Riding Him (Ghost Riders MC Book 5) (4 page)

BOOK: Riding Him (Ghost Riders MC Book 5)
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e’s cocky
, he thinks he knows everything, thinks I’m not good enough for the club. He’s too muscled, he’s too tattooed, and his beard is too…too beardy. I tell myself all these things to try to push back what he makes me feel. Being in the vehicle with him isn’t helping. His masculine scent keeps filling my lungs and warming me in places it shouldn’t be.

I stand beside the SUV as he unpacks the camping gear and sets up the tent, if you could even call it that. It looks big enough for one person, and the blanket he mentioned is even smaller. I did bring a jacket, so I guess I’ll be sleeping in it tonight, trying not to freeze my ass off. It’s warm in Kansas City, but at this altitude in the Colorado mountains, it’s going to get cold tonight.

I agreed with Scribe it’s best to stay off the map as much as possible. He even had me pull my phone apart so we couldn’t be tracked. He did the same with his own and opened a burner. No one should know we’re here.

We got here just before dark and made camp. We’re about an hour from where the Five Aces are having their party, if you take the windy road down the mountain, but I’ve got a clear shot of what’s going down from where we are.

Scribe found the best site possible for us to set up, only we can’t have a fire. We don’t want to attract any attention, so we’re going black for the night. The sun slowly slips behind the mountain, taking the light with it. At dawn I’ll get in the spot I’ve got picked out while Scribe gets closer and tells me what I need to know. He’ll be my ears on the ground, and I’ve got to trust him. The only thing I’m not trusting right now is my body. I’m starting to feel like it’s not mine. It’s also not helping that every time I try to cut him down he just smiles and keeps on flirting with me. Which I equally hate and love. Hate it because each time he tries again, I fall a little more for him. And I love that he isn’t giving up. Almost like he’s fighting for me, even if I don’t want him to. He’s trying to get close to me.

With most men, when you cut them down and give them a no, they either walk away or turn into an utter ass, further proving my point about why I said no to begin with. Not him though. He just goes at it again, and usually with a smile on his face. Until I’d made that dog comment. That one seemed to hit deep for him.

“We may be here a couple of nights,” Scribe says, pulling my attention away from his ass.

He’s got on loose jeans that hang low on his hips, and his tight T-shirt has ridden up on one side. It exposes the tattoos at his waist and the dip on his hipbone that leads to what I can only assume is a child’s size bat in his pants. I knew when my knee made contact that there was a lot going on down there. It would be a shame for ovaries everywhere to deny that man his baby-making duty to the world, but I can’t help but smile at the memory. I quickly wipe it away. I don’t ogle men. Haven’t in forever. Not since… I push that memory away. That’s the second time in 24 hours I’ve thought about that night.

Oddly it wasn't the killing that sat with me for so long, it was the fact that you’re not always safe when you think you are. I’m small, and I learned it’s easy for me to be overpowered by a man. I’ve learned to keep most at a distance. But right now all I can think about is having him against me.

“I love camping,” I say, shrugging. What am I supposed to say?
Oh no, please don’t press your sex-god body against me and dry hump me into oblivion while I pretend to sleep
. Instead I just lean back against the SUV and wait, trying to play it cool. I seem to be getting really good at it when it comes to him.

We stopped for supplies a few towns back, just to be sure we didn’t run into anyone we know. I got the essentials—water, food, chocolate—while Scribe loaded up with Slim Jims and Doritos. I don’t know where all that junk goes, but it goes to all the right places.

I watch him move as he walks around camp, trying to set it up. I should probably help, but why give up the view? If I’m going to take up this whole ogling thing, I might as well do it right and not miss a moment. Finally, he sits down and starts working on his laptop. I’m oddly jealous of the attention he’s giving it.

After a while, he closes it and says, “Okay, that’s all I can do for tonight.”

He had two laptops out checking, switching back and forth to see if we’d been tracked, and then getting a trace on Cobra’s cell phone. The reception out here is spotty, but Scribe is the best from what Cas says, and he pinpointed their location. Now he can keep track of it on his burner phone and we’ll know if the Five Aces are on the move.

“Might as well get some sleep now. We may not be getting much.” He winks at me with those gorgeous green eyes of his, and I want to slap him.

I roll my eyes, and he throws his hands up in defense.

“I meant because of the mission.” He takes off his cut and shirt before removing his boots.

His chest and arms are covered in ink, but it’s hard to make out more than that with night setting in and no light around us.

“Now don’t go trying anything with me tonight, Violent Violet. I’m just looking to stay warm, and being skin on skin is the best way to do that. It’s science. You can Google it.” He shoots me one of his classic smiles.

I would protest, but I know he’s right. I’ve seen enough survivor shows to know how to make it in the wilderness. Plus, my dad loved dragging us on camping trips, and he would tell us all this crap until we were all bored to death.

“Just try to keep your hands to yourself tonight,” he says, rubbing his hard abs and giving me a cocky grin.

Meeting his gaze, I slip off my cut, and then pull my tank top off, too. I stand in front of him in jeans and my black lacy bra. Thank God, I put on decent underwear. I toe off my boots and wiggle my jeans down my hips until I’m only in my bra and pink panties.

Scribe stands there open-mouthed, not saying a word as I walk past him and try my best to seem confident instead of scared shitless. I stop and look over my shoulder at him.

“I think I’ll be okay tonight, Knox,” I whisper sexily. “I’m used to sleeping with danger.”

I flip open my butterfly knife and flip it closed again. The moonlight bounces off the silver, catching his eye, and I see him audibly swallow. Then he just smiles like he’s not scared at all, which kicks my anger up a notch.

“Besides, didn't you get enough already? You got lucky with that bartender, and then I played with your dick after that, too.” I try to say it as calmly as possible, like I’m teasing him back, but I hear the sound of anger in my own voice.

“Trust me, baby, you're the only action my dick’s seen in a long time.” He reaches down like he’s remembering my touch there.

“Right,” I laugh. Scribe is one of the biggest flirts I’ve seen. He’s always got something dirty to say to either me or Cas, but I know with Cas, it’s a joke. That’s just how they are together. When I’d seen him with the bartender, all laughs and following her into the back, it just cemented it.

Scribe leans in so we’re just a breath apart. The moon lights up all the lines of his face, making those green eyes even brighter than normal.

His hand comes up, his thumb tracing the line of my jaw. “It’s been a long time, Violet.” His words are soft and quiet in the night. “I didn't touch Tracy, just helped her with a few cases of beer she needed moved. We always do it for her, being as she lets us over take her bar most nights.” He leans in a little, and I don’t move an inch. I’m not even sure I’m breathing. “I was only there because I knew you’d be there. Besides, I don’t care for blondes. Seems I’ve taken a liking to brunettes half my size that won’t seem to give me the time of day.”

I just stare up at him, unsure what to say, expecting him to give me one of those teasing smiles or something, but he doesn't. He just looks down at me, waiting for me to say something, but I can’t find any words. Once again, all kinds of shit I don’t understand is hitting me, and I’m feeling things for him I shouldn’t be.

He closes the distance between us, his mouth landing on mine. I go to push him away, but my fingers only grab ahold of him. His flesh is warm under my fingertips as his mouth starts to move against mine. My lips fall open for him. My body seems to have a mind of its own when it comes to him.

His tongue lazily slides between my lips, and I can’t stop myself from pushing into his mouth, nothing lazy about it. I want him. Fuck, do I want him. It’s like the gates have opened and I need him now. All those feeling I’d been trying to tell myself I didn’t have come flooding out in one giant wave, and now I’m climbing his body like I’m in heat or something.

He matches my enthusiasm, kissing me back just as hard. He growls into my mouth, and before I know it I’m flat on my back inside the tent with him looming over me.

“Fuck, you’re even sweeter than I thought you’d be,” he mumbles before going for my neck and placing kisses there. My body feels like it’s about to explode with pleasure. It’s like I’m having an overload of feelings and sensations and I have no idea what to do with any of them.

So I just let go for once in my life. In this moment, I’m just going to let the walls fall, and when light comes, I’ll build them back up.


down into her crystal-blue eyes, feeling my heart pound in my chest. I want everything all at once. To go slow with her, to ravage her, to make love and fuck, all at the same time. Just like everything with her, I'm all over the place.

“Violet,” I whisper and take a breath.

She looks up at me with the same intensity, but suddenly a cloud passes over her eyes and it’s gone. She shrugs like she isn’t feeling the world around us stop spinning, and she gives me a sarcastic look.

“You going to tease me all night or make good on that shit you talked, Scribe?”

She’d called me Knox outside the tent. When she’d kissed me back, her intensity had matched mine. And now she’s trying to play this off like it’s some quick hook-up. This isn’t my style, especially with her, and I won’t cheapen her like that.

I keep looking down at her, not saying anything and not laughing this off like I normally would. I take another breath, and she looks away, biting her lip. I reach up, cupping her chin and making her look at me.

“When we’re like this, you call me Knox. It’s just you and me, baby. Nobody else. And what I’m going to do to you tonight isn’t something to laugh off. You feel me?”

She looks almost hopeful, but it’s gone so fast I can’t be sure I saw it. She licks her lips and nods, but I want her to say it. I give her chin a little squeeze, and she replies.

“I feel you.” She hesitates, then says what I want to hear. “I feel you, Knox.”

My mouth is back on hers, and my hands go down the sides of her body and to her waist. I grip her there with both hands, raising her lower half up while I move between her legs. Her thighs grip my waist, and I growl into her mouth, loving her silky skin on mine.

“I’m not going to take you tonight, but I’ll get my fill. Give you a taste of what could be,” I say as I move my mouth down her throat and between her breasts.

Reaching up, I pull her bra straps down her arms, trapping them to her sides. I pull down the cups, exposing her tits, and latch my mouth onto one. I press the hard nub to the roof of my mouth with my tongue and graze her nipple with my teeth. She lets out a shout and arches her back off the blanket.

I pop her tit out of my mouth and put my hand over her mouth. “You can be as loud as you want when you’re in my bed. But right now, you switch that shit to silent mode, baby. I better not hear another noise, or you’ll be over my knee before you can apologize.”

I wink at her as I see her eyes grow wide with shock, but she doesn’t say a word. She just nods, and I go back to her tits, enjoying the feel of them in my mouth. I take turns, sucking one and then the other, licking all over them. I love that I can almost suck the whole thing into my mouth. Owning it completely. I rub her nipples on my face, relishing the way she shivers when I graze my stubble across them.

Moving my mouth down her stomach, I use one hand to grab the front of her pale pink panties, such a contrast to her olive skin, and pull. I’m shocked that she chose that color, but I fucking love that she can surprise me at every turn. The material snaps with one good jerk, and she tenses before relaxing again. The sweet scent of her pussy hits me just as I kiss below her belly button and move lower. Her thighs give a little tremor as I get between them and kiss the crease where they meet her cunt. I inhale through my nose, wanting to brand her scent inside my body. She smells like peaches, and my mouth waters for a taste.

I feel her hands grip my hair tightly right before my mouth descends. Her heady sweetness fills my mouth, and I moan softly around her pussy. Sweet Jesus, I’ve never tasted anything so fucking good.

A rush of excitement shoots through me, and I have to beat it back down. I can’t lose control, but fuck if I don’t want to ravish her right here and now. Gripping her legs tighter, I have to control myself as I give her pussy long hard licks. When I dip my tongue inside her, she tries to grip it with her cunt, not wanting me to leave. Knowing how bad she wants it almost has me cumming in my pants.

Her juices coat my lips and chin, and all it does it fuel me forward. I need all of her in my mouth right now, and I won’t be held back any longer.

Leaning back, I reach down, and in one fluid motion I flip Violet onto her stomach and pull her ass up in the air. She buries her face in the pillow, and I hear her muffled pleasure as I close my mouth over her pussy again.

From this angle I can get deeper inside her cunt and even lick her sweet asshole. I want to taste every part of her. I need it. I run the tip of my tongue over her clit, and then up until I get to her tight bud. I lick her there, and her legs shake as her moans deepen.

I run my big hands all over her body, needing to feel her as much as possible. But I can’t seem to get enough of her.

As I lick her up and down, I feel her body coiling tighter, but I want more. My cock is painful. I ignore it, knowing giving it any attention would be a bad idea. She’s close to cumming, and I know once I get her off I’ll be okay. But she’s fighting me, fighting the orgasm, and I need her to stop it.

I smack one big palm across her round ass. She grunts into the pillow, and I put my mouth back on her cunt, sucking the juices from her. She’s still tense, so I do it again on the other ass cheek, watching it jiggle before I put my mouth back between her legs.

Violet whines into the fabric, trying to muffle her sounds, but she won’t let go. I lick and suck on her for a few more minutes, and then I know exactly what it’s going to take.

Turning over, I lie on my back and get between her legs.

“Sit on my face, baby. You’re not going to let go until you’ve got control.” I can feel it in her body. She likes the control I’ve taken, but she's not used to it. Not yet anyways.

She looks down at me, her eyes wild with need. She’s been close to the edge for the better part of an hour now and yet her body refuses to give in. Something is keeping her from letting me take it, so I’m going to let her give it to me.

She spreads her legs a little wider, and I grab her hips, helping to position her cunt over my tongue. She lowers and slowly starts to rock her hips. She bites her lip to keep from crying out, and I suck her pussy into my mouth.

She moves at her own pace, and after a few licks, she’s tensing on top of me. Before she climaxes, she falls forward on her hands, but I still hold her hips and pussy in place. I suck on her clit, and she buries her face in the pillow as she shatters and screams out her pleasure. She cums so hard on me, I feel the pulses of her pussy clenching as her juices splash on my mouth. My cock aches all the way to my balls with my need to fill her sweet peachy heaven. But I force it down and focus on my girl.

I hear a flurry of words from her mouth, but the only thing I can make out is my name. And that’s all I need to know. She cums hard, and I feel so goddamn powerful I could lift a truck. But instead, I just give her slow licks, gently bringing her down from her peak.

The hurry to lust has been slowed down with her release, and now I’m taking my time. I kiss the insides of her thighs and run my hands all over her ass, giving it little squeezes. This is the time when she can come back to reality and pull away from me, but I won’t let her.

As if she can read my thoughts, I feel her stiffen and try to get off my face.

“Not yet, baby. I’m still enjoying this.”

I lick the place where her thigh meets her pussy, and she shivers.


There’s so much in that one word. There’s need and desperation. But what I can hear most is fear. She’s scared to give in, and she’s scared of what’s to come. Right now, all I can do is make her see that I’m not going anywhere.

“Just relax, baby. We’ve got all night.”

She takes a breath and sits up, looking down at me between her legs. She runs her fingers through my hair while I give her pussy long licks. Soon she’s moving on top of me again, her cunt riding my face.

We do this for God knows how long, and by the time Violet can’t take any more, the sun is coming up.

I’ve kissed her pussy more than anything I’ve ever laid my lips on in my life. And I can’t think of a better way to have spent the night. Her thighs are sore from cradling me for hours. But when I finally move back up her body, I kiss her mouth so thoroughly I think she’d let me get back between them if we didn’t have other business to attend to.

“We’ve got work to do,” Violet says after I move my lips below her ear.

“I know. Just getting my fill until I can have you alone again tonight.”

She melts into me but lets out a huff like she’s pissed. “What makes you think I want more of what happened last night?”

I laugh against her neck and pull back to look down at her. “I think you cumming on my face all night was your pussy’s welcome mat. Simmer down, baby, and let her do the talking.”

She wiggles out from under me and crawls out of the tent. I can’t help but smile as I watch her stomp over to the truck and pull out some clothes. She has a mighty fine ass.

I reach down and stroke my cock, but he’s not speaking to me. He’s pissed about not getting any action last night, but I don’t care. It was all about Violet and what I could give to her. She’s been keeping me at arm’s length, and she’s going to try to do it now. But after last night and having her pussy in my mouth, she belongs to me. This might not be what she thinks she wants, but her body, and I believe her heart, say otherwise.

I climb out of the tent and stretch. It’s dark out, with just the first light of dawn approaching, but I can still see Violet over by the truck, pulling on some jeans and her boots.

I walk over, and when she feels I’m near, she turns around to face me while pulling on a tight T-shirt and covering her beautiful tits from view. She pulls out her knife and looks down to my cock. He’s still hard as fuck, but tucked away in my underwear. For now.

As if she realizes I spent the whole night giving her pleasure and not taking any for myself, she puts the knife in her pocket and looks away.

“Um. Thanks for last night,” she mumbles.

Not one to beat around the bush, I reach out, grabbing her by the waist and pulling her to me. She lets out a little squeak of surprise, but otherwise melts into me again.

“Don’t thank me for something I’d do a thousand times over. All you have to do is say the word, baby.”

I lean down, but instead of giving her a kiss on the lips, I nuzzle into her neck and smell her scent one last time. I won’t be beside her today, and she’s on her own. So I try to get my fill before I release her and grab my jeans.

“Saddle up, Violent Violet. It’s your first club hit.”

BOOK: Riding Him (Ghost Riders MC Book 5)
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