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Authors: J. Lee Coulter

Portals Of Time (3 page)

BOOK: Portals Of Time
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Chapter Four

her heart as she stared into his indecipherable
She gulped as she slowly withdrew from his reach. Arianna knew enough about this age to understand that he could easily snap her neck if he was so inclined.

Lucian sensed her
as panic flashed in her eyes.
He needed to let her know that she should not fear him. But how? Mere words would not calm her.

He grinned widely at her, baring his even white teeth.

“Ye will nae dissuade me from wedding ye
with such a wild story, lass. Ye and I are betrothed and we will be wed this very morn. Come...the priest awaits us in the chapel.” He held out his arm for her to lay her hand on as he watched her relax.
Good. She thinks I do nae believe her.

“Marry? When did I agree to

“When ye were one summer. Your father pledged ye ta me...that has nae changed.” He studied her for a moment...then continued.
“Have ye nae noticed the burning of the mark when we be too far apart?”

Arianna nodded, surprised. He had felt it, too?

Lucian grunted. “Tis because there was magic involved when the deed was done. Our souls were wed on that day. We are mates, lass, for all eternity. Naught will change that. The burning is a sign of recognition betwixt us so we do nae stray far apart.” Aware that he had her full attention
, he continued in a husky voice. “Once our bodies are joined as well, the burning will cease unless ye be in danger.”

She gasped as heat flooded her body at the tone of his voice. Her heart pounded in her chest with each ragged breath.
Damned if I don’t believe him! Was this the yearning in
my nightmares? Regardless, he is very easy on the eye and he makes my blood boi
She shrugged.
I cannot return to the future anyway is gone, and he wants me. Who am I to argue?
Trembling, she placed her hand on his steely forearm.

“I am ready, my laird, except for one thing.”

He arched a brow.

“What would that be, lass?”

She licked her dry lips.

“Who are you?”

Lucian threw back his head and roared with laughter.
Her candor was refreshing.
With a twinkle in his eye, he
d, “I am Lucian Dunbar,
my lady,
Earl of Dunbar...and your ‘soon ta be’ husband if I can get ye moving.”

“Lucian...I like that name.” She smiled at him as they departed for the chapel.

The ceremony had been quick. Lucian was anxious to get his bride safely home before Malcolm could return with more men. There was a fierce burning on his neck as he ventured too far ahead of his bride
. He slowed his pace until she came alongside of him.

Glancing over at her, he asked, “Why did ye jump over me, wife? Twas very risky.”

Arianna gave him a surprised look.

“It didn’t seem risky to me. I knew Shalizar could clear your horse...I just wasn’t sure if he would miss you, too.”

He arched his black brow.

“Ye did nae care if he killed me?”

She grinned.

Let’s just say that the danger behind me was more pressing than the risk of hitting you.”

He laughed.

“I like ye, Arianna. We will do well together.” His smile soon turned into a frown as a thick fog moved in

Reaching over, he took hold of her reins to keep her close. He would take no chances of loosing her in the thick whiteness that enveloped them.

was about to protest but, glancing toward her husband, she realized that she could not see him.
We are barely three feet apart! I’ve never seen such a fog before.
Her voice quavered.


“Aye, lass. Do nae fear. I am beside ye. If we happen t
separate though, let your mark lead ye ta me.” He heard the anxiety in her tone and wished to reassure her. Until she was bedded there was still a
great danger of losing his mate and this fog made an attack all too easy. Fearing the worst, he reached over and pulled her before him on his destriar.

She sighed as the burning eased, snuggling closer to him. Inhaling his scent deeply, she stroked his broad chest through his tunic. Desire surged at the contact. She nibbled playfully at his throat.

“Woman! Ye must cease or we will nae make it t
home! I need t

“I can

t help it. Something is pulling me to you. How much farther is it?”

Lucian growled deep in his throat as his shaft thickened. “Too far! An hour...mayhap two.” Moving her to his steed may have been a mistake. His
was overwhelming him. He grit his teeth
while steeling
himself for the torturous ride

To distract himself, he contemplated what she had revealed about her whereabouts these past summers.
Nine hundred years! She must hold a fountain of knowledge in her
wee head. I have nae need of such...tis best ta leave it be. But Malcolm! He would use her understanding of the future for his own ends. I will nae allow it.

The white blanket began to thin as they topped a rise
a short while later
looking down on Castle Dunbar. Surveying the area before him, Lucian
no danger and proceeded to his home.

Arianna was startled to wakefulness by a cacophony of bells ringing announcing their return. His grip tightened on her waist to prevent a fall. “Steady, wife. Tis only a greeting.”

She blushed. “I was not afraid
only startled. I had dozed off.” Her eyes darted all around the bailey excitedly as she observed the things she had only read about. Anxious to explore, she turned her eyes back to her husband to seek permission and noticed a change in his demeanor. His body stiffened
as he sat with a regal flair atop his destriar. A mask descended over his face as his eyes grew distant.

Arianna shuddered. Those were the eyes from her dream. Deciding that it would be prudent to keep her request until later, she attempted to match his countenance.

Lucian was pleased with her response to the change in him. It was necessary to behave this way before his clan. He could not show weakness nor preference toward his new bride. No one must think they would have power over him by harming her.

They dismounted and he led her up the stone steps to the massive oak doors before turning to address the people gathering below.

“People of Dunbar! I have recovered m
betrothed, Arianna MacGregor!”

A loud cheer echoed about the inner bailey as the people celebrated his good fortune.

“We were wed this very morn so I present ta ye your new mistress!
Treat her well and ye will please me. T
his eve
we shall have our wedding feast and ye are all invited t
join in the festivities!” As another loud cheer arose, they turned and entered the castle.

While Arianna’s eyes adjusted to the dim light, Lucian called out to one of his guards. Handing him a parchment that he had prepared the night before, he sent him off to the stables.
He faced her with a questioning look.

“Do ye wish sustenance, my lady? Or rest?”

She was hungry but the grime won out.

hungry but I need a bath more. Would that be possible?”

A smile teased the corner of his mouth.

“Aye. I believe we can accomplish both.” He surveyed the corridor. “Agnes! Prepare a bath for your lady and deliver some food as well.”

An older woman bobbed at him. “In the lady’s solar, m’laird?”

“ the master’s chambers.”

Arianna shivered in trepidation. She understood the mechanics of sex but she had always avoided it. The men she had dated never tempted her to go that far...until now. Lucian definitely tempted her! It suddenly hit her that she was married. She had a husband. Glancing quickly up at him, she found his emerald eyes boring into her.

“Is something amiss, my lady?”

She shook her head.

“No. I
sunk in
that I’m married now. I guess you’d call it shock. Yesterday I didn’t even know you and now I’m supposed to sleep with you.”

A wide grin escaped him before he quickly masked it.

“Sleeping is
what I had in mind, Arianna,” he rumbled quietly in her ear. She blushed beet red. “Now go with Agnes. I will join ye shortly.”

Chapter Five

The warm water felt heavenly as a light scent of honeysuckle teased her nose. The pleasing fragrance wrapped her in a cocoon of safety. Having a maid attend her had felt odd and uncomfortable at first. But the no-nonsense way that Agnes handled her duties had put Arianna at ease.
Once her flaming hair had been washed she lay her head back
closing her eyes.
Yep! Definitely heaven

Lucian eyed his bride from the doorway to their chambers. She was beautiful, there was no doubt
...her body
a fearless spirit beneath those exotic eyes. His cock stirred beneath his kilt.

He had just
from a meeting with Ma
is about his new wife. She had confirmed that Arianna carried knowledge that Malcolm sought and that he should consumate their vows quickly. Once they were truly joined, she would be bound to him completely and her memories would begin to fade. When he had pressed the old witch about how Arianna had ended up in the future she became evasive and uncooperative.
..making him even more suspicious about her involvement.

At least she has returned ta me. I should
He entered the room, closing the heavy oak door quietly behind him.

Without stirring Arianna asked, “What year is it Lucian?”

Stunned, he was speechless for a moment. How had she known he was there? The answer came quickly as he rubbed his neck.
She learns fast. Good! She will need a firm wit t

“Tis the Year of Our Lord, eleven-hundred eighty and one. Why do ye ask?”

“No reason, really. I was just curious.

Damn! I hope he isn’t one of those pious Crusaders! It was a hopeless cause and never successful.
She turned suddenly, peering at him over the edge of the tub.

“Before this wedding is consummated I would have a vow from you.”

His black brow arched in question.

“Making demands already wife? I need nae make any vows afore or after we are joined...tis me husbandly right ta enjoy your body.”

“I don’t ask for much and I didn’t mean to sound like I was demanding it. It’s just a worry that I would have your reassurance on.”

Peering intently at her he mulled over Arianna’s request.
She has the ‘sight’...if she asks for something then it must be for a good purpose. He gave a curt nod.

“Ye may ask.”

“I would like your oath that you and any sons that we may have never go on a Crusade.” His startled expression confirmed her worst fears...he had considered it at the very least. She was treading tenuous ground here and she knew it. To grant her request could je
dize his honor in the future.
Arianna held her breath as she waited for his response.

Lucian was startled by her
but not for the reasons she thought. He had already been asked to join in the latest Crusade and he had turned them down. He needed no glory or honors from the king. These battles with the infidels were fruitless...a waste of lives and time. A chill shot through him.
Had she known of the request?

“Why do ye ask this of me? And I will have the truth!”

Licking her dry lips, she tried to gauge his response. He did not seem angry, just stern.
All righty, you want the truth
then that’s what you’ll get. This marriage won’t work if we keep secrets.

“The third Crusade ended about seven years ago I right?” He nodded. “Then I suspect that the church is gearing up for Crusade number four
which will begin in twelve-aught-two.”

His eyes narrowed suspiciously. No one knew of these plans as of yet.

“I happen to know that altogether there will be nine Crusades and still the Muslims will not be defeated. Twelve hundred and seventy-two is the end of the last one.”

Her cerulean eyes filled with tears as she glanced up at him
. Immense sorrow overtaking her.

“It is a fruitless waste of life, Lucian. The world I just left was utterly destroyed with weapons of a massive scale.
They are so powerful that it takes only one to wipe out an entire city and poison the land for a hundred years!
There is nothing and no one left
because of these weapons
. It was caused by these same Muslims with the same values. They are evil and apparently God wishes to be the one to prevail over them. Man’s efforts are futile.” Tears began to spill over as she pleaded with him.

“I don’t want you or our children to waste your lives fighting something that you can’t possibly defeat.
Can you understand what I’m saying?
Damn it! I promised myself that I wouldn’t cry! That world was not worth it!

He strode quickly to her side and lifted her from the chilling water. Placing her on her feet before the hearth, he dried her body brusquely then wrapped her in his plaid as he considered her words.

Her tears had disturbed him...her tale more
She has witnessed the end of time! What folly our lives are
that we
waste it with mundane matters.
He bent over as he kissed away her tears.

“Ye have me oath, wife.
Ye must n
ever repeat your tale t
anyone though. They will call ye witch. Do ye understand me?” A smile cracked her face as she nodded. She knew the dangers that she faced.

“Good! Now dress quickly! We have a wedding ta celebrate and the clan grows restless. I will send Agnes t
attend ye.”

Placing her hand on his arm she replied, “Thank you, Lucian, for understanding...and your oath.” With a brusque nod, he left.

The silence in the great hall was deafening when she entered on Lucian’s arm. All eyes were turned to them causing her to wonder if
perhaps her gown was askew or her hair mussed. Arianna was certain that it wasn’t true so she decided to mimic her husband’s comportment. Straightening her spine she raised her head a notch, never breaking stride with Lucian as she looked straight ahead of her.

He observed her reaction to his clan from his peripheral vision. Placing his hand over hers, he felt her trembling, but no one
would note it to look at her. Her regal bearing befit a queen.

Me countess is stunning! Me clan is in awe of her beauty.
Pride swelled in his chest as he led her to the dais. Once she was seated, he turned toward his people.

“Good people of Dunbar Castle! I and me wife, Arianna, welcome ye, one and all, ta celebrate our nuptials with us this eve. Eat, drink and rejoice our good fortune!”

An explosion of noise erupted as the people cheered and hollered good wishes to them.
Music from a piper joined in to
add it’s merry sound.
s rushed about with platters over-flowing with assorted foods
as others carried pitchers of ale
assuring that no mug remained empty.

Arianna leaned toward her husband to be heard. “Lucian, I will need your help with all the food. I don’t recognize most of it.”

He peered at her. “Naught will reach your lips that I do nae serve ye. Have ye any preferences, my lady?”

She cleared her throat. “I don’t care for spicy foods...or ale. Just salt and pepper if you have it. Everything looks wonderful but I don’t know if I’ll like the taste.”

He nodded at a
standing nearby and spoke a few words to her before she hurried off. Turning to Arianna, he spoke close to her ear to be heard over the din.

“If ye wish ta try something just tell me. I will tell ye the names of it and if ye do nae care for the taste...let me ken. Is that acceptable?”

A wide grin spread across her face.
What a thoughtful man I have married!
She nodded as the
returned to fill her goblet.

“What’s this?”

“Honeyed wine. I believe ye may prefer it ta ale.” His green eyes sparkled with humor as a smile teased his full lips.

Tasting it, her eyes widened in surprise. “This is delicious! What else have you got?”

Lucian proceeded to point out all the delicacies as they were observed from the
side of the hall.

So they have wed. It does nae matter. Naught will keep me from my goal.
Her being virgin was nae a requirement for payment. The man chuckled as he left the chamber.

As the evening drew on, Agnes and some womenfolk appeared to claim his bride, whisking her away to prepare her for
wedding night.

Anxious for that portion of the night to begin, it took all of Lucian’s willpower to allow them enough time to ready his wife.
He was not going to allow the big fanfare that usually accompanies the bedding...just the priest blessing the bed. Things were difficult enough for Arianna already.

Almost an hour had passed before he stood and retreated to his chambers.

BOOK: Portals Of Time
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