Read Reckless Abandon Online

Authors: Heather Leigh

Tags: #Adult

Reckless Abandon (9 page)

BOOK: Reckless Abandon
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Chapter 14


“So, we have a report from Eli and Wyatt. They are being held in separate rooms. Alive, and as good as they could be I’m sure. There was some interest in Hunter as he was in a meeting with Jax. Who knows what the fuck about.”

“Jeremy, where is he?” Morreti was jumping the gun.

“Things with him have been quiet. Nicole as well.”

“What do we know about Jax’s Old Lady?”

“Don’t know. Eli stated that she had been babysitting Hunter for some odd reason. Let me find out if he is working some kind of charm on her. Leave it to him to try and get his dick wet while on his death bed.” I chuckled and my brothers soon joined in.

“Well, leave it to him to be thinking with the wrong fucking head. What’s their headcount look like? Should we be calling in other chapters to come help?”

“I think we should get backup. They are all carrying guns. There is shift for the perimeter of the clubhouse. Surveillance cameras are all we’ve been able to spot. There has been a lot of traffic in and out of the place. Maybe drop offs, trades. But our guys are still there.”

“Well, let’s get in there, wait for shift change to get in. I want to limit the chance of one of our guys getting hit. We need to find them, and get the fuck out of there. If I have to start a Goddamn war, I will. The feud between the Devils and the Condemned Angels ends tonight.

“Agreed.” I nodded my head while Moretti slammed down the gavel, not even waiting for confirmation from the other brothers. No vote was needed today at this very moment. We were rolling in deep to retrieve our VP.


I had been in my room for far too fucking long. I could only imagine what Jax wanted with Hunter. How fucking awkward it would be to talk to the man who’s fucking your wife. I needed to focus on Nicole. Fuck all the other shit right now. I had to think of something, and fast. I was getting us the fuck out of here. I heard a pair of heels at my doorway and I expected Eva to waltz right on in. Right about now, I wished it were her.

“Hey there, handsome.” Nina’s voice filled the small room.

Fucking Christ.

I said nothing as I sat on the chair in my room. This was not what I fucking needed right now. Nina sauntered over to me, wearing skinny jeans and a Devils MC t-shirt that had been sliced across the chest, exposing her big ole’ tits. Shit, I should have just steered clear of her pussy. Bad fucking idea that was.

“You got a smoke?” I peered up at her.

“Yeah, I figured you might need that and some other things to help pass the time.” Nina pulled a pack of smokes and a lighter from her back pocket. I placed the stick of cancer between my lips, and allowed Nina to light it up. Blowing a cloud of smoke above us, I ran my thumbnail across my lower lip.

“Thanks.” I sat down on the edge of my bed, and realized that wasn’t a good fucking position to be in. I immediately shot up and walked to the other side of the room.

“You know I don’t bite.” Her small giggle filled the room. Silent, I gave her the once over. Her blue eyes mirrored Nicole’s.

“Look Nina, things were fun before I knew you were a part of the fucking Devils.”
“I don’t think you’d mind even after knowing that little tidbit. “

“Does your lover…I mean brother know that you’re here?” I cleared my throat.

“Maybe.” She walked over to where I stood and pressed the front of her body against mine. I gripped her by her biceps.

“Fuck off, Nina. I don’t want or need your corrupt pussy anywhere near my dick or me. You best be running along now.” She shrugged out of my grip and grabbed my hand to cup her sex. I felt the heat radiating through the crotch of her jeans.

“Mmm, you know you want this again,” Nina moaned as she tilted her head back.

“Fuck off.” I yanked my hand back.

“Fuck you, Jeremy. You know you’ll never get her back. She’s a Devil now. You’ll never make it out of here alive.”

“The fuck I am, you little bitch.” I tossed my cigarette to the ground and grabbed her biceps again. I gave her a rough shake. Except, she enjoyed it.  Nina liked it
she was fucking getting off on this shit. Sick little cunt.

“So while you can, you better get it.” Nina leaned forward and licked my lips.

“You know what? You’re right.” I smirked down at her. I grabbed the crotch of my jeans and stretched it taut with my left hand, and pulled my zipper down with my right. Nina’s eyes lit up like a damn Christmas tree. I whipped my dick out and palmed it for a few pumps. Nina licked her lips before starting towards me, until she stopped dead in her tracks. Her eyes grew wide and her gaze shot to the floor. There I was, taking a straight piss on her feet. Her scream filled the room as she jumped back from me. I bent my knee and aimed upward to try and stretch my stream. I was enjoying this way too fucking much. After Nina scrambled out of there, I tucked myself back into my jeans and laughed.

She’s a Devil now.
Those words got to me more than I’d like to admit. I wasn’t going to give up on Nicole. Never again. I came too close, too many times to not getting her back. I should have never let her go in the first place.



After that night with Nicole, something in me changed. I felt things for her. Feelings I had never experienced with anyone else. I never told Chase about Nicole and I, but he took notice.

“Brother, you doing alright?” He walked up behind me and slapped me on the shoulder as we were sitting in my driveway, polishing the pipes on our bikes.

“Yeah, why?” I asked over my shoulder.

“Don’t know. Something happen at the bonfire with you and Nic?”

“Why would you think that?”

“‘Cause the next day when I saw you, you had a shit eating grin,” he chuckled, tossing me a fresh rag.

“Well, I guess that you’ll never know- quit fishin’ for deets.”

“Just make sure you keep your head on straight. We have a lot coming up while being Prospects. Our main focus is the club. Not getting wrapped up in that pussy voodoo.” I paused. Shit. He was right. Once we really go into our Prospect positions- we were at the club’s beck and call for the next year or so until we got patched in. I wouldn’t be able to give Nicole what she needed.

The remainder of the day, my mind raced with all of the scenarios. Nicole and Roxy were going to college in a few months.

I heard a car door slam. Nicole was dropping off Roxy from a shopping trip. The girls hauled bag upon bag into the house. I shook my head with a laugh. Chicks and their shit.

“Jer. Chase
” Roxy greeted us as she passed. Chase’s eyes traveled up. Before they could trail any further upward, I threw my rag at his face. The girls laughed as they continued their way onto the front porch. I pushed off my stool and walked to Nicole. I grabbed the extra polishing rag from my back pocket and starting to wipe my hands. Nicole tossed the shopping bags down and turned towards me.

“Hey.” Nicole rocked up on her tiptoes.

“Hey.” I smiled down at her.

“You want to stop by later tonight?” Nicole asked in a hushed tone. Only for our ears.

“Yeah. I’ll let you know when I’m on my way.” Pussy whipped.

Later that night…

I pulled up to Nicole’s house around nine o’clock. I stood on her porch, regretting what I was about to do. She answered the door wearing yoga pants and an old Condemned Angels MC t-shirt that had the neck cut out and was hanging off her shoulder. I ran my tongue over my bottom lip and made my way over the threshold.

Without a word, I pulled her against me, Nic’s backside pressed into my front. I couldn’t wait another fucking minute to touch her. To savor what is mine and what always will be mine. A small moan mixed with a sigh came from Nicole. Her body melted into me. I latched onto the dip between her neck and shoulder. I nibbled my way back behind her ear. Nic’s arms came up behind her, grabbing a fistful of my hair. The only problem was I couldn’t stop thinking.

“Why did you stop?” She turned in my arms and looked up at me.

“Just have a lot of my mind.” I rubbed my fingers along her waist.

“You’re not regretting the other night are you?” She started to withdraw her arms from around me.

“No, not that, babe.” I grabbed her wrists in my hands, and looked down at our joined hands.

“Then, what is it? You’re a Prospect, so you can’t have real serious club matters yet.” She giggled, but soon stopped when she noticed I wasn’t laughing.

“That’s just it, Nic.”

“I’m confused.”

“I’m always going to be there for my club. Now, and down the road.”

“Yeah, no shit, Sherlock.”

“I think with you going away to school, that it will give you a good opportunity to find someone.”

“What the fuck, Jeremy?”

“You deserve better than this, than me. Get you away from all the club bullshit and move on with your life.”

“Did you even consider my thoughts or feelings on this stupid ass plan of yours?” Her arms crossed her chest.

“Yeah. I think it’s for the best.” I rubbed the back of my neck, unable to look into her eyes.

A fake laugh came from her, and she shook her head from side to side. I took the risk and stared into her eyes. Tears were already threatening to fall. I felt like I had been punched in the gut.

“Nic.” I reached for her, but she leaned away. Now, she avoided eye contact with me, and she bit the inside of her cheek as tears rolled freely down her face. Fuck- I couldn’t stand when females cried, let alone her.

“Just go.”

“Let me just-“

“No! You got what you wanted from me, now you can just leave,” she shouted at me, while she shoved past me and opened the front door.

“It’s not like that, Nic!”

“Yeah, sure. Whatever you say, Jeremy.” She was stubborn as fuck, and I should have expected her to throw my ass out.

“I meant what I said that night, just remember that.”
I love you.

“Goodbye.” Her eyelids closed, more tears escaped. Pissed off at myself and the entire fucking situation, I stormed past her. Out of her house and out of her life. I had to keep reminding myself that this was what was best for her.




In Jax’s room, he had me playing the waiting game.  I waited for him to finish up with club work, whatever that is. I’ve been uneasy since Hunter confronted me about Isabella. There is only one way Hunter could have found out about our daughter. Jax. Could he have made the connection between the two? Does he know? I’ll be fucking done if he finds out the truth. Before my mind could wander any further, Jax entered our room; his eyes scanned me sitting on our bed. I wore a black tank and cotton booty shorts, Jax’s favorite. His blue eyes seemed distant and for the first time in a long time, I couldn’t read him.

“Eva.” Jax started towards me.

“Jax.” I went to crawl off our bed, but he put up his palm to stop me from going any further.

“Let me take a look at you, ‘cause damn, sweetheart, you look good tonight.” His tongue ran across his bottom lip. I concentrated on his mouth, avoided eye contact at all costs.

“Everything alright, baby?” I sat up on my knees and tugged at his leather cut. I curled my fists into the lapels and pulled him forward. Jax trailed his rough hands up the back of my arms, my skin broke out in goose bumps.

“I’ve had one fuckin’ hell of a day, darlin’.” He exhaled deeply as his hands met at the back of my neck.

“Let me help you.” My hands moved inside his cut, slowly moving it off his shoulders and off his body. Jax’s body language screamed sex. It radiated off his body. His wide shoulders led down to his slim waist. I raked my nails down his back, and grabbed the edge of his shirt. I pulled it upward, stirring his slicked back hair. His hands gripped my tank top.

“So Goddamn beautiful, what a shame.” Jax was fixated on my mouth. He leaned down and captured my lips with his. He fisted my hair and gingerly tipped my head back. My mouth somewhat fell open as he kissed my jawline.

“What’s a shame?” I whispered into his ear.

“You.” My eyes sluggishly opened.

“What are you talking about, Jax?”

“You know how I am, Eva. I’m a very jealous man. What’s mine is mine. It’s not to be touched by anyone else. It’s not supposed to be full of lies. It’s not supposed to hide anything. It’s not supposed to cross me. It’s supposed to obey my every command, and fulfill every wish.” His fist tightened around my hair.

“Jax, you’re hurting me!” I grabbed onto his wrists.

“You’re hurting ME, Eva!” he shouted in my face. He leaned over the bed, bending me backwards. I was lucky to move my legs out from underneath me. Jax got one knee up on the mattress.

“When are you going to stop lying to me and start telling me the truth?”

“Stop it! I don’t know what you’re talking about!” I bucked my hips upward.

“No? Let’s jog your memory.” Jax wolf whistled and the door to our bedroom slammed open. The door bounced off the back wall and two prospects dragged in something. They came closer. They were dragging not something, but someone. Hunter. Each of the prospects had Hunter’s arms linked with theirs. His head hung low as he was dragged in on the tips of his boots.

BOOK: Reckless Abandon
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