Read Roses and Rodeo (Rough and Ready) Online

Authors: Cheyenne McCray

Tags: #Cheyenne McCray, #erotica, #western romance, #erotic romance, #contemporary romance

Roses and Rodeo (Rough and Ready) (8 page)

BOOK: Roses and Rodeo (Rough and Ready)
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A cute little bouncy brunette walked up to Gage. She reminded Danica a lot of a high school cheerleader, but the brunette had to be in her thirties.

“This is Chloe,” Gage said as the petite woman stood next to him. He introduced Creed and Danica.

“Hi.” Chloe gave a winning smile and slid her hand into the crook of Gage’s arm. She turned her face up to look at Gage. “Let’s dance.”

Gage nodded to Danica then Creed as Chloe tugged on his arm. Gage gave Chloe a sexy grin and they headed out to the dance floor. The cowboy was quite the lady-killer.

Creed led Danica out to the dance floor and brought her into his arms. It was a slow song, and he held her close.

“Gage and Blake couldn’t be more different,” Danica said as they danced.

“Wait ’til you meet Ryan and Tate.” He gave a low laugh. “One thing about us McBrides—no one can say we’re boring.”

“Yeah, I’d say that’s the last thing you are.” She leaned back a little, her arms looped around his neck. He wore a black shirt and a black Stetson and he’d never looked better.

Okay, maybe naked would qualify as looking better. It was hard to compare his naked, muscular form to all that luscious skin being covered up.

She mentally rolled her eyes at herself.

“You look amazing.” Creed ran his thumb along her jawline and she shivered from his touch. “You’re so beautiful.”

She glanced away and looked at the other dancers then returned her gaze to his. “Thank you.”

He trailed his fingers to her ear in a slow, erotic motion and she felt desire stir inside her. Desire that she wanted to quench, but she couldn’t. It was too soon. She hadn’t known him long enough.

She swallowed. “Don’t.”

“Don’t touch you?” he murmured.

“Not like that.” It was hard to get the words out. “It’s too…intimate.”

“I can’t help but want to touch you.” He studied her eyes. “You’re so soft and warm in my arms.”

She bit the inside of her lip before she said, “Then maybe I shouldn’t be in your arms.”

He shook his head. “There’s no getting away from us, Danica.”

She frowned. “Just because I came out to see you ride doesn’t mean there’s an us.”

He gave her a grin that made butterflies swoop in her belly. “You’re not foolin’ me, sweetheart.”

She tilted her head. “You’ve got quite the ego, Creed McBride.”

“Just stating the truth.” He whirled her around on the dance floor as the song concluded then brought her close to him and they fell immediately into the next song, a country waltz.

He was great at country-western dancing and she loved dancing with him. They went from the waltz to a two-step.

They left the floor when a line dance started. He hooked her around the waist with his arm as they watched and she didn’t move away from him. She liked the feel of being in his embrace.

She closed her eyes for a moment.
Danica, you’ve got to stop this.

But she didn’t want to stop it.

Perspiration from dancing cooled on her skin as she relaxed with his arm around her and watched the people line dancing. She hadn’t line danced since she left for San Diego and she found herself tapping her toe to the sound of the music.

A familiar face caught her eye—Darryl was on the opposite side of the dance floor. And the woman she’d seen him with earlier was in his arms.

Danica’s whole body went tense and she gripped her hands into fists.

“What’s wrong?” Creed put his hand on her shoulder and when she looked up at him he had a concerned expression.

“Darryl is with another woman and he’s still dating my best friend, Kelsey.” Her words were tense as she looked from Creed to the place where Darryl and the woman had been standing, but they weren’t there anymore.

When she looked back at Creed he was frowning. “To be honest, your friend would be better off with someone else. Darryl isn’t a good guy.”

Danica returned his frown. “What do you mean?”

Creed dragged his free hand down his face. “I do know that Darryl was arrested for domestic violence several years ago. He was never charged because his ex-wife never pressed charges. Rumor is he’s rough with the women, but that I don’t know for a fact.”

Danica’s skin went cold. “I need to tell Kelsey right away. I swear if he touches her, I’ll kill him.”

“Morning will be fine for that,” Creed said. “It’s late and Darryl isn’t going anywhere.”

She nodded, realizing that he was right. It could wait ’til tomorrow. But first thing in the morning, she was calling Kelsey.

Creed grasped Danica by her shoulders. “You and Kelsey both need to stay away from Darryl. He’s dangerous.”

She nodded and he kissed her on the forehead.

“There’s Ryan and Tate.” Creed took Danica by the hand and smiled at her. “They’ll love meeting you.”

He led her through the crowd to a pair of handsome cowboys who were standing just behind the crowd at the edge of the dance floor. When Creed and Danica reached his brothers, Creed made the introductions.

“What in the hell are you doing with a bull rider?” Ryan asked with a teasing glint in his eyes. “A bull rider isn’t worthy of a woman like you.”

Creed lightly punched Ryan in the shoulder then looked at Danica. “Don’t listen to him. He’s just jealous ’cause I have the prettiest woman in the place here with me.”

“You’re right about that.” Ryan winked at Danica.

She laughed. It was easy to see that he had the kind of teasing nature that would be fun to be around.

Tate just shook his head, an amused look on his features. He was quieter that the others—not distant like Blake had seemed to be, but the type of man who stayed a little more to himself.

By the end of the night, Danica was tired and ready for bed. Creed took her back to the B & B and walked with her to the door of her room. He took the key from her and opened the door. Light spilled out when the door swung open.

“I’d invite you in,” she said, “but I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

He shook his head. “No, it’s not a good idea. I just can’t keep my hands off of you.” He reached out and touched the side of her face. “What about a goodnight kiss?”

“Yes.” She moved her mouth to his and when their lips met it was like flames exploded inside her. She grasped his collar and pulled him closer as they kissed each other with fire and passion that made her head spin.

He pressed her up against the doorframe, his hands at her waist and his chest hard against her breasts. His kiss was searing, sending heat straight through her from her scalp to her toes.

When he drew away from the kiss she was breathing hard. She was so close to telling him to stay when he said, “Good night, Danica.” He brushed his lips over hers one more time then turned and walked away and into the night.


Chapter 9


When she arrived home from Arizona, Danica tossed her bags on the bed and immediately stripped out of her clothing and got into the shower. She closed her eyes as she stood beneath the warm spray, thinking about Creed.

She had sent a text message to him as soon as her flight landed, like she had promised she would. He was headed to a bull riding event in Wyoming and his flight would be in the air by the time hers landed. He said he’d call her as soon as he arrived at the airport.

Somehow she had avoided going to bed with him, but it had not been easy. As badly as she wanted to, she knew she needed to get to know him better.

She’d enjoyed talking with Creed’s brothers last night. She liked all four of his brothers, including Blake, even though he’d been distant. Maybe he had seemed that way because he’d been upset over the woman named Sally.

Creed had wanted to take her to his family’s ranch but there hadn’t been time for that. She’d had to leave Sunday morning in order to get home and prepare for work on Monday. He’d taken her to the airport and walked with her to the security checkpoint. The kiss he’d given her was beyond amazing and she’d wished she didn’t have to leave.

While waiting for her flight, she’d tried to reach Kelsey, but her call went straight to voice mail and she’d had to leave a message.

When she finished showering and had dressed in jean shorts and a T-shirt, she wandered into her living room. It felt lonely not being around Creed, which was crazy since she’d lived alone for some time now. She’d never felt this way while dating anyone. Maybe it was because he was so far away, on the road again.

Her phone rang and she’d picked it up from where she’d left it on the end table by the couch.
was on the caller ID.

Danica frowned at the phone. When would Barry get the hint? How would she make him get it?

“Barry,” she said as she answered the phone, prepared to tell him this had to stop.

“A bull rider?” he said before she had a chance to say anything. “You’re seeing some bull rider named Creed McBride?”

“How did you know that?” Danica frowned. Was Barry having her followed?

“Ran into Kelsey this weekend.” Barry sounded angry. “She told me you’re dating this cowboy.”

Kelsey and her big mouth.

But then, Danica thought, this could work in her favor. If Barry knew she wasn’t making it up about dating a guy, maybe he would go away.

Not likely.

Danica straightened where she stood. “Yes, I’m seeing Creed.”

“I Googled him,” Barry said. “He’s bad news.”

“You did what?” Danica put one hand on her hip. “You have no right butting into my business.”

“I do when I care about you,” Barry said. “It’s all over the place that he goes out on women.”

“Don’t believe everything you read.” Danica’s skin flushed hot. “But that’s besides the point. I don’t want to be around you. I don’t even want you calling me.” She’d been patient long enough. “Goodbye, Barry. Don’t call me again.”


She pressed the
button and threw the phone onto the couch. She crossed her arms over her chest and glared at the phone. It rang again with Barry’s name coming up, but she ignored it.

Still fuming, she went to the kitchen and cut up an apple and got out some peanut butter and ate them together, one of her favorite comfort snacks. The phone rang two more times and she just stood in the kitchen her hip up against the counter, and ate her apple and peanut butter.

When the phone rang again, she marched into the living room, prepared to turn the damned thing off when she saw the display.


A measure of relief went through her and she smiled. She picked up the phone. “Hi, Kels.”

“Did you have a great trip?” Kelsey said the moment Danica answered. “How were things with Creed? Did you go to bed with him?”

“Whoa.” Danica laughed at her friend’s rapid-fire questions. “I had a great trip, everything went great, but no, I did not have sex with him.”

“Bummer.” Kelsey sounded disappointed. “Well, I want to hear all the details that

Danica sat on the couch and curled her legs beneath her. She told Kelsey about the trip and the time she’d spent with Creed and that they’d almost ended up in bed together.

“I don’t get why not,” Kelsey said. “You hit it off, you’ve been talking for a couple of weeks, you’re crazy about him, and he’s hotter than hell.”

“I just don’t feel like I know him well enough.” Danica paused. “I need more than one weekend with a man before I end up in bed with him. Besides, who says I’m crazy about him?”

“Heh.” Kelsey laughed. “The way you talk about him and the fact you flew out to watch him ride in his hometown. Come on, who are you kidding? You’re definitely not kidding me.”

“Maybe.” Danica smiled to herself then laughed. “Okay, I guess you’re right.” She pushed her hair out of her face. “Why did you tell Barry about Creed?”

“He was at the resort where the wedding was,” Kelsey said. “When I bumped into him, he started pelting me with questions about you so I told him that you were seeing someone. I didn’t think it would hurt to tell him who you’re dating. Was that okay?”

Danica couldn’t help but smile at her friend’s sincerity. “It was fine, Kels. Better he find out now, I guess. It would be nice if he’d take a hint, though.”

“Did you see Darryl?” Kelsey sounded breathy, excited as she changed the subject. “I haven’t talked with him since Saturday.”

“I need to talk with you about Darryl.” Danica paused. “I saw him with another woman.”

For a heartbeat Kelsey didn’t say anything. “Darryl said his cousin lived there and he’d be seeing her.”

“This didn’t look like a cousin type of relationship, unless they’re kissing cousins,” Danica said.

“Darryl wouldn’t do that to me.” As Kelsey said the words, Danica pictured her friend shaking her head with vehemence. “He cares about me too much. He told me he’s in love with me.”

Danica bit her lower lip as she gripped the phone.

“You didn’t see them kiss, did you,” Kelsey stated, her voice rising in pitch.

“Well, no,” Danica said. “But the way they looked together—”

“That woman was just his cousin like he told me.” Kelsey sounded almost hysterical.

Danica didn’t know how to give her friend the rest of the news when she was so adamant about Darryl’s fidelity.

“There’s something else,” Danica said, forcing herself to continue. “I’m going to tell you this because I care too much about you to not tell you.” She didn’t give Kelsey a chance to respond. “Darryl’s been arrested in the past for domestic violence with his ex-wife.”

“She lied.” Kelsey had an edge to her voice that Danica didn’t recognize in her friend. “Darryl told me about it. He said she was angry with him because he wanted a divorce so she made it all up.”

Danica felt surprise at the fact that Darryl had brought it up to Kelsey already, but she made herself continue. “Creed said that there are rumors that Darryl is rough with women.”

“So now Creed is spreading rumors?” Kelsey was starting to sound angry. “Darryl would never hurt a woman.”

Danica clenched the phone. “I’m only telling you these things because I care about you.”

“If you cared about me, you’d be happy for me instead of telling me horrible things about Darryl that aren’t true.” Now Kelsey was practically yelling. “Some friend you are.”

BOOK: Roses and Rodeo (Rough and Ready)
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