Read Roadside Service Online

Authors: B. L. Wilde,Jo Matthews

Roadside Service (6 page)

BOOK: Roadside Service
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“It’s a long story,” I mumbled, getting onto the back of his bike. “You’ll stay with me tonight, won’t you?” I whispered against his ear, holding myself close to him.

“Nothing could keep me away,” he smirked, turning to look at me before starting his bike.

“Violet, focus. We need one more shot and then we’re done for the day,” Allie called, snapping me from my thoughts. Time was going so fast. I only had a matter of days left with Blake, and I wasn’t sure I’d be able to walk away without feeling a deep loss in the pit of my stomach.

“Okay,” I breathed as one of my runners handed me a bottle of water.

“The sooner we get out of this town, the better. Your head has been in the clouds ever since you arrived.”

“Pure Desire hasn’t complained about my quality of work!” I snapped.

“That’s because they don’t know you like I do. It’s Paris Fashion week next. You can’t afford to let yourself slip up now. You’ve worked too hard.”

“I’m not. I’ve been working nonstop since I arrived. What more do you want?”

“I want to know what’s really going on with you and the mechanic.”      

“He’s just keeping me company while I’m here.”

Every night?
” Damn, she did have eyes and ears everywhere. “You’ve been late twice this week.” Was it my fault Blake was so hard to leave in the morning? He always had ways of making me stay in bed just a little bit longer.

“And I apologized.”

“That isn’t good enough. Pure Desire paid a fortune for you, Violet.” I wanted to say that I didn’t give a shit, but too many people were milling around within earshot.

“I think you’re being a little harsh,” I glared.

“Just focus, please. You only have a few days left and then we can say good riddance to this place.” Did she have to keep reminding me.

“How was work?” Blake asked, already lying on my bed at the hotel. He had his own keycard to my suite; it was just easier that way.

“Allie was on my case again,” I pouted, stretching out on the bed next to him once I’d taken my shoes off.  

“It wasn’t about me again, was it?”

“A little. I’m not prepared to talk to her about my personal life, though. It’s none of her business.”

“She’s your agent, Violet. She’s only looking out for you.”  

“I know what I’m doing.”

“And what
you doing?” he smirked, pulling me down on top of him.

“Mmm,” I giggled, sitting up and rocking against him. “Right now, I’m straddling a very sexy man.”  

“Fuck, Violet,” Blake groaned, gripping my hips tightly. “I want you all the time. I forgot to do two oil changes at work today because I was daydreaming about you.”

“What were you thinking about?” I purred, moving to undo his jeans.

“I think you already know,” he snorted, running his hands under my dress to cup my ass. “You don’t want to talk about today first?”

“What’s there to really talk about?” I frowned, moving to get a condom from the bedside table.

“I don’t want to cause friction between you and your agent.”

“You’re not.”

“I think I am,” he sighed, sitting up. I slid off him, confused with what was happening. “Violet, what are you even doing wasting your time with someone like me?”

“I love spending time with you. You know that.”

“You’re going to leave such a hole when you leave. How am I ever going to find someone better than you?”

“I’m not as amazing as you think I am. I can have really bad mood swings, I’m never in one place for very long, and you’ll have your every step criticized by the press just because of your relationship with me.”

“You have no idea how amazing you are, do you? Even though the whole world is captivated by your beauty, you can’t see it.”

“It’s hard to love yourself when so many people are judging you. I never wanted to be this famous.”

“I would never judge you,” Blake muttered, running his hands through my hair. “These last few weeks—Violet, I’ve never felt so alive.”

“I feel the same way, Blake,” I whispered, wrapping my arms around his neck as he pulled me closer.

I could feel the atmosphere change around us as he drew his lips toward mine. I knew what was passing between us, but was too afraid to listen.

“Make love to me, Blake,” I murmured against his mouth.

“You know you don’t have to ask,” he groaned, pulling on my clothes while I began to work him out of his.

Each touch was like a trigger straight to my heart. How much longer could I deny my feelings for him?

Two weeks. I never knew that was all the time you needed to fall for someone, but I couldn’t mistake the crushing fear of having to leave Nebraska tomorrow—of having to leave Blake—for anything else. I was due in Paris next week for Fashion Week, and then I would finally get to spend a few months at home, which was New York for me.

The problem was figuring out how Blake would fit into the chaos that was my life. In those last two weeks, I had learned so much about him. He was the most amazing, selfless person I’d ever met, but I also knew he would never leave his life here in Nebraska to follow me around the world. I wouldn’t ask him to, either.

I knew that only left one choice, which was to say goodbye. How could it work? My fame, this life—Blake would suffocate in it. He was too good for that, but I couldn’t walk away from my career, either. I was tied to Pure Desire for the next five years because of the contract I had signed. Not to mention the other brands I was a spokesperson for. Our situation was beyond hopeless.

“You’re really quiet tonight,” Blake observed, leaning against the back of his chair in the hotel restaurant.

“I go to Paris tomorrow.” I smiled weakly, looking down at my food.

“Violet, I…” Blake stopped, searching my eyes when I finally looked up at him.

“What is it?” I questioned, silently praying he would admit to having feelings for me.

“It doesn’t matter,” he sighed, slumping back in his chair. “It’s been an amazing two weeks.”

“It was the best.”
You are the best, Blake. Why can’t you see that?

“Yeah, it really was,” he smirked, licking his lips. I was going to combust any second if he continued on the way he was. “Is that what this meal was all about?”

“No, I just wanted us to have a date.”

“Okay…” Blake chuckled, “but when you think about what we’ve been doing these last few weeks, a date is kind of pointless, don’t you think?”

“Okay, it’s more of a thank you,” I sighed. “It’s been a taxing few weeks, and well…you’ve made my time here so much more bearable.”

“It was a pleasure, Violet. It’s been wonderful getting to know you.” I nodded, hoping I wasn’t blushing.

“Are you going to stay tonight?” I asked, trying not to sound as if I was begging.

“I don’t think that’s wise. You have an early flight tomorrow.”
“I thought we had already talked about this last night?”

“We did,” I pouted.

“I’m going to miss it, too, Violet.”

“You are?”

“Very much,” Blake muttered, gazing intently into my eyes.

“Then stay with me tonight. Please?” The words fell out of my mouth on their own, and I knew I shouldn’t have asked him, but I just wasn’t ready to let him go yet.

“Is that what you really want?”

“Yes,” I breathed.

“Okay,” he beamed, “I’ll stay.” My whole body began to burn at the sound of his words.

“Do you feel like having dessert up in my room?” I smirked, dabbing my napkin against my lips while gazing at him lustfully.

“That depends on what the dessert is?” he smoldered.

I stood up and walked around to lean down against his ear. “How about you have me for dessert?” I purred.

Blake turned to me and gulped before standing up abruptly. “That’s a dessert I could never say no to.” I giggled as he followed me to the elevator.

While we made our way up to my room, I felt the words on the tip of my tongue. I wanted more than just these two weeks, but I couldn’t ask that of him. I knew what he’d have to sacrifice to be with me. Plus, I wasn’t even sure what these two weeks had been like for him. Was he here because I was Violet Weathers—Supermodel, or because of the girl he knew under my mask?

“What is it, Violet?” Blake asked, touching my chin and tilting my face up to his once we were inside my suite.  

“Nothing,” I lied, moving my arms around his neck.

“You can tell me anything, you know.”

“I’m just thinking about Paris and how much I hate Fashion Week. If you think the Pure Desire team members are stuck up, you should see everyone at Paris Fashion Week. Argh…it’s pure torture,” I complained. Blake chuckled while pulling me even closer against his body.

“How about I make you forget about Fashion Week for a little while?”

“That sounds like a perfect idea,” I beamed as he crashed his lips against mine. I moaned into his mouth when he grabbed me and pinned me against the wall. His fingers began to explore my body, and I couldn’t help but arch into his expert touch.

When his hands slipped up underneath my dress and pulled my panties down, I was gasping for more friction. I’d never needed a man that much in my life. He began to tease my entrance with his fingers while his tongue lavished the tops of my breasts, which were visible because of my low-cut dress. I needed more, though. I needed him to take me completely. I pulled at the neckline of my dress, freeing both my breasts; they had only been held in place by the invisible tape, so it was easy to do.

“I think you just read my mind,” Blake chuckled before moving to suck on my left nipple while he drove his fingers deeper inside me. Clawing at the wall, I was trying to control my groans of pleasure as my orgasm built. I came hard and loud, but before I could even come down from my high, Blake had undone his jeans. He grabbed my legs, pulling them up and around his waist before thrusting deeply into me. I almost came instantly. The feeling of him fucking me against the wall was so intense that I couldn’t stop my loud moans. My nails dug into his back, but his shirt kept me from making any marks. He buried his face against my neck while he continued to thrust erratically as he held me against the wall. My second orgasm was followed soon by Blake’s first, and he held me against the wall until we had both regained some sense of normality.

“That was hot,” I giggled against his ear when he finally pulled out of me and released me from the wall.

“Jesus, I’d say that was more than hot,” he gasped.

I smiled a mischievous smile as I unzipped my dress and let it fall slowly down my body. “Shall I race you to the bed?” I smoldered, standing in front of him completely naked.

“You better start running,” Blake smirked with hooded eyes, “because when I catch you, you’ll be in big trouble.” He pulled his shirt over his head as I squealed and took off toward the bedroom.  

The early morning had a sense of loss to it. I lay against Blake’s bare chest, watching the clock and counting the minutes we had left until I had to get ready to leave.

“I should go, Violet. You need to get ready for your flight,” Blake murmured, his fingertips softly tracing my spine.

“I know,” I sighed into his chest. I had to ask him now or our time together would be over, and I wasn’t ready to let him go. “Um…Blake?” I moved so I could see his face. He was already watching me, waiting for me to continue. “Do you have any plans for us?”

BOOK: Roadside Service
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