Russian Enforcer's Royal Engagement (Russian Enforcers Book 7) (3 page)

BOOK: Russian Enforcer's Royal Engagement (Russian Enforcers Book 7)
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“Good luck with that,” he rumbled. Damn, she was a real firecracker. A woman after his own heart. He watched her move to the door, admiring the swing of her derrière. He groaned under his breath. Christ, she was hot. And in spite of all that was happening, he felt the lust rage in his blood, the heat rise in his gut.

She waltzed back in, her face flushed. “Open that door now!” she demanded.

He folded his arms across his chest and glared back at her. “You’re staying put, honey. And that’s the only answer you’re gonna get from me.”

She gritted her teeth. “If you don’t let me out of here…”

He grinned. “Then what? You’re going to throw a hissy fit?”

“I’m going to make your life so miserable you’ll wish you were never born!”

He cocked an eyebrow. “Try me.”

She quickly let her eyes dart to the panel, but even before she made her move he’d already anticipated it. The big red button that operated the outer door was only a slap away. The moment she slammed down her fist, he caught her wrist and yanked her off balance so she tumbled into his arms, her eyes wide and lips parting in surprise.


The sudden proximity galvanized his system, the surge of electricity at their connection rocketing through his gut like a punch to the solar plexus. Then her breasts mashed against his chest, and primal urge took control as his lips crashed down on hers, desire sparking and raging through him, blocking out all reason.

She moaned as his tongue parted her lips and found hers, tangling in the wet heat of her mouth. Her sweet scent intoxicated him, something fresh and lemony, and then he was exploring her mouth with an abandon that was new to him, diving into all that wetness with reckless abandon.

She leaned into him, and his hand ran up her side until he closed his fingers over her breast, seeking and finding her nipple through the fabric and squeezing it between thumb and index finger, rolling it under his grasp then splaying his fingers across all that softness.

Her breath hitched but she didn’t break the connection, exploring his tongue with her own, stabbing against him with an urgency that took his breath away. He let his hands roam over her back until he found her buttocks and pressed her into his rock hard erection, and then she was grinding against his crotch, sending his blood surging.

With an animal grunt, he heaved her up onto the instrument panel, reached up to her thighs until he found the flimsy excuse of a slip and yanked it down. It was obvious to the both of them where this was going, but she made no move to stop him, curling her fingers around his neck and angling her head to allow him to take her mouth deeper still.

His fingers, as if powered by their own desire, slipped between her thighs and he wasn’t surprised to find the slick wetness there, and when he fingered her clit, she moaned, pushing her cunt against his hand. His fingers slipped between her folds, delving into the slippery sheath and touching off the electric current roaring through her as he briefly massaged the bundle of nerves at the top of her pussy.

Madness, he knew. Pure madness. And yet he couldn’t stop. It was as if something stronger than himself took over, urging him on. He had to have her—had to
her. As if on command, she leaned back against the screens, spreading her legs, and allowing her dress to pool around her hips, revealing her bare cunt.

He descended upon her like a man on fire, his lips assaulting her throbbing pussy, and then he was jabbing inside her, spearing her folds with the tip of his tongue, spreading them with the thick of it, seeking the nectar within. He relished in the velvety feel of her wetness, eagerly lapping at her core.

While she rested her feet on his wide shoulders, he pushed his pants down, freeing his aching cock, eager to make her his all the way. The rush of desire roared in his ears and had him panting when he reared up, searching her eyes.

Half-lidded and smoky with lust, her face flushed, she grunted, “Fuck me, Jack,” then dug her fingernails into his back.

He bucked his hips, and the thick head of his cock slipped inside her throbbing cunt with an ease he hadn’t expected. They both groaned at the connection, skin on skin, his thick girth filling her up. Heat roiled between them, and they were both panting now, as he rocked into her, slowly at first, then faster as she bucked her pelvis to meet his thrusts, eager and pushing him on, a lustful smile playing about her lips.

Their breathing was labored when their lips met, and he was plunging into her mouth like he was plummeting inside her belly with his majestic cock, ferociously pumping into her.

Grunts and moans filled the small space, and he tore at her dress.

“I want to see you,” he huskily grunted.

He needed to see all of her—touch her everywhere—leave his mark on her.

She lifted the dress, revealing her breasts, her nipples hard as pebbles, her skin the color of gold dust. He laved on her tits, sucking her nipples into his mouth while he pounded her screaming cunt. Soppy sounds drove them to ever higher levels of arousal, and she curled her fingers in his hair, pressing him against her breasts.

Like a man possessed, he fed on her bosom, arousing with lips and teeth and tongue, punching inside her over and over again. As she clasped her arms around his neck, he lifted her from the panel, digging his fingers into her asscheeks and then he was hoisting her up against the wall, slamming into her soaking heat faster and faster, all thought wiped from his mind.

She keened a loud wail as she bucked and ground against him, her movements erratic and her body quaking and he knew she was climaxing when he felt her pussy clench around his girth, milking him and sucking him in even deeper, all the way to her deepest core.

With a loud roar he came inside her, his climax thundering through him, making him lose the last vestiges of control, and as she clung to him, her legs pressing against his buttocks, he unleashed his release into her quivering womanhood.

Panting, both coated with a sheen of sweat, they stared at each other for a long beat, both finding it hard to believe what had just happened.

Did they really just have sex while both their families were in extreme danger? This wasn’t happening—and yet it had, the fire crackling between them so powerful neither had been able to resist the inevitable.

What was worse, he hadn’t even taken any precaution, acting like a horny teenager on a first date. He groaned when he realized he hadn’t even suggested once they use a condom. What the fuck?

He panted against her cheek, the enormity of what had just taken place only now coming home to him.

“I—I’m sorry,” he grunted, though he wasn’t. He’d wanted her from the moment he’d caught her eye back at the reception. And it was obvious she’d wanted him too. This thing they had, this connection, this chemistry, was undeniable. Biology had simply taken over, and as he was a man who always trusted his instincts he knew what had happened had been inevitable.

“I’m not,” she whispered, and then placed a sweet kiss on his lips that did much to dispel the confusion. He looked up at her, still clasped in his arms, his cock still spearing into her wet heat. “I needed that,” she announced hoarsely. “I needed it so badly you wouldn’t believe.”

He nodded. She didn’t need to explain. He’d needed it too. Needed her.

He gently released her.

He raked a hand through his mane, trying to clear his head. His mission was clear. He was here to protect her, and to connect with the outside world, possibly even to coordinate a rescue attempt. The anti-terrorism and hostage unit would be here any minute now. Question was what these terrorists were going to do now that they knew they’d missed their target.

Diana placed a hand on his shoulder. She’d slipped back into her dress and he saw that her cheeks were flushed and her eyes shiny and bright. Sex became her, he thought, and already he was hard again. He could take her again, and felt the urge of his flesh slam through him once more, overpowering his senses. He bunched his fingers into a fist, willing himself to focus. He’d succumbed to desire once, now he needed to keep a clear head. Which was extremely hard as long as Diana was around.

“So what do we do now?” she asked, her voice husky and sexy as hell.

“Now we wait until the troops show up,” he replied curtly.

“What if they want me?” she asked.

He cupped her chin and fixed her with a fierce gaze. “I won’t ever let that happen, darling.”

“If it’s the only way to free my family, I’ll gladly do it.”

He was shaking his head before she’d finished the sentence. “No way. You’re staying right here. The hostage negotiators will arrive and they’ll find a way out.”

She didn’t reply, but he could read her thoughts as clearly as if she’d spoken them out loud. She would sacrifice herself for her family in a heartbeat. Well, he wouldn’t let her. After what had just happened between them, he wouldn’t let her out of his sight for one second. No one would lay a hand on her. No one but him.

He eyed her intently. She was his now. His alone. He’d never felt this proprietary about any woman before, but now he did.

As long as he had a breath in his body no one would ever lay a hand on Diana Petrov again. Not these terrorists—not anyone.


There was very little they could do, Rob thought as he watched the attackers huddle together and discuss their strategy. At least that’s what it looked like they were doing. To be honest he had absolutely no idea what made terrorists tick. They were a different breed, one he’d never really understood. Why cause so much hardship and pain, just to further some nebulous cause? He sat on the floor with the rest of the hostages, and thought hard thoughts about the assholes who’d pushed and shoved them and ordered them about.

They thought they were pretty tough, with their guns and their attitude, did they? They clearly had no idea who they were dealing with. Not only had they managed to capture the entire Petrov clan, as tough a band of enforcers as ever walked the streets of Brooklyn, they also had the pleasure of Roman Loginovsky’s company, well-known hardass, and Yulian Gornakov, probably one of the richest guys on the planet. And yet they seemed hardly interested in any of them. All they kept harping on about was Diana.

Who would want to take a roomful of people hostage just to get their hands on Diana? And not just any group of people. Wedding guests. Poor Mikey. What was supposed to be the most beautiful day of his life was wrecked by a bunch of assholes.

He didn’t understand what the hell was going on, and neither did any of his brothers.

“We need to make a run for it,” he told Alex under his breath. “Shove one of those fuckers, get our hands on his gun and take out the rest of them.”

Alex shook his head. “Even if we manage to apprehend one of them
grab his piece, we’ll still be outgunned.”

Alex was right. There were eight terrorists in all, all armed to the teeth with automatic weapons and who knew what other hardware tucked away in those fatigues they were wearing. Even if they could manage to overpower one of them, that still left seven to deal with.

“If each of us takes one out, we’re home free,” suggested Dave. “Dad, Roman and Yulian included, there’s nine of us against their eight. If we time this right, we can do it.”

Mike shook his head. “It’s still risky as hell. One wrong move, and they might end up killing hostages, and I really don’t want to have their blood on my hands, do you?”

Rob eyed the other hostages. They were all royals and other dignitaries. They looked expendable enough. “I don’t mind,” he quipped. “Plenty of royals in the world—don’t think they’ll be missed much.”

Dad chimed in. “Rob is right. No one will miss them. Besides,” he added with an evil grin, “now might be a good time to figure out this blue blood thing once and for all.”

“Jeezes, Dad,” groaned Erik. “Not funny.”

Dad’s eyes glittered, now that he’d touched upon his favorite topic. “Perhaps it will be the start of a new revolution. Just like in Lenin’s day we’ll slay those fat cats once and for all. Blood will flow in the streets and the cry will ring out: long live the proletariat!”

“Please, Valery, let’s not even go there,” muttered Roman, who was sitting with his back to Dad. “I think the kid has the right idea, but like Mike said, we can’t risk the lives of the other hostages.”

“We could ask them,” Denis suggested.

“Let’s just wait and see what happens,” Yulian suggested.

Rob thought the man looked worried, which wasn’t hard to understand. Yulian had only recently gotten married himself, and kept darting anxious looks at his wife. For some reason the women had been forced to sit on one side of the hall with the men on the opposite side.

That was the trouble with being married and forming an emotional attachment, Rob thought. He didn’t mind if they took out a few civilians, but Mike, Erik, Alex, Yulian and Roman had all recently gotten hitched, and they were clearly not ready to risk the lives of their loved ones. He groaned under his breath. Only Dave and Denis seemed eager to follow his lead, the others all chickening out.

“The Russian Revolution was a time of opportunity,” continued their father his history lesson. “Vladimir Lenin was a visionary and a great leader. The world could use a man like him in these troubled times.”

“Dad, for fuck’s sake,” Mike grumbled. When Valery Petrov got started he was unstoppable and not a little annoying.

“Stalin, on the other hand, was another matter entirely,” the old man continued, unperturbed. The others ignored him, which was always the best way to deal with his old man.

“I agree with Yulian. We wait and see what these assholes are up to,” suggested Erik. “We’ll know soon enough.”

“What they’re up to is trying to get their hands on Diana,” muttered Yulian. “Why do you think that is?”

“Beats me,” said Mike.

Yulian turned to Roman, who sat glowering at the attackers. “Do you have any idea, Ro?”

“Not a clue,” the big guy rumbled. “As far as I know Di still works at Lighthouse. Heads up security.”

“She does,” acknowledged Peter. “Hasn’t run into any trouble that I know of. She would have told me if she had.” As the lawyer in the family, Peter was best placed to know of any legal shenanigans their sister might have faced.

BOOK: Russian Enforcer's Royal Engagement (Russian Enforcers Book 7)
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