Read Rodeo Queen Online

Authors: T. J. Kline

Rodeo Queen (7 page)

BOOK: Rodeo Queen
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Each time she’d caught his gaze, she’d read something in the smoky depths of his eyes that she didn’t want to consider. It wasn’t just desire, for she felt that herself. It was the feeling that everything she said and did was being weighed against a standard. Sydney felt like every comment he made was calculated for a reaction from her, which would then be measured on his scale of trust. She wasn’t sure how they could form any sort of friendship while she was so conscious of his judgment.

“You okay?” Scott’s voice startled her.

“I’m fine.” She leaned on Pie’s back and realized she felt more at ease with the horses between them. “Just checking on the animals before it gets too dark.”

Scott slipped through the panels and made his way closer, patting the rump of Dakota, the horse she’d ridden for him the morning before. “Hmm, seemed more like you were hiding.”

“Not hiding, just . . .” She searched for the word she wanted.

He leaned on Pie’s rump, his arm pressing against hers, and patted the mare’s neck. Scott looked into her eyes. “Hiding?”

Sydney’s breath caught. He was close enough to kiss her, his breath fanning her cheek. He smelled of leather, horses, and grass. She wanted him to kiss her and bit her bottom lip. His gaze immediately fell to her mouth. She couldn’t breathe; she had to inhale or she would pass out, but an inhale meant more of his scent filling her lungs. She stepped back from the mare, trying to put any space between them so that her brain would function.

“No, I just thought you’d like some guy time.” It was a lame excuse, but it was all she could muster. Scott arched a brow, indicating his disbelief. “What time are we pulling out tomorrow?” she asked as she pretended to check the hoof of a gelding nearby.

“It will take a couple trips, so I’ll start taking some of the animals over after breakfast.” He made his way around the horse. “Why? Are you in a hurry to get there?” As she stood up, he had moved to stand in front of her and reached for her hand, his thumb caressing her palm. “Or just to have someone besides me to talk to?”

“I . . .” she stammered. Her breath caught in her throat as warmth spread through her veins. Just a touch from Scott and her entire body felt as if it were being consumed by liquid heat. She felt conflicted, her mind warring with her emotions. Her logic told her to jerk her hand away from his touch, but her heart wanted her to remain, which scared her even more.

“Scott,” Jake yelled from the trailer. “Check the water while you’re over there.”

Sydney and Scott both looked toward Jake’s voice. “No problem,” he yelled back, breaking the spell he’d woven. Scott laughed, quietly. “Go ahead and hide, princess. I’ll take care of this.”

She knew it would look like she was running away, but she had to put some distance between them.
That man is far too sensual for his own good,
she thought as she hurried to where Pablo and Jake sat in folding chairs.

“I think I’m going to turn in, guys.” She gave Jake and Pablo a wave. “Did you want me to leave this light on?” She pointed at the light above the camper door.

“Whatever, Sydney,” Pablo answered. “The arena lights will kick on in just a few minutes.”

“Night, Sydney. Don’t worry, I’ll feed the horses in the morning,” Jake said.

Sydney stepped into the trailer and saw that Scott had put her overnight bag on the couch. She managed to find a long t-shirt and some track shorts she’d thrown inside and headed for the closet-sized compartment that housed a toilet and small area to change her clothes. She had just stripped off her jeans when she heard the trailer door open and close. She quickly changed shirts and gathered her dirty clothes. As she stepped from the bathroom, she saw Scott standing by the couch, bare-chested, removing his belt.

Sydney’s jaw dropped. A blush flooded her face as heat spread throughout her entire body. Her legs felt like liquid, and she was shocked that they could still hold her upright. “What are you doing?” she asked, when she was finally able to speak.

“Changing,” he answered, as if it should be obvious. “Why? Is there a problem?”

“Yes,” she answered, trying to keep her eyes focused on his face and not on the bronzed skin of his chest and abdomen, which rippled as he turned toward her.

Realization of her discomfort suddenly dawned in his eyes, but rather than salvage her humility, he pressed her boundaries of decency. “You don’t get any special treatment, princess,” he began, taking a step closer. “We are sharing this trailer tonight.”

Sydney stepped backward, her heel hitting the stairs going toward the only bed. She glanced over her shoulder: a queen size bed.
Of course
, she thought. “Then I hope you have someplace else to sleep.”

Scott took another step toward her until she had nowhere to go but into the doorway of the bedroom. He placed a hand on the door frame on either side of her shoulders and leaned close so that her eyes had no choice but to meet his. She willed herself to ignore the apprehension creeping upon her and tried to appear bored, a sharp contrast to the dark desire she could read in his intense gaze.

“What’s wrong, Sydney?” His voice was husky, seductive. “Didn’t you want to start over?” His mouth was barely a breath from hers and she fought to not give in to his kiss. “Don’t you want a repeat of the last evening we spent together?”

Sydney’s cheeks blazed as she saw past his seduction. Why did everything have to be a test with him? Was everything a game? Scott pushed himself away and she mentally grasped the rejection with both hands, using it to fuel her anger and push the yearning he’d stirred up aside.

“I’m sleeping on the couch.” He sounded as if the thought of being any closer disgusted him. “I’ve never had to force my way into a woman’s bed.” He glanced back at her over his shoulder. “But I’m not sure force would be necessary now, would it?”

“You horse’s—” she mumbled, walking into the bedroom.

“So I’ve been told,” he interrupted.

Sydney slammed the screen that separated the bedroom from the rest of the trailer. Trying to control her racing pulse, she took several deep breaths before she walked over to the bed and grabbed the comforter and pillow. She slid the screen back and stormed to the couch.

“Here!” She threw the pillow at him, only somewhat mollified when it hit his face with a soft thump. “I wouldn’t want you to complain you’re cold and try to make your way to the bed after all.”

She almost laughed at him trying to dig his way out of the blanket tangled around him. “How very kind of you, Your Highness,” he mocked.

“Go to hell.”

“I’ll meet you there,” he said, rolling onto his side and turned his back toward her.

“You are the most arrogant, conceited ass I have ever had the misfortune to meet,” she raged, assuring herself that if her mother had ever had to deal with Scott Chandler on a regular basis, she wouldn’t think cursing was unladylike.

Scott’s laughter reverberated in the small trailer. “Sweetheart, you need to get out more.”

If I were a man, she thought, I’d punch him. She wanted to scream in frustration. Blinking back her angry tears, she reached down and grabbed a handful of the blanket. “On second thought, I hope you freeze!” She pulled as hard as she could, storming back into the bedroom, dragging the blanket as Scott fell off couch and hit the floor with a thud.

Chapter Five

” S
a voice just before something clattered to the floor. “Crap!”

Sydney opened her eyes and raised herself onto her elbow to see what the commotion was about. She could only see Scott at the sink, but it sounded like he’d dropped every pot and pan at least twice. She slipped from the blankets and made her way to the doorway between the kitchen area and bedroom. In no way was she prepared for the sight that met her eyes.

Scott stood in the middle of the small trailer covered in milk and eggs. The small sink was filled with dirty dishes. The entire counter and some of the floor were covered with egg shells, raw egg, and milk. On the stove, smoke was pouring from a lump that looked as if it could have once been bacon. Scott was waving a towel, trying to push the smoke to an open window, so he didn’t seem to have heard her approach.

Sydney stifled a laugh, but Scott heard it and turned her way, giving her a murderous glare. It might have been enough to end the humor of the moment if he hadn’t already used the towel to wipe up some of his mess. He flipped the towel and raw egg yolk flung backward, landing on his forehead and slipping down, dropping from the end of his nose to land at his feet. At his look of utter distaste, Sydney’s giggles exploded into outright gales of laughter.

“Are you going to keep laughing all day?” he asked as he turned off the stove and wiped the mess from his face. “Or do I need to drag you down here to help me?” His irritation only made her laugh harder. Scott glared at her, his black eyes flashing.

“Okay,” she finally managed between spurts of laughter. “I’ll help.”

She had barely cleared the stairs when Scott pulled her into his arms, his body pressing fully against her own. “So,” he growled. “You think this is pretty funny?” Sydney was sure her smile belied the negative shake of her head. “What am I going to do with you?” Scott asked as he maneuvered her toward the counter.

Her pulse raced wildly as he held her wrists behind her back. She was completely at his mercy but she knew his playful mood was only dangerous to her heart. “You could let me go,” she suggested, trying to appear nonchalant.

Scott released her wrists and circled her waist with one arm, molding her body to his. He leaned closer, brushing his lips across her check to her earlobe. She closed her eyes in anticipation of his kiss, surrendering to the desire coursing through her. She’d dreamt about his kiss when sleep had finally claimed her in the early morning hours.

“I have something much more enjoyable in mind,” he whispered, his lips brushing her earlobe, sending shivers down her spine.

Scott pulled back and looked her in the eye, his eyes as dark as she’d ever seen them but almost sparkling with wicked charm. Sydney was confused when he gave her the same smile she’d seen so often from her brother when he’d just pulled off a prank. She quickly realized she’d been had. She followed his gaze to his hand, raised in the air just above her head, just in time to see him crack an egg against the cabinet above. She squealed and tried to squirm away from him as the wet, slimy mess landed on her forehead.

“Bull’s-eye.” Scott’s deep laughter rumbled through the trailer. “Now we’re even.”

“Ugh!” Sydney groaned as the egg yolk slid down her face and into her t-shirt.

“Need some help cleaning that up?” he teased, raising an eyebrow impishly, his eyes gleaming dangerously.

Sydney looked down to see her shirt clinging to her breasts and felt the egg yolk slide down her stomach. She spun away from him, reaching for the towel on the sink, and began to wipe the mess from under her shirt.

“You sure you don’t want an extra hand?” Scott chuckled.

Sydney spotted the soapy water, complete with bits of cooked eggs floating on top. With her back still to him, she silently scooped up water in a dirty glass. “Actually, maybe you can help.” She spun to face him, her hands around the glass of water.

“Don’t,” he warned.

“I think you need to cool off a bit,” she threatened. He surprised her, moving quickly to disarm her of the glass, but she had quicker reflexes than he’d assumed. Sydney pitched the water at him, feeling satisfied as it connected squarely on his chest and splashed water in his face, momentarily blinding him.

Scott yelled in surprise, giving her a moment to scoot away from his grasp in the confined space.

“There!” she said, triumphant. “Now, we are even.”

“Oh, sweetheart, we aren’t even close.” Scott’s voice was too calm as he made his way toward her, and she realized exactly how a kitten must feel when it teases a snake, awakening danger it didn’t expect.

She quickly searched the area for any sort of weapon. Grabbing a handful of cold scrambled eggs, she whirled to confront her attacker. “One more step and you’ll be wearing these, too.” Scott regarded her with an amused smile and took another step toward her. “I mean it, pal.”

Scott dodged the eggs flung toward him. He wasn’t as lucky, however, when a well-aimed handful of what had once been hash browns immediately followed and hit the side of his head. Sydney realized her folly too late and ran for the door, hoping to seek refuge outside. She flew out the door, leaping off the top stair just in time to see Jake walking toward the trailer, a worried frown creasing his brow.

“Jake,” Sydney screamed, laughing again, trying to run toward the confused man.

“Oh, no you don’t.” Scott grabbed her by the waist and swung her over his shoulder like a sack of grain.

“Jake, help!” she screamed, pounding helplessly on Scott’s solid back.

“Oh no, honey,” Jake chuckled. “He’s my boss. I’m staying out of this.”

She cast him an evil glare but didn’t think it had any effect with her hanging upside down. Jake was quickly forgotten when she realized that Scott was heading toward the water trough.

“Scott, don’t you dare!”

“Well, Sydney, you seem to like water. Maybe you need to cool off.” He stopped directly in front of the trough. She could see the leaves of alfalfa floating on top. “You did say you might need help cleaning up your shirt. I’m just being helpful, the way you were.”

Begging for forgiveness wasn’t usually her style, but then again neither was sitting in an icy water trough at seven
in a deserted rodeo arena. She had to try. “Scott, I’m really sorry that I threw that water at you.”

“And . . .?” he encouraged.

“And, um, I’m sorry I laughed at your attempt to make breakfast.” He didn’t move, and she wondered how long a person could hang upside down with all of the blood rushing to her head. “Well?” She was getting anxious to have her feet on solid ground again.

“You apologize real pretty-like, honey.” Scott mimicked Jake’s drawl.

“So, can you put me down now?”

BOOK: Rodeo Queen
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