Read Rare Vintage Online

Authors: Bianca D'Arc

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Paranormal, #Erotica

Rare Vintage (6 page)

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Her orgasm started almost the moment he’d pierced her flesh.
She contracted around him, the climax building stronger and more powerful until
she cried out, bringing him along with her. Her blood flowed into his mouth as
he erupted into her welcoming body, each finding a home within their destined

He realized that startling truth, beyond a shadow of a
doubt, as they climaxed together for the first time. He felt everything she was
feeling within his own mind, almost as if he were living it, looking through
her eyes, feeling with her emotions. He knew it was the same for her. He could
tell by the dazed look of the eyes that met his when he finally sealed the
wounds on her neck and lifted his head.

She felt what he felt. They were sharing their minds and
emotions fully. They were one. She was his One.

Chapter Ten

“You’re my mate,” Marc said reverently, stroking the mussed
hair back from her cheek. “I can hardly believe it. You are my one and only.

“I can feel what you’re feeling. Know what you’re thinking.”
He could see she was completely stunned. “And don’t you dare laugh at me.”

He chuckled, holding her tight, still tightly lodged within
her body and her mind. He didn’t want to leave. Ever.

“I’m not laughing at you,
mon coeur
, I’m simply
giddy. I have searched for you for over six hundred years, and now you are
mine. I honestly didn’t think this day would ever come to pass.” He leaned in
and kissed her soundly, lifting to look into her eyes for a moment, then moving
in for a deeper kiss as he grew hard within her once more. “
Je t’aime, mon
. I love you, Kelly.”

“How can you love me?” She seemed utterly confused.
Charmingly so, he thought. “You barely know me.”

“How can I not?” He stroked her beloved face. “I am in your
ma petite
, in your very soul. I love you. Of that, there is no
doubt. Look into my mind, my memories, my soul, and see if you can deny that
you love me too. It is fate. You are my destined mate, and there is nothing
else I can do but love you. Even if the fates had not decreed it, I would still
love the beautiful little hellion you are under that conservative facade. You
are perfect for me, Kelly. You need only look within my heart to see it.”


She tried to do as he asked, but her senses were in a
jumble. Between his thoughts and emotions mirroring back on her inexperienced
mind, and his cock, hard and rocking within her, she was more than a little
overwhelmed. She focused on the physical. At least that she understood. Cock in
pussy, orgasm soon to follow.

At least with Marc’s huge cock in her greedy pussy. The man
had more sexual skill in his little toe than all of her past lovers combined.
Not that there’d been many. She’d bet he’d had hundreds, maybe thousands of
women over his centuries of feeding off female blood and lust.

“They are as nothing when compared with you,
mon amour
He sucked on her skin as he rode her, deep and slow.

“Get out of my head.” She tried to sound tough, but it came
out sounding charmingly grumpy. At least that’s what he thought. Damn, now she
was doing it too. She’d lifted that thought right from his mind.

“Legend says it’s natural for mates to share their thoughts,
their blood and their bodies. Now that I’ve found you, I need never feed from
another again. Your blood and our passion will sustain me for the rest of my

Marc rolled, letting her sit astride him. It was like the
dream, but different.

“Did you like our dream,
mon ange
?” His voice purred,
temptation itself, and in that moment she realized the dream had been much

“It was real?” She didn’t quite understand what she was
reading from his mind.

“No, my love, it was only a dream, but we shared it. We

“Three? Then…Dmitri was really there?” She was shocked
nearly speechless.

“He has special skill in dreamwalking. He brought us both to
your dream and the rest, as they say, is history. It was beautiful, wasn’t it?”
She gasped as he lifted beneath her, his cock reminding her of the sensations
they’d shared in the dream. “Do you want Dmitri, my love? Do you miss him
behind you?”

“No!” she shouted as he pulsed within her once more, but she
knew he could read her thoughts. She didn’t want Dmitri. She wanted only Marc,
though the experience—now that she knew they had actually shared that
scandalous dream with her, impossible as that seemed—would be one she’d
remember all her life.

“You make me happy,
mon amour
.” He lifted up to tease
her breast with his tongue. His fangs followed, trailing over her tender skin.
“Now ride me, my angel, and take us both to the stars.”

She felt his desire, mirroring her own as he licked at her
skin, making small love bites that didn’t penetrate but sent her senses reeling
all the same. When he finally bit down, she was moving on him rapidly, her own
climax so near, she could taste it. He was close too, and feeling his emotions
mixed with her own was both distracting and electrifying. She wanted to savor
the sensation, but it was too intense.

She couldn’t concentrate on anything as Marc’s cock
exploded, sending them both to the stars as he’d wanted. She’d never been
pushed so high by an orgasm, never had it feel so perfect, so special,

He held her as she trembled, tears wetting her eyes and drifting
down into her hair. Soothing her with his soft lips, he nuzzled her face,
licking the tears away and holding her close. Cherishing her.

“Don’t cry, little one. I’m here. I’ll always be here for
you now. For as long as we live.” His whispered words reassured her, and at the
same time struck terror into her mind.

“But how long will that be, Marc? Will you want me to become
like you? Will I have to become a vampire?” Her mind was in chaos. She didn’t
know what to think.

“Sweetheart, I would not force your decision. If you don’t
want to make the transition, I’ll end my days when yours end.” His eyes pled
with her as her tears increased. “But that won’t be for many, many years. We
can worry about it when the time comes. For now, let’s just be glad we’ve found
each other. I won’t ask you to take my blood. It must be your decision.”

“But you want it.” She could feel that from his mind.

He shook his head slowly. “I can’t deny the truth of that.
I’d like nothing more than to spend eternity in your arms, sharing the night
with you, seeing the world change and evolve around us, but I want your
happiness first and foremost. If that thought terrifies you—and I know at this
moment it does—then I’ll abide by whatever decision you make. I love you. I
want to share whatever time is left to us in this realm with you.”

He kissed her so sweetly, she cried even harder. He shushed
her gently, rocking her in his arms as he lay back against the cool burgundy
sheets. He held her long into the night as her mind whirled. She was simply
overcome. Too much, too soon. She didn’t know what to think, or feel, or do.
She only knew that being in his arms felt more right than anything she’d ever
felt before.

He was her rock, her comfort, her port in the storm of her
emotions, and she loved him for it. Come to think of it, she loved him. Period.

“I’m glad you realize it.” His soft voice drifted out of the
darkness as he kissed her temple with gentle lips. She jumped. He was reading
her mind again. “I love you too,
mon coeur
, my heart.”

She turned into his arms, the storm of emotion flooding her
once more. Her voice was a desperate whisper against his hard-muscled chest
when she could finally manage the few words she knew in her heart and soul that
he needed so desperately to hear.

“I love you, Marc.”


Early the next evening, just after sunset, Atticus and Lissa
drank a toast to Marc and Kelly. It was impossible to hide their relationship
now. Marc was proud to have Kelly at his side and if she was still a little
uncomfortable, it was to be expected. He’d pulled back mentally, giving her
space to grow used to their connection.

He liked her shyness in front of their friends as much as he
liked her boldness when they made love. They’d spent the rest of the night and
the following day together. Marc had slept in the burgundy room, protected from
the sun by the heavy shades and Kelly’s love. She had left him for a while, but
even in his sleep he sensed her in the house, eating, answering email and
generally puttering around, doing her job.

She returned to him just before he woke fully for the
evening and he greeted her with a kiss he would have liked to take farther, but
Atticus and Lissa were waiting. Atticus had left word he wanted to see Marc
before Atticus and Lissa left for a business outing just after sunset.

When Marc and Kelly came downstairs together, there had been
no hiding their new status from Atticus and Lissa. Lissa had run forward to
claim Kelly in a laughing hug of congratulations. Atticus had clapped Marc on
the back with similar enthusiasm, giving hearty congratulations to them both.

Marc had waited his whole life to find Kelly and was proud
to have their friends bear witness to their love. If he’d been wearing a suit,
he would have bust a button his chest swelled with so much pride.

After drinking a toast to the newly mated pair, Atticus and
Lissa took their leave and headed for the local business owner’s dinner
meeting. They didn’t participate often, but as the owners of one of the largest
and most successful wineries in Northern California, it was prudent to put in
an appearance at mortal events from time to time.

“If Leonard comes for you before we return, send word.”
Atticus was deadly serious, admonishing his long-time friend before he left. He
looked significantly in Kelly’s direction, but Marc knew his mate could do
little to alter the flow of events that would unfold. He wanted her kept as far
as possible out of any possible confrontation. Marc grudgingly agreed to call
Atticus if needed, though he much preferred to handle Leonard quietly without a
great deal of fanfare.

“Ian is near.” Marc knew that’s all he had to say to
reassure Atticus that Kelly would be looked after if Marc had to deal with
Gibson this night. Ian was the most gifted at stealth among them. Even Marc
couldn’t always pinpoint where his most talented enforcer was when he was
trying to blend into the background.

Almost before the tail lights of his host’s car were out of
sight, another luxury vehicle appeared at the gate. Marc sighed as he pushed
the button to let Leonard Gibson in and within moments, his gaudy foreign-make
limousine was winding its way up the long and twisting drive.

He’d hear what Leonard had to say, then send him on his way,
if possible. If not, he’d finish him once and for all.

The car was an affectation, and a silly one at that.
Vampires could easily transport themselves by shapeshifting into something that
could run or even fly. Even the less gifted usually mastered the ability to
shift by the end of their first century. Leonard had at least three centuries
under his belt, but he still felt the need for showy, human trappings. It was
just one of the man’s many weaknesses.

Marc knew Leonard would never make a good Master. He was too
wrapped up in himself and had too little regard for the welfare of those around
him. It was the Master’s job to keep the peace and the balance between the
vampires in his region and the humans they lived alongside.

Marc was part enforcer, part judge and jury, and part
lawmaker. His judgment alone stood between humanity and those like him, who
held such vast power. It was important the Master have the good of both groups
firmly in mind at all times. As Marc well knew, Leonard was too self-absorbed
to think of anyone but himself.

Marc kissed his new mate soundly, sending her off to finish
the paperwork she took care of for Atticus. He told her he had some things to
take care of by himself and that he’d meet her shortly, but in reality he left
the big house and went to meet the challenge out of her sight. He was glad that
he’d kept his mind separate from hers in order to spare her confusion. He and
Leonard would fight—if they must
the first outbuilding where some of the wine vats were located.

After the connection he’d made with Kelly the previous
night, it went against the grain to shield his thoughts from his mate, but it
had to be done. Above all, he had to protect her from the harsh reality of his
existence. At least, whenever he possibly could.

Chapter Eleven

“I don’t want to fight you, Leonard.” Marc sighed as the
other man sneered.

“I don’t want to fight you either, Marc. I want to kill

Shaking his head as he removed his jacket and folded it
neatly, Marc knew there was no way to avoid this. He knew Ian was out there
somewhere, watching over Kelly should the unthinkable happen and some twist of
fate let this sniveling wimp win. In all likelihood though, Marc would see
Leonard Gibson dead before the hour was through. It couldn’t be too soon as far
as Marc was concerned.

Leonard’s people stayed with the limo, and Ian remained out
of sight. Marc didn’t know where his friend was, but he trusted Ian to be where
he needed him most.

The challenge went as Marc expected it would. Leonard did
all the posturing and proclaiming of any of the challengers he’d faced in the
past, but like them, he went down quickly. Marc fought a clean fight, as he
always did, but he should have known Leonard was enough of a snake to fight

There were few things in this world that could kill a
vampire. A stake to the heart, full sun, the rare catastrophic injury that led
to complete blood loss…and silver. Silver was agonizingly painful and took its
time killing. It was a substance his kind steered clear of at all costs, but
Marc should have foreseen that if Leonard didn’t win their challenge, he’d have
some way to get even.

He saw it in Leonard’s eyes first, but by then it was too
late to avoid the deathblow—a mere scratch in reality, but executed with
devious zeal. Leonard clutched a silver claw whose hollowed out tips were
loaded with pulverized silver dust. He raked it across Marc’s chest and it
burned everywhere it touched. Leonard fell dead with Marc’s next blow, but he’d
already killed Marc. Damnably slow and excruciatingly painful.

As Leonard’s body turned to dust with the extinguishing of
his life force, Marc fell to his knees, clutching his chest. He was only dimly
aware of Leonard’s people climbing back into the limo and driving away.

Marc’s skin began to blister as the silver worked its way
inside. The only thing that could save him now was blood and alcohol.
Perversely, he lay in the middle of a vineyard with the deep red fermented
blessing only a few yards distant in one of the outbuildings, but he had no
strength to get there.

He felt himself losing the ability to reason or to think
beyond the incredible pain. The doorway in his mind he’d been careful to keep
shut opened wide. He felt the gasp of shock from his mate and he regretted the
pain he caused her, even as he slid into a semi-conscious state on the grass
next to Leonard’s ashes. He’d be joining him soon, he knew.

“I love you,
mon coeur

The thought whispered from his mind to his mate’s in his
last moments of coherence. It was all he could say but there was a wealth of
feeling behind those simple words. He had many regrets, but most of all he
regretted leaving her so soon. He’d only just found her, and now she would have
to go on alone.

“I’m sorry.”


Kelly gasped as she was hit by a wave of pain. Atticus and
Lissa had just arrived home and were speaking with her in the hall when her
world began to spin.

She vaguely felt herself being caught in her employer’s
strong arms. She saw his worried face floating above her, but her mind was
focused on the pain of her mate.

“Marc!” she screamed, clawing at Atticus to let her go, knowing
that just a few hundred yards distant, her mate was breathing his last.

Atticus must have let her go because the next thing she
knew, she was running across a field toward Marc’s gasping body. Kneeling at
his side, she uncovered the festering claw marks, at a loss as to what to do
for him.

“Silver,” Atticus hissed, placing his mate behind him.
They’d apparently followed close behind her in her mad dash from the house to
the field. “We have to get him inside to the vats.” Lissa tried to move next to
her friend, but her husband barred her way. “You can’t touch him. The silver
could kill you.”

Worried eyes went from Marc’s convulsing body to Kelly’s
tortured eyes. “Someone has to help him.”

Atticus nodded solemnly. “I know.”

Kelly took it all in with brutal clarity. Atticus was
willing to risk his own life for his friend, but he wanted his mate far from
the danger. Apparently she was the only one to whom silver wasn’t a poison,
human as she was. Making a quick decision, she found the strength somewhere deep
within herself to hoist Marc partway off the ground, scooping her arms under
his broad shoulders. She couldn’t lift him, but she could drag him. She began
moving while Atticus watched from a distance, knowing she had to do as much as
she could. She didn’t want her friend Lissa to feel this same excruciating pain
of the heart at the potential danger to her own mate.

She struggled to drag Marc, turning back to gauge the
remaining distance to the building. She was close, but her strength was
flagging. Suddenly, she felt her load lighten. She looked back to find Atticus,
his hands wrapped in as many layers of cloth as he could manage to help fend
off the spreading silver dust, lifting Marc’s feet so he didn’t drag. It made
it easier to carry him, sharing his weight without the friction of the thick
grass against his lower body.

Atticus hissed with pain when stray particles of silver
found the skin of his arms, but he was okay. They made good time to the
building and brought Marc inside. Atticus dropped Marc’s feet in front of one
of the large vats and went to pull the covers aside.

“What now? What do I do?” Kelly was losing it. Marc was
slipping away from her, she could feel it.

“Get him in the vat.”

“You want me to drown him in red wine?” She was fast
becoming hysterical.

Atticus lifted Marc’s feet again, hissing when his hands
came away blistered from the silver dust, but he lifted and pulled, getting
Marc’s lower half into the vat.

“The burgundy will counteract the silver. It’s the only
way.” Atticus reached to help wrestle Marc’s torso in, but had to stop. The
pain was overwhelming. “You have to do it. Get him in there now or we’ll lose
him forever!” he shouted as he opened another vat and immersed his hands and
arms up to the shoulder, sighing as the deadly silver was nullified by the rich
red wine.

Kelly heaved and shoved until Marc flopped fully into the
huge vat of burgundy.

Almost immediately, the wine started to bubble.

“What’s happening?” She was terrified.

“Don’t worry. It’s reacting with the silver and his blood.
The silver is poison to us because of the special substances in our blood and
tissues. He had a lot of silver in his wounds. It may take a while to
counteract.” Atticus pulled his hands out of the other vat and let the wine
drip off his skin as he walked over to watch the progress of his friend.

Kelly looked at his hands and arms carefully. She’d seen how
blistered they’d become with just a small touch of the silver dust. They were
nearly healed, but his skin still looked angry and irritated.

“If he comes out of this alive, he’ll need blood the moment
he rises from the vat.”

Atticus spoke in a low voice at her side. “He won’t be
reasonable. The beast within will be in control. He’ll be mad with pain. He
could, and probably will be dangerous.”

She knew what he wasn’t saying. Marc could kill her. She
understood the reality of that with one part of her mind while the larger part
of her heart shouted that she’d do anything if it meant he would live.

“I’d give my life for his.” Her voice was a mere whisper.
She turned her solemn gaze up to Atticus. “Tell him that if…” She didn’t finish
the thought. She didn’t have to. They both knew the next moments could be her
last. “Tell him I love him.”

BOOK: Rare Vintage
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