Read Rise From Darkness Online

Authors: Ciara Knight

Tags: #demons, #Paranormal, #Angels, #Young Adult

Rise From Darkness (7 page)

BOOK: Rise From Darkness
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Chapter Five

“Sammy, please, you have to go with her.” Alexander shoved his foot in the way of the bathroom door when Sammy tried to shut it on him.

“If you’re so worried about her, you go.”

“You know I can’t.”

“Why?” Sammy flashed him her most devious smile. “I know you like her.”

“Sammy.” Alexander gritted his teeth. “You said it yourself.
has marked her as his. I thought you were her friend. Do you want to leave her unprotected?”

“No, that’s why you’re going. I have to be at cheerleading practice two hours before Gaby.” She flipped her short hair back and pushed him aside, “so it’s on you.” Sammy darted down the stairs not giving him an opportunity for rebuttal.

He took a deep breath. The smell of bacon and eggs filled the old Victorian home. Shoulders slumped, he walked downstairs to the kitchen, kissed Grace on the cheek and grabbed a piece of bacon.

“Thanks, Grace.”

“Aren’t you going to sit down and eat?”

“Can’t, I have to go take care of something.”

Sammy’s giggles followed him outside. He paused on the white wraparound porch for a minute and looked out over the bright fire-speckled reflection on the ocean water. He preferred dusk with the sun setting over the water, but this was morning and Gaby was alone.

How far away should he stay? The expanse of the ocean didn’t seem far enough for him to not want to touch her. What kind of distance should he keep, a few hundred feet, a mile or two? Definitely far enough to stay out of sight but close enough to help.

He stepped off the porch onto the beach but his feet left the ground before they touched the soft white sand. It only took a moment to perch himself in the old oak tree outside Gaby’s room.

A deep voice inside pierced his soul. It still sounded as tortured as the day of the accident. The guilt of what he had taken from this man made him shudder. Bruce Moore, Gaby’s father, haunted his dreams. The memory of being forced to stay and listen to every cry and moan, though from a distance, tortured him.

His insides contorted at the memory of Elaina’s soul ripped from her body to Bruce’s cries and Gaby’s sobs. He expelled the memory and listened to Gaby and her father.

“Gaby, the paperwork’s all on the kitchen table. There’re transcripts, former bills, and a passport with your new name on it. Please be cautious. If you feel at risk in any way, leave.”

A new name? At risk? How would Bruce know she was at risk? Certainly he couldn’t suspect there was a demon after her.

“I will, Dad.”

“You’re sure you don’t want me to take you to the school?”

“No, I can register myself.”

“Remember, anything that doesn’t feel right you leave immediately. You have my cell number, call and use our code,” Bruce exited the house and closed the door behind him. A moment later the car started down the drive then stopped.

Alexander shrunk deeper into the tree and wondered if he should flee. But he couldn’t. Not without exposing himself. Yet he felt as if someone watched him. He stretched his senses to see if there was any danger in the house. No stress or fright came from Gaby, so he didn’t think she was in danger.

have found a way in without Alexander noticing? No, he would have known, heard or smelled something.

His gaze returned to the car. It sat for several minutes without moving, the hair on his arms stood at attention.

Alexander’s internal alarms roared, warning death ahead. If Bruce died, Gaby would be left alone in the world.

A long thick branch snapped in his bare hand. He hadn’t realized how tight he’d grasped the tree. Now he was forced to hold the large piece of wood in midair. Finally, the car slipped into gear and inched down the gravel drive.

Blackness lingered around his angel aura even as he watched the car disappear from sight. Death approached. He took a stuttered breath. An electric charge shot through his body like the night of the car accident. The moment before
soul was ripped from Earth.

With breath held tight in his lungs, he waited.

No light shimmered from the sky.

No black shadow came.

Only silence.

His insides churned and his human body threatened to expel the contents. He concentrated on calming his emotions.

Gaby darted out the front door of the house and headed straight for the woods.
’ playground.

His wings jerked and pushed at his skin.

Oh God.

It wasn’t Bruce, but Gaby, the archangel of death had come for.

Distracted by the thought of
waiting for her, Alexander dropped the branch he had been holding and it landed with a crash. Gaby turned and looked straight at him.

A jolt of electric current surged through his body. Did she see him? How could he explain hanging out in a tree next to her bedroom window?

“Who’s there?” Gaby called in his direction.

Could he fly away without her seeing him, or could he stay hidden in the tree? Choices raced through his brain as she stepped closer. His gaze stayed glued on her long tan legs. His heart thumped in rapid succession.

“Alexander, is that you? What are you doing in that tree?” Gaby’s voice cracked.

Too late, she knew it was him. He took a deep breath and climbed down to greet her with a forced smile.

“What were you doing up there?” Her eyes were bright and cheerful.

“Well.” Thoughts flooded in but nothing seemed plausible. “I was walking up to your house to apologize for leaving so abruptly yesterday, when your dad came out the front door. I panicked and hid in the tree. I wasn’t sure if your dad knew anything about me.
silly, uh?”

Gaby’s smile vanished from her face. Great she thought he was a stalker or something.

“No. It isn’t as silly as you might think. Actually, it was probably a good idea. My dad’s a little overprotective.”

“So he doesn’t know anything about me?” Alexander was surprised to hear the disappointment in his own voice.

“No. My dad wouldn’t exactly approve of me hanging out with a teenage boy.” She raised her hand to halt his next question. “Any boy. So, I’m worried about your safety if he finds out about you.”

“I see.”

“Do you want to come inside for a few minutes?”

Gaby stepped closer.

He moved back. “No. I mean, weren’t you headed out somewhere?”

“Yeah, to the high school. I thought I’d register for classes before cheerleading practice.”

“Sammy’s already headed over to the school.” That’s it, he’d catch Sammy and she’d have no choice but to walk with her. “You know what? You two should walk together. Let me call her.”

“You don’t have to do that.”

“It’s no problem. Hang on a sec.” Alexander pulled his cell phone from his pocket.

“Sammy. Gaby is walking over to school. Why don’t you swing by here and walk together. I can pick you both up after practice.”

“No. I’m captain. I can’t just leave, practice is starting.” Sammy said in a firm tone.

“Sammy, please.” He turned and spoke softly covering his mouth.

“No, Alexander. Walk her yourself.” He shoved the phone back in his pocket and looked back at Gaby. “I’m afraid practice already started so you’re stuck with me escorting you to school.”

“You don’t need to do that. I’m fine.”

“It isn’t safe in the woods alone.”

“Why? What’s going to get me, bears?” Gaby teased him.

“No. It’s just not safe. Come on.” Alexander grasped her hand before he thought better of it. Their arms brushed, causing a dull heat wave over his skin. He dropped her hand and moved away.

He wanted to ask about the name change and why her father was so protective but it took everything he had to focus on keeping his distance. Each time her hand brushed his, a fire inside him erupted to the point of pain. The longer they walked the more difficult controlling himself became.


Gaby’s calves burned from power walking to keep up with Alexander. What was his deal? At first she thought he wanted to spend time with her and used the whole, ‘it’s not safe in the woods’ thing as an excuse. But when he dropped her hand and marched through the woods she was forced to face the truth. He escorted her out of some sort of obligation to his sister.

She held her sides trying to catch her breath as they reached the school. Not a good way to start cheerleading practice. At least she had a few minutes while she registered to compose herself and get her second wind.

Banners decorated the front of a gray, brick, two story building. Welcome back students and congratulations to the winning football team.

Football, everyone in this town must love football.

Alexander opened a door and waved her inside. “The office is the second door on the left. I’ll pick you and Sammy up in a couple of hours.”

Gaby stepped inside. The long white and gray halls looked like a prison. “Thank y—” Before she’d fully turned, he was gone. “That’s it. I’m done. I don’t care how cute or sexy he is. He’s an epic jerk. No more. I—”

“Excuse me, can I help you?” said a women behind her.

“I-I’m trying to register for school.” Heat rushed to her cheeks.

“Right this way. I’m the Principal, Ms.

Great, now the principal thought she was crazy. The line started with her. Because she had to be crazy to think Alexander could be interested in her as more than a friend of his sister’s. Guys that looked like that didn’t go for girls like her. Nope, no way.

motioned her down the hall then into the second office on the left. “Miss? Are you okay?”

“I’m fine. Sorry, I’m not use to the heat.”

“I thought you were from Texas?”

Great. Focus, Gaby. “Our air conditioning isn’t working so it’s been difficult sleeping.”

“I see.” Fifteen minutes later, the principle smiled up at her. “Welcome to Kemp High School.”

Gaby darted from the office. She didn’t stop until she reached the football field.

“Gaby, over here.” Sammy jumped up and down waving her arms as if she were hidden in the middle of a large crowd instead of with a handful of girls.

With a weak smile, she trotted over to them and stopped a few feet from Sammy. French manicures, designer shoes, and glossy lips, they looked perfect. Not a hair out of place. She’d never fit in with her plain white tank, frayed blue jean shorts, and dirty old tennis shoes.

“I wanted to make some introductions before we start.”

“Hi,” Gaby said in a low, soft voice.

“Gaby this is Avery, Jolie, Jen, Stacie, Tory, London,
, and Katie. Of course you know me.” Sammy flashed her magical smile. It had to be magical, it’d convinced her to join cheerleading. “Hey Laura, stop fraternizing with the football players and get over here!”

Sammy shook her head at Gaby. “
, turn my back for one minute and she’s already getting into trouble. Line up everyone, let’s get started.” Sammy took on a different persona. A taskmaster, who made a drill sergeant look like a sissy, replaced sweet, charming and lighthearted Sammy.

BOOK: Rise From Darkness
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