Read Rock Stars Do It Forever Online

Authors: Jasinda Wilder

Rock Stars Do It Forever (2 page)

BOOK: Rock Stars Do It Forever
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If he touched her any more intimately, Jamie would combust on the spot. He brushed his finger back down her arm, slicing down the skin mere millimeters from her breast. She ached for his touch suddenly. If he would just nudge the outside of her breast, even through her shirt and her bra, she might find some satisfaction. Some release. The pressure, the mountain of frustration piled up within her, was heavier than ever, pushing at the walls of her sanity. She
Chase. It wasn’t a matter of desire. Not anymore.

to feel him. Hold him. Touch him. Taste him. His face was an inch away from hers, his spicy male scent filling her nostrils, his breath on her neck, his finger now teasing her, tracing the curve of her breast. His freshly shaven scalp gleamed dully in the dim lights, and Jamie couldn’t resist scraping her palm over the smooth skin, drawing his lips closer to hers, drawing his mouth against hers, from sucking his tongue into her mouth and running her tongue over his teeth and tasting the faint tang of toothpaste layered under the pizza and the more recent beer he’d been sipping as he set up.

His body closed the space between them, his hips between her legs, his mouth returning her kiss with equal fervor, his hand kneading the denim clinging to her thigh, his fingers tickling the underside of her breast. He was her world, the distant thump of the drums being tested fading, the hum of a guitar and the rumble of a bass drowned beneath the rush of blood in her ears, the pound of need in her mind, the crush of desire like sun fire in her veins.

“I want you…” she gasped, the words torn from her lips as the kiss broke.

“I need you…” he answered, murmuring the words in a ragged rhythm, his lips moving against hers.

Her legs wrapped around his waist, her arms around his neck, and they kissed once more, or perhaps it was the same kiss continued, broken and resumed.
That was it
, Jamie decided: they’d only kissed once over the blocks of months they’d been denying their love for each other. It was only one kiss, interrupted.

Howls and wolf whistles finally had them splitting apart.

“If we don’t stop now, we’ll never stop,” Chase said, his voice a husky whisper.

“But I don’t want to stop,” Jamie said.

“I don’t, either,” Chase said, “but the things I want to do to you are best done in private.”

“What are you doing to my privates?”

“A lot of things,” Chase promised, “but none of them here.”

“At least give me a hint?”

Chase kissed her again, slowly, driving his tongue into her mouth, dipping in and retreating, laving her lips and tongue. “I’ll do that to you…” he whispered, “over…and over…and over.”

“Oh, god…please?” Jamie’s voice was a pleading whimper. She sounded desperate, and she didn’t care, because she
desperate. “What else are you gonna do to me?”

“Hmmm,” Chase rumbled. He scratched her jeans on her thigh, high up, dangerously close to the “V” where she wanted his touch, his fingers moving in a mocking rhythm. “I might do this to you…and if you’re good, I might even kiss you and touch you like that at the
same time
. I might even let you come.”

Jamie laughed against his mouth, her smile mirroring his. She reached between them to cup his bulge through the leather of his pants, felt a thrill of satisfaction as she realized he was huge and hard inside his pants, aching for her as she ached for him. She traced the hard lines of his cock with her thumb and forefinger, stroking him through the leather. “And I might just do this to you,” she whispered back to him. “I might just let you come, too.
you’re good. I might just put my mouth on you and let you come down my throat. You want that? Hmmm?”

“Oh, god.” Chase’s voice was thick with barely restrained desire. “God…do I want that. So bad.

“Well, then…you’d better be good. And you’d better finish this show so you can take me home.” Jamie felt a pang of emptiness shoot through her as Chase backed away, watching her for several backward steps before turning away and swaggering to the stage. The ache between her thighs was an all-devouring pressure now, a pounding, pulsing, fiery burn.

It was going to be a long show.


Chase knew he’d never been more on fire as that night on stage. The knowledge that Jamie was waiting for him at the bar infused him with a manic energy, a contagious drive that had the band playing better than they ever had. The crowd felt it, too, and turned the concert into a wild party, several mosh pits starting in various areas. Chase worked them up into a fury, adjusting the intended playlist to include numbers the crowd could participate in, goading them into singing back to him. He bounded across the stage, feeling the music in his veins like liquid fire. Every once in a while he would glance to where Jamie watched from her seat at the bar, and he would feel a new rush of energy burst through him at the sight of her.

By the time the show was over, the crowd was insane, and began chanting for an encore until the band had to go back out and play another mini-set. Chase was impatient by this time. As much as he loved the rush of performing, he was ready to be done, ready to scoop Jamie up and find the nearest hotel room. He crossed back and forth at the edge of the stage, eyes now locked on Jamie in the distance, finishing their last encore number.

Off-stage, Chase had a quick celebratory shot with the guys, who knew his moods well enough to know he wasn’t in the mood for a party. They’d grown used to him taking off on his own while they partied.

Gage followed him away from the group, cornering him against a doorway. “Something happened.” Gage knew him better than anyone, and knew there was a reason for his renewed energy.

Chase shrugged into his coat and moved to push past him. “Yeah, something happened. I’ll catch up to you guys.”

Gage narrowed his eyes, blocking Chase’s exit. “You’ve doing better recently. Since you’ve been with Tess. The guys need you on point, man. I don’t know what’s going on with you, but something’s changed.”

“Tess broke up with me.”

Gage rocked his head back on his shoulders, eyes closing, scrubbing his palms down his face. “Shit.”

“It’s okay, though. It had to happen. I knew it, she knew it. It’s better this way.”

“You don’t seem real broken up about it.” Suspicion crossed Gage’s face, his pale blue eyes searching Chase’s.

“It’s complicated. We’re in Milwaukee next, right?”

“Yeah, why?”

Chase shrugged, going for nonchalance. “Go without me. I’ll meet you there. I’ve got some shit to take care of.”

Gage’s lips quirked. “Does the shit you’re taking care of happen to have curly red hair?”


Gage shook his head slowly and blew out a long breath. “Just be on stage in Milwaukee on Wednesday, man,” he said. “That’s all I ask.”

“I will. You know I will.”

Gage clapped Chase on the shoulder and turned away, then stopped and gave Chase a long, level look. “Also, because you’re my best friend…be careful, okay? When everything happened with Anna, man, you were a hot fucking mess. Having you on an even keel makes everything better for all of us.”

Chase nodded and gave Gage a man-hug, their right hands clasping as if arm-wrestling, then bumping chests and right shoulders. “I know. That was kind of a shitty time for me. Thanks for putting up with my bullshit. This thing I’ve got going on now…it could be good. Really good.”

“And if it doesn’t go the way you’re hoping?”

Chase didn’t answer immediately. “It will. It has to.”

Gage gave Chase a hard shove toward the exit. “Go. And good luck.”

I don’t need luck
, Chase thought.
I just need her

He found her on the same stool where he’d left her, finishing a side of cheese fries, dipping the last one in ranch. She had a nearly empty glass of red wine in front of her, and she tossed the last bit back as Chase approached.

“That was a seriously great show,” she said, standing up and putting on her coat, then slipping her palms around to the backs of his shoulders. “You kicked ass.”

The familiar affection in the way she touched him sent a thrill of excitement through Chase, the kind of upwelling of emotion that had his throat closing and his heart pumping harder. He fitted his hands to the swell of her hips, holding her tight against him.

“Thanks,” he said. “I was pumped. I felt good. Knowing you were watching…it just gave me this jolt of energy.”

Jamie pressed even closer to him, crushing her breasts against his chest and gazing up into his eyes. “So now what do we do?” She curled her fingers into the muscle of his shoulders, nails raking through the thin cotton of his T-shirt, sending chills of arousal shivering down his spine and into his balls.

“Now…we have three days to ourselves. My next show isn’t until Wednesday.”

Her lips touched his jaw between ear and chin, then his throat; Chase had to focus on catching his breath each time a kiss planted fire on his skin. “And what could we possibly do for those three days?” Her voice was low and sultry and thick with overt suggestion.

Chase let his fingers crawl down to caress the upper curve of her ass, scratching the denim. “Hmmm. I might be able to think of a few things.”

“Less thinking, more doing.” Jamie bit him, a sharp nip of the skin on his neck near his shoulder. “I can’t take the waiting anymore. I need you. Right now.”

Chase rumbled a husky laugh in reply, turning away and taking her hand in his. He pulled her into a swift walk, leading her out of the club and into the cold Chicago night. The air was still and thin, cold as the upper atmosphere, dark as space. A yellow cab drifted by, its light off, tires buzzing against the road. A few isolated flecks of snow skirled through the street, blown from some secret place. The sky above was clear and cloudless, blackest black between sky-scraping towers. A sliver of gibbous moon glinted low in the sky, and Jamie’s hand was warm in Chase’s.

He took a deep breath of the frozen air, glanced at Jamie. “There’s a hotel just around the corner. We can go there.”

“The closer the better.”

Chase pulled her into a walk in the direction of the hotel. “Eager, much?”

Jamie shoved him playfully. “Yeah. You’re not? Maybe I misjudged the situation, then.”

Chase pulled her into him and grabbed a handful of her ass and kneaded it roughly. “I’m about two seconds away from bending you over that car and taking you right here,” Chase growled, “so don’t tempt me.”

Jamie gazed up at him with serious eyes. “You don’t hear me protesting, do you?”

Chase just shook his head and pulled her back into a walk. They reached the hotel soon, and Chase stood at the concierge desk arranging for a room. The lobby was deserted except for the concierge. As he worked with the young woman behind the desk, Chase felt Jamie’s fingers slide down over his stomach and down to his groin. She found the shape of his cock behind his zipper and traced its length with her fingers. Chase gave her a look in warning, but she only smiled innocently at him. The concierge named the total for the room, and Chase dug his wallet out of his coat pocket, working to keep his expression neutral and his hips still. Jamie’s stroking of his shaft through the leather increased in tempo as he waited for his card to be run, and then as he signed the slip. He was growing harder with every stroke, burgeoning, thickening. He felt pre-come gather at the tip, soaking the cotton of his boxer-briefs. He sucked in a deep breath and let it out slowly, turning away and pushing Jamie in front of him to hide his arousal. They stood back to front at a bank of elevators, waiting for a car to arrive. As they stood, Jamie pressed herself back against him, subtly writhing her hips to rub her ass against his cock.

Chase hissed between his teeth, finding it ever harder to contain his arousal. He was nearing the point of having to physically hold himself back. He’d been so turned on for so long that he was near to bursting. He’d been turned on and ready to go since the moment Jamie slammed into him on the street, since she kissed him, since her body pressed against his. His arousal had only kind of gone away during the show, and every time he’d glanced at Jamie from the stage, he’d felt a bolt of desire.

He was so hard, so ready…and she was making it impossible to hold back, reaching behind herself to cup the back of his head, turning her face sideways to plant desperate kisses on his cheek and lips, writhing against his cock shamelessly. There was no one in the lobby at all, the concierge having vanished, but Chase still felt exposed.

“Goddamn, Jamie. You have me right on the edge,” he said, whispering in her ear. “I’m close already. You’d better back up and give me a chance to get myself under control, or I’m gonna come in my pants right here.”

The elevator doors opened right then, and they stepped into the car, pushing the button for the seventh floor. The doors swooshed closed, and as soon as the car began moving, Jamie turned to face Chase.

“Maybe I don’t want you to have control…” she said, fumbling with the button of his pants. “Maybe I want you to come, right here, right now.”

“That could be messy.”

His pants were open now, and she was pushing his zipper down, freeing his rigid shaft and taking it into both hands. Chase couldn’t breathe suddenly, could only hold himself absolutely still, every muscle tensed and locked, focused on holding back. Her hands were hot on his skin, soft and tender and greedy, working him steadily, her body pressed against his, backing him into a corner.

He felt himself rising then, against his control. Her eyes were on him, searching him. He had to close his eyes then, squeezing them shut and gritting his teeth, sucking in a breath and holding it, ducking his head and straining with every fiber of his being.

She didn’t relent, kept up her slow, intimate ministrations, both fists on his length, gliding up and back down, rubbing his crown in her palm now as she pumped his base, then moving her fists on him hand over hand.

BOOK: Rock Stars Do It Forever
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