash was a luxury that she didn’t have this time.

Up ahead on her left she saw light suddenly spill out of a doorway. Had it opened? What was down there? Maybe a nice place to rest. She sped her gait to find out. Hopefully, it was a soon-to-be-deserted room where she could rest up for a few hours.

Running away to Las Vegas had been a great idea, but she hadn’t brought enough cash along. Worse, she’d accidentally left her credit card at home. Even if she
brought her personal card along with her, Alexis was afraid it also might be traceable.

It was better not to take the chance or agonize over the possibility. The only
in her wallet was her company credit card. Not only could she get fired for using it for nonapproved, non-company-related purchases, it
be traced very easily through the company.

If she dared use her company card even for a bottle of water, they’d likely track her down and fire her before she finished drinking it. She shivered. She absolutely could not use her company credit card here in Las Vegas for any reason.

Not to mention that the man she’d left behind to curtail his following her had a connection to her workplace. He was closely related to her regional supervisor, Silvia Madill. If he knew where she was, he’d follow her here. She needed a break.

Alexis mentally calculated how much reserve cash she had left in her wallet. Any way she sliced it, she only had enough money for three nights at this hotel. Four nights if she didn’t eat.

Unfortunately, she had five days left on her impromptu vacation. She’d taken a flight out of town under the cover of darkness, and no one who knew her would ever think to look for her in Sin City. As a precaution, she even turned her cell phone off and left it behind in her sock drawer. It was her company phone and likely could also be tracked. She hadn’t expected to need a phone on her vacation.

Brushing her hair out of her face, her nail caught on an unmovable strand of hair. It tugged a bit, but most of the time she forgot the fake extensions were there. Slight camouflage was another layer to her “hide out in Vegas” plan. She put faux purple streaks in her hair to add to her disguise.

As a part of her big plan, she pretended to be someone else while in Las Vegas. She did her best to stay in a different place than expected. She wore different clothing. And then she added streaks of riotous color to her hair, which were very unlike her professional norm.

However, Alexis kept forgetting they were in her hair and pulled on them frequently. It was a wonder she hadn’t yanked them out altogether along with a hunk of her own hair. Those artificial strands of hair were sturdier than she was at the moment.

The doorway with light spilling out was vacant, but she heard music coming from inside. A cleaning crew, perhaps? The lure of a possible place to hide pulled her forward into the long, darkened, and narrow hallway. There were several closed doors on each side as she passed, but the low light and beat of sexy music drew her further into the space.

The sensual music got louder the further she walked. She was led to the back entrance of a large room. Through the opening she saw twenty or so tables strewn about. Well-dressed patrons faced away from her toward the stage in the low-lit room. This was likely some off-line secret Vegas show for a private party. She could only see a part of the stage from the doorway. Not enough to see what everyone was watching.

So much for trying to find a quiet spot to rest. She was about to turn away and leave when the lights came up onstage. Perhaps she’d stay and watch a minute. No one could see her. She skirted away from the door opening in case anyone exited out of the many doors she’d just passed.

She stood behind an unused cash bar. There was a single barstool next to the darkened space. She scooted into the chair and leaned against the end of the bar wondering what the show would be. Maybe a special burlesque or a private striptease set up for a group of executives from a Fortune 500 company.

She settled on the wooden stool and looked up to see a full view of the stage, ready to watch a show. At least until she noticed three naked people standing next to a brass pole center stage. Her eyes widened in utter surprise.

A beautiful woman was tightly sandwiched between two very attractive men. She soulfully kissed the man in front of her as the man behind her trailed his lips along the back of her neck and shoulders. Alexis shivered wondering what it felt like to be smashed between two very handsome naked men.

What would it be like to have one man’s tongue jammed aggressively in her mouth while another man spread a trail of kisses along her sensitive, bare shoulders? Delicious. She shivered. And what were two men doing onstage with the stripper anyway? What kind of a show was this?

Given that the three of them were already naked, Alexis wasn’t even sure if this was the end of the show or the beginning. The music got a little bit louder. The three started rubbing against each other seductively. Alexis was riveted to her stool waiting breathlessly to see what happened next.

The man in front rubbed his hands slowly over the woman’s breasts and soon tugged at her nipples. Alexis had a couple reactions to just watching the action onstage. For starters, her nipples tightened beneath her shirt, and then her breathing increased.

The man behind the lucky woman onstage had his hands all over her ass. He rubbed something between her ass cheeks and also all over his cock. His dick looked huge even from the back of the room. What was he doing? And then it dawned on her. Her heart banged hard in her chest at the realization. They were about to have sex. All three of them.

Alexis’s mouth dropped open when the woman onstage suddenly bent over. As if choreographed, the hunk behind her shoved his wide cock all the way into her ass. Alexis clenched her butt cheeks together as if in reflex. She’d never had a man penetrate her ass. She’d never wanted to until now. Her pussy gushed, and a low, achy feeling developed in her belly. It had been a long while since she’d had sex. Even longer since she’d had

The way the woman onstage was moaning and writhing with each thrust he made, she obviously liked having a big cock stuffed in her butt. The surprise came when the man standing in front of her helped her straighten and then promptly pierced her pussy with his cock, as well. Two men penetrated the lucky woman. There were now two cocks inserted deeply into one woman.

One in her pussy and one in her ass. It was shocking. Wicked. Very intriguing.

Alexis fidgeted on the barstool. Her pussy throbbed with unfulfilled desire. There was something about watching sex that made her so horny. And she had no way to relieve herself. She didn’t even have a room for the night. Perhaps she’d use some of her precious cash for a place to stay tonight, after all.

No. She couldn’t.
Snap out of it.

Alexis slid carefully off the stool and started moving backward slowly as the trio onstage started moving. It was fascinating to watch both men fuck her. Mesmerizing, really. She couldn’t seem to turn away, but she didn’t want to get caught. She finally tore her gaze from the stage in time to see movement from the other side of the room. If a guard spotted her, she’d be kicked out. Time to hustle. She couldn’t afford a public altercation, or even a private one.

Or else the man she was hiding from might find out where she was.

* * * *

Twenty-four hours later

Jackson Cordell stopped the moment he saw the swatch of purple hair amid a sea of honey blonde out of the corner of his eye. The woman who’d crashed their Double Rider Men’s Club special event the night before was currently seated in the hotel bar. Twenty-four hours ago, she’d gotten away before he could stop her from leaving the room during the special Double Rider Men’s Club Vegas show. He’d kicked himself all night for missing a chance to speak to her.

The bartender brought her a drink and set the martini glass next to her arm on the oak bar. Instead of clear liquid containing an olive stabbed with a toothpick, her beverage was tinged pink, with a cherry bobbing in the bottom of the glass.

He paused and watched her study the drink for a few seconds. He also tried to think of something clever to say to engage her. Maybe if she liked what she’d seen last night, she’d be willing to recreate it with him and Derek tonight. Or better yet, the whole long weekend they were in Vegas.

If Derek ever got there, that was. Jackson’s best friend and fellow DRMC member was currently stuck in New York trying to get a flight out. He’d likely end up on a red-eye flight and sleep away half of tomorrow.

When another woman joined the object of his fascination at the bar, he thought maybe they were together. However, the other woman didn’t stay long. She ordered from the bartender, and he promptly stepped away to get her order.

When he returned with two draught beers, the stringy-haired blonde woman grabbed them and moved away from the beauty he watched. With a beer stein clutched in each hand, the other woman disappeared into the back of the bar, leaving his lavender-streaked girl all alone once more.

She took a big sip of her drink and swallowed. His cock throbbed in unquenched lust simply looking at her outrageous streaks of hair color as she drank. Something about this woman rang his bell in a big way. She’d stayed to watch their show for quite a while the night before. He hoped she was intrigued.

Jackson kept his gaze on her for a few minutes more, wanting to ensure she wasn’t waiting for someone to show up. He glanced around to make sure no one noticed his lengthy fixation on a strange woman. No one paid him any attention. It was Las Vegas. Likely any number of things could happen that would never be noticed.

From the hotel foyer, Jackson watched her take another deep, long sip from the large martini-shaped glass with pink-tinged fluid. A girly drink. He smiled. She then snagged the cherry from the glass and tugged the small fruit from the stem with her teeth. Watching her eat the cherry made his cock throb. He lifted his shoulder from the post he’d been holding up and entered the bar on a trajectory straight to her.

It was a quiet night here, only twenty or thirty patrons scattered around, and only a handful of folks seated at the bar along with his quarry. No one was seated close to her, and that made it even easier for his approach.

Five feet from the oak counter he called out, “Let me buy you a drink?”

She didn’t turn around. She didn’t even look in the bar mirror to check him out. “No, thanks. I already have one.”

He didn’t know what possessed him. His goal being at least a quick conversation, Jackson didn’t let her response change his mind. He kept moving, and once he was at her side, he reached around her, picked up the martini glass and downed the remaining pink drink in one big gulp. He licked his lips as the sweet taste of the drink registered. “Not anymore. But I’ll get you another one.”

BOOK: Saint James, Elle - Unbridled and Unhitched [The Double Rider Men's Club 7] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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