Rocked Down & Out (Rocked #11) (6 page)

BOOK: Rocked Down & Out (Rocked #11)
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"Never." I tried to smooth down my hair. "I guess I was more tired than I thought. Sorry if I worried you."

He took my hand in his. "It's okay. I was just hoping to have someone to hide from the post-show partying with. There are only so many times I can watch Rick take shots off his bicep."

"Yeah, I bet." I cocked my head to the side. "Wait, he does that? How?"

Matthew chuckled. "I'm sure you'll see soon enough. It's his only trick."

"Gotcha. Red said we were leaving. Don't you need to get to your bus?"

"Nope." He squeezed my fingers. "I'm riding with you tonight."

"You can't, this is a crew bus."

"I cleared it with Becca. Rick's riding with Julia, anyway. Plus, Joe and Dex are arguing about nothing again, and I don't need to listen to that all night."

I glanced over at the door. "But won't people wonder why you're in here with me?"

"Maybe. But don't worry, no one will say anything. This crew is like family. We've got each other's backs."

"Oh." His comment made me think of Steven, wonder what he was doing right now.

A worried frown marred Matthew's handsome features. "Unless you don't want me here. I mean, if you want to be alone…"

I raised our hands to my mouth and kissed his knuckles. "No, I'm glad you're here."

He smiled and leaned against me. "Not the most romantic date location, but at least we can have a little privacy back here."

"This is a date?"

"It can be. If you want."

I grinned. "I'd love that."

Given the relative quiet, a small fridge stocked with food and drink and the great company, it was probably the best date I'd ever been on. And the weirdest. As the bus pulled out of the lot and we headed to the next city, I was too happy about having time with Matthew to remember how tired and alone I'd just been feeling.


For the first hour on the road Matthew and I just chatted about silly things, favorite movies and foods, funny memories; normal getting to know each other stuff. It was strange. I knew so much about him from researching the band, but stupid little things, like the fact that he didn't know how to ride a bike, felt really important. He told me funny tour bus stories and that as much as he liked the convenience and shorter trips on the private plane that would be taking us to some of the cities on the tour, nothing took the place of hours bumping down dark interstates.

I sat there, listening to him and something occurred to me that I had to find out. "You know, you actually talk a lot."

He laughed, shoving his hair out of his eyes. "Thanks?"

"Damn. I didn't mean it like that. I just… well, you know. You're the quiet one. In interviews you only respond if asked something directly. Becca told me she wasn't sure what your voice even sounded like for weeks. But when we're alone, you have plenty to say."

He shrugged and sat back. "I've always been that way, I guess. Most of the time when people talk they're not really saying anything. Besides, I'm surrounded by loudmouths. It's easier to let them do their thing. I jump in when I feel like it."

"Being with me makes you feel like talking?"

"Sometimes. But being with you
makes me want to get to know you better and I can't do that without talking." He brushed a hand over my cheek. "Well, some ways of getting to know you don't require words."

I giggled and blushed like a total fucking dork. Matthew brought out the strangest things in me. A combination of shyness and boldness that made my head spin. I liked it.

"Sorry," he said teasingly. "I know you were trying to have a serious conversation, but I couldn't help it."

"I don't mind. I like all of the ways we communicate."

"So do I. And, to be serious for a second, there's another reason I talk more when I'm around you."


He smiled. "You listen. Actually listen. Most people don't. At least, not to me."

"If they don't, they're stupid."


I lifted my legs onto his lap and snuggled closer. "Definitely." I gazed deep into his eyes.

"And there's that," he said.

"There's what?"

"The way you look at me. The way you see me. I like that."

I arched an eyebrow. "I would think the opposite. That you'd like not being seen. Don't you get tired of having the whole world looking at you all the time?"

He shook his head. "I spend most of my time standing in a spotlight, but no one actually sees me. I'm just there. The leftover one whose name they forget."

"You're not."

"Not to you."

I smiled and kissed him lightly on the lips. "Never. And if the rest of the world could see what I do, you'd be mobbed all the time."

"I doubt that." He frowned. "Don't get me wrong. I appreciate everything I have. But sometimes I just wish… I don't know."

"I understand," I said, hugging him hard. "But I still think you're wrong. I'd be happy to have you all to myself, but I don't. People care about you. When you were in the hospital, there was a crowd of fans outside. They slept in the parking lot. I remember."

"They weren't there for me. They were waiting for Joe. Or, Dex. Hell, some sick fucks even prayed that Rick was okay. But no one even thought of me. I'm the other one. If I'd walked out without the entourage, no one would have even paid attention. In some ways it's cool. I can just play music, not worry about the bullshit. But I have to wonder. If I'd died in that accident, or if I died tomorrow, would anyone have noticed? Dream Defiled would be fine without me, and it's a bit of a blow. To the ego, and the heart."

My eyes filled with tears for him. He thought he was invisible to the world. I could see it in the way he walked, the way he spoke when he was in a mood like this. I recognized the expression on his face, the slump of his shoulders. I'd looked and moved the same way for a few years. Every new school, every new foster home. Every single time someone found out I was "that girl who watched her parents die." It was too much. I wanted to be seen for myself, not the facts of my life. So I hid in plain sight, shrank into myself the same way he did. Having Steven by my side changed all that for me. And maybe I could change it for Matthew.

"Shit, I'm sorry," Matthew muttered, taking my face in his hands. "I didn't mean to dump all that out on you."

"I'm glad you did. I want to know what you're thinking and feeling."

He chuckled humorlessly. "Be careful what you wish for."

"I mean it."

"I know you do." He sighed. "The truth is, I just don't know what to think. Everything is still so fucked up with the band, it's making my mind race about all kinds of things."

"You guys seem to be pulling it together."

Matthew shook his head. "Sort of. Sometimes. I don't know. After Ryan… after the accident we promised to do better. To stop letting petty things fuck with us. And we're trying. But something just isn't right. I can't even explain what it is, but I think we might be broken. Really broken, Ellie." His voice cracked with emotion and he buried his face in my neck.

I held him tight. "You're not. I know it. You guys are magic together. That hasn't changed."

"Everything else has. Look at tonight. Each of us gone our separate ways. How long before it becomes separate lives?" He pulled away from me and crossed his arms. "We're family, this band. Brothers for years. We thought that would protect us from typical band bullshit. But families fall apart all the time, too."

I nodded, swallowing past the lump in my throat. "They sure do. Mine did."


I fisted my hands on my thighs. "The worst possible way. When I was a little kid, my father murdered my mother right in front of me. I was so scared I couldn't move. But he came over to me and I thought it was my turn to die. But he just put the telephone in my hand and told me to call the cops. Then he went over to her body, looked at her for a minute and then blew himself away. Then it was all over. My family was gone. They died in less time than it took for the cops to come and take me away."

Matthew put his hands over mine, kneeling in front of me.

"I-I'm just telling you so you know that I do understand. How scary it is. How alone you can feel. I spent most of my childhood shuttled from foster home to foster home every few months. They couldn't deal with me, with my issues. I didn't finish a semester anywhere until the house where I met Steven. We managed to stay together until he turned eighteen, and he's my family, it isn't the same. I'm not the same girl I could have been. I never let myself really feel safe. Because it can all end. Everything ends."

"It does," he whispered, squeezing my fingers.

"But I did learn one thing. You can't control the world. But you can control yourself. You can fight for what matters. You can hold on as tight as possible for as long as possible. And if you do, then sometimes it can work. Sometimes you can keep the thing you love. Get through the bad times. Find that you're not over, you're just down. Not down and out. Not yet."

Matthew's eyes shone with tears and he reached up, kissing me hard, holding me so tight I could barely breathe. "That's beautiful," he said against my lips. "You're beautiful."


We dozed off for the rest of the ride, clinging together to keep from drowning in the pain of the past, and fears of the future. The bus offloaded at the new hotel in the new city and I barely saw any of it.

Matthew escorted me to my room and carried my stuff. He ordered coffee from room service while I took a shower. We didn't talk much, words seemed unimportant. And insufficient. Opening our hearts, admitting out deepest fears in the back of a tour bus had taken our relationship to a new level. It kind of scared me, but I couldn't stop smiling, even as sadness encircled me.

While I was soothing my sore body and refreshing my mind, my thoughts were on the man waiting for me in the other room. Matthew was like no one I'd ever met before. And I was falling for him. Hard. Harder than I ever had before. I'd never let myself value romance as anything but a diversion with a quick countdown timer. But now, with him, I thought of the future. Three more months of the tour together sounded like heaven. And after that, maybe something even better.

When I came out of the bathroom he was sitting on the bed, reading something on his phone.

"Everything okay?" I asked, filled to bursting with overwhelming emotions.

"Yeah, sure. Just checking the schedule for today."

I looked over at the clock sadly. "Do you have to go?"

He stood up, came over and took my hands in his. "Nope. This is officially sleep time for the band, but I'm not tired."

"You're not?" I adjusted the towel I had wrapped around my head.

"Nope. I was, kind of. But then I was sitting here, listening to the water running in the bathroom, imagining you in there… wet, naked, soapy…" he flashed a sexy smile. "Better than uppers."

I blushed and slapped him lightly on the arm. "Pervert."

"Yup." His eyes blazed as he stared at me.

I returned the gaze, enjoying the way my heart was racing, the way my whole body hummed being so close to him.

But for once, Matthew didn't seem to be able to read me. He stepped back and crossed his arms. "Uh, it's okay. I know things got a little intense before and it's late or early or whatever. I can just see you later, I guess."

I barked out a laugh and threw my arms around his neck. "God, don't you ever shut up?" Before he could reply I kissed him hard and deep, pressing myself against him as hard as I could.

He froze for a second and then kissed me back. His mouth devoured mine and a low, hungry sound emanated from his chest. He shifted us and walked me backwards until the backs of my knees hit the bed. We tumbled down, frantically touching skin and tearing at clothes, sucking at each other's lips hard enough to bruise. It was like a dam had flooded and every second was an eternity.

Matthew yanked off the top and shorts I'd thrown on after my shower, running his hands over my still damp skin, making me shudder. He licked down over my chin and neck, down between my breasts to the swell of my stomach. Holding me still with his hands on my hips, he kissed and nipped at my least favorite part of me, worshipping what I always wished I could hide.

Squirming as desire threatened to drive me insane, I wondered how such an unsexy part of my body could feel so erotic. And then, as one of his hands slipped between my thighs, all thoughts left me entirely.

As his fingers touched me I moaned and arched my back. It felt like every minute we'd ever spent together had led to this and I couldn't wait anymore.

"Please," I said, gasping.

He chuckled. "In a hurry?"


Without a word, Matthew finished undressing himself. He rose up to kiss me on the mouth while he unwrapped a condom and rolled it down his thick length. Keeping eye contact, he positioned himself between my legs, spread me open with shaking fingers and then slid inside.

I groaned as he filled me, slowly, perfectly.

"You are so beautiful," Matthew whispered, holding himself up over me with his forearms.

I pushed his hair out of his eyes and rolled my hips, cherishing the sensation of him inside me, finally. It felt like my body was made just for this, just for him.

He pulled back a fraction and then slid home again. And then again. And then once more. I gripped his hips as we found a perfect rhythm, sliding over and against each other, skin to skin, heart to heart.

As heat coiled deep within me I wanted to shut my eyes, but I wouldn't let myself. Keeping my gaze locked on those deep, soulful hazel eyes centered and excited me. The combination of passion and care in them was almost too much to take. But I took it happily, took all of him and gave all of me.

Matthew cupped the back of my neck in one hand and pressed his forehead against mine. Thrusting deeper and faster, he pushed me higher and higher. Watching the strain on his face and feeling the tension filling his body, I knew he was close. I clenched down and moaned, biting my lip to keep from screaming as my own climax exploded suddenly, filling me with delicious fire.

BOOK: Rocked Down & Out (Rocked #11)
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