Read Private Pleasures Online

Authors: Bertrice Small

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Women's Fiction, #Friendship, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Romantic Erotica

Private Pleasures (6 page)

BOOK: Private Pleasures
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What the hell was she supposed to do with the rest of her life? She wasn't fit for anything. Not in this new century with all its technology. A degree in English lit with a minor in home ec. What the hell had she been thinking? But how could she have known it would end up this way? She had no teaching skills. But she didn't want to teach. No computer skills, but she would need them now. Whatever happened with Jeff, she had to make a new life for herself.
Hell, she wasn't fifty yet. Close, but not there yet. No one retired at sixty-five anymore. Not if he or she could help it. She wasn't brain-dead. She could work twenty or more years, have a nice little 401(k) and collect her own Social Security. She could build a separate investment portfolio as well. She could do a lot of things if she could just get her act together and decide just what it was she really wanted to do.
"You're thinking again," Rolf chided, giving her butt a smack. "This is supposed to be relaxing for you, sweetie."
"I'm trying to figure out my future," Nora told him. "Carla and the girls are right. I have to make a life for myself. Rina's probably right too. Jeff is going to dump me. Besides, I have to be someone other than his wife and my kids mother. I have to find me again. I know I'm there somewhere, Rolfie. What do you think?"
"I think you're a very smart lady, Nora," he replied as he kneaded her buttocks. "You just need a little time to figure it all out. You need to restore that confidence you once had before you met Jeff. You don't need a man to take care of you, sweetie. You can do it yourself."
"Yep, Rolfie, but I still need time. I wonder if I'm going to get it. I guess the first thing for me to do is take a computer course, but the high school adult ed doesn't kick in until autumn. Still, that's the logical place for me to start, isn't it?"
"You're thinking again," Rolf said. "This is supposed to be relaxing for you." He was massaging her buttocks now, and the heel of his hand slipped deeply between the twin halves of her ass.
Nora caught her breath as he rubbed her. "I'm thinking about my future," she told him. A single finger was now gently rubbing at her anus. She tensed, but when he did nothing more than continue to rub her there, she began to relax a little bit.
"That's better," he said softly. The oily finger pushed itself one joint into her ass.
Nora gasped, and tensed again.
He bent and kissed the back of her neck, whispering, "Not yet, Nora, but one day that sexy little ass of yours is going to take my cock. You'll like it, I promise."
"Will I?" Her voice was tight.
"Yep, you will," he promised. Then he removed the invading digit, and smoothed his hand over her butt. "All done now, sweetie."
She drew a long breath, feeling a strange loss as the finger had been withdrawn. She had never considered anal sex, or had she? How much of what was happening came from her subconscious, and how much was just spontaneous? "All done?" she repeated.
"I don't think so, Rolfie," she told him boldly.
Rolf was at one of the sinks washing his hands. He laughed. "I can see you are a very bad girl, Nora. I really do believe you need a good spanking. That cute little ass is just begging for it, I'm thinking."
"Kyle," Nora called. "Rolfie wants to spank me. Then I think he's going to fuck me. Come and watch like a good boy, darling." Good Lord! A couple of delicious bangs and an erotic massage, and she was talking to these two men as she had certainly never talked to any man. But Carla always said men loved it when a woman talked dirty to them. She really couldn't believe herself. She suddenly felt strong. Maybe she always had been.
Kyle stood in the bathroom door. He was handsome in a roughhewn, almost barbaric way. Her eyes couldn't help but go to his male member. It was so wonderfully big, and so deliciously talented. His eyes were still jealous as he spoke. "You probably do deserve a spanking, Nora. I've never known a hotter little bitch than you. If you're through, Rolf, we can all adjourn to the bedroom."
They helped her from the massage table, and led her back into the bedroom. There was a roll-armed love seat in a seating area before the fireplace. They brought her over to it, bending Nora over one of the arms.
"Are you going to tie me down?" she teased them.
"A couple of good smacks shouldn't bother you, baby," Rolf said, "but Kyle will be kneeling on the love seat and holding your shoulders down for me," he told her as Kyle knelt on the silk cushion before her, his groin at eye level. Rolf delivered the first smack on her round bottom, causing Nora to squeak with surprise, for she hadn't been expecting it quite so soon. "Just a few little love taps to warm you up, Nora," he told her. His hard hand descended again, and again, and yet again.
"Ohhh!" she squealed, but strangely it didn't really hurt. Rolf's big wide palm just stung. She began to feel a rather sensuous and delicious warmth spreading across her buttocks, not to mention a faint tingling in her sexual organs. And then came the startling knowledge that she liked it. God! Her conscience kicked in. What kind of a pervert was she that she liked this tender abuse? She wiggled her bottom at him, and his hands grasped her hips to steady her. He leaned over, murmuring hotly in her ear, "I am so hot for you, Nora. I'm going to fuck you now, sweetie."
"Where?" The words were out of her mouth before she knew it.
He chuckled, and dropped a kiss on the nape of her neck. "You're not ready for that yet, but I suspect we'll get to it eventually. Right now I'm going to stuff your cunt, and you're going to love it."
Her heart was beating with excitement. She had never in all her life been taken in this position. Jeff had never let her off her back, and when once she had tried to mount him, he had thrown her off him roughly, slapping her angrily, and demanding to know where she had ever gotten such a damned disgusting idea. She hadn't dared to tell him that the girls had been talking about sexual positions, and other things unmentionable.
"Wooo!" she exclaimed, feeling Rolf's penis penetrating into her hot, wet softness. His member was shorter than Kyle's, but thicker. But he was extremely skillful with it. He moved very slowly into her, withdrawing himself as slowly. Over and over and over again. It was an incredible tease. She was close to screaming with the pure unadulterated pleasure he was giving her. "Oh, God! That is so good, Rolfie!" she sighed. "Don't stop, and that's an order! Don't you dare stop. Ahh! Yes! Yes! Yes! Ohhh, that is sooo good." She wiggled her buttocks into his groin, unable to stop herself.
"What a divine wanton you are," Rolf said, laughing. "I think she can take both of us, Kyle. What do you say?" His fingers pressed into the tender flesh of her hips.
"Yeah," Kyle agreed. "Naughty Nora needs two cocks because she is very, very hot tonight, aren't you, darling?" He stroked her hair gently. Then his fingers closed about her hair, and he pulled her head up. "Open your mouth, Nora." He rubbed his penis against her lips. "Ah, there you go, baby." He pushed his penis between her two lips, and into her mouth. "Nice and easy does it, Nora. Keep your teeth away from it. Just use your tongue, and then your throat. I'll bet Jeff never let you suck his cock, although plenty of other women have." His eyes closed a moment. "Ahhhh, that's it, darling. God, Nora, you're a natural at this," he told her.
At first Nora thought she was going to choke, but then as she became intrigued with the realization that she had a penis in her mouth, she felt him burgeoning, and her throat relaxed. Fascinated, she began to lick and suck him. The taste was fleshy and salty with just a hint of musk. She could hear both of the men moaning with their own rising pleasure. They were going to all come together— she knew it! This was incredible. She felt her climax exploding even as she found herself being spermed from both ends. Rolf kept coming, and coming and coming; and Kyle's cum was so copious she could barely swallow it fast enough.
Then without warning Nora's head began to spin. There was a feeling of aloneness. She was being reluctantly dragged through time and space. Or at least that was how it felt to her. Suddenly her eyes flew open, and her body jerked with an orgasm that suffused every inch of her body. But she was in her chair. In the den. Her eyes went immediately to the television. The screen was blank. The set was off.
"Omigod!" Nora gasped. What had happened to her? What the hell had happened? Who had turned off the television? The remote lay on the table next to a melted pint of caramel praline ice cream. "Omigod!" she said again. She distinctly remembered turning on the television. She remembered kneeling before it. Matching her hand to Kyle's and being with him. There. In that gorgeous apartment with the incredible skyline view.
But it was obviously a dream. It must have been. None of it had really happened. It couldn't have. Stuff like that didn't really happen. She had let her imagination run away with her. But she suddenly smelled the fragrance of gardenias on her skin. No! It was a dream. But then why was her hair damp, and why did it smell freshly washed?
Nora tried to stand up, but fell back into her chair. Her legs were weak. She was taken aback by the slick and salty taste in her mouth. By the fact her vagina was very sore. Like she had had sex. Lots of sex. The house was quiet. Outside it was still dark. The clock on the fireplace mantle struck the half hour, but what half hour? Reaching for the remote, she turned the television back on and saw that it was four thirty in the morning. Where had she been for the past eight and a half hours?
Nora turned the set off again, and sat in the dark of the den. It hadn't been a dream as much as she needed to believe it had been. It had all been very real. Kyle and Rolf had taken her a total of four times. Nora could never remember being fucked more than once in a night in her whole life. And she had been so wanton. She shivered with the chill of the predawn hour. Her brain felt as if it were going to explode with the knowledge of what had happened to her during these past few hours. She had to stop attempting to analyze and understand it or she was going to go nuts.
Nora breathed slowly, deeply, in an effort to calm the frantic beating of her heart. Then she attempted to stand up again. This time she was successful. No lights, she thought. If anyone is up peeing and sees lights at this time of morning, theyll come running over. I can't face anyone right now. Carefully she made her way from the den to the center hall of the house, and up the stairs to her bedroom. She literally fell into the bed and was instantly asleep.
She didn't awaken until the sun was shining brightly in the room. She didn't need to look at the bedside clock. It was after noon. The sun only came into the bedroom in the afternoon. She rolled over onto her back. She was exhausted. And she was still sore. She hadn't ever in her life had such a workout as she had last night. And she smelled of sex. She hadn't smelled that odor in years, but it wasn't a scent you forgot. I want to go back, she thought. But Jeff would probably come home tonight because she had made him feel guilty yesterday. And she couldn't go to The Channel if J. J. was in the house. What was today? Oh, shit! It was Tuesday, and she hadn't put the garbage out for the weekly collection. If Jeff came home, he'd bitch at her over it. She'd have to make a dump run so he didn't know.
The school Athletic Association awards were Friday. Jeff would definitely be home then, because how he appeared to the public was very important to Jeff. And he'd probably stay for the weekend. Could she annoy him enough so he'd go back to the city, and his girlfriend? Maybe. Maybe not. Damn! She really wanted to go back to The Channel. The place was an aphrodisiac and she had been quickly hooked.
Nora got up and showered, soon smiling at the dried semen she found in her matted pubic hair before she stepped beneath the water. It had been real! Oh, yes! It had been very real, and she could hardly wait for it to be real again. She winced as she accidentally banged her elbow on the tile wall. It was like bathing in a coffin, she thought. No lights. No view. She needed to talk to Carla. Getting out of the shower, Nora wrapped herself in a towel, grimacing as she realized that her body was back to normal! The sides of the fabric didn't overlap on her frame.
I don't have to be fat like this, she thought. I've really let myself pork up in the last few years. I need some exercise. Maybe I'll start walking with Carla. I hate the way I look in my clothes. My height is all in my torso, and so is the fat. She pulled on a pair of cotton briefs, fastened her bra, squeezed into her stretch jeans, and yanked a bright yellow T-shirt on over her head. Then perching herself on the edge of the bed, she called Carla.
"Hi, it's me. We've got to talk before the kids get home from school. Yeah, I'm here. Just barely. Come on over. I'll get out the wine. It's afternoon, and I need wine."
Several minutes later Carla Johnson came into the kitchen with a plate of turkey sandwiches, and sat down at the table across from her best friend. "It's only one, and I'll bet you haven't eaten. You're going to be sick as a pig if you drink wine on an empty stomach. You went to The Channel, right?" she said matter-of-factly.
"I went to The Channel," Nora said. "Perfect night for it. Jeff stayed in town. First time I didn't mind he did. J. J. stayed at his girlfriend's house to meet some bigwig from State." She sipped the wine nervously, and then began to eat one of the sandwiches, surprised to learn she was very hungry.
"Well?" Carla demanded, cocking her head to one side, her brown eyes curious. "What did you find there? And did you like it?"
"It's my dream apartment," Nora began. "The one I've always talked about. It is so beautiful there, and I'm not a plump matron pushing fifty either. I am this sexy redhead about thirty. And I had sex with two men. Wild animal sex!" Nora laughed.
Carla grinned. "I wouldn't tell this to anyone else but you and the others," she said. "I'm Captain Raven, the pirate queen. I sail the Caribbean, and have sex with whoever takes my fancy. Two nights ago I captured an English vessel bound for the Indies. There was a very handsome and wealthy young duke aboard. He was willing to do anything I wanted him to do to effect his release. At first he was quite difficult, but I made him walk the plank. When we fished him out he became much more reasonable."
She giggled. "Isn't The Channel great? We can have all the sex we want without venereal disease, AIDS, unplanned pregnancies, or guilt. I don't know who invented it, but it's terrific, and we owe them a vote of thanks."

BOOK: Private Pleasures
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