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Authors: Cara Carnes

Tags: #Erotica

PassionsTraining (11 page)

BOOK: PassionsTraining
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“We would be honored to be your Doms.”

“Thank you, Sirs.” Relief ripped away whatever doubts she’d had deep within her. Though she knew there’d be a lot to discuss if this was to work out, she knew that this was what she wanted, for however long it would last.

Viviana wasn’t foolish enough to think the two men touching her were used to sharing someone long-term. But the fact they were both here, touching and tending to her demonstrated all she needed to see—they were willing to try.

Lorenzo, Chase and Kade appeared behind Lance. Viviana smiled up at them. “Thank you for your help, Sirs.”

“It was our pleasure.” Lorenzo smirked. “In more ways than one.”

Embarrassment crawled within her and she curled into Stryker’s embrace and tugged the blanket around her. “You were one of them in the ceremony.”

“It is Brigade policy for us to never discuss who did what, or who didn’t. All you need to know is that the membership has wholly embraced you.” Kade picked up the chest.

“We will all participate in your training until you are officially collared by someone, or several someones,” Chase stated.

The statement made her look forward to the journey unfolding. She looked around the crowded club and then at Lance and Stryker. “Can we leave now?”

Lance chuckled as he stood and picked her up. “You read my mind, sweetheart. I think Stryker and I have better things to do with you than hang around here.”




Kathryn Meadows had turned freeloading into an art form. If there was a museum for mooching off the workplace, she could be Van Gogh, or even Degas. Guilt had teamed up with stress to become her favorite pastimes.

She knew better than to bemoan her life. It could be worse. It’d been much, much worse.

Forcing the past away for tonight, Kathryn took a deep breath and agonized over her meager existence. She had shelter. Admittedly, it was subterfuge that provided it more than her wages. She had food. Mostly peanut butter, crackers, ramen noodles, tuna and whatever she could forage from the fridge on Friday night.

Three years, two months and fourteen days was the remaining time on her sentence—barring any unforeseen issues. She was reasonably healthy for her twenty-four years of age. There’d be no reason for her to deviate from her payment schedule. Getting her aunt’s medical bills and funeral costs paid was paramount.

Kathryn had made many mistakes. Mortgaging the house to the rafters hadn’t been wise. Before she’d realized what happened, she’d lost her house, her car and any foundation of normalcy she had.

Except for here. Brigade Financial.

Three years, two months and fourteen days.

After that she’d be free. For the first time ever, she could live.

Taking a hopeful, wistful breath, she trudged up the stairs to the top level of Brigade Financial. A wise person living at her place of work would probably have chosen somewhere less conspicuous than Lorenzo Garofali’s office. The chief operating officer for Brigade Financial made most intelligent people tremble on a good day.

Kathryn was lucky to remember to breathe. Though he rarely acknowledged her existence, she couldn’t ignore the purely feminine response to his wicked grin. It was his intensity that made her shiver. Everything about the man made her weak-kneed like a kindergartner the first day of school.

Perhaps that was why she felt secure here, in his office. She clicked the door shut and closed her eyes, inhaling his scent deeply until it dried out the welling trouble within her. While she was here, she was a woman cocooned in warmth, security and alone with her forbidden fantasy.


A startled scream escaped her. “Mr. Garofali. Forgive me. I didn’t expect you to be here.”

His tall, honed physique loomed from behind the mahogany desk. She swallowed the rush of apprehension as her eyes scanned him in silent appreciation. She’d seen him in jeans only a few times. What that man did to denim should be outlawed. Nothing that good could be legal. A pale-blue button-down shirt rippled across his chest, stopping in a disheveled bundle of wrinkled fabric just long enough to obscure his groin.

Stop ogling the boss. You need a good reason to be traipsing into his office like you own the place.

“I see you’re taking casual Friday seriously for once.” His mocha gaze traveled down her.

Wiping her hands down her black sweatpants, she forced a smile and shrugged. “I stopped by to pick up some paperwork Hildey wanted me to look over this weekend. I was thinking she left it in here.”

His gaze narrowed, but he remained silent as he made his way around the desk. Leaning against the massive structure, he crossed his long legs and motioned toward the chair a couple of feet from him. “Please, take a seat. We need to talk.”

Oh shit.

“I’m sorry I disturbed you, Sir. It won’t happen again.”

“You have impeccable timing. I was just thinking about you.” The husky statement made her mind turn to gelatinous goo. How could she think fast on her feet if he talked like that?

“Did you need me to handle something, Sir?”

“I have no doubt you could handle anything I wanted you to, couldn’t you?” He smirked. “You’ve made a remarkable impression on Hildey. That’s very rare.”

“Thank you, Sir. I love working with her.”

“I’m afraid your career at Brigade Financial must take an unexpected veer into new territory, Katey.” He crossed his arms. “You are aware of our other property, The Brigade.”

It was a statement more than a question requiring a response. Thank God. Just the name made her entire body tremble in anticipation. The BDSM resort was the real reason she’d begun to work here. Curiosity.

She didn’t know what she’d expected to learn at the unrelated financial institution, but she’d been too intimidated to apply for any position at The Brigade.

Silence descended and she adjusted herself in the plush leather chair. She felt like a worm under a microscope. And she was about to get examined.

“I’m afraid your time within my office must come to an end for the sake of the organization. You are too valuable an asset to waste away as a secretary to my admin.” He reached behind him and picked up a red folder with The Brigade’s insignia. “Business at The Brigade has increased significantly. Chase requires an admin.”

The Brigade. Admin.

“Congratulations, Katey. You are the new executive administrator of The Brigade.” Lorenzo held out the folder and smiled. “All the paperwork is in here, including the forms you must sign for your twenty-percent pay increase.”

“Me?” Her voice was a squeak. Her hand was limp when she took the folder. Shock had settled in, quashing whatever anxiety she’d had with ease. “I’m being promoted?”

“Yes, but I’m afraid I must ask several things of you that may have you refusing the position.”

Kathryn could feel the tears pooling in her eyes. A promotion. Someone thought she was worth taking a risk on. How would she manage to get out there? The resort was a solid one hour drive away from downtown Austin. There’d be a metro line.

Or, even better, she could get a car of some sort. It was an investment. And with the pay raise she’d probably still be okay on her payment arrangements. It’d be tough. How much was insurance? What was the dress protocol at the resort? She ping-ponged questions back and forth like a champion, but she knew none would cross her lips. Not now.

This wasn’t real. It couldn’t be.

Lorenzo reached over and pulled on her chin until she looked at him. Blinking away the tears, she forced a tentative smile. “I’m sorry, Sir. This all caught me off guard.”

“Never apologize for showing your emotions, Katey.”

“Yes Sir.”

“Now, on to the requests.” He sighed. “Chase is rather unique to work with. He is obsessive about many things and, frankly, refuses to accept he needs help. You will have an uphill battle getting him to accept your assistance.”

“Then how did this position come to be?”

“He was the minority opinion.”

Okay. She could handle this. Somehow.

“The Brigade operates sporadic hours. For that reason, I must ask that you accept a suite within the employee wing of the resort. All expenses paid. Consider it a perk of the job.”

A suite. At The Brigade.

Had she died and entered some twisted alternate dimension?

“Because I have no idea what you will be required to do, or where you will have to go, you will provided with a vehicle of your choosing from the fleet.”

A car.

“I can’t believe this.”

“You’ve earned this, Katey.” His voice was edged with emotion. “The Brigade always takes care of their own, and that includes promoting from within.”

“I appreciate that. This means a lot.” More than he’d know. She gripped the folder like a lifeline, still unable to believe it was real.

“I know Hildey is going to miss you terribly.” He chuckled. “Hell, I’ll miss you. I’ll be going back to grounds in my coffee.”

She couldn’t help but grin even though inside she already mourned the loss of Lorenzo every day. “You’re out at The Brigade though. So we’ll still see each other.”

His gaze darkened. “I promise you’ll be seeing a lot more of me than you have, Katey.”


About the Author


Cara Carnes discovered her love of writing early in life, as most writers tend to. At the age of 11, she typed up a love story and happily mailed it off. Anxiously awaiting her acceptance letter and fat advance check, she dutifully listened to her mother and grandfather as they instilled in her the lessons key to her writing today.

By the time the handwritten rejection letter arrived, Cara knew that someday she would be writing the stories that she loved. Most importantly, she had learned two key fundamentals from her mother and grandfather—always expect the unexpected and know you can do anything you set your mind to.

Cara’s love for the written word found a home in erotic romance. Wanting to bring fantasies to life in her books, she enjoys crafting characters who sizzle on the pages and burn their way into your heart. While she loves all genres of romance, erotic will always have a special place in her heart because Cara believes true romance doesn’t stop at the bedroom door.

Cara is a native Texan and currently resides in Austin. When she isn’t absorbed in her characters, she enjoys traveling, photography and spending time with family and friends.


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author bio page





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Also by
Cara Carnes


A Mate’s Risk

Cadari Lover

Ellora’s Cavemen: Flavors of Ecstasy II

Hard Day’s Reward

Pleasure Brigade 1: Passion Next Door

Pleasure Brigade 2: Passion’s Claim


Print books by Cara Carnes


Aquamarine Allure

Ellora’s Cavemen: Flavors of Ecstasy II



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BOOK: PassionsTraining
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