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Authors: Lorie O'Clare

Pack Law (3 page)

BOOK: Pack Law
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She gasped, a radiant shade of pink warming her cheeks—he’d said what she wanted to hear. Sophie wanted to be his bitch.

He wouldn’t let her down. Their union would be forever. He would bring her his kill, lay it at her feet, adoring her always.

And he would make sure she knew she belonged to him first and foremost.

His cock burned with a fever to prove himself to her. Knowing she wanted him, needed him, he placed his swollen cockhead against her pussy. She opened her mouth to cry out, and he captured her plea with his kiss. Her tongue darted out but retreated just as quickly.

Her shyness excited him. The eagerness of her body filled the air around them with her luscious scent. Hot and ready. Her mouth was sweet, a mixture of cheese, potato chips, and the lingering tang of beer. He fucked her mouth with his tongue, lost in the desire to pound into her pussy.

“Fuck me, Nik.” She breathed her words into his mouth. “I’ve waited forever for this.”

So had he.

He pressed his engorged cock against her virgin cunt, feeling her open to him. Drenched and ready to be his bitch, she would mate with him, and following the tradition of centuries, be one with him for life.

She was so tight…so wet…so fucking hot he knew he would lose his mind. “Dear God. Sophie.”

Control. He had to maintain control or he would change while inside her. Sophie wasn’t ready for that.

He slid deep, breaking past her fragile hymen. Her heat devoured him, turning his body to flame, drawing out the predator from within his soul.

“Mine, Sophie.” Molten fire scalded his throbbing cock. She felt so fucking good. “You are mine!”

She tensed briefly, reminding him to keep his movements slow. “It’s okay, baby. Tell me if I hurt you,” he whispered, and ran his tongue across her shoulder. The scent of outdoors clung to her salty skin.

“Don’t stop, Nik. I need this so bad. Fuck me. Please fuck me.” Her cries echoed through his feverish mind, added to the chaos of his enraptured senses.

He arched his back, his bones straining to change, aching to grow and divide. Focusing on her, he lowered his head to suck a puckered nipple, testing it with his teeth.

She wrapped her legs around him, holding him to her. Her come soaked his balls and dripped over his thighs. He fed off the warm scent of her sex, gliding long and slow, deep into her.

“Nik. Help me. Nik!” She stiffened, yet another orgasm rippling through her, squeezing his cock with her pussy.

So tight. And although he wanted her ass, wanted her mouth, her pussy…
him. He quit fighting back the explosion and his come burst forth, his soul melting into hers.


Chapter Four

Nik held himself above her while his cock slowly contracted. His scent enveloped her, powerful and dominating, yet caressing her at the same time. He’d tried to be gentle, but he’d nearly ripped her in two. Terrifying heat burned through her body, scouring a path to her pussy. Her pulse pounded in her cunt.

Emotions ran through her too fast to understand. Her heart hammered in her chest, matching the pulse in her pussy. Her bones stretched, muscles rippling and contorting around them, veins lengthening and thickening as blood surged through her to the beat of the beast within.

I’m no longer a virgin.

Nik had taken her, mated with her. She couldn’t turn back, couldn’t alter her future. Tradition dictated when two werewolves mated, it was for life. She belonged to him, and he belonged to her.

So many thoughts bombarded her at once. She would have to tell Grandmother. Nik would come for her, take her to his den. Everything would be different now.

But those thoughts paled next to the onslaught of her newly fucked body. Her pussy burned, felt stretched and swollen, satisfied yet aching. Her nerve endings tingled with excitement and fear.

“I am your mate,” she whispered, but her words came out garbled. She’d begun the change, and her mouth had stretched.

She looked up at Nik. So gorgeous, so in control. Those dark blue eyes watching her, protecting her. He smiled and slid his cock out of her. The cold of the night left her as warm fur covered her skin. She rolled over, hurrying to her feet, wanting to dance under the moon. To celebrate with her new mate. But fucking left her weaker than she’d realized; her legs wouldn’t support her.

Either Nik sympathized with her inability to prevent the change, or deemed it a good idea to be in fur, because he’d allowed the transformation from man to werewolf to sweep through his body as well. He moved over her, nipping and holding the back of her neck until she could stand.

When her strength returned, he nudged her and grabbed their clothes with his mouth. At the command of her mate, she trotted through the woods. She pranced alongside Nik, working to keep up with his longer stride.

Her pussy throbbed and come matted the moon-colored fur along her inner thighs. She was all too aware of Nik next to her, his strong alpha scent permeating the air that tickled her nostrils. His powerful muscles rippled under his thick white coat, creating waves of motion that reminded her how hard he had made her come.

Desire lanced through her. She wanted his cock inside her again already.

Her pussy ached, but there were other things they could do. She could suck his cock, lick her come from his shaft and taste their mingled juices.

Or he could take her ass—an act so raw, so carnal, she almost came again just thinking about submitting to him in that way.

* * * * *

The party had broken up when they reached the backyard of Johann’s place. Nik changed first, his legs growing, white fur becoming flesh. Taut, smooth skin glistening with sweat.

Her muscles altered and fur disappeared. The night air clung to her skin. Her beautiful
body, powerful and pure like the glow of the moon, transformed into her human form, slender and petite…and cold.

“Nik?” She reached for her clothes, then pulled her sweater over her head.

He stood there naked, clothes in hand, watching her. The darkness added a predatory hardness to his features, accentuated his well-defined chest. He looked dangerous, a wolf to reckon with.

She breathed deeply, gathering her thoughts. “I’m going to have to do…” His brooding gaze rested heavy on her. “Well you know. I’m going to have to fuck Jonathan and Lukas too.”

He looked away and tugged his jeans on without commenting.

“I’m loyal to the pack.” She chewed on her lower lip, searching for words to tell him she was scared, but willing. Nik supported pack law, and she would support him. “I don’t want you to think I’ll be trouble for you as a mate.”

Nik glanced around the yard. It was quiet now though the scent of beer still drifted through the air. They were alone. The cars were all gone, and she didn’t smell any werewolves around them. She met his gaze when he looked at her.

“I don’t want to share you with
.” He gripped her arms, his tone harsh, biting. “Do you understand me? You are mine!”

Oh, hell yes!
Her heart pounded in her chest at his ferocity. She hadn’t realized until now his true feelings.

“I’m all yours. And don’t you ever forget it.” She had to know what he planned to do about her two other mates. “But what about pack law?”

“We’ll honor pack law.” She studied his face. So handsome and sexy, so sure of himself.

She wanted to walk into that powerful chest, and let his hands caress her worries away. But he had something to tell her; she sensed it.

“I’ve made arrangements.”

Her stomach tightened into knots.

He rubbed her arms, soothing her, obviously smelling her nervousness, and then cupped her face with his hands. “And we’ll do this only if you agree.”

“Do what?” The plans he’d mentioned to Lukas! Oh… Her mouth went dry.

“I’ve arranged for Jonathan and Lukas to meet us at my place tomorrow tonight. They’ll fuck you, but I’ll be there. You are my mate, and I will know what my mate experiences.”

It suddenly seemed hard to breathe. All three of them would be there with her? Her heart pounded in her chest. Would one fuck her, and then another? Or maybe she would do all of them at once? Nervous energy raced through her, but she couldn’t deny the spark of arousal spawned deep in her gut by the thought of a foursome. Three men fucking her at the same time…

Could she handle it? Did she want to handle it?

“You’ll be there with them?” She wanted Nik with her,
she decided they would all fuck her together.

“No wolf will touch you without my being there.” His words shuddered through her, so determined, so full of passion, so caring.

“I need to think about this.” She didn’t want to let him down, but what if she couldn’t go through with it? She needed time to sort her thoughts.

“This is how it has to be, Sophie.” He pulled her to him, his heartbeat pounding against her breasts. “We can have you mated to all of us, and then I will say when they may breed you.”

When his arms wrapped tight around her, she relaxed into his heat. Her pussy was sore, yet the aching desire to fuck him surged through her once again.

Nik would never break pack law, no matter how much he must want to keep her to himself. She knew how he felt. If it weren’t for him, she wouldn’t mind fucking the other two wolves—they weren’t unattractive or cruel. But she loved Nik. And only Nik. She would do this, for the breed, for her pack, but mostly she would do it for Nik. It would be easier for him this way, and easier for her too to have him there.

“Yes. This is how it has to be,” she whispered.


Chapter Five

Sophie’s pack mates lined two rows of folding chairs, intentionally placed so Grandmother could pace in front of the pack. Nik leaned against the wall, his arms crossed over his broad chest, his expression serious. He respected Grandmother as pack leader and had always backed her decisions. But at the moment, Sophie didn’t give a damn about pack policy, or any decisions the pack needed to make.

Some dispute had broken out between two dens, and Grandmother mediated while each den voiced their complaints.

“She is enjoying this too much,” Elsa, sitting next to her, whispered. Her revulsion filled the air with its rank odor.

Sophie shushed her, not wanting her sister in trouble with Grandmother again. Elsa seemed to have a knack for getting the old bitch riled.

She turned her attention back to Nik. His presence seemed to have a power over her; just looking at him made her wet with desire.

Jonathan Abram, who would also be her mate, stood on one side of him. Since he was a couple years older than Nik, she’d never really spoken to him. She took the opportunity to study the werewolf, letting her gaze wander over his lanky physique. He wasn’t an unattractive man, just quiet. He didn’t go to the parties or bars she went to. His longish blond hair curled up under his collar at the back of his neck. Right now he wore his leather jacket, but she’d seen him working in town with construction crews and knew he had several tattoos.

What kind of lover would he make? Her senses swirled within her, a fluttering of butterflies settling in her stomach.

You will find out when you go to Nik’s place tonight.

“Are there any other matters we need to discuss?” Grandmother’s shrewd gaze passed over the werewolves, who scuffled in their seats, anticipating the end of the meeting. The old bitch nodded at the silence. “Then this meeting is adjourned until next month.”

Grandmother Rousseau took her time sitting in the large upright chair, but Sophie sighed with relief. She almost floated out of her chair when Nik began working his way toward her.

Will you enjoy watching me fuck the other wolves?

“Sophie.” Gertrude gestured to get her attention.

“Grandmother wants to talk to you. She told me to send you to the study.” Gertrude drew a line across her throat with her finger. Sophie was in trouble for something.

The butterflies in Sophie’s stomach formed a thick knot. What the hell had she done now?

She glanced over toward Nik, who had stopped to talk to a couple den mates. With a sigh of defeat, she headed to the study to face the battleaxe by herself.

* * * * *

“I am told you are now Niklas Alexander’s mate.” Katherine Rousseau didn’t waste time.

Sophie offered her hand to help her grandmother into a chair. Grandmother Rousseau eased back, releasing Sophie’s hand only to slap her on the ass.

Sophie squealed before she could stop herself. “What?”

Her grandmother’s spanking didn’t hurt as much as it humiliated her. “Nik is one of my chosen mates. What have I done wrong?”

“Sophia.” Grandmother clasped her hands in her lap, pursing her lips. Her hard stare made Sophie more nervous than she cared to admit. “You mated with him in the woods, like a common tramp. You are a Rousseau!”

Sophie stood facing her, silent. It wouldn’t be dignified to ask where her grandmother got her information. The best thing to do was get the reprimand over with.

BOOK: Pack Law
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