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Authors: Crissy Smith

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

Pack Investigator (5 page)

BOOK: Pack Investigator
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“You concentrate on finding out who is responsible for these arsons and we’ll look for Randy,” Cooper told him.

“I’ll help with Nick as much as I can,” Mike offered. “We’re pretty tight—he even calls me uncle, so hopefully he won’t feel too out of place.”

“That’d be great,” Garrett agreed.

“Uncle Mike?” Nick’s sleepy voice carried from the doorway.

They all turned toward the small child.

“Hey there, kiddo.” Mike stood up from the table with open arms.

Nick rushed forward and launched himself at the lawyer. Mike picked him up and hugged him tight. Garrett watched the two of them and felt a warmth flow through him. Nick had a good support group if the worst happened and he lost his dad.

“Did you find my dad?” Nick asked once Mike had set him down.

“Not yet, buddy,” Mike answered. He crouched in front of Nick. “But we won’t stop looking.”

When Nick nodded slowly before he turned toward Garrett, he knew the kid needed him. He pushed back his chair, intending to stand, but before he had a chance Nick was climbing onto his lap. Garrett slid his arm around the boy’s back and held him close.

“Are you about ready to eat?” Julie came up to them and ran her hand over Nick’s shaggy brown hair.

Nick shrugged before he buried his face in Garrett’s chest. Garrett could feel Nick’s body shaking but the waterworks hadn’t started yet.

“Hey!” Garrett said to Nick. “Julie made homemade macaroni and cheese. It’s our mom’s recipe and it rocks.”

Nick pulled back a little and peered up at him. “I guess I can eat.”

“That’s my boy,” Garrett praised.

Nick laughed, which is what Garrett wanted.

“Cooper, help me set the table so we can all eat,” Julie said after she smiled at them.

“Let’s get you washed up,” Garrett said, rising with the child still in his arms.

He strolled out of the kitchen, carrying Nick to the hall bathroom. There he set Nick back down before Garrett gripped Nick’s shoulder and bent. “It’s going to be okay,” Garrett assured him.

“What if no one can find my dad? What if he’s in heaven with my mommy?” Nick questioned with real fear.

“No,” Garrett said while he rubbed Nick’s arms. “You can’t think like that. Your dad is out there and you have everyone in this town on your side. If anyone can find your dad it’s the Pack.”

“You’ll stay with me until my dad comes back?” Nick asked next.

“As much as I can,” he promised. “I have to go to work and try to find who started the fire in your house and some other places. But when I’m not there I will be here.”

“Do you live here? You said this is your sister’s house.”

Wow, this kid is full of questions.
Hard questions that Garrett wasn’t certain he had answers to or should even be responding to. He really needed to talk to Lily.

“No, I don’t live here. I have a place closer to town that I share with two roommates. We’re all firefighters so it helps having them there with me to work on the yard and keep up with house,” Garrett explained. He didn’t know why he was telling Nick so much information when he’d asked a simple question. He just wanted Nick to know that Garrett wasn’t going anywhere.

“Can I see your house?”

Garrett laughed. “Sure, as soon as I know you’re safe.”

“Okay, can we eat now?”

“Let’s wash our hands,” Garrett suggested. He hoisted Nick up and helped him before following suit. Once done, they walked out of the bathroom and down the hall side by side.

They must have been gone longer than Garrett had thought, since the table had been cleared of his work and set with a steaming bowl of food right in center. They also had an additional guest.

Lily stood at the table laughing at something Julie was saying. It appeared his sister’s friendly personality had already drawn Lily in. He enjoyed seeing the women together. Julie was so important to him that whoever he was interested in had to get along with her. And he was more than interested in Lily. She looked beautiful in a long cream sweater with her blonde hair shining and hanging past her shoulders. His fingers actually twitched with the urge to find out if the strands were as soft and silky as they looked. She glanced up as they walked in and her blue eyes met his, causing his steps to falter. As he tripped he had to reach out and grasp Nick’s shoulder. The kid looked back at him, grinning. Embarrassed, all he could do was hope that he wasn’t blushing. Luckily the others in the room weren’t paying him any attention.

“Hi.” He smiled as he greeted her.

“Sorry to disturb your dinner,” she said as she strolled forward. She crouched down in front of Nick. “I brought some stuff for you.”

“Did you get my stuffed wolf? I left him on the bed,” Nick asked softly.

“I’ll have to check with the fire investigator to see if I can get into the house,” Lily said. “I’m not sure how bad the fire damage is.”

“You’ll try though?” Nick pressed.

“Absolutely,” she said. “But for tonight, maybe you’ll hang onto this guy?” She walked back toward the doorway where a few bags were piled up. She bent down, and Garrett really wasn’t trying to watch the way the soft black pants stretched and showcased her ass, but damn.

As she rummaged through the bags, Garrett reached down and had to adjust his cock, which had hardened seeing her on her knees. Fuck, he barely knew the woman and all he could think about was pushing her down, yanking away any barrier between them and mounting her.

He blinked. Where in the hell had that thought come from? Crap, he really didn’t need these thoughts when he was in his sister’s crowded kitchen.

“Ah ha!” Lily announced as she pulled something from one of the plastic bags. She turned and offered Nick a rather large, soft-looking stuffed wolf.

“Wow!” Nick rushed forward and took the animal from her.

“I know it can be scary sleeping in a strange place. So I thought this little guy could help you. You can name him and keep him with you,” she said.

Nick hugged the stuffed wolf tightly. “Thank you.”

“You’re very welcome,” she said as she ruffled his hair. She looked up at Garrett. “He should have enough clothes for a few days, there’s also a new toothbrush and some other things I thought he might like. If you need anything, just let me know and I can bring it over. I’ll be over tomorrow to check on him.”

She started to step back but Garrett wasn’t ready to let her go yet. “Why don’t you stay for dinner?” he asked.

“Oh, I don’t want to intrude.” She waved off his invitation.

“We’d like you to stay.” Garrett rested his hand on Nick’s shoulder.

The boy bobbed his head in agreement.

“There really is plenty and we can talk a little more,” Julie added. She was glancing between Garrett and Lily, and the sparkle in her eyes Garrett knew well. His sister was aware of the attraction between the two of them.

Lily appeared unsure so Garrett nudged Nick forward. The boy went right over and grabbed Lily’s hand, pulling her toward the table. “Julie made mac and cheese that her mama used to make for her. It’s supposed to be really good.”

“Well, how could I say no to that?” Lily asked with a smile.

“Let’s eat!” Cooper cried.

Everyone moved around the table until they were seated. Garrett found himself at one end with Cooper across from him. To his right sat Lily and Mike and on the left side of the table Nick and Julie were already passing the dishes around. He was pleased with Lily and Nick being on either side of him as well as Julie leaning over to help Nick load up his plate.

It had been such a long time since he’d sat down for a full family meal that he found himself just watching everyone else at first. Cooper and Mike were talking about something to do with the Pack, Julie handed Lily the platter of fresh bread, while Nick was already digging into the mac and cheese, making smacking noises.

He smiled. He’d missed the last several holidays at his parents’, even with Julie being in town at the time. He’d been on the schedule at the fire department. It was just another reminder of the unfairness of how the Kermit captain had treated him and anyone who was a shifter or supported them. The holidays were approaching fast and he knew he’d be welcomed back here with his sister and their new family. Maybe their parents would even be able to make the drive down. Garrett hoped so.

He wondered where Nick would be. Could they find his dad and reunite Nick and Randy before Thanksgiving? Garrett would make damn sure, wherever the boy was, that Nick had the best time possible.

“So what are you going to name your new friend?” Lily asked Nick as she picked up her fork.

Nick glanced over at him. Garrett tilted his head to show he was interested in the answer as well.

“Garrett,” Nick said quietly.

Garrett’s heart filled with so much love and pride he was actually speechless.

“That’s great.” Julie hugged Nick.

Garrett managed to nod. This small boy was showing him how much he was missing in his own life. He hadn’t thought about settling down yet, although he would love to find someone to share his life with. He glanced at Lily and saw her eyes on him.

When he caught her gaze, she reached out and covered his hand with hers, giving him a squeeze. He closed his fingers over hers and didn’t want to let go.

“I think it’s wonderful,” Lily agreed.

Nick looked at Garrett. “That way I don’t forget you when my dad comes back.”

“Ah, kid.” He released Lily to grasp Nick’s hand. “Even when you’re home with your dad I won’t be going anywhere. We’re buds, right?” When Nick mentioned his dad and Garrett saw the hope in his eyes, it was hard not to just gather the small child up and hide him from the world. Garrett prayed that they would find Randy and that Nick would indeed be going back home with his dad.

“Of course.” Nick nodded quickly.

“There you go!” Garrett patted his hand before he began to fill his plate. “Now let’s eat so we can watch a movie before bed. I’ll even let you pick what we watch.”

Nick started to bounce in his seat as he began to tell Lily about Cooper and Julie’s movie collection.


* * * *


Dinner had been fantastic and Lily had really enjoyed seeing Nick being so accepted and cared for. She’d also liked watching Garrett interact with his family and friends. It felt comfortable and, while Garrett and Julie weren’t shifters, the entire evening had had the sense of Pack.

It had been a whirlwind twenty-four hours but as she hugged Nick goodbye and made plans with Julie to meet up the next day, Lily was proud of the job she was doing.

She’d grown up in the foster-care system. Of course that was before the shifters were public, so it had been a lot different for her then than it was now. She hadn’t known what the changes her body had been going through meant. If it hadn’t been for a teacher in her middle school that had picked up the signs, there was no telling what would have happened to her.

Instead, Mrs. April Summers had watched out for her and when Lily had been ready to shift, she’d gotten in touch with Jeremy’s father, Craig, who had been the Alpha of the Pack at the time. Craig had taken her under his wing and made sure she was ready.

It had been hard to hide her shifting ability from her foster family but Lily knew she had been lucky. She could have easily been moved to a larger city that used group homes instead of the family placements that took place in Clear Creek. Craig had even offered to have her moved to a shifter family but Lily had loved the Houstons, who’d taken her in. Plus she’d had two other foster children in the home that she’d been close with. There’d been lots of family dinners, much like what she’d just experienced that night.

“Let me walk you out,” Garrett offered, coming up behind her.

Lily hadn’t missed the way he’d kept his eyes on her all night. Garrett wasn’t very subtle in the way he’d been checking her out. Not that she minded. It was good to know that he felt the same attraction as she did.

She waved one last time before walking out of the front door that Garrett held open for her. The evening had cooled down even more, making her glad she’d worn her most comfortable sweater.

Unlike in most movies and some books, shifters didn’t actually have the ability to heal all wounds. They weren’t werewolves or whatever mystical creature the media like to portray them as. They were humans who had a slight alteration to their DNA that allowed them to be able to shift. Her parents had died instantly from the crash. She’d been spending the night with a friend as her parents had gone out to dinner to celebrate their anniversary.

Garrett closing the door behind her pulled her from her thoughts and she turned toward him.

“Thanks for asking me to stay for dinner. I enjoyed it,” she told him.

“I’m glad you stayed,” he replied as he cupped her elbow while they walked down the steps.

“Nick seems to be settling in well,” she noted.

“Hmm,” he hummed in agreement.

He seemed distracted, so Lily glanced around the property as she attempted to ignore the heat from Garrett’s hand on hers. Cooper and Julie had a beautiful house just on the edge of town. The woods around the property were gorgeous, and Lily could only imagine how much enjoyment Cooper felt running in his own back yard, literally. She lived in town, close to her office, and only ran in Pack territory.

The sidewalk was lit by small solar lights, leading them to the drive where she’d parked her car. Lily dug her keys out of her purse and hit the fob to unlock her vehicle. While the actual driveway was dark, there was enough of a moon to allow her to see somewhat around her. In the city there would have been streetlights but so far out they were all alone, especially with the trees that blocked them from the front of the house.

Garrett reached the door first but instead of opening it he turned back around and leaned against it. “Can I ask you a question?”

“Yes.” The picture Garrett made, with his muscular arms crossed over his chest and his long legs braced apart, was enough to almost make her drop to her knees right there in the middle of the drive.

He pushed off her car and leaned close. “You feel this too?” he whispered.

BOOK: Pack Investigator
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