Rough Draft: Big Easy (12 page)

BOOK: Rough Draft: Big Easy
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He released her arm, and then reached for the zipper to her corset once more. Carissa glanced nervously around the room as he lowered it, revealing her breasts to anyone who cared to look in their direction.

“Keep your eyes on my face, Carissa. I’m the only person in this room who matters right now.”

Her gaze flew back to his, her breathing more erratic.

The corset fell away easily once the zipper was undone. It was one of the reasons he’d picked it out. Given his eagerness to see her, he knew he’d never have the patience to fool around with tightly tied laces.

He placed the corset on a chair nearby as Carissa held still. The woman was a hundred and thirty pounds of pure courage.

Jett reached out to touch her breasts, cupping the firm flesh before pinching her nipples roughly. She winced at the quick, sharp pain. He leaned forward to kiss away the sting, enjoying the sound of her light sigh.

Jett suckled only a moment before he bit the distended nub. Carissa jerked slightly, her arms rising as if to push him away. He stood quickly and gave her a warning look. “Arms at your sides. You’ve already earned one punishment for speaking without permission. You don’t want to add to that tally, Carissa. Trust me.”

She lowered her hands, the fingers forming fists. Jett wondered if she’d throw a punch if he pushed her too far. Carissa wasn’t afraid to show her physical side, to use force if provoked. He’d actually intervened once at the Royal Lunch, pushing Carissa out of harm’s way when she threw herself between two drunks picking a fight. He’d started to read her the riot act afterwards for putting herself in a dangerous position, but she’d cut his diatribe short, launching into one of her own, giving him hell for getting in her way.

She’d pinned her hair up earlier as she’d prepared for their trip to the dungeon. He’d tugged it loose before they left the room. If he had his way, she’d never put her thick tresses up in a ponytail again. He loved the way her brown wavy hair framed her face. She looked almost delicate with it down.

Jett returned his attention to her breasts, spending the next several moments treating her to a blend of pain and pleasure, his pinches followed by soothing licks, his light sucking replaced by teeth. He never picked a rhythm, didn’t give her a chance to figure out what was coming next—the softness or the hurt. Carissa’s chest rose and fell, her arousal becoming a tangible thing, expressed in flushes and moans and breathless whimpers.

One of the submissives working the floor passed nearby. Jett stopped her and requested a pair of nipple clamps, which the woman retrieved for him quickly. Carissa sucked in a pained gasp when Jett attached the first one to her taut nipple. Her mouth opened as if to speak. Jett narrowed his eyes in warning and she fell silent once more.

He attached the second, and then took a step back to admire his handiwork. Carissa’s eyes were closed as she struggled to catch her breath. He watched her work through the pain, observed as she found a way to deal with it. Once she regained control, she lifted her eyelids and looked at him.

Jett witnessed something on her face he was certain he’d never seen there before.


There was a chain between the two nipple clamps. Jett reached out to tug it. Carissa sucked in as he applied more pressure. “Do you like the clamps?”

She nodded, recalling his admonition that she not speak. He grinned. She was playing her role to perfection. Little did she know he hadn’t even begun.

Stepping closer, he ran his finger along the edge of the collar he’d purchased at the boutique this afternoon. He’d remained in the shop after paying for Carissa’s outfit, telling her he’d meet her in the room later. If she knew how much he’d paid for the chain around her neck, she’d likely flip out. He’d selected it for its simple beauty. It fit the woman wearing it. Carissa didn’t need makeup or frills or flashy jewelry to enhance her looks. The thick silver necklace glittered against her light complexion. She’d gotten a bit of sun today, her normally pale color darkened with a pretty tan.

When she’d stepped out of the bathroom earlier, dressed in her sexy outfit, he’d bid her to turn around, then put the necklace on her. She’d smiled at him before going to look at it in the mirror, promising to return it to him once they’d finished playing their roles. He had no intention of ever taking it back.

“Touch me.”

Carissa responded to his command like a sprinter to the starting gun. Apparently she’d been waiting for this request. She ran her hands over his chest, her fingers stroking the soft cotton of his t-shirt. He reached for her wrists, drawing her hands lower until she cupped his cock.

“Touch me here.”

She slowly worked to free him from the confines of his jeans. Once the denim was unfastened, she reached inside. He’d eschewed the boxer briefs tonight, going commando. He would likely end the night chafed, but it would be worth it for these few minutes.

Carissa ran her fingers along the underside of his cock, then around the head. Her stroke was too soft. He wrapped his hand around hers, forcing her to grip him tighter.

“Do you feel how much I want you?”

She nodded once more.

“Soon, Carissa. Soon I’m going to bury my cock inside you. I’m going to take you hard all night long.”

Her eyes drifted closed. “Now.” The word escaped on a sigh, but Carissa’s sudden wince told her she knew he’d heard her.

“That’s two.”

She didn’t appear as worried about her punishment as she should be. That was because she only knew one side of him, had only ever seen Jett as an easy-going friend. She’d soon learn differently.

He guided her hand over his cock, increasing the pressure and the pace. Carissa licked her lips and for a moment, he was tempted to command her to her knees, to push his dick into her mouth, driving in until she swallowed his aching flesh. He needed relief, but he wasn’t going to find it soon. Digging deep for control, Jett pulled her hand away. He tucked his cock back in his jeans and zipped up. It wasn’t an easy task.

“You know what I want, Carissa. I won’t fuck you until you admit it’s what you want too.”

She didn’t reply though he found some solace in the obvious temptation in her eyes. She wanted to give in, but something was holding her back.

Time to up the ante.

“Hold your breath.”

He didn’t wait to see if she’d obeyed before he released the first nipple clamp.

She drew in a sharp, pained breath. “Oh my God.”

Jett didn’t rebuke her for talking. Instead, he bent forward to soothe the aching nub with his lips and tongue.

Then he repeated the process on her other nipple. She was new to clamps, so he kept her time in them short, allowing her to just feel the bite. Next time, he’d leave them on longer.

“Bend over the table, Carissa.”

This time there was no hesitance in her movements as she stepped up to the end of the leather-padded table. He’d chosen it because it was the perfect height. She bent at the waist, groaning softly when her sore nipples hit the padding.

Jett reached into his pocket to tug out a blindfold. Carissa offered no resistance when he placed it over her eyes. He wasn’t foolish enough to believe her easy acquiesce would last long. She was held tight in the throes of the fantasy, but there was a reality to this type of play that she had yet to experience…to feel.

He secured the cloth, making sure she couldn’t see, then he used straps to bind her hands to the front legs of the table. Jett stepped behind her, running his hands over her ass. The G-string ran through the slit in her legs. It was damp from her arousal. 

He gently stroked the soft skin of her ass, feeling her relax under his soothing massage. Then he lifted his hand and brought it down hard.

Carissa jerked and tried to rise. The straps held.

He didn’t bother to pause or give her time to adjust. He continued to spank her, enjoying the flush and heat his hand provoked. Little did she know this spanking was just a warm-up, a prelude to the main event.

Carissa stopped struggling against her bondage. Like the previous night, she drifted away from the shock and pain quickly. She began to writhe, lifting up on her toes to meet him blow for blow.

Through it all, she managed to remain quiet, though Jett suspected she had plenty to say. Especially when he stopped the spanking and stepped away from her.

A quick glance around the room proved they’d attracted the attention of others. Phillip was standing against a wall near them, his gaze holding steady on Carissa. An uncharacteristic jolt of jealousy pierced. Jett had never felt so possessive of a sub.

Stella had left her spot at the bar and moved closer. She also seemed enthralled by the scene. Her eyes met his—just for a moment—before she lowered them. Jett was concerned by the complete lack of emotion there. Had Gregory abused her trust, taken his cruelty too far? The woman seemed lost, broken.

Carissa had stilled on the table and lifted her head. He’d only meant to give her a moment to compose herself before he continued, but he’d left her alone too long. He needed to put the murder out of his mind. Right now, this moment wasn’t a ruse.

He walked to a shelf nearby and retrieved a short leather flogger. Her response when he’d suggested it had been hesitant, but her reaction to his spanking, the genuine pleasure she found in pain, led him to believe she simply wasn’t aware of what he was offering.

When he returned to the table, he ran the tails of the flogger against her pink ass, giving her a warning about what was coming. She jolted at the foreign sensation. With the blindfold still in place, she couldn’t see exactly what he was holding.

She wasn’t resisting her bondage any longer. Her movements indicated she loved the feeling of being restrained, held tight. She didn’t speak. Simply invited him to continue with some of the most beautiful body language he’d ever seen.

Jett lifted the flogger, slapping her ass with it lightly. He wanted to introduce her to the sensation, the impact, the sting.

She groaned, her ass rising, silently pleading for more.

Jett answered the unspoken request, swinging the flogger again—harder. Each time he lifted and brought it down, Carissa was there—ready, waiting. Her body trembled as sweat trickled from her hairline. Jett could sympathize. He was on fire, his cock throbbing in genuine pain.

He’d sworn he wouldn’t take her until she was ready to commit to a relationship and he meant to keep that vow. God help him.

After he’d laid a dozen strokes on her ass, he tossed the flogger to the side. He stepped up to the table, his thighs brushing the backs of her legs. “Open,” he commanded, his hands doing the work for her.

He ran his finger along her drenched slit. She moaned loudly. Jett could feel so many eyes on them. Carissa’s natural, untutored responses had earned them an audience. Jett didn’t care. At this moment, the only thing that mattered was her and her pleasure. He tugged the string of her thong aside and drove three fingers inside her pussy.

Carissa came undone. Her body jerked roughly against the table. Jett kept his hand in place as he leaned forward, covering her with his chest.

He thrust his fingers in and out no more than a handful of times as he pressed her against the table. She cried out loudly when her orgasm came, her inner muscles clenching tightly against his fingers.

He tugged off the blindfold. “Open your eyes,” he whispered, when Carissa kept them pressed closed.

They opened slowly and she blinked several times before her vision cleared. She glanced at him over her shoulder.

Jett smiled and kissed her. “You were incredible.”

She didn’t return his smile, her face far too serious. “Please untie me.”

Jett’s brow creased as concern set in. Had he misread her responses? He rose without haste, releasing the straps on her wrists.

Carissa was off the table within seconds. She hadn’t said the safe word, hadn’t given him any indication that she was scared or hurt.

“Rissa—” he started, true worry gripping him.

She dropped to her knees before he could say another word. Her fingers hastily unfastened his pants, reaching inside to tug out his erection.

Jett placed his hands on her shoulders to push her away, but her lips found the head of his cock, sucking it in deeply on the first pass.

Honor be damned. There was no force in nature that could provoke Jett to call a halt as Carissa sucked harder.

His hands tangled in her hair and he used that grasp to increase the pace. Jett lost his tenuous grip on his control as he fucked Carissa’s mouth. In another place, another state of mind, he would have taken more care.

But here, now, finesse and gentleness had been stamped out. Replaced by a clawing, ravenous hunger that could only be assuaged by demanding, almost cruel passion.

Carissa didn’t resist, didn’t pull away. She let him take her, encouraged him to claim more with her soft moans. She teased him with her teeth and begged him with her eyes.

Jett was lost. A goner.

His hand tightened in her hair as his cock exploded, sending jets of hot come down her throat. Carissa swallowed, didn’t miss a single drop, holding him in her mouth even after he’d released her.

Jett stiffened his spine, fighting not to fall to his knees. She’d sucked him dry. Neither of them moved for several moments as they worked to regain their strength. Carissa managed first. She slowly tried to rise from the floor on unsteady legs. Jett reached under her arms to help her stand.

They looked at each other, neither saying a word.

And then, she smiled.

Jett grinned, cupping her face with his hands. Bending forward, he kissed her. A slow, sensuous melding of lips before she pulled away, her face telling him the battle hadn’t been won yet.

She was still resisting.

So he was changing tactics. If she wouldn’t accept his words, he’d simply try to convince her with actions.

Jett was going to seduce his best friend.




Chapter Eight


Three days passed and the longer he was with her, the more Jett was convinced she was his kindred spirit—emotionally and physically.

BOOK: Rough Draft: Big Easy
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