Roman: Book 2 (The Hunter Brothers Series) (22 page)

BOOK: Roman: Book 2 (The Hunter Brothers Series)
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“Lucky cow. I’d
love a Chanel handbag,” I huffed as he pulled me against him, shaking his head
as he fired up the film and we settled down to watch the rest in silence. I
tucked my head into his chest at the gory bits, enjoying the contact. This was
something I could never imagine doing with Roman. It only served to fuel my
thoughts that I’d picked the wrong brother, but that was hardly an opinion I
could ever voice now. I’d burned that bridge this weekend and the best I could
hope for was a continuation of what we had.

“Do you want me to
stay in the lodge with you tonight, Chas? Tyler’s going to meet the band and
Jess and Lucas have gone to see Dexter,” he said as the final credits rolled.

“I’d like that,
Charlie. Thank you,” I smiled as he went to retrieve the wine from the kitchen
and I wondered what was on his mind as he sat down looking all of a sudden
quite serious.

“I was going to kiss
you today in the tree house,” he said as I glanced away, pouring the wine and
hoping this wasn’t about to turn into another awkward conversation.

“I know. I was
going to kiss you back,” I said softly, handing him the glass as he gazed at
me, his eyes clouded with sadness and I had to cut him off. I knew what his
words would be, and hearing the finality of that rejection from his lips would
be more than I could bear today.

“It was just a
daft moment, Charlie. Don’t worry about it. I know you wouldn’t cheat on
Scarlett, and I’ve shagged your brother. We flirt and we mess about and it’s
fun, but that’s all it is. I value your friendship more than you know,” I said
as he nodded, glancing towards the fire. Whatever he’d been about to say, it
looked like he’d changed his mind, and I was undoubtedly playing my true
feelings down. In light of everything that had occurred this weekend, I could
hardly voice them now.

“Me too, babe. Let’s watch another film and
forget that ever happened.”

It was the only
thing either of us could do. I just hoped it wouldn’t be easier said than done.


Chapter Sixteen

I returned home on
Tuesday, without Jess who was staying on with Lucas to help him as he sorted
out the estate. They were doing the school run and work was quiet. By Wednesday
night I was bored stiff, returning early from a dinner event we’d arranged for
one of Patrick’s business colleagues. It was mid week and a quiet affair that
had been over by half past ten. Sophisticated but dull just about summed it up
as I lay in bed, mulling over what I might do for my birthday on Saturday.
Patrick had given me the weekend off. Two Saturdays on the bounce was unheard
of, and I was determined to make the most of it, wondering whether to have a
big party with all my friends, or a small one with a select few. I settled on
the latter, calling Jess to ask her thoughts.

“Do you and Lucas
fancy going out for a few drinks on Saturday to celebrate my birthday?” I
asked, hearing her call Lucas over.

“I’d love to,
Chas, if Mrs Kilbride doesn’t mind having Dexter. I was going to ask what you
were planning. You normally have a big boozy affair with all your mates,” she
laughed and she was right.

“Well I fancy a
change this year. I thought I might ask Charlie, although he’ll probably be out
with Scarlett, and tell Lucas to mention it to Tyler. I haven’t decided on a
venue yet,” I said, wishing her goodnight and turning off my lamp. A quiet night
out would be a welcome distraction. The last thing I needed was an evening
spent fighting off unwelcome advances from horny men in whom I had absolutely
no interest. I was hoping Lucas Hunter’s repellent force field would work for
all of us. There was no doubt that picking myself up post Roman was proving
more difficult than usual.

I woke with a
start, staring at the digital green clock on my night stand. 2:45 AM and I knew
instinctively that I wasn’t alone. I sat up quickly as my eyes tried
desperately to adjust to the light, settling on the tall dark figure leaning
casually against my wardrobe in the pitch black room as my trembling hands
grabbed my phone and I screamed out loud. “I’m calling the police,” I shouted,
diving out of bed as the figure lurched towards me and my heart stopped dead as
a smell so familiar suffocated me, and he cut the call before it connected.

“Don’t be
frightened, it’s me, baby,” he said, gripping me tightly as I struggled free,
backing up until I hit the wall as he stood over me.

“What the hell are
you doing?” I screamed again as his hand clasped my mouth and he pinned me in place
with his hips, searching my eyes as mine found his in the darkness.

“Don’t be scared,
sweetheart,” he said as my heart hammered through my chest. Was he insane?

I bit his hand and
he pulled it back swiftly. “Don’t be scared, Roman? You break into my house in
the middle of the night and tell me not to be scared. I was fucking terrified.
How the hell did you get in anyway, my door is locked?” I gasped as he laughed

“Are you joking,
baby. A Yale lock is hardly to stop me,” he laughed as I shook my head,
slamming my fists hard against his chest as he grabbed my arms, forcing them
against the wall.

“Get out of my
apartment, you arrogant son of a bitch,” I yelled, breathing hard and
erratically, trying to still my hammering heart as his face moved closer still.

“I’ll go when I’ve
said what I came to say, Chastity,” he said seriously as I exhaled a long slow
breath, my hands still trembling.

“I want to
apologise,” he said softly as anger overtook the fear and I couldn’t believe
his nerve.

“There are better
ways to apologise to a woman than breaking into her home. Have you heard of
flowers, Roman, or a nice card? Saying goodbye in the first place might have
been a better idea, and then all of this charade wouldn’t have been necessary,”
I screeched as he cupped my face in his hands, resting his forehead against
mine, his touch alone breaking down my shaky defences. I wanted to hear him out
and I hated myself for it.

“I know, baby. I’m
sorry for splitting in the middle of the night, you deserved better. That
weekend was special to me; you’re special to me, but I knew if I’d have woken
you, that I’d have buried myself in that sweet little body of yours and missed
the chopper. Just the sound of your voice would have kept me there and I
couldn’t risk it,” he whispered gently against my lips. “I’m truly sorry,
Chastity, and that’s all I came to say.”

I closed my eyes,
swallowing hard and wondering if I could forgive him, but before I could even
decide, he was gone, moving quickly like a shadow towards my door as I flicked
on the light. “Roman, wait,” I said, my voice barely above a whisper as he
stopped and turned, gazing at me seriously and I tried to force back the hot
tears, stabbing the back of my eyes.

“You really hurt
me,” I said as he nodded.

“I know, baby,” he
replied as I moved towards him, placing my head on his chest, surprised to feel
his heart pounding as much as my own. He gripped me tightly in his arms and I
rested there for what felt like an eternity, revelling in his warmth and
knowing that despite everything, I still wanted my proper goodbye.

“Do you want me to
go?” he asked, kissing my hair as he held me against him. I shook my head,
unable to speak and wondering what the hell I was doing. My better judgement
was screaming at me to stop this now, but I wanted my closure; the missed
farewell and the final chapter and I wanted it on my terms, not his.

“I want to end
this thing properly, Roman,” I said as he lifted me up and carried me across to
the bed, sitting beside me, fully clothed as he smiled down at me.

“Do you want
more?” he asked and I wasn’t entirely sure I understood the question.

“How do you mean?”
He held my gaze, those beautiful blue eyes melting my insides and evaporating
all reason. This man was dangerous.

“I’m just checking
that your expectations haven’t changed,” he said as I shook my head.

“I have a list of
necessary qualities for the man I want, Roman, and you are not it,” I said as
he laughed.

“What’s on the list?”
he asked as I sat upright, pulling open the drawer on my bedside chest and
retrieving my treasured piece of paper.

“Fuck, it’s an
actual written down list,” he smirked as I cast him a stern glare.

“Yes it is as it happens,” I snapped, holding
it to my chest.

“Let’s have a look then,” he laughed, prying
the paper from my hands as I flushed slightly. No one had ever seen this list
in its entirety; not even Jess.

“You’re a picky
customer,” he grinned, glancing down the page. “Manners, hotness, rich, great
in bed, good personality, funny, charming, sociable, gentleman, nice to
waitresses, confident, responsible, wants a family, worships the ground I walk
on (ideally).”

“And there you
have it, Roman. That is not you,” I smiled sarcastically, taking the list back
and putting it back in the drawer.

“Well I’m hot,
rich, great in bed and nice to waitresses, although I’m not certain why that’s
so damned important,” he laughed.

“I think I’ll add
humble to my list which is another area you clearly fail in, and being nice to
waitresses is important because I am one. Besides, you can tell a lot about a
man from how he behaves with a waitress.”

“Really?” he
smiled as I nodded and I knew what I was talking about on this one.

“Yes. Men who are
nice to serving staff are generally gentleman in real life. The ones who click
their fingers or ball you out for a minor misdemeanour are arrogant arseholes
with low self esteem who belittle others to make themselves feel better. That
generally includes their woman. Take Lucas, for example. Now he’s a gentleman.
When Jess rammed her tray into his chest and spilt champagne all over him, he
didn’t shout at her. He bent down to help her pick up the glass, smiled and
told her it was okay.”

“Of course he did,
he wanted to bone her,” he laughed.

“He’s a gentleman, Roman and so is Charlie.
Just face it, you got the rogue gene,” I said and as soon as the words were out
of my mouth I cringed and wished I could take them back. “I’m sorry I didn’t
mean...” I started as he kissed me gently.

“I know you didn’t,” he smiled, pulling away
as I sat there wishing I could taste him again.

“I’m not the
bastard you think I am, Chas,” he smiled as I raised my eyebrows at him.

“Well what do you
call splitting in the dead of night, being completely arrogant, screwing around
with women whose names you can’t even remember, and killing people for a
living?” I asked, challenging him as he stared at me hard. My stomach flipped
in a curious mixture of fear and delight as he held my gaze.

“I’ll give you
splitting in the dead of night. I reverted to type and it’s a hard habit to
break. I’ve apologised, but I guess I’ll have to live with that one. I always
remember the names of women I’ve been intimate with, and I don’t know which of
my brothers told you I didn’t, but I can probably guess. I don’t kill people
for a living, Chas, I am not an assassin. I’m a negotiator and arrogance is a
necessary quality in my line of work, believe me. Sometimes it’s the only
defence I have. I would never take a life unless I had to, but if someone is
determined to put a bullet in me, I will damn well try and put one in them
first. It’s a lesson they teach you in the British Army and it’s served me
pretty well. It’s called not getting yourself fucking killed,” he uttered

“Very funny,
Roman,” I quipped, rolling my eyes.

“As for not
getting too close to women; that is for their benefit and safety,” he said as a
sadness I’d never seen before flashed across his features. There was a story
behind that look, and I wondered if I was getting as close as anyone had ever
come to the real Roman Hunter.

“Why, Roman, what
happened?” I asked gently as he stared at me for a moment, lying on the bed
beside me as I placed my head on his chest.

“If I tell you,
Chas, you have to promise it stays with you. This isn’t common knowledge,” he
said, as I nodded, looking up at him as he kissed the top of my head. “I’m only
telling you because I care about what you think, and I want you to understand
why I behave the way I do.”

I swallowed hard,
moved by his honesty, knowing he didn’t share his secrets lightly. “I promise,
Roman,” I whispered, following his gaze as he stared at the ceiling.

“I met a girl in
Asia and I fell head over heels in love with her. She was beautiful, like the
light to my darkness and she lit up my very soul. I’d have done anything for
her, I adored her, and everyone knew it. She wasn’t tainted and she believed in
me, Chas. She saw goodness and love in a way I’d never thought possible. She
was naive and innocent and I dragged her into a world that was seedy, corrupt
and deadly. I was brokering a deal and it turned ugly. Someone I trusted had
double crossed me. I thought she was safe, but she wasn’t. By the time I got to
her, it was too late. They’d cut her up badly and left me to find her. She was
still alive, but I couldn’t save her. She died in my arms, and I swore then
that no one close to me would ever pay the price for the decisions I make.
That’s why I disappear under aliases, why no one can ever find me, and very few
people even know who Roman Hunter is. Until I’m out of this, I won’t risk my
family or anyone I care about being exposed. It’s too risky,” he said as I
gazed up at him, flooded with sympathy and leaning up to brush my lips gently
against his.

“Did you get
revenge on the people who did that?” I asked as he smiled gently.

“You should know
better than to ask me questions like that,” he said and I knew then that Roman
had shut down again. I’d had a glimpse of his pain; a slither of the truth that
made this complex man tick and I wanted more, knowing that I wouldn’t get it.
Roman was an enigma, secretive and evasive, but from the words he’d just
spoken, there was a heart beating away in there, and he was a man who’d been
deeply wounded.

“I’m sorry that
happened,” I said gently as he nodded.

“Just don’t tell
anyone else, okay,” he said as I reached up to kiss him again. This time he
devoured my lips with an aggression I wasn’t expecting, rolling me over onto my
back, exploring my mouth with his tongue and I moaned deeply before pulling

“Are you sure this
is what you want?” he asked as I nodded.

“I want you naked
in my bed. I want you to spend the night holding me, and in the morning I want
you to kiss me goodbye. I can’t do this if you split again, helicopter or no
fucking helicopter,” I said seriously as he smiled.

“It’s a deal, baby
and I don’t want to keep a lady waiting,” he grinned, standing beside the bed
and stripping off to reveal that incredible body as I peeled back the sheets
and invited him in.

He worshipped
every inch of my soft flesh with those wonderful lips and this was the goodbye
I’d always hoped for. His velvet kisses ignited my shivering skin and he was
taking his time, sweetly and tenderly, in direct contrast to the animalistic
fucking we’d indulged in at the lodge. “Are you trying to show me you can be a
gentleman?” I asked as he laughed, nipping my bottom lip with his teeth.

BOOK: Roman: Book 2 (The Hunter Brothers Series)
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