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Authors: Judy Christenberry

Rebecca's Little Secret (17 page)

BOOK: Rebecca's Little Secret
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“Why in the morning and not now?”

“Because it’s long been a fantasy of mine to wake up in bed with you and make love as the sun rises,” he whispered before he kissed her again.

“Then start getting dressed. I want you to have your fantasy.”

“But I have one left. I don’t— Oh. I’ll be right back,” he said, and grabbed his jeans.

“I hope so,” she said sweetly. “Just don’t have any wrecks. I’m not going anywhere.”

He gave her a big smile. “I know, and nothing could make me happier than that.”


The chapel on the Southern Methodist University campus was available only for a noon wedding. So two weeks later, at noon, Jeff and Rebecca became husband and wife in front of all their family, real or adopted.

Afterward, they returned to Vivian and Will’s house, where Betty had prepared a sumptuous feast and a beautiful wedding cake that even Chelsea admired.

Joey, dressed in a new suit his father had bought him, had listened to all their explanations about what would happen and why, but he still seemed rather confused.

“Mommy, why can’t we still live here with Grandpa Will and Grandma Vivian?”

“Because when people get married, they live together, sweetie. You have a nice bedroom at Daddy’s house, don’t you?”

“Yes, but I want to keep my bedroom here.”

“Joey, that’s not—”

Vivian interrupted. “How about we keep it just the
way it is so when you come visit, you’ll feel at home?”

“I’d like that. Can I come visit often?”

“Anytime you want, dear.”

“Daddy, Grandma Vivian said I can come visit anytime I want.”

“That’s nice of her. By the way, I thought you should have a gift, too, on our wedding day. Would you like to have it now?”

Dinner was complete and the wedding cake served, and presents opened. It seemed as if everyone was waiting for something.

Rebecca guessed it was Jeff’s gift to Joey. He must’ve told everyone but her. He would have to get over this surprise fetish he had.

She didn’t realize Bill had left the room until he returned. In his arms, he carried a golden retriever puppy. The little dog was trembling with nervousness.

“A puppy? I can have a puppy?”

“Yes. I thought you’d like to have him to sleep with you.”

“He can sleep in my bed? Did you ask Mommy?” Joey had his eyes on Rebecca, not sure she’d agree to such a thing.

Jeff stood and put his arms around Rebecca. “What do you say, Mom? Can Joey have his puppy?”

“I suppose so, but I don’t think he should sleep with him until he’s trained.”

“He’s already been trained. All we have to do is train Joey.” Everyone laughed at that.

“What are you going to name your puppy, Joey?” Rebecca asked.

“I don’t know. He’s kind of like my baby brother, isn’t he? Grandma Vivian, what are you going to name your baby?”

“We don’t know yet, Joey. We don’t know if it’s a girl or a boy.”

“Oh. Well, I think I’ll name him…” He studied the puppy. The little dog, now in Joey’s arms, reached up and licked his face.

“He likes you, Joey,” Rebecca said, “and he’s a little boy, too.”

“I think I’ll name him Davy. That’s the little boy in my favorite book. Is that okay?”

“That’s fine. You and Davy will be very happy. Did you thank your father?”

“Aw, Mom, we’re married now. He’s supposed to give me presents.”

“Joey Jacobs, manners are important, married or not.”

“Thank you, Daddy, for Davy. I love him.”

“I’m glad, son.”

Joey wasn’t through. “And thank you, Mommy, for finding Daddy. He’s the bestest present ever.”

Will knelt down and put an arm around Joey. “Well said, Joey. Family is the best present anyone can ever receive.”

Everyone toasted their glasses, joining in with Joey’s feelings.

Rebecca looked at her husband. In a whisper, she said, “Thank you for giving me Joey.”

“I’m the lucky one. You took care of our son until I could help. Most men aren’t that lucky. Now we’re a family and no one will ever tear us apart.” Then he kissed her.

Joey looked at all the guests. “They do that all the time.”

Everyone laughed again, Vanessa and Rachel sharing a smile. They were sad that Rebecca would be moving out of the house, but she would be close by, and her happiness was obvious to everyone.

After the kiss, Jeff turned to their guests. “We want to thank you for being with us today and sharing our happiness. One more toast, to family. I now have one, and I hope it keeps growing.”

Will sighed, “I’m doing my best.”

Vivian patted her stomach. “You certainly are.”

Everyone roared with laughter as Will tried to explain he meant finding David, the other brother, and convincing Jim to come home from the Middle East.

“However we get them, Will, we’ll take them. And if you run out of bedrooms here, I have a few to spare at my house,” Jeff added.

With that, he picked up Joey and his puppy and put an arm around Rebecca. “We’re going home. Come visit whenever you’re in the neighborhood.”

They were a real family at last.

ISBN: 978-1-4268-5877-2


Copyright © 2004 by Judy Christenberry.

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BOOK: Rebecca's Little Secret
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