Read Revive (Storm MC #3) Online

Authors: Nina Levine

Tags: #biker romance, #mc, #motorcycle romance, #Love Story, #biker, #sexy, #biker erotica

Revive (Storm MC #3) (21 page)

BOOK: Revive (Storm MC #3)
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I scoffed.  “Nash came to see you, didn’t he?”

Annoyance covered his features.  “You need to tell your lapdog that if any of what we discussed surfaces, his club won’t know what hit it.”

I cocked my head to the side.  “First of all, Nash isn’t anyone’s lapdog.  I have no control over anything he does.  And second, I’m guessing that whatever dirt he has on you must be huge for you to come here today.  Which means that if any of it were to get out, you wouldn’t have the power to hurt him or his club.”  God, it felt so damn good to say this to him.  My heart was beating with excitement to finally have the courage to take him on.  And to feel no fear.

He scowled.  “I’m deadly serious, Velvet, when I say that you don’t want to take me on.  And you don’t want to talk to anyone about me, us or our marriage.  You thought you got screwed in our divorce?  You’d be fucking decimated over this if you pursued it.”  The vein in his neck pulsed and his nostrils flared as he spat out his threat.

“See, that’s what you never understood, James.  You already fucking decimated me.  You ripped me to pieces and left me ruined.  Back then I had no-one to help me; I had to face all my monsters by myself.  And I did.  It took me years, but I put myself back together, stronger than before you found me.  So, knock yourself out because I know I have what it takes to survive.  And this time around, I have someone who cares about me to back me up.”

His eyes narrowed on me.  “This biker really has you, doesn’t he?”

I had no idea where he was going with this now.  “Yes, he does, if you must know.”

“You know his past?  That he was in jail for years for beating a man up?”

“James, I know Nash.  I know his heart.  And yes, I’m aware of his past.  But let me tell you, Nash has a reason for everything he does.  And his reasons aren’t dirty like your reasons.  I’ll take a flawed man who does things out of love or honour over a man who does stuff for his own personal gain.”

He glared at me.  The cold wind whipped around us, biting me with its iciness.  This was the end of us; finally.  I could feel it in my bones and the weight I’d been carrying for years lifted. 

The last words he delivered failed to hit me in the way he intended.  “I have no idea what I ever saw in you, Velvet.”

I smiled as I tasted freedom.  “That’s because you never opened your eyes, James.”

He blinked; confused.  I turned and opened my front door to go back inside.  But he had one last thing to ask.  “You won’t talk about us, will you?”

I gave him my attention one last time.  “It’s good to see you beg, asshole.  But I’m the bigger person, and no, I have no intention of ever talking about us.  I won’t waste my breath on you.”  With that, I walked away, letting the door slam behind me.  Adrenaline was pumping through me.  I could hardly contain my happiness, and felt the need to talk to Nash.  He didn’t answer his phone though so I sent him a text.

Me: Fingernails on your back.

I didn’t hear back from him and although that disappointed me, I grinned to myself knowing that the text would affect him.  I’d eventually hear back from him.

Leaving my phone in the kitchen so I wouldn’t be distracted, I headed into the study and began the hours of work I had to do in order to pass my exams.  I was so engrossed in it that I didn’t realise how much time had passed until I heard someone banging on my front door.

“God, who now?” I muttered to myself as I padded out there.

I opened the door to find Nash filling the doorframe, his muscular arms leaning on either side of it, an intense gaze directed at me.  “You can’t fuckin’ send me a text like that and then ignore the fuck out of me, woman.” 

God, yes.

My core clenched, and desire consumed me.  I stepped back, and he powered through the door, one arm scooping my waist and the other one curling around my neck.  He shut the door with his foot, and turned to push me against the wall.  His lips crashed down onto mine, and he let out a low growl as he kissed the hell out of my lips.  A delicious warmth flowed through me; this man possessed the ability to send me from zero to a hundred in seconds.  He could do whatever he wanted and I would take it all.  Anything.  Everything.  He didn’t even need to ask.

His hands moved down to cup my ass and lift me.  I wrapped my arms and legs around him, holding tight.  I’d never let go of him; not now, not ever.  He was mine, and that knowledge thrilled me.

He dragged his lips from mine, moving his head so he could look down at me.  Butterflies swirled in my tummy when his eyes landed on my chest.  His breathing had grown ragged, and I realised just how worked up my text had gotten him.

“Are you going to fuck me, Nash, or are you just going to look at me?” 

His gaze swung straight back to mine.  It scorched me with the passion it held.  The desire he felt was clear to see.  In response to my question he raised his brow in a ‘what the fuck do you think’ manner.  “After that text you sent, it’s going to be quick.  And you’re not going to complain, sweet thing.  You fuckin’ asked for this.”

I smiled sweetly at him, and tightened my arms and legs around him.  “Baby, there’s something you might not have worked out about me yet.”  I paused as I moved my mouth next to his ear so I could whisper, “I like it hard, fast and rough.”

As I moved my face away, I caught the clench of his jaw.  “You’re gonna get your fuckin’ wish,” he rasped.

He didn’t waste time.  One minute I was up against the wall, the next I was standing and he was ripping my clothes off.  In the frenzy, I fumbled with his belt.  My fingers weren’t cooperating and he pushed them out of the way, undoing his belt and pants faster than I could blink.  He pushed his pants down, and spun me around to face the wall.

Warm breath tickled my neck as he positioned my arms up against the wall, and murmured, “I love looking at your ass while I fuck your pussy.”  He slapped my bare ass, and my hunger for him intensified.  “You like that?” he breathed into my ear.

I pushed my ass back, into him.  “Yeah, Nash, I like that.  Do it again.”

He growled, and slapped me again.  My body thrummed.  The deepest parts of me woke under his touch, and cried out for more.  When he ran his hand over my bare skin, I shivered. 

“Baby, why the fuck did we wait so long for this?” he begged to know.

I had no good answer for that question; the waiting seemed pointless now.  “No more waiting, Nash.  Hurry up and fuck me.”

He didn’t need any further coaxing.  “Give me a second, darlin’.  We need a condom.” 

“We really need to sort something out about that,” I complained, hating to wait for him.

“Yeah, babe, we do,” he agreed, and then, having the condom in place, he whispered in my ear, “Ready?”

I tingled all over; Nash’s breath, body and dirty mouth had me way past ready.  “Yes.”

His cock entered me; rough, hard and fast.  Just the way I’d asked for.  His hands gripped my waist and he held me in place while he fucked me exactly how he’d promised me he would.

“Babe, touch yourself,” he grunted.

My clit was screaming out for attention so I did what he said.  The pleasure caused by my fingers collided with the pleasure he was giving me, and I moaned.

Nash enjoyed the sound of pleasure, and groaned.  “Shit, I’m gonna fuckin’ come soon.  You and your fuckin’ texts...”  He stopped talking and thrust hard one last time before stilling.  “Fuck,” he groaned again before letting his head fall onto my shoulders.

I was so close to my orgasm, and I knew Nash would get me there faster.  “Nash, I need your fingers.”

He knew exactly what I needed, and he took over from me.  His mouth kissed my neck before whispering, “You want my fingers to fuck your cunt, baby?”

I moaned at the thought, and nodded, unable to get words out.  He pulled out of me and inserted his fingers while continuing to rub my clit with his thumb.  The pleasure was intense; divine.  He slid an arm around my waist and pulled me back.  I leaned into him, dropping my head back onto his shoulder.

“So good...” I moaned, and lost myself to the orgasm that was taking over.

He bent a little so he could push his fingers deeper, and that sent me over the edge.  I screamed out his name, and accepted all the pleasure he gave.  While I recovered, he moved his hands and scooped my hair off my shoulder so he could lay gentle kisses along it.  Nash doing gentle right after rough almost killed me. 

“Babe, as much as I’m enjoying this, I have to get back to the club,” he said.

“So, you just came over for a quickie?”  I didn’t care; I was just giving him grief to rile him up.  Nash all bothered was a turn on.

He slapped me on the ass, softly this time.  “Had no fuckin’ choice, sweetheart.  You send me a text like that again, you better be ready to spread your legs.”

I laughed.  “I knew it would affect you, I just didn’t realise how much.”

He turned me around to face him, and planted a kiss on my lips.  “Velvet, I’m not sure you realise just how much
affect me, let alone your fuckin’ text messages.”

I smiled.  “I do now.”  I paused, and then added, “James came to see me this morning.”

He stilled, and a scowl covered his face.  “What did that asshole want?”

“You went to see him.”

He nodded once.  “I did.  So I’m fuckin’ hoping you’ve got good news for me otherwise I’ll be paying him another visit.”

“He won’t be bothering me again.  Thank you for that.”

He caressed my cheek.  “Any time, sweet thing.”

I bit my lip.  I needed to tell someone what this meant to me, but I wasn’t sure anyone would get it.  “Nash, this is huge to me.  I feel like, for the first time in years, I can do anything; be anything.  I didn’t realise just how much he was holding me back.  It probably sounds stupid - ”

He cut me off.  “Nothing you say sounds stupid, Velvet.  I might be an asshole, but I get what you’re saying.  I get
I’ve watched my sister go through life not feeling worthy, and it breaks my fuckin’ heart to see the shit she accepts from men.  I’m over the fuckin’ moon to know that you can move past that dickhead and believe in yourself again.”

I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him, long and hard.  My heart threatened to explode out of my chest.  When it ended, I said, “You’re not really an asshole, Nash Walker.”  Then I grinned, and added, “Well, maybe just a little bit asshole, but life would be boring if you weren’t.”

It was his turn to grin now.  “Babe, I’m glad we’ve established once and for all that I’m a little bit asshole, but can we get dressed now.  I’m standing here with my pants around my legs looking at your tits and ass, and if you don’t put some clothes on soon, I’m not gonna make it back to the clubhouse.  And I’ll never hear the fuckin’ end of it from Scott.”

I pouted.  “I’d be worth it though.  Right?”

He sighed.  “You’ve no idea, sweet thing.  No fuckin’ idea.”

Chapter 25

Hey Jealousy ~ Gin Blossoms



“Let me get this straight, you’re saying that you believe Marcus was responsible for that bust on your club ten years ago?” Scott said, clearly astonished.

Kick nodded, rubbing his jaw.  “Yeah, brother, that’s what we think.”

I was struggling to keep up with the conversation; my thoughts kept going back to this afternoon with Velvet.  She consumed my thoughts constantly; thank Christ she didn’t know just how much. 

I focused back on what was being said.  Kick had asked me to organise a chat with Scott tonight and was now revealing the reason for his visit to Brisbane. 

Scott really was incredulous; surprising, because at this point I’d believe anything of Marcus.  He asked Kick, “Can you just go over that again for me?”

Kick gave me one of his impatient looks; he was one of the most impatient bastards I’d ever met.  He was also one of the most loyal and honest, so yeah, I believed what he was telling us now.  Looking back at Scott, he repeated himself, “Our cop friends have been talking recently about that drug bust ten years ago, the one that put our VP and two other members inside, and the word is that Marcus snitched on our club in order to save himself from something.  No idea what that was though.  This was back when your club was running drugs too.  My VP wants confirmation it was Marcus before he moves on this.  And if he gets that confirmation, it won’t be pretty for your father.”

I didn’t doubt what he’d just said about the consequences for Marcus if they discovered this to be true.  The Sydney chapter was the Mother Chapter of Storm and their President and VP were violent motherfuckers who even Kick did his best not to piss off, and Kick wasn’t the kind of man to worry about anyone.

“Any of this ringing bells for you, VP?” I asked.

Scott slowly shook his head, obviously still processing it.  “No, but I’ll be looking into it, that’s for damn sure.”

Kick frowned, and asked, “You think it’s wrong?”

“No, brother.”  He gave me an enquiring look, and I read what he was asking.  I nodded to indicate it was safe to talk to Kick about Marcus.  Turning back to Kick, he said, “A few of us are currently looking into Marcus’s activities.  Seems he’s trying to steer us back into drugs and has hooked us up with Adelaide for a foot in the door.”

“You don’t want back in the drugs?” Kick asked.

“Fuck, no.  We don’t need it to survive, and we don’t need the attention.”

“Yeah, I hear you,” Kick agreed.

“What’s your plan?” Scott asked him.

“I’ve got some coppers up here to talk to; see if they know anything.  Other than that, I don’t think there’s any club members who would know much.  Unless you think there’s someone worth talking to?”

I remembered what Blade had said the other day.  “You ever hear of someone called Blue?”

Scott swung his head in my direction.  “No, why?”

“Haven’t had a chance to tell you yet, but Blade said he’s upped his surveillance on Marcus and they’ve come across that name.  Said that Marcus is looking for someone called Blue.”

“Who’s Blade?” Kick asked.

“Marcus’s son, my half brother, but he’s not tied up with Storm.  He’s got his own thing going on.”

BOOK: Revive (Storm MC #3)
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