Read Paula & Her Professor Online

Authors: Charles Graham

Tags: #Erotica

Paula & Her Professor (7 page)

BOOK: Paula & Her Professor
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Paula wailed into her inflated gag as the device stretched her, then gasped as her anal muscle contracted around the base of the pear, the automatic reflex holding the vibrator inside her with no need for any other securing method.

For several minutes, she fought to expel the unwanted intruder from her body, but with no success and as she was reluctantly forced to accept its presence, she felt Professor Goss close the zip of her suit.

He was not finished preparing her, however and she gasped in alarm when the zips at her breasts were slid back and she felt him slip rubber cups over her delicate buds.

Apart from one slip during her very first day of “testing” Professor Goss had steadfastly confined his attentions to her sex, with the result that Paula had virtually forgotten how sensitive her nipples actually were to direct stimulation – until his actions reminded her.

He walked to the control panel in front of her and sat down, “Well now, Paula, are you ready for the next stage of our experiment?” he asked, as if she had a choice, then grinned and shook his head, “Oh, the Hell with it. We both know we’ve moved beyond that, don’t we? Let’s face it, I know you love all this as much as I do, so why don’t we just stop pretending and enjoy ourselves. Have fun, Paula. I know I will,” and his fingers danced across the control panel flicking switches and pressing a series of buttons.

Then he sat back to savor the fruits of all his hard work as his machine began to reduce Paula to an exploding, shuddering package of orgasmic subjugation.

Professor Goss’s frank admission that he no longer cared about the experiment and was simply having fun, went a long way towards easing Paula’s fears and concerns about her own deep-rooted desire to be totally dominated by him and the intense physical and sexual pleasure she received by being bound and forced to climax.

If he liked it so much, there was no reason for her to feel guilt and shame about submitting so completely and willingly.

It was just a game…a thrilling, sexy, deliciously satisfying game…played out between two mature and consenting adults for their mutual enjoyment. And if one of those adults couldn’t help wishing that it was more than a game and liked to imagine that she was a real captive…well, where was the harm in that? Especially since she had no choice whatsoever…

Until Professor Goss inserted the second device, Paula had never considered her rear channel as an erogenous zone, but when the shaft penetrated her and sank deep into her bottom, the humiliation that she felt quickly changed to a surprising degree of arousal and a sensation of fullness that she found very pleasurable.

Sucking in deep breaths through her nostrils, she gazed at Professor Goss in wide-eyed supplication, wishing she could tell him how much she wanted him and that there was no need for him to keep her bound and strapped to his amazing machines in order to enforce her obedience and extract her total submission to his delicious dominance.

If only he would let her, she would give him anything he wanted freely and willingly, to repay him for the incredible sexual ecstasy he had imposed upon her and for revealing to her a whole new world of stunning adventures and pleasures that she would never have dared to imagine, let alone experience, if he had not taken control.

In fact…and Paula’s breathing quickened at the thought of it…for him, she would even consider becoming a slave of her own free will, if only he would ask her…

Almost as if waiting for that very moment of self-awareness, she felt a strange, frighteningly-erotic sensation of powerful suction at her breasts as the vacuum created by his machine sucked at her tender flesh like twin hungry mouths and in a matter of seconds, her nipples stiffened to aching rigidity, throbbing in time with the racing of her heartbeat and sending waves of almost-painfully delicious arousal spreading through her breasts and down into her belly as the suction-cups tightened their grip and began a rhythmic pulsing.

With a low, gag-muffled squeal, she strained against her bonds, knowing it was futile and all the more excited because of it.

Professor Goss had bound her, gagged her, captured her breasts, penetrated and filled her body with his merciless vibrators to make her utterly his and as Paula felt her sex begin to quiver and ooze the hot juices that betrayed the power of her need, she abandoned any thought of resistance and surrendered to his machine, her mind filling with vivid images of bondage and subjugation and the incredibly exciting and overwhelmingly pleasurable torment and ecstasy that would be her life if he really did keep her as his permanent and willing slave.

When the twin vibrators buried deep in the most delicate and sensitive recesses of her sex and bottom buzzed into frenetic life, Paula screamed into her inflated gag, quaking and shuddering to the enormous convulsions of a climax that released towering waves of scalding juices to flood into her belly as she came with all the mind-numbing fury and passion of the slave she imagined herself to be…and truly longed to be.

Unable to turn or lower her head to conceal the truth written in her wide, blue eyes, she was forced to meet Professor Goss’s steady gaze and when he read the message of her irrevocable submission to the slavery he had imposed upon her and which allowed her no escape or denial of the fate to which her nature and her deepest, most intense desires condemned her, he gave a slow smile and nodded firmly.

Paula trembled wildly as she saw his response, knowing instantly that he understood the change in her and would act upon it.

Minutes before, she had thrilled at the thought of him asking her to become his slave…but his nod told her that the question would never now be asked.

Her slavery…her complete, permanent and unquestioning submission to his absolute authority over her…would not become her living, breathing reality because of his request, but because of her own overpowering needs and desire to be dominated and controlled by him.

Because, for him, she could be nothing else and wanted nothing else but to serve him and please him

Because she wanted him more than she had ever wanted anything in her whole life…wanted him and needed him and ached for him so much that she knew there could never be anyone but him for her for the rest of her days.

Above all, because in her heart, she accepted that she was already his slave and could not bear to contemplate returning to her dull, boring, safe life without him.

The last feeble sparks of her resistance flickered and sputtered to extinction under the foaming billows of heated juices that raged through her belly as Paula climaxed helplessly to the devastating knowledge that her freedom and independence were at an end and while Professor Goss’s machines drove her sexual arousal far beyond even her previous experience, her body responded with ever-increasing speed and power.

Screaming her fervent submission into her gag, Paula’s breasts and belly and buttocks jerked and juddered erotically, the tight webbing straps creaking under the strain of her maddened gyrations as climax after climax tore through her, each chasing and overtaking the one before until she gasped and writhed and arched in stupendous continuous orgasms and the juices of her multiple submissions poured in hot streams from her palpitating sex.

Incapable of holding back for even an instant, she surrendered utterly, to the very bottom of her soul and as the awesome, unimaginable depth and extent of a true slave’s endless passion was branded into her reeling brain, Paula shrieked in horrified ecstasy, recognizing in her own almost unbearable rapture, the final proof of her ultimate transformation.

Whatever she had been, or might have been, she knew with absolute clarity that she had become a full slave and when still another gigantic orgasm erupted through her immobilized body, she whimpered in joy and despair and blazing need as her belly convulsed wildly to confirm her helpless subjugation and the inextinguishable fire of slave-heat that burned with undiminished ferocity deep within her.

For hours…or perhaps only minutes…Paula was lost in a timeless limbo of extreme sexual torment and limitless pleasure, each reinforcing the other and feeding on her instant and absolute submission to the ruthless, unstoppable arousal forced on her by Professor Goss’s tireless machines.

Until, at last, simple physical exhaustion took its toll and her frantic responses began to weaken.

Noting her distress, Professor Goss reduced the level of her arousal to a minimum and after allowing her a few minutes to recover somewhat, deflated her gag, eased it from her mouth and offered her a glass of water.

Instead of accepting it however, Paula immediately begged Professor Goss to take pity on her and end the experiment…and when her plea was met with an uncompromising refusal, she offered him her body, promising him anything he wanted in return for even a brief respite from the merciless vibrators.

When he rejected even that ultimate proof of her desperation and unbearable need, Paula cracked.

“Please, Professor,” she squealed shrilly, “Make me your slave. I beg to serve you as a slave and please you with my body. Take me and make me submit as your slave forever.”

The words simply spilled from her lips with no conscious thought on her part, rising from the furthest recesses of her brain before she could stop them…but once spoken, they could never be recalled.

Instantly, Professor Goss’s eyes narrowed with an icy glint and as Paula realized that he would never accept that her plea had been an accident, her eyes grew round with shock and apprehension

She had to try though and when he put down the glass and lifted the gag instead, she moaned, “No. Oh please, no. I-I didn’t m-mean to say that. R-really I didn’t.”

With a chilling smile, he raised the gag to her lips, “Ah, but I think you did, Paula,” he retorted firmly. “I think you have finally understood and accepted what you are and what you have no choice but to be. So, open your mouth, my dear, and show me what a delightfully obedient little slave you have become and will continue to be.”

A powerful shudder set Paula’s body trembling, “But I can’t…can’t be a real…real…sl-slave,” she whispered weakly, “It’s not…possible.”

Professor Goss reached out his free hand and as the backs of his fingers brushed lightly across the dangling mound of her right breast, tipped with the hard, pointed button of her rigid nipple in its rubber vacuum-cup, she gave a breathy squeal and her belly rippled helplessly to the fierce blaze of arousal his casual touch ignited.

“On the contrary, Paula,” he corrected her, “for you, it is not only possible, but highly desirable and even inevitable, wouldn’t you say?”

His question…if it was a question… hung in the air between them for what seemed to Paula to be an eternity as his hand continued to caress her until the deliciously frustrating arousal became too much for her.

“Yes,” she gasped at last, her voice shaking with emotion as she accepted his assessment. “Yes, yes, yes. You’re right, I-I can be your slave, Professor. And I w-will be if that’s what you w-want. I’ll be your slave and…and obey you and do whatever you tell me if you just take me. Please, Professor, I-I need you and want you so much.”

He nodded gravely, “Very well, Paula. But if you are to be my slave, I shall expect you to obey my instructions to the letter. And I believe my last instruction was for you to open your mouth.”

Her lips quivered on the brink of voicing a protest, then with a visible effort she held back and allowed her mouth to open, hoping that her obedience would please him and soften his iron determination.

With the gag buckled in place, she was again silenced and when he moved back to the control panel, her eyes bulged in disbelieving horror as she realized that he was not only not going to free her and make love to her, but intended to continue her torment.

He paused with his finger hovering over the buttons and smiled gently. “I’m afraid you’ve caught me on the hop, Paula,” he told her. “Your rather sudden...ah...conversion from my student to, slave as you now are, came a little more quickly than I had hoped and indeed, expected. Needless to say, I am more than happy with your decision, of course, but it does mean that I need to advance some of my preparations. It will take me some time, but, after all, owning a slave is a considerable responsibility and requires a good deal of thought on my part, as I am sure you understand. I’ll be back to collect you when I’ve had a little time to digest our new…ah…relationship. But in the meantime…”

His finger descended and Paula moaned in anguished dismay, her body instantly aflame as the vibrators resumed their irresistible stimulation and her arousal spiraled rapidly upwards.

Professor Goss watched her intently, his dark eyes fixed on her face until she succumbed to the inevitable climax imposed on her by his machine, then rose to his feet and smiled down into her desperate gaze, “Did you know that I’ve wanted you ever since you enrolled, Paula?” he asked softly. “I’ve spent a whole year thinking about you and how it would feel to take you. But until we had our little disagreement, I never really believed that I’d ever have the opportunity to find out for certain. I believe it now, though, because now we both know that you’re naturally submissive and have a deep desire…a need…to become a true slave just as I have an equally strong desire to dominate you and make you my slave.”

He shrugged. “So it would seem that I don’t have much choice, do I?” he said, then grinned. “And you, as my slave, don’t have any and won’t have any. Not now and not ever, so I suggest you get used to the idea. You begged to be my slave and I intend to hold you to that. All the way, slave, every last step of it.”

He held Paula’s eyes with his own until she dropped hers in submission, then added, “I mean exactly what I say, slave. Think about that until I return.” As she swallowed nervously, he strode away.

Alone and at the mercy of his tireless machines, Paula squirmed in her bonds as she struggled to come to terms with Professor Goss’s astonishing revelation that he had had feelings for her ever since her first day on campus. She had never had the slightest inkling of how he felt about her, but now that she knew, it made a lot of things crystal clear. Her suspicions had been right all along. Professor Goss had indeed had an ulterior motive for suggesting his “experiment”.

BOOK: Paula & Her Professor
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