Playing the Field (Hot-Lanta Series) (28 page)

BOOK: Playing the Field (Hot-Lanta Series)
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“You’re drunk right now Patty. I’m going to get off the phone so you can get some sleep and before you say something that will hurt our friendship.”

“I meant what I said Marc. Never going to happen, so don’t start counting your chickens and putting your baskets all in one egg. You’ll regret it.”

What the hell was she saying?

“Alright, night Patty.”

He didn’t even give her a chance to say good night to him before he hung up the phone. He was done with that conversation. He had such mixed emotions about the whole transaction between them. At first he was excited because usually when someone calls you when they are drunk that is a good thing, it means they have feeling for you and deep down there is a reason they want to talk to you and now one else. But then she hit him with the never going to happen line which split his heart in two. He was so hopelessly longing for her that her words cut through him like a rusty knife getting caught on every last nerve in his body.

Just like he predicted there was no hope at getting back to bed after that phone conversation so instead of going back to sleep, he put his running shoes on and went down to the gym in the hotel building. He needed to run off some steam.




              Lucy stood in Connor’s doorway completely baffled by the scene taking place in front of her. Molly was in his house, wearing one of his shirts. Was she really going after Connor already? This was not going to happen, not again.

“Molly, what are you doing here?”

Molly came running over and hugged Lucy. “Oh Lucy, we were worried about you. Connor has been wondering where you are. I’m glad you finally got home safely.” She turned to Connor and said, “Thank you for the chat, you’re such a great friend. Winnie is lucky to have you as an uncle.”

“Anytime Molly. You can come talk to me anytime.”

Lucy watched Molly walk over to Connor and give him a hug, eagerly pressing her boobs against his chest.              

“I’ll let you two be alone.” She leaned into Lucy giving her another hug and whispered in her ear. “This is a warning, next time you will find his dick lodged inside of me if you ever cross me again. Watch your back Bitch because Connor is mine if you fuck with me.”

Molly waved at Connor and shut the door on her way out. Lucy turned to Connor who didn’t look too happy to see her.

“Did I interrupt something?” Lucy asked.

“No, she was just upset about tonight. Apparently there were some mean girls in the bathroom talking about her and saying how she needs to finally get over the death of Luke.”

Lucy’s cheeks instantly flamed. Did Molly come over here to tattle on her? What was she in third grade? Good Lord.

“Did you really say those things Lucy?”

Lucy could not look Connor in the eyes, he had such a disapproving look on his face.

“I said some things that might not have been the nicest but I had reason, sort of.”

“What kind of reasoning do you have that makes it ok to judge somebodies ability to get over the loss of the love of their life?”

Well when he said it like that, he made it seem like she was some kind of heinous human being.

“It’s not like that Connor.”

“Please explain what it’s like then. I’m all ears.”

“Why are you being so mean to me right now? I had a terrible end to my night and I was hoping my boyfriend would be at his house waiting to hold me in his arms.”

Connor exhaled and ran his hand over his face. “Just tell me why you said those things.”

“Will you believe me when I tell you or are you going to automatically take her side without even listening to me, like you are right now?”

“Damn it Lucy, I’m just trying to understand. Tell me what you said.”

“Fine, not like it matters. I told Patty how I was sick of her moping around and playing the dead fiancé card. I know it sounds harsh but she is the maid of honor for fucks sake and has not done one god damned thing for Jane. She sat in the corner all night drinking her sorrows away and then she goes around fucking Austin and making him believe that she wants to be with him when in reality all she wants is his dick. She is manipulative and mean. I don’t trust her one bit.”

Through gritted teeth Connor said, “Did it ever occur to you that helping Jane do wedding things might be difficult for her?”

He was taking her side. She could not believe it.

“I don’t even know why I came here, clearly you would rather have her here with you.”

“God damnit, Lucy I’m not interested in her. Get that through your head. Why do you have such a problem with her? She’s been through a lot.”

“I know she’s been through a lot, I get that, but that doesn’t give her the right to go around fucking with people’s feelings and lives.”

“Oh I see what this is about,” Connor said in a condescending tone. “You still have feelings for Austin.”

He might as well have smacked her. Was he serious? The fact that he could even think that was a huge disappointment in the relationship she thought they had.

“Wow, you really don’t know me at all do you? For your information I was talking about the threats she laid out on the table for me today. She told me how if I cross her she is going to take you away from me just like she took Austin. To her it is a game Connor but you’re too blind to see that. She fucked with me once and I got burned but if she actually took you away from me I would have no clue what to do with myself. Apparently that doesn’t matter now though because you’re on her side. Thanks for the bode of confidence you have in me. It’s really endearing.”

Lucy was so mad she turned around and went outside dialing the number to a cab service. She told them to meet her at the corner of Connor’s house so she didn’t have to wait outside his front door.

She couldn’t believe Molly’s
medaling turned her night of fantasy into complete shit. She was now alone, walking in high heels to the corner of a curb in a skin tight dress. In no time flat she was going to be mistaken for a hooker and either be abducted or arrested.

Lucy nearly screamed when a warm hand grabbed her shoulder and turned her around. Thankfully it was not a rapist, it was only Connor.

“Love, come here.” He pulled her into his arms and kissed the top of her head. “I’m sorry I didn’t know you had such a crappy night. I don’t know what has gotten into Molly but at one point tonight it did seem like she was coming on to me. I called her out on it and she slapped me.”

Lucy quickly looked up at his face examining the contours of his facial features making sure nothing was damaged too terribly.

“She came on to you?”

“Yea but I shot her down, don’t worry. There seems to be this brunette in my life that I can’t seem to get out of my mind.”


“Really” he said with a kiss to her nose. “Come on, let’s go inside and get you warm.”

“Wait, I have to call the cab service to cancel.”

“I already did, don’t worry. Come on.”

When they got inside, Lucy watched him lock everything up before he pulled her up the stairs and into his plush and comfortable bedroom. He had the most amazing bed. There was a down comforter of some sort, a million pillows and the most cozy mattress known to man. She sank right in it when she sat down.

He stood before her and said, “Listen, I don’t want Molly to come between us, ok? I’m sorry I let that happen tonight. I understand where you both are coming from, I get it but it’s not our place to say where she should be in her life. Yes she should probably be treating people better but when it comes to getting over the death of somebody we have no right in judging the timing of that.”

Lucy just shook her head acknowledging she understood.

“Do you forgive me?” he asked with a pouty lip.

“Yes, do you forgive me?”

“Depends, did you actually wear that thong you laid out on the bed earlier?”

“Why don’t you find out.”

Connor took her hand and made her stand up. He unzipped her dress in the back and slowly worked it down her body revealing the purple lace thong he saw earlier. She saw him getting harder every second he maneuvered the dress down her body. Goose bumps spread across her body from the backs of his fingers rubbing against her skin.

Since the dress did not require her to wear a bra she just stood before him in a thong and high heels. He reached behind her and cupped her ass making her moan. He captured the tail end of her moan in his mouth with a devouring kiss that made her senses sky rocket. She felt her core throb with need as he continued to kiss her with more passion than she ever experienced with anyone.

She worked his shirt over his head and found his pebble like nipples with her finger tips, lightly stroking them. Something she knew he liked. He pressed his erection against her stomach making her quiver with need. She worked her hand down to his shorts and slipped a hand past the waist band, connecting with pure male flesh. She stroked him in long, tight stokes making him stop in his tracks and rest his forehead against hers.

“Feels so good.” He mumbled

She continued until he grabbed her arm and made her stop.

“I’m going to explode if you keep that up.”

She giggled and gave him one last squeeze.

“You’re going to pay for that young lady.”

He twisted her around as he sat on the bed and made her lean over his lap exposing her thong clad ass in the air. She felt his hard erection press against her chest and it took all her energy not to try to cover his throbbing head with her mouth.

placed one hand on her back and whacked her ass with the other forcing a gasp out of her. He quickly massaged where he stung her with his hand and the sensation was surprisingly so erotic it made her even wetter. He slid her thong off and made her kick off her heels. Once again he slapped her ass but on the other cheek, followed by more massaging. He continued to perform the sweet torture until she was throbbing everywhere from her ass to her clit.              

He surprised her by sticking his two fingers into her moist heat checking her readiness for him.

“God, you’re so wet.”

Panting she said, “Your punishment was well received.”

“I’m going to have to remember that.”

“Connor, please I need you.”

He stood her up in front of him, spreading her legs and bent his head so he was face to face with her bundle of nerves. He pushed two fingers into her heated core while at the same time flicking his tongue over her sensitive nub. She almost collapsed from the pleasure rippling through her. Every inch of her body heated with excitement rendering her completely numb from head to toe. With one last flick of his tongue he sent her over. She lost her footing in the middle of all her pleasure and wound up being caught by him, flipped on her back with her legs spread apart.

He teased her center with his tip forcing her to thrust her hips at him begging for more. Grinning he slowly entered her inch by inch. With every slow movement she felt herself get closer and closer to that everlasting pleasure she craved. When she thought he was fully inserted in her core he surprised her with one last thrust reaching a spot inside her she had no clue existed.

BOOK: Playing the Field (Hot-Lanta Series)
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