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Authors: Frances Devine

Rest in Peace (2 page)

BOOK: Rest in Peace
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Skirting Clyde’s body, I made my way over to the corner of the room and grabbed Whatzit’s heavy portable cage, then wrestled it into the front room. After a little coaxing, Whatzit hopped into it. Tom carried it to the van for me and placed it on the backseat, while I opened the passenger door for Buster to get in. I drove home as Whatzit’s insane screeching and Buster’s furious barking knifed through my skull. I turned onto my street, and Cedar Lodge Boarding House came into view. Fallen leaves scattered about, promising an early fall. Ivy grew up the bricks of both front-wall fireplaces, lending ambience to the centuries-old ex-hunting lodge. Pulling into the wide driveway, I drove into the parking garage. Then reality hit me. How would my senior boarders and friends take the news of Mr. Foster’s death? None of them were close to him, except Miss Aggie, but they’d known him for years. Besides, they’d been through so much over the past two years with Miss Aggie’s kidnapping and then the murder at Pennington House.

I managed to get Whatzit’s cage off the backseat and onto a worktable in the rear of the garage. When I opened the van door, Buster sprang out and jumped on me, his huge front paws landing on my chest.

“Calm down, old boy. And let’s not spill the beans justyet.” I rubbed his head, grabbed his leash, and headed for the side door. I’d wait until they were all together to break the news gently. It’s hard to hear about a neighbor dying, and all alone, at that.

I inhaled deeply. The spicy aroma wafting from the spick-and-span kitchen washed over me like liquid peace. I un-clipped the leash from Buster’s collar, and he shot out into the hall and headed to the recreation room. I didn’t blame him. He knew where love and safety lay. By the time I got there, he was reveling in the adoration of Miss Jane and Miss Georgina. Martin Downey looked on with an impatient frown.

“Victoria, come join us. We were just about to start a game of dominoes.” Miss Jane Brody motioned from the card table.

“You just want me to play because you and Miss Georgina always beat me,” I teased.

“Why, Victoria Storm, that’s not true. We love your company.” Miss Georgina twisted her hankie and gave me a worried look.

“I know, Miss Georgina. I was joking.” I walked over and kissed the sweet lady on her plump face, then glanced around the room. “Where’s Miss Aggie?”

“Where do you think?” Miss Jane grinned, and her thin face lit up. “Putting finishing touches, as she calls it, on Pennington House. She’s so excited, I think she might explode before opening day.”

I knew what she meant. Since Miss Aggie Pennington-Brown and her nephew Dane, who we called Corky, started renovations on the family mansion, Miss Aggie hardly stayedstill a moment. The grand opening of the swanky hotel and restaurant was scheduled for November 1st, just a couple of months away. A first of its kind for Cedar Chapel. But its proximity to Branson and the Lake of the Ozarks should be favorable for business. Miss Aggie couldn’t wait to move into her new apartment in her girlhood home.

“Did she say if she’d be home for lunch?” I didn’t want to have to repeat the sad news twice.

“Yeah.” Martin snorted. “She’s going to eat lunch, then drive to Branson to spend more money on fancy gewgaws.”

“How about Miss Evalina and Frank?” Evalina Swayne and Frank Cordell, who had been childhood sweethearts before Frank fell for someone else, had surprised us all by announcing their engagement the year before. They’d been married just before Christmas here at the lodge. We’d all expected them to move into their own home since Frank was very well-off due to a percentage from the candy stores he’d turned over to his son. But to our surprise and delight they’d chosen to remain among their old friends. They now resided in the elaborate second-floor suite vacated by former actress and their old acquaintance, Jeannette Simone.

“Eva and Frank are shopping. Should be home any minute,” Miss Jane informed me.

Good. I’d only have to break the news to them once, while the group was together after lunch. That is, if Miss Evalina and Mr. Frank didn’t hear about it while they were out.

The house phone rang, and I hurried into the hall and snatched it from its cradle. “Hello?”

“Victoria, Bob Turner here.” The sheriff’s voice was clipped. “The coroner has ruled Clyde Foster’s death anaccident, just as I said it was. I wanted to let you know we don’t need more information from you.”

Puzzled, I thanked him and hung up. Why would he bother to call just to tell me he
need anything? Did he simply want me to know he was right about the death being an accident? Rather odd. I shrugged and went back into the rec room.

Unusual silence hung over us as we sat in the front parlor. I’d told them about Clyde’s death. After the initial cries of dismay, the seniors had grown quiet. Miss Aggie had taken Whatzit up to her room, and the other seniors had gathered in the rec room. When I’d peeked in an hour or so later and heard the sighs of discontent, I asked them all to come into the parlor for tea. I wished someone would say something. Even Buster, stretched out in front of the empty corner fireplace, lay unusually still.

Finally, Frank cleared his throat. “Are they sure it was an accident?”

A rustling sound spread throughout the room as the rest of the gang seemed to come to attention. Six expectant faces turned my way.

“That’s what the sheriff told me.” Maybe my voice didn’t sound too certain. The expressions across my friends’ faces ranged from vague worry to dread.

“I don’t know why he’d lie to me.” Oops. That sounded even worse.

“Victoria, what are you keeping from us?” Miss Evalina’s intense gaze told me she’d stand for no nonsense. I wondered how many children had folded under that look throughthe years. Even now, the retired teacher could send quivers through me.

“Nothing, Miss Evalina, I promise. It was just a vague feeling I had when I saw the body.”

When they continued to stare, I told them about Bob Turner phoning me for no apparent reason. There, that was all I knew. I hoped it would be enough for them.

Miss Evalina nodded, apparently satisfied. “Makes sense. Bob probably forgot to tell you he might need to talk to you some more. And vague feelings can be caused by indigestion. With a grand opening and two weddings coming up in a few months, we don’t have time for another mystery.”

Butterflies danced in my tummy as I thought of Benjamin, my fiancé. We were planning our wedding for Christmas Eve at Pennington House. Corky and Phoebe’s wedding, scheduled for the week before ours, would actually be the first one to take place at the newly renovated mansion. And that was only right. After all, Corky was a Pennington.

“I’m not so sure.” Miss Aggie spoke up from the wing chair by the door.

“What do you mean, Aggie?”

Excitement darted from Miss Aggie’s eyes. “I know what Whatzit is screaming about.” She paused and glanced around. “I didn’t think much of it, but if there’s any question about Clyde’s death being an accident, it could be important.”

“What is it, Aggie?” Martin hated what he viewed as melodrama. “Are you going to tell us or not?”

“Oh, don’t be so snappy. I was getting ready to tell you. He’s saying, ‘No, no, get out!’“

To be honest, the fake fear in her voice gave me a chill.

Maybe Miss Aggie had taken a few acting lessons from Miss Simone. Or was it possible Miss Aggie really was afraid?

“I don’t remember hearing him say that before.” Miss Georgina’s voice shook, and I knew I’d better do something before she went into hysterics.

“Of course you didn’t,” Miss Aggie said. “He’s repeating what Clyde said to his killer.”

I sidled over to the other end of the sofa and took Miss Georgina’s hand.
Oh Lord, please don’t let her faint

Miss Evalina rose, fury on her face. “Aggie Brown, stop it right now. You’re upsetting Georgina.” She turned to her cousin. “Don’t pay any mind to her. She’s just trying to get attention, as usual.”

“I was merely telling you what the stupid parrot was saying,” Miss Aggie snapped, her eyes flashing. “Don’t be such a scaredy-cat, Georgina. We’re in our own parlor, for goodness sake. Do you think Victoria would let anyone hurt you?”

For the first time since inheriting Grandma’s house, I was having unkind thoughts about one of her old friends. Actually, I felt like shaking Miss Aggie.

“Dang, Aggie, don’t be so mean.” Martin, who usually had little patience for Miss Georgina’s timidity, was actually coming to her defense. Or maybe his dislike for Miss Aggie was stronger.

Feeling a bit guilty for my own irritation, I figured I’d better take control of the situation.

“Okay, folks. We’re all upset, and our nerves are on edge. We need to calm down and stop fighting among ourselves.”

“Maybe Aggie’s right.” Frank sent an apologetic glance in his wife’s direction. “It’s something to think about anyway.”

“I’ve been thinking the same thing.” Miss Jane spoke up for the first time. “Of course, she shouldn’t have spoken so harshly to you, dear.” She cast a gentle smile at Miss Georgina.

The doorbell rang, and I hurried to the front door to find Benjamin standing with a gallon of ice cream in his hand and a tender smile on his face.

“You’ve heard the news,” I said.

“Yep. Thought you and the seniors might need cheering up.”

I took the ice cream to the freezer, then went back to the parlor with Benjamin. I had to think of a way to keep the seniors from telling Ben their suspicions. As owner of the
Cedar Chapel Gazette
, Ben was always nosing around for anything out of the ordinary. And I had a hunch he wouldn’t take it too well if he thought we were getting mixed-up in another crime. Not that I wanted to keep anything from him, but why spread rumors based on Miss Aggie’s imagination—and mine?

“Benjamin, you’re here just in time. Did you hear about Clyde’s murder?”
No, no, Miss Aggie

I groaned as Ben tossed an accusing glance in my direction. “Murder? I heard it was an accident.”

“I’m sure it is,” I said, shooting a warning look at Miss Aggie. “We have no evidence to the contrary.”

“Humph.” She wasn’t going to let it be. “Maybe not evidence, but I’d say a parrot screaming ‘No, no, get out’ is pretty suspicious.”

“What’s this about, Vickie? I should have known you were up to something when your eyes turned from hazel to green.”

I frowned, but now that Miss Aggie had let the cat out of the bag, I told Ben everything.

“Hmm. That’s not much to base suspicion of murder on.”

“I know. That’s what I tried to tell you.”

“Still, I don’t think I’ve ever heard Whatzit say those words either.” He frowned. “Tell me again what Bob Turner said when he called.”

I repeated the sheriff’s words as closely as I could remember.

“It does almost sound as though he was trying to throw you off the trail, but maybe he was just being thoughtful.”

At my rueful expression, he laughed. “Yeah, thoughtful doesn’t sound like Bob.”

“Not to me anyway. Sometimes I think he hates me.”

“Now, you know he doesn’t hate you.” Dear Miss Georgina, always trying to think the best of everyone.

“He may not hate her, but he doesn’t especially like the way she solves his cases before he does.” Miss Jane had become my champion lately, and it felt good.

I laughed and gave her a hug. “To be fair, Sheriff Turner does a great job of keeping our town fairly crime free. I was just lucky a couple of times.”

“You know what we need?” Miss Georgina’s face was awash with excitement. “We all need to take a trip to Silver Dollar City to get our minds off things.”

“Oh sure, Georgina. We all know your reason for wanting to go to that theme park.” Miss Jane teased her friend relentlessly about the crush she had on the good-looking leader of The Cajun Connection, one of the bands at Silver Dollar City.

Miss Georgina’s face flamed. “Now you stop that. He’s

young enough to be my son. I just like his music, is all.”

Relieved to see them moving on to another subject, I thought I’d add my two cents. “I think Silver Dollar City is a great idea. Isn’t the autumn festival going on now?”

“Yes!” Miss Georgina punched the air with her fisted hand.

I sat back and relaxed as friendly laughter rang through the room. We might have our differences sometimes, but these seniors were family to me—all the family I really had since my grandparents went to be with Jesus. A familiar twinge clutched at me. I drew a breath and shoved away the hurtful past. Mom and Dad had never been family to me, and it was doubtful they ever would be.

“Victoria, stop daydreaming.” Miss Jane tossed a ball of yarn at me, which Buster quickly intercepted. “We were just saying it would be nice to have the wedding at Wilderness Church at the park.”

I laughed at her teasing tone. The quaint, rustic church was truly wonderful, and people did get married there. But Miss Jane knew I’d been dreaming of a Pennington House wedding.

I just hoped nothing was going to disrupt that dream.

BOOK: Rest in Peace
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