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Authors: Ellen March

Promises (9 page)

BOOK: Promises
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stared after her, taking in the tiny, cobalt blue string bikini, in sharp contrast to the outfit of yesterday. He waited till she was in the sea before dropping his jeans on her discard pile, leaving him in a tight pair of boxer briefs. He stood watching her from the shallows, the waves snatching at his muscled calves. His package swelled beneath the tight material glowing bright against his tanned skin.

Alex revelled in the water crashing over her thighs
. Her feet sank into the sand and she pushed forward into the cool sea. Her arms cut through the water and she tasted the saltiness as she swam farther out. Her mind and thoughts totally detached from her body, she continued onwards.

After a while
Alex paused, paddling water. She looked back at the land in the distance, unable to believe she’d swum so far from shore. She turned around and tried to move towards it, her arms and legs aching. Her body stayed in place, so she kicked harder. A blind panic began to take hold. She strived against the current forcing her out to sea. Her arms burning, she swallowed water, coughing and spluttering, floundering in the deep water. Her head dipped below the water.

stood and watched from the shore as her body sliced through the water, straight out to sea. He watched for a few minutes, impressed by how strong a swimmer she was. Finally he began to wonder when she was going to turn around. Suddenly he felt a frisson of fear and he dived in. Ploughing through the waves and currents, he swam steadily towards her.

Solomon could see the trouble she was in, and
then suddenly she wasn’t there anymore. He soared forward, cold fear propelling his limbs to move faster. Treading the water, he gazed around terrified before she reappeared, coughing and slapping at the water. He was there in an instant, clasping her by the waist, holding her safe.

hh, you’re okay. Don’t struggle,” he urged. For the first time, contact with her naked flesh stirred no sexual feelings. He was only too aware that it was his imperative to get them both safely to shore.

“You won’t get through the riptide
,” she gasped, still coughing and choking as she held onto his neck.

“I will, trust me.
Just hold on, honey. We’ll make it.” He moved forward, his arms cutting through the current, pushing on. He could feel the strain. His muscles bulged and burned as he struggled against the tide. He breathed a sigh of relief when they broke through the pressing water and glided smoothly towards shore. He was just thankful that he was a strong swimmer, since his one arm was still holding Alex close to him.

When the shore rose in front of them,
he dragged them both to the edge. Collapsing on his back against the sand, her weight on him, he held her tight.

Now that she was safe, a tide of anger
engulfed him at the near miss. He knew damn well if he hadn’t followed her, she’d have drowned. “What the hell were you thinking of back there?”

her head, she gazed deep into his eyes. “You,” she answered honestly as the heat of his skin radiated against her body.


Chapter Seven

hatever he’d expected, it hadn’t been that. The wind was momentarily knocked out of his sails. His hand stole over her back, curving over her rounded ass. She shuddered.

“You’re one crazy wo
man, you know that?” he muttered. He sucked in his breath when her tongue flicked against his throat, licking and swivelling in tiny circles. His cock responded instantly. With a low growl, he rolled her over and pinned her beneath him. He scanned the area, hoping to God no one was on the beach because he wasn’t stopping now.

one ever comes here,” she muttered when he paused, skating her hands feverishly over him. She canted into him, seeking his lips with a frenzied urgency as she laved them with her tongue. The cool water awash with bubbly foam lapped against her legs. Sol nudged them open. His hands tugged at her bikini strings and they fell open. The warm air caressed her body as his hand trawled over her, his fingers dipping inside of her.

e moved them slowly, calling her on, teasing back and circling her clitoris. Arching against his hand, she threw her head back. “Please, Sol. Now.”

Sol heard the begging tone in her voice, the words dripping out breathless. Slowly he began
a rhythmic thrust of his fingers. The nub of his palm gyrated, just at that spot that he knew made her go weak. She writhed wildly and he could sense that if he didn’t’ enter her soon she’d come without him.

With pleasure!” he groaned, surging forward. He held her shoulders, striving to bury himself deeper, and pulled her legs up to wrap tightly around his back.

er hands gripped him, shifting to clasp his face in the palms of her hands. She slanted her lips against his. Thrusting her tongue in and taking the initiative, she pushed him to his limit, driving him wild. She cranked her hips frantically against him and pushed harder when she heard his sexy growl. A loud whimper escaped her. She threw her head back, baring her throat. Her nails scored his back as he shuddered against her, and soon they came together.

She dotted
a random row of kisses across his throat. “Mmm, Sol, that was something else.”

“I’m just so glad I followed you today
.” He was still angry at the scare she’d given him. He gazed down at her, noticing how dark her eyes were. They were almost moss green, the vibrancy muted. He pushed a strand of red hair back behind her ear.

“So am I
, Sol. So am I.” She slapped his bare backside and luxuriated in the way his name rolled off her tongue.

, woman!” He pulled her bottoms together and tied them back up with a regretful sigh. Then he grabbed his snug boxers and slid them on, trying to ignore the sand scratching against his balls.

I think you need to swill that sand off you.” She stood back, and her green eyes darkened in blatant admiration of his bronzed torso covered in golden grains. She grasped his hand and dragged him back into the shallows of the sea. Scooping water into her hand, she suggestively rubbed the sand off him. Screams burst from her mouth as he suddenly lifted her into his arms and threw her into the water. He laughed at the shock on her face when she submerged beneath the waves, arms and legs flailing wildly.

“Thought you needed
some cooling off,” he chuckled at her livid face before backing slowly away. “Now, Alex. There’s no need to get angry.”

“You almost drowned me then
!” she shouted, spitting out salt water as she advanced on him with balled fists. “Just wait till I get hold of you!”

, he sprinted up the beach with Alex in hot pursuit; then, unexpectedly, he stopped and spun round. He caught her in his arms, laughing. “Okay, now you’ve got me. What are you going to do with me?” He crushed her to him, her pillowy breasts pushed flat against his chest.

, she gave him a playful slap. “Oh I could think of a few things.” She stood on tip toes, her feet sinking into the warm sand, as she whispered in his ear.

Solomon smiled and
tapped her nose, taking in a shaky breath. His stomach flipped somersaults when she took his finger and sucked it suggestively. With a wicked wink, she slid out of his grasp.

“I think we’d better get dressed or we’re never going to get off this beach
.” Her gaze dropped to his obvious arousal before she slipped the sundress over her head.

Solomon sighed and pulled
on his jeans, the sand chafing against his skin. He struggled to pull his zip up over his bulge before following her along the path, feasting his eyes on the way her slim hips swung from side to side.

“Fancy a
drink?” she asked as they neared the beach bar. Alex noticed there were a lot more people seated there now, enjoying iced coffees under the shade of the brightly coloured umbrellas. Many of the white plastic chairs surrounding the glass tables were filled.

Sounds great, only I haven’t got any money,” he admitted sheepishly. It was the truth. He’d been in such a hurry to follow her, he’d left his wallet in the house. Millions in his bank account and sod all in his ass pocket.

’s okay. I’ll take care of it. And before you say anything, it’s not payment in kind.”

Solomon held his hands up
. “Never thought it was.” Grinning, he sat down at a nearby table and glanced around. It felt surreal. For the first time in his life, a woman was buying him something.

* * *

As they sipped their coffees, a caramel iced mocha for her and an espresso for him, Alex noticed the amount of attention Solomon was receiving and didn’t like it one bit. The sound of her name made her turn her head and she groaned when she saw Tanya, waving as she strolled towards them. Tall, blonde and deadly, Tanya carried her drink with a delicate precision.

“Well fancy seeing you here
.” Her eyes devoured Solomon.

Hi, Tanya.” Alex wished she’d leave but knew that wasn’t going to happen. Alex glared at her as she took a seat close to Solomon. Too close.

“Nice to meet
up with you again.” She shook his hand but held it longer than necessary. Alex’s watchful eyes splintered with anger. “So, tell me. What brings you to Brindley Bay?”

Solomon s
hrugged. “As good a place as any other.”

Suppose so. What do you do?” Tanya nibbled on the straw in her cold drink, clearly stripping him mentally from head to toe.

Solomon grinned
and scrubbed a beefy hand through his tousled dark hair. His bright, deep blue eyes crawled over her. “I’m between jobs at the moment, but I’m a carpenter.” He sent a mischievous glance in Alex’s direction. “I happen to be very good with my hands.”

Alex choked on her drink
, barely able to contain her temper.

Well that’s a coincidence. I need some shelves put up. Whenever you’re free, you should pop round.” She crossed her long legs, revealing a length of tanned thigh.

“No problem
.” His big body was relaxed, one leg hooked over the other. He gave Tanya his full attention, assessing her in a leisurely fashion before turning once again to Alex, whose nostrils flared dangerously. Her reaction only seemed to amuse him.

ummaging in a purse that could double as a suitcase, Tanya pulled out a notebook and scribbled down her address. “My telephone number is on it as well. Ring me.” Her carefully manicured fingers folded the piece of paper and placed it in front of him. “Anyway, catch you both later.” She rose and gave him one more lingering look before sauntering away with a swinging stride.

Alex glared at her back,
determined to have a word with her ‘friend’ when she got home.

“She’s very nice
. I like her,” he said, thrusting the knife in a bit deeper. Rising, he turned so she couldn’t see the smile that tugged at his lips.

Alex almost choked on her coffee.
“Isn’t she just!”

* * *

Alex stared out the window at Sol’s bare back. He was bent under the open hood of the Beetle, and his hands were covered in oil as he pottered with the engine. She wished she could stop playing the moth to his candle, but just look at him! How was any woman supposed to resist a man who looked like that
had his impressive set of skills? Unlike the moth, which would hover at the flame until it was singed to death, she would survive, or would she?

It didn’t take a genius to realize
Sol was experienced, a man of the world, whilst she was just a naive librarian from the Bay. She also was aware what an emotional wreck she could be. She never entered into anything in a half-hearted way, so how was she supposed to carry off a casual affair? Which was why she never tried. She was too afraid of being hurt. An occasional one night stand suited her, yet even those were rare.

sighed. It wasn’t his charm she couldn’t resist, it was the sensational sex and his luscious cock. And the sex just seemed to get better and better.

She had mixed
feelings about the whole situation. One part of her wished that Ruth had answered her damn phone that night in the city. The other part of her was so glad she’d let her inhibitions go for once.

lex admired the play of light dancing across Solomon’s muscles when he stood and flexed his back. Then, as if aware of her watching all along, he looked up and waved.

Solomon gr
inned when the curtain slashed down. He’d caught her peeking again. She was definitely as interested in him as he was in her.


Alex was lying on the sun lounger in the back garden, her head stuck in a book, when her mobile rang. Giving an irritated sigh, she answered, realizing her pleasant day was about to come to an end.

, Mother.” She gazed up at the sky, searching the blue heavens as a bird hovered high above. How she envied its freedom. Her mother’s high-pitched voice screeched through the receiver.

uddenly she sat bolt upright. “You’re what? When?” She scrambled to her feet, scrubbing a hand through her hair. “But why? Okay, okay. See you then. Yeah right, of course I want to see you. Mmm sure.” She hung up and threw the mobile down on the nearby table, debating whether or not to throw a childish tantrum.

“Not good news?” interrupted Sol
. He leaned against his back door, where he had been watching her in silence, his arms folded across his chest.

“My mother’s coming to visit
.” She nibbled on a frazzled fingernail.

He raised his eyebrows in question.

“So, you haven’t met her, and trust me
, you don’t want to.” Alex tried to work out why Fiona was descending upon her just now. As soon as she spotted Sol hanging around she’d be ordering a pram.

Solomon shook his head and eyed Alex
with curiosity. “Fine by me. I’m popping down to the shops. Do you want anything?” His smile was all innocence.

.” Her distraction was obvious. “Catch you later.” She wondered how she could get Fiona to change her mind. Her mobile rang again, and she felt a surge of hope. She prayed her mother had had a change of heart. But it was Max’s name that filled the screen.

Hi, Sis, put the kettle on. I’m calling in.”

“What are you doing in this neck of the woods?”
Her brother’s impromptu visit shocked her. As close as they were, they rarely saw each other unless it was contrived by their mother Fiona. Max was a workaholic and she didn’t envy his fiancé, Val. As a sales rep, he spent most of his time on the road travelling or in cheap motel lodges.

response startled her. “Business. Thought I’d come by and see my favourite sister.”

’re not the only one! Mother just called to announce her own visit,” she laughed, looking forward to seeing him again.

Well, fancy that. I’m just pulling up now, by the way. See you in two tics, so shift your ass!”

Alex opened the front door
and noticed Sol standing by his rust bucket, staring with open curiosity at Max. With a shriek, she ran to her brother and wrapped her arms around his neck as he spun her round.

Solomon felt as if he’d been
punched in the stomach. He glared at the big man’s hands around her waist before sliding into the car and slamming the door shut. He knew he wasn’t going to be long down at the bloody shop.

linked her arm through Max’s and smiled up at her big brother. He was all of three years older. She’d worshipped him as a chubby toddler, trailing after him until the present day.

“Come on,
” she said, “let’s sit out on the patio. Tell me how Val is and how you’re getting on with the wedding plans.”

“Well that’s partly why I’m here

They walked through the house toward the kitchen and Alex paused in front of the refrigerator. She grabbed
a jug of juice and ice, glad she hadn’t bothered with a hot drink. “Now, why aren’t I surprised?” she said and nodded her head toward the open backdoor. They went outside and settled into the patio chairs, cold glasses in hand.

BOOK: Promises
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