Passion For Hire (Passion #5) (27 page)

BOOK: Passion For Hire (Passion #5)
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“Oh.” I grinned at the memory of that. “It sounds like a great idea, but what about Lucas? How will your parents and siblings feel?”

“I don’t really care what my siblings’ opinion is Faith. I think Lucas likes it here, and it’s good for him to mix with the others and learn what he missed when he was a prisoner of my home.” He frowned at me, his tone filled with that lingering insecurity and doubt. “Don’t you want to live with me in our own home?”

“Of course I do. Wherever you are is where I want to be. I love you and I wish you would get that into your thick skull.”

“Well, then it’s established. Once Katherine goes into her home, Faith and I move into mine.” He stopped and he was silent so long I finally turned my gaze on him. There were tears rolling down his cheeks. “I don’t know what to say father, thank you for what you have done for me. I will pay you back for Katherine’s home. I have enough money saved to cover it, but thank you for this.” He waved the bank book. “Thank you, to both of you, for all that you have done and I’m sorry, sorry I let you down.”

Sirene leapt up and rushed over, falling to the floor by Adrian’s feet. She reached out to wipe away his tears. “Oh my beautiful boy, my sweet, sweet Adrian; you have not let us down. Don’t you see? We are both so proud of you, and I will miss you when you move into your home, but I understand why you wish to do so. You are not like the others. You are quieter, more reserved, more private, and you are entitled to have your privacy. If you want to move out to get it, we won’t stop you. After all, Lucian and Dominick choose to live outside this home.” She stood and extended her arms to him. “Now get up and give your mother a hug.”

I watched him stand and the three vampires embraced; Mother, father and son. Watching them, I felt tears prick my eyes. Adrian could finally be at peace. He could rest and stop worrying. His future was set. All the pieces were falling into place. He turned and gestured for me to join them so I did, feeling their arms enclose me, drawing me into their embrace.


As promised by Fabian, the next several days were spent helping to move Katherine’s things into her new home. She didn’t have a lot of possessions, but she didn’t need them. Her new home provided everything she would need. It was fully furnished and fully appointed with all appliances, kitchenware, linen, absolutely everything she could possibly need, plus Adrian had surprised her by supplying her with an entire, brand new wardrobe, with everything from underwear to clothes and shoes. The final delay had been completing the last of the paperwork necessary, and once everything was taken care of, we all wanted to be there for Lucas when his mother moved into her home.

Fabian being Fabian, turned the whole thing into quite the production, striding ahead to unlock the door and open it wide, his arm sweeping the air with a flourish, to indicate we should all enter. There was no need to get anyone to invite us in since it had been purchased by a vampire, so once Lucas had pushed his mother’s wheelchair inside, we all hurried after them.

The whole house moving had to take place in daylight hours and the sun was harsher on my skin than I expected. I suppose with what I’d gone through less than a week ago, it wasn’t any real surprise.

I watched Lucas begin to wheel his mother’s chair from room to room, stopping at her request so she could run her hands over the brand new surfaces of the bathroom and kitchen.

I was so happy to see Adrian looking more relaxed, even happy. It was a look I wasn’t familiar with seeing on him, but I loved it. The talk with his parents had fixed a lot of what he’d thought was wrong about himself, and I got a lot of satisfaction out of hearing him tell clients when they rang for him, that he had retired. Finally, he was mine. I wouldn’t have to share him with any other women, and just thinking about it made me smile to myself.

“What are you grinning about sweetheart? You look like the proverbial cat with the cream.” Adrian’s deep voice drew my eyes to him.

Unable to contain my happiness, I threw my arms around his neck, jumping up to wrap my legs around his hips. I saw surprise flash across his face before his arms closed around me holding me against him.

“I’m just happy Adrian. Everything is working out. You have sorted things with your parents; you are not spending time with other women and I have you all to myself, or I will once we move into your home.”

He gave me a slow smile, his eyes narrowed and looking sexy as sin through those long black lashes of his. “I can’t wait until we’re alone in my house sweetheart but it’s not my house, it’s our house.”

I leaned forward and kissed him gently, nibbling along his bottom lip until he growled low in his throat and took over, pushing his tongue into my mouth.

His lips moved over mine, his tongue licking mine and rapidly my desire for him rose. This man was always going to drive me wild with lust for him. He was my first and only everything. My first and only sexually, my first and only love and the only man I would ever want. Sighing against his lips, I tunnelled my fingers into his hair, messing up the strands that were slicked back and held in place with a band. Gripping the back of his head I pulled him closer hearing him moan again, the rumble of it filling my mouth. Suddenly he was moving, striding forward and it was only when I felt the edge of the bathroom vanity behind me that I gasped, tearing my lips from his.

Adrian seemed to have lost some of his customary control and I shivered when his teeth grazed over the sensitive skin of my throat. He shifted restlessly, tilting his hips until I felt his hardness brushing between my legs. Knowing he wanted me, here, now, in broad daylight, where some of his family could have walked in on us, excited me even more.

“Adrian…I...” I murmured, stopping abruptly when I heard Fabian’s voice next to us.

“Son, we’re ready to go. You might want to keep yourself under control until you are home. Given your displeasure at having us in your bedroom several evening’s ago, I’m surprised you seem ready to put on such a public sexual display now. Please remember this is Katherine’s home and I’m sure she would prefer you not fuck on her bathroom vanity.” We turned to see him watching us, a frown on his face before he spun around and left us alone again.

“Oops.” I giggled and Adrian gave me one final kiss before releasing me, when I dropped my legs from around his hips.

“Come sweetheart. Let’s get out of here and go home. I wish it was our home we were going to, but I have decorators going through the house for me and it won’t be ready for a week or two. Can you put up with being in my father’s home a little longer?”

I pressed my lips to his again. “I can be wherever you are.”

He gave me one of those rare smiles that lit up his face, a smile that was slowly becoming a more regular occurrence these days now his life was sorting itself out. Not having so much on his mind had definitely made a difference to him.

We walked out to join Fabian, Sirene and Lucas who were saying good bye to Katherine. She looked happy and eager to hug everyone and thank them for what they had done for her. I felt tears prick my eyes when Adrian hunkered down by her wheelchair and wrapped his arms around her. She clung to him, one hand brushing over his hair, smoothing it, soothing him and I could see how important he’d become to her.

Once I too had said goodbye, we all headed back out to Fabian’s car, wincing against the blinding sunlight. I felt the unwanted but horribly familiar burn on my skin and hurried faster to get inside the van and away from the harsh rays.

Adrian seemed to understand how much the sun bothered me and made an effort to shelter me as much as possible. I think due to the damage that had been done to me, my skin was perhaps more sensitive than it had been prior to the severe burns I sustained.

When we all piled into the van, his arm closed around me, drawing me in firmly against his side. Fabian started the vehicle and began to drive along the network of quiet roads, finally coming to the tall iron gates. They were quite ornate, black and marked the entry and exit of the community housing designed for the care of terminal and permanent care patients. I watched as they silently swung open so we could pass through them and I turned back to see them swinging shut again, once we were through. Although residents were free to come and go, the fencing and security gates were to keep those who lived there safe. It was the perfect place for Katherine to live out the rest of her time.

When we got home, I knew we were going to break the news to Lucas about what I’d heard for his mother’s future. He knew she was dying but I had no doubt, the news would still hit him very hard. He was going to be woken up to the painful reality of her situation and there was nothing we could do to change that.

Chapter Twenty Seven

Two weeks later


“Close your eyes sweetheart.” Adrian instructed the excited woman by his side. They were finally able to move into his home which he’d had fully redecorated inside, the rooms all covered in heavy window coverings to protect them from the sunlight on those rare occasions they were up in daylight hours. Although Katherine was now in her new home, they did occasionally rise earlier to go and see her.

“Hurry Adrian, I’m dying to see it.” He smiled to himself at the excitement in her voice.

He unlocked the front door and guided her in, making sure she still had her eyes closed. Glancing round, he took in the fresh new paint on the walls, the brand new thick woollen carpeting and the pristine white tiles that covered the entry way and continued on down the hallways that branched off to the left and right.

“Open your eyes Faith.” He said softly, his lips stirring her blonde hair as he breathed in her sweet scent.

“Oh Adrian.” He heard the awe in her voice as she looked around. “It’s beautiful.” She shot him a dimpled grin and ran off to explore their new home. He followed her, watching in amusement as she ducked in and out of each room until finally stopping at what was their bedroom.

The room was vast. He’d had a wall knocked out to incorporate the adjoining bedroom into the master one. There were two doors leading off from it. One was an en-suite and the other a huge walk in robe. He had a secret for Faith in there but she hadn’t moved beyond the doorway yet and was still standing staring around her in wonder.

He looked around himself, trying to see it through her eyes. The room was largely in gold and cream tones, accented by splashes of black. The walls were adorned with paintings of landscapes to give Faith things she liked and there were some blood red cushions on the bed, amongst the black and gold ones. The ceiling was covered with numerous spotlights that gave the room a warm but dappled lighting and there were heavy black drapes over the windows to keep the room darkened for them as they slept through the days.

Slowly Faith stepped into the room and wandered over to look into the en-suite. It too was decorated in black and gold with expensive gold taps and the same spotlighting as the bedroom.

“It’s all so beautiful Adrian.” She shot another smile in his direction before brushing past him to enter the other doorway. This time he grinned when he heard her quite audible gasp. Her head came out of the doorway again, her expression clearly showing her shock. “Those clothes, are they for me?”

“Yes sweetheart, all for you. Who else would I buy them for? Why don’t you try on something sexy for me?”

She gave him that knowing look, her eyes dropping to his groin and he knew she’d see how he was hardening for her, wanting her. “Ok.” She ducked back inside and swung the door shut. While he waited for her he began to calmly remove his t-shirt and jeans, not stopping until he was completely naked.

Once that was done, he waited, but still no Faith. Starting to get impatient to see her, he began to pace up and down the bedroom, one hand wrapped around his cock as he absently stroked it.

Suddenly the robe door was flung open and he froze, spinning to see her, but the doorway was empty. “Faith, sweetheart, where are you?” He called as he walked forward but she didn’t answer him.

He paused outside the door, looking but still unable to see her. Slowly he stepped into the robe, just as a blur out of the corner of his eye caught his attention, and she was there. Not before him, striking some sexy pose like he’d imagined, but literally hanging off the front of him.

Her slim legs wrapped around his thighs and he could feel her bare cunt, wet and needy against him. She was dressed, sort of, but he couldn’t see properly and reluctantly he peeled her off him and set her down on her feet.

She was a vision before him, and unable to control his emotions, he fell to his knees at her feet, wrapping his arms around her thighs and hitching the fabric of her dress up enough so he could press his mouth into where the narrow strip of blonde curls disappeared between her legs. God she was beautiful, sexy, sweet and his. She was only his. He was her first and her last. No man would ever touch her besides him, and knowing that; to hold her, to have her, made him feel happiness like he’d never felt before. She loved him. For all his faults, she still loved him. She looked at him and saw the man he wanted to be. He loved her so much, and he loved what she had done for him. She had fought for him. Despite his sometimes awful treatment of her, she had never given up on him.

He raised his head and looked up at her taking in the sheer beauty that was Faith. She was wearing a short blue dress, as blue as her stunning eyes. It had a full billowy kind of skirt that finished around mid-thigh. It was cinched in tightly at her slim waist and fitted quite firmly over her breasts. It was strapless and simple but she looked gorgeous in it, and he couldn’t wait to get her out of it.

Slowly he pushed the silky fabric up to her waist again, revealing her nakedness under it, and he buried his face into her soft curls, breathing in deeply, taking in her intoxicating scent. She was aroused; he could smell it and that knowledge made his already hard cock jerk in response.

Climbing to his feet, he moved to unzip the dress so he could peel it off her but she grabbed his hand, shaking her head. “No Adrian, I don’t want you to take it off. I don’t want you to do anything except fuck me. I’m so ready for you. I’ve been ready for you since I met you in my visions. See?” She took his hand and brushed his fingers between her legs, letting him feel just how wet she was, making him groan. “Come, I want you to fuck me while I bend over that chair so we can watch one another in the mirror.” She led him over to a small sofa which was intended for giving her somewhere to sit while putting on shoes or whatever she wanted to use it for.

She grasped a firm hold of one padded arm and bent over and it was then that Adrian noticed the high blue heels that matched the dress. Faith reached back with one hand to hitch her dress up around her waist and he nearly lost control right there and then.

God she was incredible. The heels made her already sexy legs even sexier but the sight of her bent over, the dress and its layers up around her waist was close to pushing him over the edge. He stepped up behind her and ran his palms lovingly over her hips, before moving down to cup her buttocks, squeezing them gently.

One hand slid up her back again, pushing against her spine and she arched, thrusting her ass up higher and giving him the opportunity to see the sweetness of her beautiful cunt, glistening with her need for him. He stood simply staring at her for a few moments, his hands caressing her, his eyes trailing over every glorious inch of her gorgeous back and ass. Finally, it was too much, he needed to be in her and he curled a hand around his cock, his breath hissing out between his teeth at how painfully hard he was for her.

“Hurry Adrian, please, I want you, just fuck me now.” He could hear the desire in her voice and he moved up even closer behind her, guiding his swollen length to her soaked entrance. Pausing for a moment, he reached down to trail his fingers through her wetness, before with one fluid lunge; he buried himself deep inside her.

He didn’t hold back, in fact he was struggling for his usual control but when it came to Faith, it always seemed to desert him. With his hands gripping her hips firmly, he settled into a frantic pattern of rhythmic thrusts watching them fuck in the dressing mirror of the walk in robe.

Faith’s eyes met his and he could see her fangs had descended, her lips drawn back as she growled and moaned, her breasts swaying with every hard impact of their bodies coming together.

“Oh Adrian.” She groaned and he knew what she needed, pushing one arm forward so she could bite down on his wrist. As she sucked on him, drawing his blood into her mouth, he felt his control snap. With a series of oaths he fought to stop himself coming but it was too late for him. With a loud tortured groan, he lunged at her again and yanked her body hard against his as the first shot of his cum fired from his cock and into her. Cursing because it was too soon and he hadn’t made her feel good first, he was powerless to do anything more than hold onto Faith as he emptied into her, over and over again.

She released his wrist, lifting her head, blood dripping from her fangs, her lips red with it, as she met his eyes in the mirror. Pulling out of her, he dragged her over to the mirror, pressing her front against it. Gently he nudged her legs apart and crouched enough to slip his cock between her thighs, moaning softly at the feel of her beautiful cunt closing around him as he pushed his way back inside her.

Again he met her startling blue eyes in the mirror. Much closer now since she was pressed against it and with her name leaving his lips on a husky cry, he swooped and bit down on her shoulder, until she screamed.

As he fed from her, he fucked her; his hips driving upwards pushing into her as deep as he could go. He heard her cry out and suddenly she was pulsing and quivering around him, the wash of her release, soaking his cock. With a few well aimed grinds of his hips, he threw his head back, cursing loudly as he lost control for the second time.

When their bodies stopped shaking and began to settle, Adrian pulled out of her, squatting down to remove her shoes before lifting her into his arms. Carrying her out of the walk in robe, he laid her gently under the covers of their new bed, climbing in behind her. One arm curled around her, dragging her to him, until her back was pressed to his front. With his lips brushing her ear, he told her again what she meant to him, how much he loved her, and as he started to slip into oblivion, he wondered if it was possible for life to get any better.

BOOK: Passion For Hire (Passion #5)
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