Personal Experiences

BOOK: Personal Experiences
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Personal Experiences

By Tracy Lee


Published by: Tracy Lee

Copyright © Aug 24,2013 by Tracy Lee.

Cover Art Design: Sprinkles On Top Studios

Cover Art Illustrations: Sprinkles On Top Studios

Format/Page building/Print Conversion: Princess SO /

Beastie BOOKS


This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or to actual events or locales is entirely coincidental.

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This e-book contains sexually explicit scenes and adult language and may be considered offensive to some readers. And are intended for sale to adults ONLY, as defined by the laws of the country in which you made your purchase. Please store your files wisely, where they cannot be accessed by under-aged readers.


* * *


Please be advised as part of this story the main character endured spousal abuse before escaping and setting off into a new life and grows to overcomes her past. Some scenes contain some graphic, dark scenes that are not for the light-hearted. Readers discretion advised.

(Contains: Adult language, sexual MF participation, some violence and explicit scenes of arousal).





I just have to take a moment and thank everyone that has contributed something, whether it be reading and editing my crappy commas or if it was the 6:30 am phone call when I had an idea and needed someone to run it by. (I bow with my hand over my chest) Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

To my husband and our children…all 6 of them who have eaten shitty dinners and walked around a "lived in" home until this book was complete. You know mommy's not a good multi-tasker. I love you all bigger than the sky!

To my Trina-Bean…if it wasn't for your words of encouragement and your slight of hand on my ass keeping me full steam ahead, I don't even think I would've ever published this. Keep up the "get it done!" for the next one.

To my Kay-Kay…I swear to god, I will never call it a restroom again! Heheh. I love you with all my heart and since I've known you since we were kids you have earned the right to be that judgmental Bitch that you are when it comes to my work. You hold my heart!

To my Rachel (AKA Nikki) to my Lilly (AKA Jeni) - Thank you both for giving me the friendship of a lifetime! The memories that I have made with the two of you demand to be lived in for eternity. From the cruising back and forth between mud holes and Regency in the Blue t-bird scaring the shit outta each other with the beginning of Ozzy singing "Crazy Train" to sitting at the house playing Asshole and drinking Jim Beam and Mt. Dew (still my favorite!). I feel blessed that I was able to have something so special not just with one of you but with both of you! You both make my soul complete! Love you girls! Nik, no matter how far apart we are or how young we turn (we're so not that age) you're always my sister from another mister, there will always be thoughts of us in the mustang with "horny toad" "Night at the Roxbury" dancing and C and C Music Factory on the tape player! Hehehe. And we always have McDill and Germany! My years with you attached at the hip were tragically too short; I wish we had a lifetime of being teenagers. Your encouragement and love when I thought I sucked at something showed me that I can do anything I wanted to. Jen, Your faithfulness and dependability as a friend is never ending. Never have I met another soul that would be so loyal. May you and your beautiful angels be richly blessed with infinite amounts of love, joy and prosperity for all you have given of yourself. I also some of the greatest memories of all time that have been provided by you; my eighteenth birthday party for one! Muddin' and ALWAYS remember never to use a Jim Beam bottle to try and hurt a burglar. Hahaha! "There's always ghosts in the sofer"

 To my Trevor…you will always be the greatest regret I can't take back…your "I told you so" would be music to my ears! Glad you found your happiness.

I need to give a great big hug to Amy Hutchins for all her great advice, encouragement and support. I still owe you a beer, girl!

A HUGE Thank you to Sarah at Sprinkles On Top Studios for putting my kickass cover together; you did an amazing job and I greatly appreciate it!

A Tremendous Thank You to my beta readers; Amy, Jennifer, Rebekkah, Marion!! Love you guys! You're amazing and I'm thrilled you were the ones who got to experience "my first time" along with me. I look forward to many more years AND BOOKS with ya'll.




You are the ones who make this worthwhile. To allow me to touch your lives with what is rambling around in my head overwhelms me, heart and soul! I feel so blessed to have you believe in me!





This book is dedicated to my children who are the rulers of my universe!

May you find all the joys that this life has to offer; May you avoid a great deal of the misery life attempts to envelop us in. May you find the one that gives you breath and treats you as though you are theirs' as well.
May you always have unrelenting strength to hold yourselves up higher than
the rest; to be what you have been made to be.

Kyleigh, Kolton, Katheryn and Kenna'D;

Mommy loves you as much as the sky and always remember: they can have your blood, they can have your sweat but never let them have your tears!



Table of Content





Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty-One

Chapter Twenty-Two

Chapter Twenty-Three

Chapter Twenty-Four


The End

About This Author





May 1979


Recess was always my favorite part of the day when school was in session that is; spring made it even better. The coolness from winter was still in the Georgia air but you could feel the spit of warmth summer was sprinkling on you as it forced its way closer, which made it just the right time for a good game of tag. The game was always boys against the girls in our little group and it always seemed that the boys were always chasing the girls, it never was the other way around. Having two best friends didn't seem weird to me at all, although, some people would swear that only one could be your bestest friend, in our instance that was not the case. It was always Lilly, Rachel and me; Elleny, Elle for short. There was no jealousy between us; we were more like sisters then best friends. Growing up in a small town where you lived either in the same neighborhood or within walking distance made it so that we were close… sisters close. The boys, now that was a different story.

"Stop pulling my braid, TJ!" I shouted at the top of my lungs while I pouted knowing I was out of the game. Rachel yelled as she touched the back of TJ's shirt. "Tagged him back for ya, Ellie!" I ran over to the sand sideline that bordered what used to be the old high school soccer field, while TJ squatted down catching his breath. "Once this game is over we're playin' telephone. Bear, you'd better tag Rach or else I'm gonna tell'er how much you loooovvvvvveeeeee her." TJ said antagonizing him. "I'mma gunna get her." Bear said through gasping breaths. He got close enough to grab the bottom of Rachel's dress; "Hey!!!" Rachel screeched as she came to a complete stop in front of Bear. She raised her index finger right up to the tip of his nose and waved it from side to side, "No fair, you're not being very nice grabbin' at a lady's dress like that, Bear!" He took a step back to see all of Rachel, instead of just her finger then replied, in his most southern gentlemen accent a second grader could fake; "Awwwhhh, come on Rach, I didn't mean a theeng by it at all…promise".

I was sitting in the sand listening to them bicker while picking up the handfuls of grit and letting it run through my fingers. I needed to decide on what phrase to use for our first game of telephone. Hearing Lilly shriek in that high pitched scream that was above any normal octave on the human range and the scream only dogs could hear; made me jerk back to reality as she came to a landing right next to me. "Ewwhhh, if Curtis Noland touches me one more time, there won't be enough medicine in my next cootie shot to make him go away… yuck!" Curtis dropped down beside her. His eyebrows were raised, his eyes were as big as small planets and his face was covered in obsession; awwwwhhhhh, second grade love. He smiled "wanna play house, Lilly?" Lilly's contorted face turned and looked right at Curtis. Seeing all that boy's emotions right there in his bulging eyes as if he was in a trance, she grabbed both fists full of sand and threw them right in Curtis' face. Quickly, she jumped to her feet and ran as fast as she could go in the direction of our teacher; Ms. Wilde. Wiping the miniscule grit from his face, the expression never changed; even his smile, he blew and spit the sand from his mouth, stood up and continued chasing her in the same direction she was heading in.

BOOK: Personal Experiences
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