Rewriting the Rules (8 page)

BOOK: Rewriting the Rules
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Walking into his living room I see pictures of our family lined across the wall. I miss my parents every day and hope they’re in heaven watching down on us. I think they are. Look how far we’ve come without them, but technically they’ve been with us since leaving this earth. I feel them whenever I’m sad, happy, or mad.

“Hey.” I turn around and see Will. He nods for me to sit down and joins me. “Are you ready to talk to me?”

I nod. “So I’m here for good.”

“Wait, why? You had a great job in Michigan and I thought things were going well. Shawn told me he was proposing. Charlotte, what’s going on?” His tone is soft and caring. I can see it on his face that he’s truly listening and won’t be upset. I have to be semi-honest with him.

“I said no. Shawn’s a great guy,” I quickly add. “I don’t love him the way he loves me. It wouldn’t be fair to marry him and not really be in love. I mean, I could have stayed with my friends Jessica and Jim, but they’re getting married soon and I didn’t want to be the third wheel in their love-fest. I miss you and Troy. Both of you are the only family I have.” I explain looking at him and then at Troy. “This is where I need to be. This is where I want to be.”

“Charlotte, why didn’t you tell me any of this?” He pulls me into his arms and rests his chin on top of my head. “I didn’t know you were going through this. Fuck, sis. I mean, whenever we talked you sounded okay and Shawn said you guys were doing really well. Don’t get me wrong, I’m so happy you’re here and you can stay for as long as you want.”

“I didn’t tell you because I was scared you’d be disappointed. You kept pushing Shawn and me to be together and I didn’t want to upset you.”

“Your happiness is what matters to me,” he explains. “Don’t keep things from me. Tell me, I’ll listen, and we’ll work it through.”

“Thank you,” I sigh and fill him in about the job at Exhale Spa.

“You did the right thing coming back home. I’m proud of you.”


Chapter 9




Three days pass since dropping Charlotte off at Will’s. I’m keeping busy with work and training new clients in the gym I have in my basement. With new clients, and meetings, I don’t have too much time to think about her. I wake up, have breakfast, workout, work on the laptop, face-to-face meetings with clients, then wrap it up and call it a night.

Luckily this morning I have some time to myself to relax a little bit. An old friend called late last night and wanted to crash in one of my guest rooms. We stayed up for a little bit drinking wine and talking. She knows about Charlotte and told me to let go of my regret and walls. I laughed it off, but it’s still on my mind.

Talia and I met a few years ago. We never dated, and not for my lack of trying if you get what I’m saying. She comes and goes from Rochester to California and needs to crash at my place from time to time.

I walk downstairs and head to the kitchen when I hear voices.

“So how do you know Troy?” Ah, Charlotte. My little nosy princess. I stay out of the kitchen so I can hear their conversation. Standing with my arms crossed, I feel bad for listening, but then again I don’t. Let’s be honest, I’m interested to hear what Charlotte has to say and why she’s curious.

“We go way back. Great guy, he is.”

“Do you know if he’s getting up soon? I didn’t think he had a date last night.”

“Date?” I hear Talia laugh. I should go in there and save Charlotte. I should. I don’t, though. “Didn’t you just come out of Troy’s room?”

“Who? Troy? Me? Girl, I’m . . .”

“Why, good morning, ladies.” I walk in and kiss Talia on the cheek and give Charlotte a look. “Talia, need anything before you leave?”

“No, doll. I’m okay. Thanks again for last night. I’ll see you around.” She gives me a hug and kiss before waving to Charlotte and heading out.

When Talia leaves, Charlotte’s eyes lock with mine. I’m fighting every urge to push her up against the wall and have my way with her. She’s looking at me, questioning me, trying to peel apart my layers. I fucking love it. Standing against the counter I watch her watch me. Charlotte thinks we can pick up from four years ago. What she has to understand is that I’m fighting everything inside me to make sure we don’t. I’m a different person. I’m a man; a cold man, with no desire to have a happily ever after with her. Love doesn’t exist. Not even with Charlotte.

Closing the distance between us, I see her chest rise and fall and the pink in her cheeks deepen.

“What are you doing here so early?”

“Wanted to make you breakfast and see how you’re doing,” she smiles and stares at me with her gorgeous eyes. Fuck me. Being this close to her isn’t a good idea. She needs to stay away from me. “You’ve been so busy with work and I wanted to make sure you’re okay.”

“Oh, sweet girl, I’m fine. Did you have fun harassing Talia?” Her face goes pale, but she doesn’t stand down. Bad move, sweet girl. “To answer your question, no she didn’t come out of my bedroom. If you must know, Talia and I are friends.”

“Oh,” she utters.

We hold our intense stare for a few moments. She looks at me again and reaches to touch my face. I don’t move. Fuck, her hand is so small and soft. I love how she feels.

“What do you want for breakfast?”

“Eggs with turkey bacon is fine. I’ll cut some oranges for us.” I’m struggling to maintain the asshole persona. As much as I need to stay away and keep her from me, I’m glad she’s fighting and pushing down my walls. Maybe Talia’s right. As soon as I let go of my regrets and my walls I can accept Charlotte and start over with her.

“Okay,” she smiles and turns to get what she needs out from my fridge. I watch her move around in my kitchen and I like it. No one has treated me like this in a long time.


We finish breakfast and I have a little more energy. Not wanting to spend the day at home working, I decide a hike would be a good idea.

“Feel like going to Bay Trail?”

“What’s Bay Trail?”

“Don’t ask questions,” I smile at her. “Just come on. We’ll get to spend time together and talk.”

“I’d like that. I have my workout gear in the car. Can I change?” I nod and watch her get up from the table. There’s a little lift to her and I know it’s because we’re going to spend time together.

I like it. Even though I have no right to like this feeling.

We get in my jeep and as soon as I get on the road, Charlotte reaches over and turns up the radio, singing along to the songs and moving her hands in the air like she’s in a club.

The sun hits her just right, softening her blonde hair and making her soft skin glow. She’s so beautiful and I love the fact that she doesn’t have a care in the world. When she doesn’t know the words to the song she mumbles until she knows the words again. It’s the cutest fucking thing in the world. I love hearing her voice. Fuck me, it’s turning me on. Why the fuck is her voice turning me on?

I don’t talk throughout the drive and that’s okay. I’d listen to her sing any day of the week.

“We’re here,” I tell her and see her eyes get wide, looking at the trees and natural surroundings. Back in Michigan we’d hit up the trails on the weekend and spend hours outside.

“Come on, let’s go!”

“Let’s play a game,” she tells me as we walk the trail in a steady pace.

“Okay,” I agree with her. “What game?”

She stops and gets in front of me. We’re face-t0-face and her smile is wide from ear to ear. I cock my brow and wait for her to explain this game of hers.

“The question game.”

I shake my head. “We aren’t in high school anymore, Charlotte. Let’s walk and you can tell me about how the job’s coming along.”

“Nope,” she pops the
“The question game, Troy.”

“Fine. What’s your first question?” I grumble.

“Why do you act like there’s always something up your ass? You’re not fun anymore and sometimes it’s weird being around you.”

My hands clench into fists and I close my eyes, being sure to keep my hands from wringing her neck. With a few deep, calming breaths I answer her. “It’s who I am. I’m a man who wants control and I don’t know how to live any other way.”

“But . . .”

“My turn,” I tell her. “What’s the shortest time it has taken you to orgasm?”

“On my own? Within minutes,” she tells me.

“No. With a man. Like Shawn.”

“Oh. Well, at first it was great, and then I found myself faking it. I don’t know. The spark wasn’t there and honestly, it kind of sucked.”

Looking at her, with her killer smile and beautiful eyes, she’s making me forget my pain. Hearing her response sends my cock at attention. Fuck.

“The women I’ve been with have never complained and I give at least three orgasms,” I wink and she blushes again.

After our walk, Charlotte heads home and Carter comes over with a twelve-pack of
Stella Artois
beer and steaks.

“You look like shit,” he informs me.

“Thanks sweetheart,” I sarcastically respond. Wiping my face, I groan and drink my beer. “You know she’s fucking with my head.”

“How so?”

“She knows exactly what to say to get my attention and fuck, she’s beautiful.” I pull up a picture I took of both of us after our hike and show Carter.

He whistles and nods his head. “She’s gorgeous. My friend, I feel bad for you. What’s stopping you?”

“Everything. How do I know she’ll stay? She broke our promise and spent years with Shawn. She won’t stand up to Will.”

“So why don’t you?”

“I respect him, man. When, and, if we get together, I want to sit down with him, man-to-man, and come clean. He deserves it.”

“I get it. Charlotte’s his life so maybe you should keep it on a friendly level and then see where it goes.”

I nod and put the steaks on plates for us. Sitting down, Carter looks at me and I know he’ll say something that’ll piss me off, but it’ll be right.


“I don’t . . . just be careful okay? We’ve all been friends for a while and you and Will go way back. I get that you love her and you’ve been in love with her. Just think about what you’re going to do before you do it. Think with your head and not your dick, man.”

I clench my fists and close my eyes. He’s right. As much as I hate to admit it sometimes, the things we want most in life come with patience.


Chapter 10




I’m grateful when I get home from work and finally park my car in the driveway. It’s been a long day and all I want is to relax by the pool with a drink in my hand and country music playing in the background. I like being at the spa. The girls are fun, the clients are great, and the atmosphere is peaceful. Minus a few customer service issues, it’s not a bad job and the pay is pretty good, but after today, all I want to do is destress.

Will and I are spending more time together. Before or after work, depending on my schedule, we’ll have breakfast, lunch, or dinner together, and maybe get in a decent workout. I’m pushing my body and toning to maintain my curves and shape. I’m happy with how I look, but it’s always good to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

My smile fades when I walk inside and I mentally kiss my relaxation idea goodbye when I see Troy and Will standing in the kitchen drinking beer and watching whatever game is on TV.

Why does he have to be here?

Since our hike a few days ago things are okay between us again. This whole work in progress to be friends again, and hopefully together like we should be, is getting annoying. I glare at Troy as I put down my bag. He gives me a smirk and holds my gaze. Of course Will is oblivious, and when he gets a phone call and steps outside, Troy corners me in the kitchen, not saying a word, but saying so much with how he’s looking at me. The way his eyes rake over my face and settle on my lips. The hunger in his eyes, as if I’m the only woman he sees. Gah . . . he makes my heart race with one look. The immediate wetness between my legs says hello.

“Hello, sweet girl.”

“Hi,” I find my voice and try my hardest to stay focused and not sound like a teeny-bopper fangirling over her middle school crush.
Keep it cool, Charlotte.

“How was work today?”


“Just fine?”

“Yes.” What game is he playing? “What do you need, Troy?”

He smirks, and my panties run away. Fuck, I hate this possession he has over me. “That little statement,” he leans in closer and whispers in my ear. “About not having an orgasm in a while isn’t sitting well with me.”

“Oh,” I push back a little, already missing how close his lips were to me. “Well, you shouldn’t worry about my orgasms, sweetie, because this morning I took care of that.”

“Maybe you think that.” He lowers his lips to mine. Oh my God, he smells delicious. I want to throw him on the kitchen island, straddle him and ride his cock until my body is sent to euphoria. “You haven’t experienced
yet. Once you do, I promise you’ll get addicted and will only be able to come when it’s with me.”

“Time and place,” I smirk. I know he’s trying to push me and get under my skin.

He shrugs and pulls away before answering. Something strange inside me snaps and I’m overly annoyed about his stupid game. Rushing out of the kitchen, I head upstairs to change into my bikini and sunglasses. Pulling my long hair into a ponytail I head back downstairs, through the kitchen, making sure to not make eye contact with asshole, and relax outside.

“You’ll burn that creamy skin of yours.” I look up through my sunglasses to Troy towering over me. There’s no smile on his face. Before I can say anything, he walks inside.

This isn’t the Troy I fell in love with. He rarely smiles and everything seemed more scheduled and calculated than spur of the moment. The light in his eyes is dark with mystery and hurt. In those depths I can tell there’s way more than what he’s saying. When he looks at me, there are layers hiding what he’s feeling and thinking. I want to peel back each layer and show him there’s more to life than being the way he is now.

BOOK: Rewriting the Rules
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