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Authors: Meli Raine

Tags: #military, #BBW Romance, #coming of age, #contemporary, #Contemporary Fiction, #Contemporary Women, #Fiction, #General, #Genre Fiction, #Literature & Fiction, #Mystery & Suspense, #new adult, #New Adult & College, #romance, #romantic suspense, #suspense, #women's fiction

Revenge (4 page)

BOOK: Revenge
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Mark rolls his eyes. “His nickname.
e read a bunch of Ayn Rand novels and goes by that name in his motorcycle club.”

I cock one eyebrow,
then wince
. “He’s a

Mark just nods.

I give him a skeptical look. I may be twenty-two, but I wasn’t born yesterday. “You’re telling me your bio dad was a cop who took money from the mob and now he’s in a motorcycle gang?”

“Not just
one. He’s the president. Big biker gang that’s deep into drug dealing.”

A lightbulb goes o
n inside my head
. “And that’s how you came to meet up with him again?”

Mark just nods. I stop talking. Silence descends over us like a rain cloud. I realize my questions are easy for him. He doesn’t have to give me any information I don’t ask for. Maybe, if I stop asking questions, he’ll be forced to open up more.

We sip our coffee. The tension rises. Without my questions, all we can do is drink coffee and stare at each other.
It sinks in that he is an accomplished war veteran with specialized training to be a federal agent with the drug enforcement agency. He’s deep undercover, pretending to be a university-town cop, and he’s not about to lose a staring contest with little old me.

I’m pretty outclassed here.

And yet...he cracks first.

“You’re so beautiful,” he says with a sigh that contains a thousand more words. He tilts his he
d as if he’s studying me. Like I’m worth the attention. Blood rushes to my cheeks and heads south
as well. I feel like a tight rosebud that has spent years in the shade.

And suddenly, the sun shines with great love, urging it to blossom.

My heart is in my throat. My pulse is between my legs.
y nipples tingle and tighten. The buried sense of arousal feels so odd. I’ve felt it in bits and pieces since I’ve come home. Sometimes I would conjure it in my memory as I struggled to fall asleep back in
. Dreams of Mark filled my slumber many nights.

This, though, isn’t a dream. Mark is very, very real right now. I can feel his heat.

Can he feel mine?

Chapter Four

The air changes. It has its own pulse. If electricity leaves a scent of ozone and crackling burn, then arousal and passion does, too. I can smell my own need radiating out of me, like fresh,
a grove. Like
mint in a glass of cool lemonade on a sweltering day.

Like a woman who hasn’t been loved enough.

Mark has a musk, a heady scent of his own untamed want, too. I inhale deeply, knowing the pounding of my blood through my body makes a beat that takes over my senses. I no longer notice any scent. My eyes can see but I can’t make out distinct ob
ects. My
kin can feel but it is fixed on one sensation.

he only t
ing I can truly sense is him. Us. We are everything.

Mark clears his throat and stands, then bends down before me. He puts his palms on my jaw, his thumbs stroking my cheekbones. All the air in the room disappears. My mind turns into spun sugar. My blood races to meet his touch.

ou are the
ost important person in the world, Carrie. I know you’re waiting for me to tell you my story.”

“Yes,” I say, my lips swollen and dry. I lick them. His eyes flicker down to watch, then move back to meet my gaze.

“You want the truth about your father.”

f Mark had thrown a bucket of ice water filled with pinching crabs on me, he couldn’t have shocked me more. I feel my blood recede, my senses return, and I snap back to reality like a stretched rubber band with one end dropped.

“Yes.” My heart closes itself back in its little metal box. It doesn’t click the lock, though.

“The truth is, arresting your father was a huge mistake.”

I don’t
ove. Don’t breath. Don’t blink.

He lets out a disgusted sigh. “W
were fooled. Completely snowed.
I was young and green, new to the DEA. I was stupid,” he adds, beating himself up.

And if what you say about those emails in your backpack are true, then we finally have the proof I’ve been trying to track for the past few months.” Mark gives me a sick smile. “It really did take having you come home to figure out the truth about your dad.”

“I don’t understand.”

Mark’s smile fades. I understand why. My voice sounds about as friendly as an ice pick to the eyeball.

We had the intercepted emails between Landau and your dad.”

“WHAT? You had them all along?” I practically scream.

Mark holds out his palms. “No, no. Sorry. No—the ones that were used as evidence against Joe. The ones Landau made sure the police always had. The emails that set your father up to take the fall.”

“Oh.” I feel deflated.

“Joe was purchasing huge amounts of chemicals used to make meth. We had proof that he was approving trucks full of what we later learned were meth shipments to a dealer out on the Arizona-California border.
We knew about a
network of biker gangs and small-time bar owners who distributed the drug throughout the southwest. We thought that was our smoking gun, and I...”

Mark’s words wash over me like acid. He looks at me and frowns.

I say nothing. My hair feels weird against my neck, so I rake my fingers through it and lift it into a pony tail. My shoulders pull back and breasts thrust forward. Mark’s eyebrows go up and he looks away.

A completely different kind of sigh comes out of him now.

What you’re saying is that Landau set my dad up and you didn’t realize it,” I blurt out. All the parts of me that have felt awkward and worried about moving back home are gone. Long gone. There is a clear sense of the world in the room now. Clarity makes me bold.

How bold? We’ll have to see.

Mark makes a dismissive sound in the back of his throat. “That’s one way to put it.” His eyes are full of hunger. They rake over my body. I feel a combination of matched lust and intense fury.

All of it aimed toward Mark.

“Didn’t anyone investigate Landau?” I ask, my words filled with outrage.

“Of course we did. Plus, I had the power
federal resources behind me
and a great
team. But we think Landau beat us to the technology system. Erased the important emails.” Mark’s eyes shift over to my backpack. He looks like a kid on Christmas morning after Santa has delivered his presents.

I startle, remembering something very, very important. “Hold on. Are you and Claudia
dating?” All my hot skin goes ice cold at the thought. “Or are you just using her to get to Landau?”

He raises his eyebrows and gives me a weird smile. Then an eye roll. “About that.” He sighs. “I don’t like it, but dating her seemed like the only way to get information about Landau. So...”

“Hard job,” I say, sarcasm dripping from my voice. “Slaving away over a hot chick—”

“It just reached the kissing stage, Carrie. Right before you moved to town.”

“I’m supposed to believe that?” I say with a snort.

His eyes bore into mine.

I guess I am.

“There’s nothing sexual going on between me and Claudia., and not before. Yes, I kissed her. Yes, we were affectionate.
t was part of dating her to get—”
He stands, then walks over to me, crouching down. Mark’s head tips up.

e just made everything in the room shift.

“Claudia sleeps with so many guys her second nickname is The Mattressback, Mark.” I give him a sour face. “C’mon.”

He gives me a poker face right back. “If I tell you I didn’t sleep with her, you can believe it. And I’m telling you we didn’t do more than kiss.”

I want to trust him. I do.

“And now you’ve saved me from touching her.” His eyes land on the backpack.

For the first time, I wonder if Effie had more than one motive in giving me those papers. She hates Claudia, and she likes
, so...

“I should go through those documents in your backpack right now and take photos. Send them to my team. Get them analyzed,”
Mark says.

“Right now,” I echo.

Silence blankets us again.

eah,” he says, his voice going husky. “That’s what I

A plume of unrestrained passion fills my body so fast my fingertips and toes tingle. I’m a mixture of rage and hurt, of longing and arousal. I can’t separate out the pieces of me that are furious with Mark and the other pieces that want him so badly. I find myself gripping the edge of my seat, my fingers under my thighs so I don’t do anything stupid.

I’m about to throw myself at him and either strangle him or ride him.

I’m not sure which one I want more.

Chapter Five

What do you
to do?” I whisper. I know the words are like throwing a lit match into a five-gallon bucket of lighter fluid.

“I want...” he says, making a frustrated sound, “ do the right thing, Carrie.”

I give him a sad, shy smile. “It’s hard to know what that is.”

ur eyes lock.

“No,” he says slowly. He’s still below me, bent down and looking up into my eyes, and he stands, reaching for my hand. “No. I know exactly what’s right.”

I look at my backpack as he pulls me up. The touch of his fingers against mine feels like a burn. A sweet, wonderful heat.

“Right. You have to get those documents to the—”

He’s kissing me
, all
warm lips and hot tongue. The pain of torn skin around my lips is dwarfed by passion. My body reaches for his like iron to a magnet, my curves molding to his hardness, his hands on my face, in my hair, caressing my neck and pulling me closer, closer, closer.

“I’m sorry,” he murmurs as he pulls back from the kiss. “I am so, so sorry, Carrie. I screwed up everything with your father. I drove you away. I couldn’t tell you the truth. I needed to protect you.”

ies. All the lies are gone now, aren’t they? I know everything. So many puzzle pieces that didn’t fit are clicking into place.
What once seemed impossible to understand is becoming clear.

I have a choice right now. Right this instant.

I can push Mark away for all his past lies, or I can embrace him and pull him close for telling me the truth.

I can cling to the past or look forward to the future.

I can choose pain or pleasure.

Revenge or reunion.

t doesn’t take long for me to decide.
Yet it feels like forever.

e stands before me, shirt tight against his chest, jeans resting on his hips like they’re waiting for a command, his eyes filled with atonement and questions. I reach up and run my fingers through his silky waves. His eyes flash with hope. They change color, turning from a light honey to a
. The change makes butterflies release in my stomach.

As I look at him and he looks back, we share a primal signal.
ur breath quickens. My skin is so warm I feel a layer of sweat form. My hair brushes acutely against my neck. My thumb grazes the light stubble of a day’s growth on his chin. I notice everything and nothing.

We just

“Carrie?” he asks. There is so much in that single word. My own name has become a talisman for...what? I don’t know. I can’t think.

I need to act.

Standing on tiptoe
, I brush my lips softly against his. He inhale
sharply, pulling me close. His heart hammers against his ribs like it’s tap dancing. My own dances back, like a mating ritual.

If I ever doubted that Mark is the one for me, I was a fool.

If I ever thought I could resist him, I was an idiot.

And if I think for one, single second that I can walk away from his embrace right now, then I’ll be damned.

There is no turning back
, I think as his mouth takes mine. I am leaping into the truth and have to trust him. I have to trust myself. The taste of him fills me. The power of his craving wraps around me. Mark is claiming me now as I offer myself to him, fully and freely.

I want him.

I want to be as close to him as two human beings can be. I’ve been alone for so long. Too long.

No more.

Forgiveness comes in so many different forms. As Mark brings me into his embrace and I stand on tiptoes, sinking my hands into his hair, stroking the broad muscles of his back, I feel a deep sense of relief. Relief that I can finally exhale.
elief that he wants me.

For three years I wondered. For three years I hoped. For three years I tormented myself with thoughts of ruining the one love that I couldn’t forget.

And now I let myself fall into that relief as Mark’s tongue lovingly explores mine, his hands on my back, moving to cup my ass. He tightens his grip and our abs grind into each other. Muscle against skin, bone against bone, lips against teeth and tongue and sighs and moans.

It all becomes the same thing.


His hands reach down and suddenly I’m in the air. I make a little sound in the back of my throat. Mark groans, our lips still touching. He urges me to wrap my legs around hi
as he carries me into his bedroom. My ass hits the bed in the same spot where I awoke just an hour ago.

I can’t touch him enough. My hands are frantic as they slide under his t-shirt and race up his bare back, his chest dusted with golden hair, my thumbs brushing against nipples that stiffen.
s and kisses me more deeply.

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