Rookie Mistake (California Dreamers #4) (4 page)

BOOK: Rookie Mistake (California Dreamers #4)
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I take my time cleaning up. I run my fingers through my hair. Then I rinse my mouth with some mouthwash that’s sitting on the counter.

When I return to the bedroom there’s no sign of the used condom, but CJ is still naked. He’s sitting in his bed strumming one of his guitars.

“Do you always play sans clothing?” I tease.

“Only when I have a beautiful girl in my room to keep me company.”

“And how often does that happen?” As soon as the question leaves my lips I immediately regret it.

No personal information
, I remind myself. 

“It’s been a while,” he answers. His attention is on his guitar as he strums a few bars of a song I actually recognize:
by Eric Clapton.

When he starts singing the lyrics I’m surprised CJ has such a sweet voice.

I’m enjoying the song until he substitutes
! Please don’t let this guy be falling for me.

He must see the alarm on my face because he immediately stops singing. He places the guitar on the floor and leans it against the nightstand. 

“You didn’t come here to hear me play.”

I swallow. “Maybe I should go.”

He shakes his head. “I don’t want you to. We’ve still got condoms left.”

Would I like more of his man candy? You bet. But things seem to be headed in a direction I don’t want to go.

He pats the bed next to him. “Come here.”

I hesitate. I need a plan. Maybe we could use the rest of the condoms and I could take off in the morning bright and early.

As I climb into the bed next to him he leans over and moves his mouth towards mine. His kiss is so voracious it’s hard to believe we just had sex.

“Are you ready for round two?” he whispers.

“I’m getting there,” I admit.

“Good,” he growls. “Because I’m insatiable around you.”



My phone is buzzing. It’s making my aching head throb even more. As I reach for my cell, which is usually on the nightstand right next to my bed, I realize it’s not

I’m not in my bed

If I’m not in my bed where am I? It takes me a few more moments to remember CJ and the absolutely fantastic night we had together.

Oh. My. God.
What now

Zoe didn’t give me instructions on what happens after the hookup.

My phone starts buzzing again.
Where did I put my cell

My hand lands on a glossy magazine. As I wipe the sleep from my eyes the title comes into focus:


My phone continues to buzz. When I finally manage to untangle myself from the mass of sheets and covers I find my phone in the pocket of my jeans. They are in a pile of wrinkled clothes on the floor.

Big fat pile of steamy crap
. It’s my mom.

“Hello,” I whisper into the phone.

Luckily CJ seems to be a very sound sleeper. He’s still passed out on the other side of the bed.

“Where are you?” My mother’s voice is loud enough to wake the dead, but she doesn’t seem to have any impact on CJ thankfully.

“I’m jogging,” I lie. I’m not even sure why I said it. I don’t run unless I have to.

“You’re late for brunch. Did you forget?”

Obviously I did. What time is it? I glance around the room, but I don’t see a clock anywhere.

“I’ll be there as soon as I can,” I tell my mother.

“I don’t want the crepes to get cold. Is there anything worse than cold crepes?”

I can think of a lot of things that are worse, but I don’t like to talk about my job with my family.

“I’ll see you soon, Mom.” I end the call before she has a chance to say anything else.

I get dressed as quietly as I can. I decide it’s best not to wake CJ up. Why put ourselves through the awkwardness of the
morning after

As much as I might enjoy another
hunk of his burning love
I knew from the start this was a one-and-done situation. It’s not like the two of us have anything in common. Or that I’d even know if we did because we didn’t exactly have any scintillating conversation.

We both agreed to a fling and nothing more.

I tiptoe out of his bedroom and close the door behind me as quietly as I can. 

My heart stops for several incredibly long moments when I come face-to-face with the guy who was sitting next to CJ at the bar.

“What’s up?” The guy is wearing nothing but boxer briefs, and he seems to have morning wood.

I’m not sure where to focus my gaze that isn’t completely embarrassing.

For me anyway

The guy looks completely unfazed by the fact that he’s standing in front of me in his underwear with a hard-on.

I’m not sure how to answer his question so I don’t say anything. I just want him to move because he’s blocking my path to the front door.

“Have fun last night?” He gives me a sly smile.

I gulp. “Sure.”

“It’s been a long time since my boy has gotten his pipes cleaned.”

I can feel my face heat. This has to be one of the most awkward situations I’ve ever been in, and that’s saying a lot for someone who’s been a patrol officer for seven years.

“I’m Russ by the way.”

I give him a polite smile in return.

“So you’re the mysterious type.” He eyes me.

“No, I’m just the late-for-brunch-with-my-family type,” I correct.

He laughs. “That’s a good one. You’re sexy as hell and spunky. I don’t care what CJ says, you’re definitely his type.”

“I really do have to go,” I hint.

He makes no motion to move out of my way. I could try to squeeze around him. Things are already awkward. Why not make them completely and totally uncomfortable?

Just as I’m about to try to sneak past him I hear CJ’s bedroom door open.

“Where are you going?” he asks.

He’s caught me right in the middle of my not-so-great escape.

When I turn to face CJ he actually looks hurt, and I feel like a real jerk.

“My mom called. I’m late for brunch.”

“Let me drive you,” he offers.

“It’s okay. I can walk.” Even though I’m really late, and his motorcycle would be much quicker, it would also make things much more difficult than they already are.

“I’m giving you a ride home,” he insists. “Just let me get my shoes on.”

Russ wiggles a finger at me. “Did you try to sneak out without saying goodbye?”

The guy is really starting to piss me off, but I decide to be as pleasant as possible. “I’m not sure why this is any of your concern.”

He places his hands on his hips bringing attention once again to his underwear. At least he’s no longer got a full erection. “CJ is like a brother to me. He’s been through a lot. I don’t want to see him get hurt again.”

He’s been through a lot
? For a moment I wonder what he means by that, but then I remind myself that this was a fling. I don’t plan on seeing either one of these guys ever again.

“He’s a lot more sensitive than he looks,” Russ adds.

“I’m sure he’ll be fine,” I reply.

“There’s no reason to be hardhearted.”

“You don’t even know me,” I fire back.

Before Russ has a chance to chastise me any further CJ enters the living room.

“Ignore my roommate,” he tells me. Then he turns to Russ. “Why don’t you put on some pants?”

When CJ grabs my hand I’m tempted to pull away, but I have to admit I’m enjoying the physical contact with him again.

Overnight delight
, I remind myself.

I think a big part of me is afraid to open myself up again. I don’t want to allow myself to like CJ only to have him dump me like every other guy has when he finds out what I do for a living.

It’s best to sever the ties right now before I get emotionally involved.

As we exit the apartment hand-in-hand I’m overcome with a bit of sadness I wasn’t expecting to feel. Maybe part of me does want to see CJ again.

A much bigger part than I’m willing to admit.

Before CJ hands me a helmet he leans over and kisses me. Every nerve ending in my body is reawakened.

Why did he have to do that?

“That’s how you say goodbye,” he tells me right before he puts on his helmet.

I follow his lead and put my helmet on.

Once he’s on the motorcycle I climb on the back.

As soon as I have my arms around him he starts the engine and takes off.

When we get close to my building I tap his arm and motion for him to turn.

He pulls up to my apartment and parks his bike. 

I hop off and remove the helmet as quickly as I can. Part of me hopes he’ll just speed away, but no such luck.

As he climbs off his motorcycle he removes his helmet. This is the awkwardness I was hoping to avoid.

He pulls me close and devours my mouth. The guy really is insatiable.

When my phone starts to buzz in my pocket I remember my family and brunch.

“I’ve really got to go,” I tell him.

A look of disappointment covers his face. “I’d really like to see you again.”

“I don’t think that’s a good idea
…” Better to dump him now than to have him dump me later and break my already battered heart again.

He leans in close and whispers in my ear. “I will see you again, Sweet Cheeks.”

Then he climbs on his motorcycle, dons his helmet, and speeds away.


My mom, stepdad and sister live about five miles from my apartment, much closer to the Pacific coastline than I can afford.

After my dad died my mom had a very rough time. I was only nine, but even at such a young age I could see how unstable she was. She married my stepdad, Ed Edwards, just a few months after they met. He was exactly what she needed. He’s an accountant, as steady as a rock. I’m not sure that she was in love with him, but she definitely needed him and he’s taken care of her for nearly twenty years. 

My sister, Hadley, came along a few weeks after my tenth birthday. Even though she looks a lot like her dad, she’s more like my mom in every other way. They’re both artistic and flighty. They remind me of balloons that need to be anchored or they’ll fly away.

It always feels weird to visit my family. Even though I spent ten years living in my stepdad’s house it never truly felt like home. Not that my stepdad didn’t treat me like his own child. He never treated me any differently than he did my sister. If anything I was favored a bit because he and I are more alike than he and Hadley.

I just never felt like I truly belonged there.

Maybe I kept my distance from my stepdad because I didn’t want to be disloyal to my father. Part of me always felt that if I got too close to my stepdad it would somehow erase the memories of my dad and negate his influence on me.

As soon as I walk into my family’s bungalow I’m inundated with the smells of various baked goods: apple pancakes, cinnamon twists, and strawberry crepes are obviously on the menu. Knowing my mother that’s only the start of what will be a bell-busting feast. She usually cooks enough food to feed a very hungry football team.

My mom is an artist. She teaches art at the local high school where my sister is a senior. It’s the same high school I attended.

My mom and Hadley have a ritual. They love to play loud music and dance around the kitchen while they cook.

Rumour Has It
by Adele is blasting when I enter the kitchen. My mom and Hadley are both swaying to the music as they prepare omelets.

“You made it!” My mom screeches when she notices me.

Hadley doesn’t seem quite as excited to see me. She gives me a half-hearted wave.

I’ve always wanted to be closer to my sister, but she was still a kid when I left for college. A ten-year age difference is a huge gap when you’re growing up. I keep hoping when she’s grown and on her own that we’ll become better friends. I’d like to be as close to her as I am to Zoe.

“Were you with Noah?” My mom winks at me. “Is that why you’re so late?”

“Noah and I broke up,” I admit.

My mom’s big brown eyes grow even wider. “What? Why?”

“The same reason every other guy has dumped me. He got tired of dating a police officer.”

“I’m sorry, Honey.” My mom circles the counter to give me a big hug.

“I never liked Noah,” Hadley remarks. “He was too slick.”

“He’s already got someone else,” I mention. “A dental hygienist.”

“He’ll have clean teeth,” my mom says.

“I bet that’s not the only thing she’s cleaning,” Hadley quips.

My mom glares at her. “Remember what I told you. No sex until you’re an adult.”

“I can joke about it. Anyway I’ll be eighteen in a few weeks.”

“I think you should wait until you’re married,” my mom offers.

Hadley cracks up. “If Maya had to wait until she was married she’d die a virgin.”

“Thanks a lot.”

Hadley turns her attention to our mom. “You’re actually going to stand here and tell me that you and Maya’s dad didn’t have sex before you got married.”

Mom’s cheeks redden. “I met Rey right out of high school. We got married a few months after we met.”

Hadley stares at her. “You didn’t answer my question.”

“Just make sure you’re in love before you share your body with someone.”

I choke on the blueberry I just popped in my mouth. I just slept with a guy and I don’t even know his full name. I don’t think my mother would approve.

“What did you see in my dad?” I ask her.

“I was still a teenager. I thought he was hot.”

Ed strolls into the kitchen. “Who’s hot?”

Mom winks at me then turns to Ed, “You of course.”

Ed is one of the nicest guys in the world, but the last thing anyone would ever call him is
. Even in his early thirties, when he and my mom met, he was pudgy and balding. Now that he’s in his fifties he’s rounder and almost completely bald. Ed is so physically unassuming that if you passed him on the street you might not even notice him. If you did spot him it is doubtful you’d give him a second look.

He gives me a kiss on the cheek. “How’s it going, Kiddo?”

“Same old thing,” I reply.

He nods. “I hear you.”

“I hope you’re hungry,” my mom warns.

Ed turns his attention to me. “I think your mother is intentionally trying to fatten me up. Do you know why?”

BOOK: Rookie Mistake (California Dreamers #4)
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