Red Hot Letters to My Husband (7 page)

BOOK: Red Hot Letters to My Husband
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Tom dripped some yogurt on my clit.  I shrieked at the cold.  Thank God it wasn’t ice cream.  That would have killed me.  Tom sucked my clit into his hot mouth and I nearly melted at the contrasting heat.

“Oh, yeah.”

Tom looked up and grinned.  “I love listening to your response.  Your little groans and sighs are such a turn on.”

He dabbed some yogurt on his cock.  “I’m going to push some up y
our pussy
then lick it out.”

I gave a small shriek at the cool invasion before the heat overtook me and I sighed my pleasure.

Tom withdrew and crawled up the bed.  “Suck it off.” He thrust his cock into my mouth and I eagerly devoured it, sucking off the yogurt as he pumped inside my mouth.  I had never seen him quite so dominant before. 

“I love it when you command me.”  I was all for encouraging his confidence.

Tom moved back between my legs and stuck his tongue in my vagina.

“Your tongue’s so hot,” I gasped.

Tom placed his hands on either side of my legs and pushed them down.

I felt a gush of honey liquid in response.  “I love it when you hold me down.”

Tom stabbed his tongue into my vagina again and lapped up the yogurt while I writhed in ecstasy. 

Tom rose up and thrust inside me.  “Now I’m going to fuck you hard and hot.”

“That does it for me.”  I groaned as he pumped inside me building us to a crescendo until we both exploded with pleasure.

Tom collapsed to my side and I rolled so he could spoon against me.  A black head with ginger eyebrows stared curiously at me from the side of the bed.

I shrieked.  I’d been so consumed with Tom that I hadn’t realised Coal had come in.

“Down,” Tom said sternly. 

Coal’s front ginger paws slipped off the bed and he disappeared.

He never obeyed me like that.  Even the dog knew who was in control.


“So how
the Friday night flings going?”

I looked over at my two friends and considered what to say.  I took a mouthful of food to give me a moment.  We were having our traditional Monday lunch together.

“It’s going great.  Tom’s usually always been in control of our lovemaking but I just realised last Friday how in charge he is.  Naming his dominance seems to have released something inside him.”  I paused and thought about it.  “And me.  We had a crazy weekend of sex where he was a total Dom.”

Megan and Trish looked at me with wide eyes.

“Don’t get me wrong,” I hurried on.  “We’re not breaking out the whips or paddles but Tom has this way of speaking and restraining me that totally drives me wild.”

“Well I think it’s great that you’re exploring your sexuality,” Megan said.  “There’s nothing wrong with a bit of BDSM so long as you’re both happy.”  She lowered her voice confidingly.  “In fact, Chris loves to smack my ass on occasion and I find it totally hot.”

“All this talk of kinky shit is getting me hot,” Trish said, fanning her face dramatically.  “I just wished I was getting some.  It’s the only drawback with being single.  Sometimes the vibrator isn’t quite enough.”

“I know what you mean.  I wrote a letter to Tom exactly about that.”

“Now you’re going to have to give us details.”
  Two avid faces demanded satisfaction.

I laughed and gave them a watered down version.



Chapter Nine


Tied Up


Four weeks later, I danced inside our house with the shopping, looking forward to another delightful evening with Tom.  Since he’d had the talk with Rhonda, things had been less stressful at work and he was starting to be more relaxed.  His new boss had also acclimatised, reducing the workload.  Tom hadn’t been to work on a Saturday since the New Year.

Instead, he’d spent those Saturdays making love with me while the boys played Xbox, totally oblivious.  Things were really starting to come together.  I felt fabulous and fit.  My love life was fantastic, particularly now that Tom had realised his inner master and come into his sexuality.  He’d always been in control in the bedroom but now he was exploring the depths of that control and I was loving the journey.

I put the food away and went to our room and changed the sheets while I daydreamed about my latest letter.  Focusing on his dominance, I had played with the idea of bondage.

Dear Tom

Do you remember when you tied me up and played with candles?  I loved that feeling of being completely at your mercy.  It opened something inside me
showed me how deep my love for you has become.

I want to be at your mercy again tonight. I want you to invade my every crevice.

When you come home I will be waiting for you in my robe.  Tell me to take it off.

Undo your tie and use it to bind my hands behind my back.

Make me watch you undress.

Take a pillow and place it on the floor.


The whispered command will bring me to my knees in front of you.

“I want you to suck my cock.”  Grasp it and place it at my lips and rub it across them.  “Open your mouth and take me in.”

Let me suck you until your balls tighten and you feel like you’re going to come.  Withdraw.

Grab another pillow for me to rest my face.  Push my head down so my ass is in the air, inviting you to take me from behind.

Rub your cock agai
nst my clit and then plunge inside
my pussy.  Using my pussy juices, wet your finger and rub it around my anus before pushing in.  You should be able to feel your cock from inside.  You’ll be able to feel it thicken as you drive into me.  You’ll be able to feel the contractions as I come.

Tell me I belong to you because it’s true.  I’m yours.  Always yours.

Love Sherry.


I plumped up the decorative pillows.  They would be getting a workout tonight.
  I could already feel my pussy swollen and hot from my fantasy.  I wanted to ease the tension but sternly forbade myself.  The anticipation would make it all the sweeter when I finally came.

The ringing of the phone interrupted my fantasies.

Walking to the foyer, I picked up the phone.  “Hello.”

“Hello, Sherry.  I just called to let you know that I love your sexy letters.”  The caller’s voice was sultry and low.  It was also female and unknown.

I staggered against the phone table.  “Who is this?”

“Surely you can guess.  Tom wouldn’t share those letters with just anyone.”

“What are you trying to say?”  I could hear the shakiness in my voice and clenched my hands.

“I like the love scenes you write for Tom and I.  He thinks I’m hotter than you are.”

I hit the off button on the phone and drew a ragged breath, struggling with the reality of the phone call.  Tom was cheating on me.

The phone rang again.  ID unknown.  It was probably
again.  I pulled the cord.  I couldn’t talk to her now.  I needed to process this.

How long had this been happening?

Who was it?

Had they been laughing at me all along? 
Poor little wife trying to heat things up with her husband.  She doesn’t have a clue.  She’s nowhere near as hot as you.



I pushed away from the phone table.  I was still shaking.  Now it was with fury rather than shock.

I paced up and down the hall.

Dirty, lying scumbag.

I whirled and headed for the bedroom.  He was not setting foot in there ever again. 

Yanking out a suitcase I began to fill it with
stuff.  When it was full, I started on another.  He would have no excuse to come into the house.  Everything went
in.  I swept up all of his toiletries
from the ensuite and dumped it in there as well. 

Heaving the suitcases up, I carried them out the front door and put them on the veranda.  There.

I checked my watch.  Not quite two o’clock.  It would be hours before Tom came home.

No.  This wasn’t his home anymore.

How dare he cheat on me?  The betrayal bit deep but I wouldn’t take it lying down.

Striding to the phone, I plugged it back in while I fished out the card of the locksmith who’d replaced the locks after they were glued up.  I stabbed in the numbers.

“Hello.  I need an emergency replacement of locks.”  With a few more words I had them organised to be there by four o’clock.

I paced up and down the hall again. 

I’d go mad if I stayed here.  Picking up my keys, I stalked to the car.  The office was only a short drive away at the Hackett Shops.  I needed to talk to someone.  Even if Megan had a client, Trish would be able to give me some time.  Trish would understand.  After all, she’d been through the same

When I entered the office I discovered Trish and Megan packaging up some internet orders.

“Thank God you’re not with a client.  When’s your next one due?”

Megan flicked a look at the clock.  “Twenty minutes.  What’s wrong?”

“Tom’s having an affair.”  As soon as I stated it out aloud I burst into tears.

Megan and Trish rushed to my side and hugged me.

My sobs increased.  In the last seven months I had totally exposed myself.  I had given Tom my fantasies.  I had let down my inhibitions.  I had left myself totally open.  Throughout it all, Tom had made me feel safe, protected and loved.  Only it had all been a lie.
He had betrayed my trust.  He had betrayed my body. 
My sobs crescendoed.

he girls continu
ed to pat me on the back and mad
e soothing noises
my crying eventually tailed off
into gulping sobs

“What makes you think Tom’s having an affair?” Megan asked gently.

“His lover just called me up.”  Sniff.  “She’s read the letters.”  Sniff.  “She said Tom said she was hotter than me.”

“That prick,” Trish said.  “Men can’t be trusted.”

“This just doesn’t sound like Tom,” Megan said.  “He’s so devoted to you and the kids.  Chris says he talks about you all the time.”  Chris and Tom met at the gym every Sunday for an intense workout.

“Of course he’s not going to tell Chris anything,” Trish scoffed.  “He’d know it would get back to Sherry.  Men just can’t keep their dick in their pants.”

Megan frowned at Trish.  “Not all men are like that.  I don’t mean to offend you, Trish, but Bradley was an asshole.  It wasn’t a surprise when he fucked around.  I just don’t see Tom doing that.  Have you asked Tom about it?”

I sniffed inelegantly.  “Not yet.  I was so angry when that woman called that I packed his bags and organised for the locks to be changed.”

“Those locks of yours are certainly getting a workout.”

I felt a little faint.  “Do you think his lover is the one who’s been stalking me?”

Both of my friends looked at me with concern.  “That’s a scary thought.”

“Do you want us to be there tonight?” Trish asked.

“I’d rather face him by myself.”  It would be too embarrassing to have my friends hear Tom tell me what a fool I’d been.  “Maybe later, though, when he’s left.”  My breath caught on another sob.

“Give us a call and let us know.”  Megan rubbed my arm supportively.

The shop door opened
and Megan’s next client entered.

“Do you want to have a coffee next door?” Trish asked.

“That would be good.  I’ll just freshen up first.”

“You’ll be okay, won’t you Megan?” Trish asked.

“Sure.”  Megan turned her attention to her client and gave her a welcoming smile as she ushered her into the back room.


At six o’clock I heard Tom jiggling the security door.  Normally, it was never locked and I knew he didn’t have a key for it on his key
ring so I didn’t need to have its lock changed.

I opened up the front door and stared coldly at him through the security mesh.

“Hi sweetheart,” he smiled.  “You must have locked the door.”

His smile faltered as I continued to stare at him.  He looked down at the suitcases.  “Have we had a change of plans?  Are we going away for a naughty weekend?”

“As if, you lying bastard.”

Tom blinked.  “Excuse me.”

“Your lover called today.  You can’t hide any more, you adulterous worm.  You’ve betrayed me and you’ve betrayed the kids.”

“Sherry.  I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
  The calm tone of his voice infuriated me.  How many times had he hidden behind that cool facade while he lied to me?

BOOK: Red Hot Letters to My Husband
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