Resisting Pressure (Rhinestone Cowgirls Book 5) (4 page)

BOOK: Resisting Pressure (Rhinestone Cowgirls Book 5)
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“So you two aren’t from this town, huh?” Edie asked, threading her crimson nails through her hair.

Keefer turned his attention to the scenery rolling by outside of the window, watching things pass in a blur. It was hot as hell, even with the AC on. He rolled down the window and inhaled the sweet scent of fresh air. He barely registered that the ladies were talking.

A few minutes later, before he even got comfortable, the truck turned off into a lot with a neon sign boasting ‘World’s best wings’.

“I told you we were close,” he whispered.

Violet narrowed her eyes on him.

The tires kicked up dirt as they parked into an empty spot next to the bar and grill.

“Here we are.” Edie turned off the engine. “It’s not the ritz, but just as the sign claims, we have the best wings you’ll ever eat.”


“Any luck?” Violet asked Keefer when he came back from using the phone behind the bar.

“I can’t reach anybody and my cell still has no service.” He removed his hat and laid it on the table. His jaw was tight and he looked like he could bite through a nail.

“You two might as well have a beer and wings while you’re here.” Edie pushed out of the chair where she’d been sitting and chatting with Violet. “Been one hell of a night for you both, or so it seems.” Edie winked at Violet and sashayed her way to the bar.

Violet leaned back in her chair and thrummed her fingers on the pockmarked table. “Edie let me use her phone and I couldn’t reach anyone either.”

“She has service?”

Violet nodded.

Blowing out a breath, he pulled out a chair, turned it around and sat down. “The bartender, Buck, told me the hardware store is closed until tomorrow morning so getting a gas can is out of the question.”

She looked around the bar. “I guess things could be worse. You said so yourself. Under different circumstances, I could see myself enjoying an evening here.”  The honky tonk was filled with hunky, testosterone. A popular upbeat country song played from the jukebox and couples were showing off their moves on the shiny wooden planked dance floor. A huge, stone fire pit was located in the center of the room along with a stage. The walls were covered with antique memorabilia and one was a chalkboard covered in signatures of patrons and funny drawings. The décor gave the place a warm, friendly atmosphere.

She darted her gaze across the table and settled it once again on the sexy-as-sin cowboy who was watching her with a look that warmed her inner thighs. She blamed her weakness on being tired.

“What are our choices?” she asked. “I’m good as long as it doesn’t include walking.”

“Buck said he has an empty apartment in back. The guy just moved out a few weeks ago. Said we’re free to stay the night if we need to.”

“Here? All night long?” Her chest was suddenly tight. “Look I don’t know what you’re thinking—”

He sighed. “Come on. Aren’t you passed blaming me for doing this on purpose just to get into your skirt?”

His boldness made her nerve endings tremble. She should be repulsed that she felt desire. “Don’t assume you know what I was going to say.”

“Your eyes told me everything I need to know.” One corner of his mouth slid up into a perfect mischievous grin and a dimple.

She could be stupidly foolish with a man like Keefer. Holey Moly. She needed to step back and get a hold on her emotions. The past few years she’d made a mess of her love life, one mistake after another, one relationship after another, all ending the same disastrous way.

In her career, she was a solid leader, known for her capabilities and strengths. In her private life she kept falling for the wrong men. And for the wrong reasons. There came a point when a woman must stop making bad choices and start looking toward a better, brighter future. Sleeping with Keefer, even if for one night, would only veer her from the path that she’d placed herself on. But oh boy, would it be a pleasant trip. Her pulse kicked up and a familiar prickling sensation tickled her insides.

“Or we can hang out here and wait it out until we can reach someone. In a town like this, things shut down. Just like you said, could be worse,” he said in a deep, husky voice. “We could finish our date.” He smiled.

Wow…how did he do that? Play her veins like a harp.

Damn cowboy!

Edie strolled up, placing one glass of frothy beer in front of Violet and another in front of Keefer. “On the house. Wings will be up shortly. Anything else you need? Buck also makes a mean cole slaw.”

“Sounds great, Edie,” Violet answered. “I’ll also take fries and a cup of mayo.” Her stomach turned in hunger. She noticed that Keefer’s eyes were on her in curiosity. “I’m hungry. I could eat pickled pig’s feet if I had to.”

“How about you, cowboy?” Edie asked.

“I’ll take the slaw and fries too, but no mayo. I’m watching my figure.” He rubbed his stomach and winked at the waitress.

“Don’t look like you need much work to me, cowboy.” Edie beamed.

“Thank you. I’ll dance at your wedding.”

“Oh, that’ll be never. I made that mistake once.” She sighed. “Just give me a holler if you need anything.” Edie patted his shoulder.

“I most certainly will.”

Alone, Violet rolled her finger around the rim of the glass. “So you do flirt with every woman you come into contact with.”

He blinked. “What are you talking about?” He took a long drink and wiped the back of his hand across his mouth.

Violet took a sip herself, looking at Keefer from above the glass. She had to be careful around him, careful to keep her thoughts under wrap. She had a feeling he could see into her and know exactly what she was thinking and that’d leave her vulnerable. “You were totally flirting with her.”

“Does that bother you?”

“Not in the slightest.” She attempted to laugh it off, but it came out as a squeak.

“I guess we
still on a date.”

“Don’t let that stop you. I’d say our date ended hours ago.” She turned her attention to the couples on the floor, but couldn’t seem to concentrate on anything. She looked at him again and pretended her insides weren’t in a mess.

He lifted his glass, taking another long drink and she watched his lips move, sensual. “Let’s give it a few hours. Many things can change in that amount of time.”

Why did she suspect there was more to his meaning than met the eye. “I guess they can.”



Keefer finished off his last chicken wing smothered in barbecue sauce and his second beer, rubbing his stomach. He’d certainly gotten his fill of food, but a part of him still hungered for the beautiful cowgirl sitting across from him. They hadn’t said more than two words since their grub was placed in front of them, but the silence was starting to eat at him. “So tell me, Violet. Do you have a boyfriend?”

One brow lifted. “Obviously no. I’m out on a date with you.”

“That doesn’t mean anything. I know a lot of women who date on the side.”

“Not me. In fact, I don’t have time for serious dating.”

He snorted loudly. “What you really mean is that you haven’t found a man worthy of a relationship. Why can’t people just be honest when it comes to dating? They never want to admit that finding Mr. Right, or Miss Right, could be compared to a calf birthing feet first.”

She sat back into her chair, nailing him with a humorous glare. “I don’t have a lot of free time—and dating takes a priority. Men want a woman who puts him first. How can I do that when I’m working double shifts? But, to agree with you to a certain extent, I guess if the right one came along, we’d make it work.”

“And yet you said yes to a second date with me.” He loved seeing the light play in her eyes. “I’m a lucky son-of-a-gun.”

“Yeah, and what a lovely date it’s been.”

“Come on, you gotta admit, the wings were great, the music is lively and the beer is making these old bones feel pretty damn good.” He stretched his legs but kept his eyes glued to her face.

“Okay, it hasn’t been a total bomb. I’d take bar food over gourmet any day. Even if we’d eaten at that fancy restaurant back in San Antonio, we’d be hungry again.”

“Good company, too.” He swallowed hard when her gaze met his.

“You’re not so bad, Keefer.”

“Is that the beer talking? You have had two.”

“I’m sober—feeling real good—but still I know what I’m saying.” The corners of her mouth twitched.

“I better write this down. I didn’t think I’d ever hear you compliment me.” He laughed.

She nervously tugged a tendril of hair behind her ear. “The music has stopped. I think I’ll go find some that I like. Have any quarters?”

He dug into his pocket and withdrew a handful of change. He searched for quarters, came up with a dollar’s worth and handed them to her.

“Thank you. Any requests?” There was a softness to her voice that struck him straight in the gut.

“A few, but none have to do with music.” Damn! Had he just said that out loud?

Pink spread over her cheeks. She turned on heel and sashayed her way to the jukebox. He watched her closely as she leaned in, perusing the choices, her tight ass slightly lifted. Her legs looked a mile long and he’d take great pleasure in licking every inch. She was the best looking thing in the room and apparently he wasn’t the only one who thought so. Several men from a table across the room were staring and pointing at her. Anger sliced through him, which was unlike him altogether. He wasn’t the type to become possessive over a woman. He didn’t like that shit, and certainly didn’t want to become that way with any woman.

So when one of the men stood, strolled over to Violet and leaned in close, Keefer tightened his jaw and stayed steady. It was up to her if she wanted to dance with the scrawny looking fellow, as long as he treated her with respect. But when the cowboy shrugged and dipped his hat, Keefer felt an adrenaline rush. He wasn’t sure how he’d feel watching her in another man’s arms and glad she’d turned him down.

Keefer wasn’t much of a dancer, but he’d liked dancing with Violet.

A slow song flowed from the speakers and her hips swayed to the seductive beat.

What was he waiting for?

Pushing back his chair, he got up and ambled across the room. A twitch caused a bittersweet pain behind his zipper. Damn. He’d been around plenty of sexy women in his career, some that would have done anything and everything he’d asked, but once in a while, a man came across a woman who made all other women seem uninteresting. Violet was that woman for him. She’d certainly pissed him off and exhilarated him more times in the last six hours than he could count, and he couldn’t deny the prickling sensation rolling through his veins and landing smack dab at the end of his cock.

He approached her, slanting one elbow on the jukebox. She gave him a side glance, smiling, her eyes shining in the neon light. “Find anything you like?”

“A few things,” she said.

“Care to dance?”

“Don’t you remember where we ended up last time?”

“How could I forget?” He winked.


Violet moved into Keefer’s arms, immediately warmed to the bone. She shouldn’t have agreed to dance with him, but she couldn’t deny she’d hoped that he’d ask.

She laid her head on one shoulder, looking up at him through her lashes. “I love this song.”

“I can’t complain.” His slow, Texas drawl made goosebumps pop out on her skin.

Smoothing her hands up his large biceps, she suddenly wished the material of his button-down would rip into shreds. She remembered how he’d looked without the shirt and she wanted to explore every coiled muscle, every sinewy dip of his body.

His hands slipped down her back, pausing at the indentation of her waist. Her breathing became heavier and she swore she could hear the beating of his heart over the song. Leaning against him, she laid her cheek on his chest, planting her palm on his chest. Inhaling his scent, she swore she’d never forget how good he smelled, or felt.

Here they were miles away from home, surrounded by beautiful music with the intoxication of desire flowing through her veins. Why was she having a hard time deciding where they should go from here?

She lowered her hand to his buckle and tapped the large silver buckle with her nail. She wondered how many seconds it’d take her to remove it from his body.

“A penny for your thoughts.” His warm breath swept across her cheek.

No sense in lying. She lifted her chin, meeting his gaze. “This is dangerous.” She realized her words sounded weak. “All of my chains are breaking.”

He threaded his fingers through her hair, tangling the strands around his fingers. “Should I grab the key from Buck?”

A second crawled by, the choices swirling through her brain. She could deny her body what it so desperately craved or she could fly straight into the arms of heaven for a night of blissful sex. “Yes. I’ll meet you by the front door in ten minutes.”

They parted and Violet quickly made her way to the back of the bar, down the hall and into the women’s restroom where she almost ran straight into Edie who was walking out. “Oh, sorry, Edie. I was in a hurry.” Violet stepped into the bathroom and Edie followed her back in.

“No problem, honey.”

Violet checked herself in the mirror, finger combing her hair and preparing herself for a night she knew she’d never forget. Her insides already hot as lava and her panties were soaked. She realized Edie was still standing by the door, watching her. “Thank you for the ride earlier. You really helped us out. I couldn’t walk another twelve inches in these heels.”

“They make your legs look lovely. I love them.”

“I do too, or rather I did before Keefer and I ran out of gas in the middle of nowhere.”

“I thought you said you two weren’t an item.” Edie looked at her reflection and finger combed her thick hair.

“We aren’t an item. We’re on a date, and I’m sure our last.”

“That’s a shame.”

Violet turned, leaning against the sink. “Why do you say that?”

“Oh, I have a good sense about people and you two have this aura about you, two good people looking for something that you’re missing. Besides the fact that you two burned up the dance floor, there’s an urgency between you both.” Edie chuckled. “But hey, who am I but a waitress in the middle of nowhere.”

“I’m sorry, Edie. I didn’t mean anything bad when I said that about us getting stuck out here.”

Edie waved a hand, dismissing Violet’s words. “No worries, honey. No offense taken on my part. Believe it or not, I used to live in the big city. Back when I was the wife of an oil tycoon.” Her eyes hooded. “I left him, my nice home, and met Buck. I couldn’t ask for anything better.”

“You and Buck?” Violet would never have suspected that the pretty bombshell waitress was involved with the wiry-haired, shaggy-looking bartender.

“I know. It’s a shocker.”

Violet felt her cheeks warm. “Where are my manners this evening? He seems like a very nice man.”

Edie patted her shoulder. “The best. I’m lucky to have found him. I could still be living in a mansion, feeling as if I’m standing in the middle of the room screaming with no one listening. Buck hears me. He’s about the only one.” She smiled. “Gotta say though, I miss all of my fancy heels. Got rid of every single one of them to pay my bills when I first gave up the life.”

Violet had an idea. She looked at the shoes Edie wore. Worn, leather cowboy boots with rhinestone trim. “How about a fair trade, Edie?”

She blinked mascaraed eyes. “You’re kidding. I can tell by looking at those heels that they’re not from a department store.”

“I found out today as gorgeous as they are, they aren’t made for walking. As a nurse, I walk many miles a day and probably won’t get to wear them again. They’d look very good on you, with your long legs. They’d make you look ten feet tall and I bet Buck wouldn’t complain.”

Edie’s eyes twinkled. “Sure. I’d love to try them on.”

Violet slipped out of the heels and Edie slid off her boots. Once she had the shoes on, she sauntered across the small space of the bathroom, showing off her strut. “Wow…these are so cool.”

“See, I knew they’d look fabulous on you. Amazing.” Violet enjoyed seeing the other woman’s excitement.

Edie stopped in front of Violet, planting her palms on her voluptuous hips. “So you and the cowboy
an item, at least for tonight?”

Heat warmed Violet’s skin. “Sort of. More like I can’t seem to resist him,” she admitted. “No matter how much I try and deny the truth. I mean, after all, look at him.”

“He’s gorgeous, but I can tell he’s more than what is on the outside.”

“I can too.” Violet sighed helplessly.

Edie took a step closer, reaching out and coiling one of Violet’s strands of hair around her slender finger. “You have beautiful hair. I wish mine was this lustrous? What do you use?”

“Honestly. I just stopped washing it every day. Best thing ever. You see, our hair has natural oils.”

“My hair is stringy without the hairspray.”

“I keep mine in a ponytail most of the time.”

“I want to say thank you for the heels. That’s sweet of you.” Edie bent her head and kissed Violet on the cheek. “Think long and hard before you allow that cowboy to get away, honey.” Edie winked.

After she left, Violet stayed in the bathroom. Oh shit! She was about to have sex with Keefer. She should run like the wind, but instead, she prepared herself to rock his world.

BOOK: Resisting Pressure (Rhinestone Cowgirls Book 5)
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