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Authors: Sophia Hampton

Rocked by an Angel (3 page)

BOOK: Rocked by an Angel
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Melody took a good look at the man standing before her. He looked gorgeous as always, tousled and tan. He was wearing a fitted black tee with a Harley emblem on it and jeans that were worn and hugged his muscled thighs. He flipped his hair with a look of annoyance, and she had to hide a smile. Typical Jackson Kent.


"Jacks-" she started, stepping closer to him.


"Don't come any closer. If you come closer, then I'm going to take you upstairs and not let you back down for twenty-four hours. Then, it's going to be all about sex and you'll stay until it's about something more, and then you'll leave." He took a breath.


She waited until she was certain he was done, and then she spoke, "I love you, Kent."


He opened and shut his mouth, not sure if this was a trick. "You do?"


"Obviously. Why else would I put up with your dirty laundry on the floor and the annoying way you try to kiss me when I'm angry at you? Those are serious offenses!" She tried to keep a stern face, but the love that she had felt for more than a decade started to shine through.


"Then," he started, hesitantly, "does that mean..."


"Yes, you idiot. I want to be with you. Permanently." She threaded her fingers through his, and he cupped her face in his hand.


"We can live on your tour bus. I'll leave the club behind." This surprised her, causing her to rumple his t-shirt in her clenched fingers.


"Y-you would do that for me?" she asked, tripping over her syllables.


"Of course I would! I did just say I loved you, Mel. That's what love is, right? Giving. Receiving. Taking..." He squeezed her butt, and she couldn't stop the giggle from escaping.


"Stop that. You're not giving up the club." That stopped him dead in his tracks, mid squeeze.


"What?" he asked, hoarsely.


"Why do you think I left? I had to get my affairs in order. I rented out this condo, and I took the job being the music teacher at Grovesfield High School, the next town over."


He stood there looking at her, stunned. She continued, "Oh, I'm sure I'll still do shows and tracks occasionally in my off time, but I'm over the rock star lifestyle. I have been for quite some time, I guess. It was fun when I was younger, but not now. Not when I have something real and lasting at my fingertips." She touched his face gently, rubbing her thumb over his mouth and chin. "Now...are you going to make an honest women out of me or not?"


He laughed, crushing her to him tightly. "Melody Renee Turner...will you marry me?"


"Yes, Jackson Dean Kent. I believe I will." He lifted her up into his arms and swung her around, not caring that they were drawing a crowd in from the street, a bus passing by full of tourists. They whistled and cheered, as he planted a firm kiss on her lips. He placed a large square diamond on her finger, and she brushed away an errant tear.


Apparently love DOES wait
, she thought happily.



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They stopped looking for Shane Perry fifteen years ago.
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When the ghost of Shane Perry rides into town, he threatens to spoil it all.
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Allison Russell has a special knack for getting into trouble.
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Grace is the very best at what she does.
Working for the Public Defender’s Office is thankless and the pay is meager, but she’s a true believer in the justice system. The beautiful, underpaid attorney has made it her life’s mission to see to it that ‘innocent until proven guilty’ still means something.
Tobey is a self-confessed career criminal.
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There are some things Tobey won’t do for any price.
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But when Grace uncovers evidence to exonerate Tobey both their lives are in danger and Tobey is quickly coming to the conclusion that he can’t let any harm come to his beautiful champion, not now or ever.




Casey Stone has always known her family was a little different.
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Brian was just playing around when he sidled up to the Stone boys’ sister and offered her a drink.
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Michael Lawrence is not the kind of man who runs from a little conflict
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Sarah knows all about Michael Lawrence.
Or so she thinks. She’s come across his handiwork writing for the paper and what she’s seen has disgusted her. Sarah detests violence, the thing Michael Lawrence seems to bring with him everywhere he goes.
Now Michael is getting to know Sarah.
Sarah’s latest article has Michael’s crew all worked up, as it implicates about half of them. Michael’s not too pleased, either, but when his crew decides to take matters into their own hands it’s Michael’s reluctant duty to keep her safe.
And Sarah doesn’t have the good sense to be terrified.
The beautiful reporter has no fear and no particular fondness for Michael. Can Michael bring her around before she runs headlong into serious trouble? And more importantly, how will find the strength to let her go when the danger’s passed?


BOOK: Rocked by an Angel
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