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Authors: Elena Moreno

Playing Around (6 page)

BOOK: Playing Around
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Her eyes filled with worry. "I'm so sorry Jed. I don't know what came over me."


"I can be an ass some times. I'm sorry for assuming wrong earlier, it won't happen again." He moved past her and finished the bike in silence.



Reina watched as Jed walked away. Her hand reached to touch the spot he had kissed. It was still tingling from the warmth of his mouth. Yet she was sad because he said it wouldn't happen again. “No Reina, we are happy it won't happen again.” Once again her eyes sought him out. Deep down, she knew the real Jed. He was a nice guy or had been once.


When Reina walked back to where Rose was. It looked like she was ready to burst. "I'm assuming that is your hand print on his face?” When Reina nodded her laughter exploded. "What the hell did he do? Pinch your ass?"


Reina shook her head. "I think he was going to kiss me."


Rose’s jaw dropped. “Wait, you think? He didn’t even try and you smacked him?"

"He was getting really close to me. What else would he have done if not kiss me?” Damn, had she wanted it and just thought he did to? Ugh, her head was hurting now and everything was just too much.


"Damn girl, you're harsh. You’re even worse than me for once." Rose seemed very happy for a change.


Jed must have finished working on his bike because he went to say goodbye to her Uncle Diego and then turned to tip an imaginary hat to them. "Bye ladies." The man just left her feeling cold and alone inside. Reina damned that man for coming back to mess with her sanity. Yet she couldn’t help but admire his firm ass as he walked to open the garage door.


He moved so fluidly and was so confident with himself. “Damn, maybe I should have let him kiss me. I sure as hell wanted him to. No, if he really wants me, he’ll enjoy the chase.” Reina stopped muttering to herself and turned back to finish her brakes. She needed to finish fast, there was a pile of invoices that needed her attention back at the shop. When Reina was done, she thanked Rose and told her to come home early.

When she walked in to say goodnight to her Uncle. Reina braced herself for a lecture, yet none came. "Sometimes things are not what they may seem. I too was fooled. My advice missy, is that you should give him an opportunity." 


All the way to her shop, she wondered why her uncle would say what he did. There would be time to worry later. Now she had to mentally figure out where to display the new shipment of cushioned Harley seats her Uncle Diego had delivered to the shop yesterday.




Back at casa Diaz. Michelle was in the kitchen doing a happy dance. She knew telling Jed to stay away would send him running after Reina. They had such a special bond when they were children. He never knew she always looked out the window when he would go sit under the tree alone. It hurt her to see him there so sad. When Reina started meeting him there she was thrilled.


Yes, she was perfect for him. “Now to get them to see it too. That might be a little harder to do.” A smile spread as she figure maybe it wouldn’t be hard. He seemed to be smitten with her and she has always and will always love him.

That was the only reason why Reina couldn't commit to that guy she dated, or any guy. Yes, she was the perfect girl for Jed. She will knock him down to size. Although the smack was a little too much in her opinion. Though she did laugh when Diego called and described what happened.


Michelle was going to have to figure out another chance meeting between them. Once they’re on their way to falling in love. She needed to pick out her next victim. Which boy would be next, once Jed was on the right path with Reina? For now, she would concentrate on making lunch. The boys would all be out late, but Diego always made it home early. Today she had planned a special appetizer for him. A wicked smile made an appearance while she thought of what awaited Diego Diaz.


Unfortunately, the door opened and in walked Jed. “Damn, she just remembered one of the perks that came with the boys’ not living home anymore.” She smiled at her son and thought about how much she missed her boys. Even if they did cramp her sex life when they visited.


Jed glares when she smiled. "Dad called and told you. Didn’t he?" Michelle thought it was as better he thought that then the dirty things his mama wanted to do to his dad.

"Yes baby, Dad called and told me. I thought I told you to stay away. She’s going to be for.” Her words were cut off when he raised his hand.


"She's mine old lady. Do you hear me? She is my woman and after I convince her of that. Reina will be mine forever. So back off." After screaming at her he left slamming the door behind him. Michelle just stood in the kitchen with tears rolling down her face.


That's where she was when Diego walked in. "Baby, what happened?" He asked looking worried.


"Jed said Reina was his and that after convincing her she will be his forever." The tears started coming all over again.


"Amor, I thought that was what you wanted," Diego asked confused.


"It is Diego; I'm happy, so very happy. Now I'm just worried he'll do something to mess it up," Michelle said while wiping her face. "Luckily for him. He has his mama here to make sure he does all the right things." She smiled at Diego as they made their way to the kitchen to eat.


An hour later Jed was still fuming. “The nerve of that woman trying to take his Reina from me.” He got on his bike and headed for her shop. So many things were going through Jed’s mind. He couldn’t remember the last time he had to work hard for a woman. Once he reached his destination the girl behind the counters eyes nearly popped out. "I know who you are," She said.


Jed smiled, “did Reina make it back yet?" He asked as she nodded yes.


"Can you please call her?" Again he received another nod.


"Reina," Jed finally screamed out loud. She came running from the back then stopped in her tracks. The look on her face was not one of happiness. He frowned, unsure of what to do next.


"What are you doing here Jed?" She looked worried.


He tried for an innocent smile, "I need a new seat for my bike and dad gave me this address." Her eyes narrowed. She walked out from behind the counter. Jed followed her when she walked past him. Why wasn’t she happy to see him? He was confused.


"They're right there. I just got a new shipment in yesterday." She said and was going to walk away, but he reached out and caught her hand.


"Will you help me look for one?" Jed asked softly trying not scare Reina away. He released her hand. He noted the way her face flushed a delicious pink color. It was all he could do not to lean in and kiss her. He held back because his cheek still fucking stung from her slap.


"I guess I can help you," she said quietly. "What is it exactly that you’re looking for?" He was looking to make her fall in love with him all over again. He was looking forward to kissing her juicy lips. He was also looking forward to many, many other things. Instead of telling her all of that, he cleared his throat.


“I have a one seat now, but I want a 2 seat. I plan on looking for a girlfriend. So I’ll need her to be comfortable." Reina’s eyes flashed with pain then anger. Maybe this wasn’t the best plan.


"Why didn't you just have her come to check them out with you?" She said sounding angry.


"I don't have one yet. I haven't had a steady girl in a long time. I’m asking for your opinion." His voice was gentle. She looks at him trying to judge his honesty and pulled out two boxes. They were both considered comfortable but only one fit his bike. He thanked her for the help.


"I just got in some new kick stands. You might like them." He followed as she led the way. Reina had a great selection and Jed found himself purchasing more than what he came for. After an hour she started to loosen up and he took advantage and asked her to dinner. He held his breath and waited for her answer.


"I thought you were going to look for a girlfriend?"


"That can wait for now. I have time to catch up with an old friend.” After what seemed like a torturous eternity, she agreed, and said yes.


Chapter Six



Jed was on cloud nine at the moment. He had managed to soften her up enough to agree to go on a date. “Damn, she is truly beautiful.” Yet it wasn’t her looks that had his heart beating double time. It was more the fact that she knows him. The real him, not the person that was made up by this agent. She loved Jed Diaz before he became a sex symbol. That made him happy.


When he arrived home, Sergio was there waiting. He didn’t seem happy at all. "What the fuck did you do to mom? When I got home she was eating and her eyes were red and puffy. I asked dad and he said not to worry. That it was a problem between you and her."


Jed ran a hand down his face, "She cried? Damn, I didn't want that. She was trying to pawn my woman off to your brother. She's mine," That only made Sergio smile and an idea hit Jed like a ton of bricks.


"Sergio, you have to do me a big favor. I need to keep Mom off my back until I can land my woman. I need you to hit on Rose. If mom thinks there is another potential match, she will get off my back and concentrate on you."

Sergio’s face register disbelief, then something else Jed couldn’t place. He worried he would need to sell his soul to the devil in order to get his brother to go in on his plan. "OK," he answered a little too quickly and walked away. What the hell was that all about? Damn, he had no time to investigate right now.


Jed needed to get ready for a date. He wanted to look good, but not too good. He didn’t want Reina to thinking him easy. What the hell was wrong with him? Jed started to laugh, Reina had him in knots. On his way to the bedroom, Grady walked into the hall. "Damn, was that you I just heard laughing like a mad man?" He asked.


"The one and only Bro, I was just thinking about how easy I am." Grady joined in the laughter and Jed asked where everyone else was.


"Last I heard Victor was still at his meeting with the Chicago Fire and Rodger is MIA. Not sure, he has yet to call in. They’re all big boys now and will be fine," Grady says making Jed go over to put his hand on Grady’s forehead. This was so unlike him.


"Are you feeling sick? Mr. we have to be on our best behavior or they will send us away." Jed teased but only made anger flash in his eyes. "Chill Bro. I know all about the feeling of panic. Thinking that we might have been sent away. I never did thank you for all you did for us. Back then and always." Jed hugged Grady until he pushed away.

"That chick must really have you in a twist. Making you all emotional and stuff.” Jed shot Grady a confused look. “Are you kidding me? Did you really think mom hadn’t already threatened to kill us if we don't stay away from four eyes Reina?" Jed shot him a glare, it was so not cool to call his woman four eyes.


"I thought so, you used to defend her the same way when we were kids. Made me wonder why you would be mean to her too. You were the classic stereotype. Young boy likes girl, so he hits her to let her know." Grady said and started to laugh again.


"I also knew about all those little sneaking around meetings you would have with her. Did you think we didn’t realize that she was always sitting under the tree in the back yard and you would always go and sit next to her? Then you would, not so smoothly put your arm over her shoulder and she would lean and cuddle into you? We were really surprised when you just backed away," Grady said with a questioning look in his eyes.


Jed had to look away before speaking. "She would have left me too, Grady. Just like my mom did. Everything I love was always leaving me and I was getting too close to her," Jed whispered and Grady pulled him into a hug.


"You're a man now; don't play around with her if you're not ready. Don't start what you can't finish," He warned.

"No Grady this is different, I feel it here." Jed place a hand over his chest. "But I think I might have burnt my bridges, I'm taking her to dinner tonight. I’m hoping some can still be repaired." Then Jed walked away to get ready.



While Jed was in turmoil over what to wear his brother Roger who was MIA had gone off to be alone. He loved the family and the closeness. Yet for a while know, something has felt off. Like if there was something missing in his life. “Maybe I'm getting too old to be doing this shit. Maybe I need to find another job. A career where I don't get my ass beat up all the time.”


He was still finishing at the top of his fights. Yet his heart wasn’t in the fight any more. Maybe if he were closer to home? With Victor moving back. Roger wouldn’t have his mom all up and in his business if he weren’t the only one coming back. So he had spent the day looking at places he had looked up on the internet.


Roger felt a little lighter once the decision was made. “Yeah, I'm moving back to Chicago. Not home, but back nonetheless.” He needed his own place. So now was a better time as any to start apartment hunting too. He was feeling happier then he’d had in years.


BOOK: Playing Around
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