Read Pack and Mate Online

Authors: Sean Michael

Pack and Mate (7 page)

BOOK: Pack and Mate
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“Your scent and flavor complete me.”

Finn’s eyes went wide and he swore he could scent pleasure
in the air.

“Did you come?” he asked.

Finn lowered his eyes. “I’m sorry.”

“No, don’t apologize. I’m very pleased.” His mate had come,
just from Cort’s words. How amazing was that?

“I…” Finn hid his face in Cort’s belly.

“Do you know how sexy that was?” He stroked Finn’s head.

Shaking his head, Finn pushed into his caress.

“It was very sexy,” Cort told Finn. “You made me feel like a
stud.” He felt Finn’s cheeks heat against him.

Grabbing Finn under the arms, he tugged his pup up and took
a kiss. So sweet, so innocent. It was intoxicating. He rubbed Finn’s come into
him, the scent stronger.

He loved that smell. “Mmm. So very good.”


“Yes, Finn?”

Finn looked at him and then simply pushed up, kissed him
hard. He took the kiss, giving Finn as good as he got, loving on his pup with
everything he could put into the kiss. His sweet pup rubbed against him,
rocking into his body. Still needy even though he’d just come. It was a
testament to their bond as mates. He had time now though to touch, to tease, to
teach Finn about need.

He pulled Finn’s tongue into his mouth and sucked on it,
gently at first but then more vigorously. Finn climbed over him, rocking down
against him. He found Finn’s ass and encouraged the movements, loving the
feeling of Finn’s hot erection against his belly. They rolled together, rutting
a bit, bodies dragging on the sheets.

He loved how eager Finn was, just how much his pup wanted
him. He rolled them again and covered Finn, teeth on the pup’s throat, dragging
across his mark. Humping into Finn, he ground against his pup, pushing him into
the mattress. Finn arched, sliding against him, near desperate.

So much for taking it slowly this time. He grinned wildly.
They would take it slow next time. Or the time after that. At some point.
Maybe. Right now they had a new bond to explore.

He moved faster, giving Finn more friction. One of Finn’s
legs wrapped around his hip, holding on. He ran his hand along Finn’s side then
did it again with his fingernails. His pup hummed, stretching against him.

Wrapping his mouth around his mark on Finn’s throat, he
slapped it with his tongue. He loved the tiny cry he got. He hit it again then
scraped his teeth along the mark. Finn bit the air, wild beneath him. Growling
his approval of his pup, Cort let the sound vibrate against Finn’s skin.

The sheets pulled out of their corners beneath Finn’s grasp,
bunching up around them and it tightened the world to just the two of them in
their den. The scents of them together were heady, perfect.

He ground against Finn, feeling his pup’s thickness against
his hip. Reaching down, he pumped both of them. Then he bit down hard on his
mark. His sweet pup shot again, pouring over his fingers.

He kept stroking, wanting to come but also wanting his
beautiful Finn to suck him. Finn moaned, reaching down, coating his cock in
Finn’s come.

“Finn!” He cried out, his own orgasm taking him.

Finn’s hand kept moving, kept sliding over them, rubbing
through the aftershocks. It made him shiver and shudder a few times and he
loved that. He loved that Finn wasn’t one of those subs who just lay back and
expected you to do everything. He loved that Finn wanted him.

Of course, he wasn’t sure his Finn even knew that
submissives existed, outside of the pack structure. They had so much to learn
together. It was exciting.

He kissed Finn as his pup’s hand slowed and then slid away
from their cocks. Lying back, he drew Finn in close. They had five whole days
together and that didn’t even count today’s half-day.

Cort was pleased.

Chapter Seven


Finn called Pat just before the moon, needing to know they
were all inside, safe. His twin was already snarling and aggravated. “What do
you want?”

“To check on you,” he said calmly.


“Because you’re always growly before the change and I know
you’re wigged.” And hurt because Finn wasn’t there to help.

Cort’s hand slid along his back, warm and soothing, the
touch quickly moving to his shoulders, turning into a massage.

“The room is super nice and they sent food,” Pat admitted.

“What’s wrong?” Cort asked, murmuring in his ear.

Finn lifted his chin. “It’s our first moon here and he’s
scared. Can we go see them?”

“Of course we can.”

“Who are you talking to?” demanded Pat.

“Cort. Can we come visit?”

“You want to come visit?” There was a little more warmth in
Pat’s voice now. “Sure. I have no idea how to tell you how to get here though.”

“We’ll figure it out. Be right there.” Finn looked at Cort,
grinning wide. “He’s excited.”

“So are you, pup.” Grinning back, Cort kissed his nose. “We’ll
have to put on clothes though. We could stop at the club store on the way there
and get you something.”

“I bet Pat brought some I could wear so we don’t waste

“It’s not a waste. I want to buy you things to wear.”

Oh. Oh, how dear. He smiled, so pleased. “Something that is
mine.” That would be new.

“Exactly.” Cort went to the door and grabbed paper bag that
was sitting there. “The laundry room cleaned your work clothes.”

“Oh, thank you.” He slipped them on, dressing quickly. His
clothes were paint spattered but that was okay.

“We’ll hit the store first,” Cort told him as they left.
They went down the hall and turned left.

“I don’t need much. I’m careful with my things.” He’d always
shared with Pat, so they were gentle with clothing, books.

“Just one outfit for now then we’ll go through the internet
stores. See what kinds of things you like.”

They went around another corner and there was a storefront,
right there inside the club. It was as if this place were its own world. There
was a lot of leather stuff in the storefront window.

“That looks tough.” He didn’t need that.

“Bad boys and motorcycles, eh?” Cort held the door open for
them. “They don’t just have leather gear. Still, you’d look really nice with a
soft pair of leather pants.”

“I like soft. A pair of jeans and a t-shirt would be fine.”
Finn wouldn’t be greedy, he was already so lucky.

Cort snorted. “You can get jeans anywhere.”

They went in and a grumpy-looking man came over. “Can I help

“My pup needs a pair of soft leather pants and a silk shirt,

Silk? Silk was fancy.

“I want you to enjoy the feeling of your clothes,” Cort told

He looked at Cort. “I will be super careful. I swear.”

Cort kissed him. “It’s clothes. You’re going to get them

“They’re fancy clothes though.” Dress clothes. Expensive
clothes, he’d bet.

“You’re going to look good in them. And they’re going to
feel wonderful on.”

The grumpy man returned with a pair of black pants that were
as soft as butter, and a silk shirt in a lovely silver.

“Oh, they’re beautiful.” Finn couldn’t keep from reaching
out to touch.

“Try them on,” Cort suggested.

“Is there a place?”

Mr. Grumpy led him to the back and Finn smiled, trying to
ease the grr. “Thank you.”

A grunt was his answer.

Once the man left, Finn changed quickly, the clothes soft
and clinging to him. Every move he made felt sensuous. His cock stiffened, grew
hard in the clothes.

“How’s it fit?” Cort asked, calling to him.

“I…er, can you come in please?”

“Of course.”

“If any bodily fluids are deposited you have to buy it,” Mr.
Grumpy warned, calling from somewhere outside the change room.

Cort didn’t answer, just came in. “What’s wrong, pup?”

“Cort. They’re making me… You know.”

Cort frowned then suddenly his expression cleared, a grin
breaking out. “Hard?”

Nodding, Finn swallowed. “A lot.”

Cort stepped closer, hand sliding down his body from his
throat on down.

“I-I… The man will be mad.” His cock was achingly hard.

“He’s not important right now.”

“I don’t know if I can walk.” Finn was pretty sure, in fact,
that he couldn’t.

“You need me to take care of this for you?” Cort squeezed
his prick.

“Oh. Oh—I. You’ll make me. Please.”

Cort was right there. Just that was enough to bring him
closer to fouling the lovely leather.

Cort began to undo his pants, the top button popping open.
He could feel Cort’s fingers on his prick through the leather as Cort worked
down the zipper. His eyes rolled, his heart banging in his chest. The air
hitting his cock nearly made him come. Then Cort wrapped a hand around him.

“I can’t hold it,” he warned.

“I’m not asking you to.” Cort began to stroke along his

“I… Cort.” Finn’s toes curled and he rocked into the touch.

Sliding an arm around his back, Cort supported him. His head
fell back and Cort’s teeth scraped over his Adam’s apple, his body burning.
That hand kept pulling at his cock, insistent. It only took a couple more strokes
and he lost it, coming as if he were still a teenager.

Groaning, Cort kept stroking. “Love the smell of you.”

“Mate.” The touches made his eyes cross and his belly was
tight and hard.

“Yes. Mine. For all time.” Cort grabbed a tissue from the
box on a small shelf he hadn’t even seen and began wiping up his come.

Then his pants were fastened and he was led out of the room.

“We’ll take them,” Cort told the grumpy salesman.

“Excellent. Let me just ring up the bill for you to sign.”
Mr. Grumpy almost cracked a smile. Almost.

Finn was loose in his skin now, the promise of the moon
riding him alongside the pleasure.

Cort signed the bill and arranged to have Finn’s work clothes
delivered back to Cort’s rooms. Then they went back out.

“It’s not far to where the pups are staying,” Cort promised.

He slid one hand around Cort’s arm. The clothes moved
against his body, caressed his skin, making him tingle.

“You smell good.” Cort grinned at him as they turned another

“I smell like sex and leather.”


Finn chuckled and the soft sounds turned into laughter that
echoed down the hallway. A door opened, Pat looking out.

“I thought I heard you.”

“We’re here.” Cort gave Pat a smile. “So you and the pups
made it back before the moon.”

“We did. This place is amazing. Thank you for the offer.”

Finn went to Pat, hugged him. “I’m so glad you’re here.”

Pat’s lips were next to his ear. “You’re sure they don’t

Cort was the one who answered even though Pat had been quiet
when asking. “They don’t mind. You guys have two weeks before we have to figure
something else out. Of course, if the pups are all subs they could find work
here. It comes with room and board.”

“Subs?” Pat and Finn spoke together, both heads tilting.

“Yes. That’s what you are, Finn. But not you, Pat.” Cort
chuckled. “Not at all. For twins you’re very different.”

Pat nodded. “We’re best friends though, but Finn and I aren’t
the same person. Not at all.”

“I’m way nicer,” Finn teased.

Little Red came out, eyes wide. “This is our space for the
moon, Finn! All of us!”

Cort chuckled as Pat punched him in the arm for his “nicer”

Nathan came out next, squealing and giving Finn a hug.

Rolling his eyes, Pat grabbed Little Red and Nathan’s arms. “We
do have a place, let’s not turn the hall into a zoo.”

“Yes, boss!” They headed in and the room was large, warm,
holding two big beds and a sofa bed along with a nice patio outside.

There was a kitchenette recessed on the left side with a
little table that had five chairs crowded around it. If the room was like Cort’s,
the door beyond the kitchen was a bathroom. It was a little bit smaller than
the place in the city they were staying at but it was nicer. It was vastly more

“You know how to get food, right?” Cort asked.

“Kyle told us this morning. He said there may be openings in
the kitchen too, which I’ll look into tomorrow.” Pat looked tired, worried, but
calmer than Finn had expected.

Finn went to his brother and hugged him tight. “I’m glad you’re

“I am too. These hooligans need help and I was stressing it.”
That had to be an understatement if Pat was actually admitting it.

“The city isn’t a great place for a pack. It makes things
harder than in the woods.” Cort watched as Little Red and Nathan began a game
of chase.

Louis and Cillian were curled together, watching, holding
each other.

“I can see why you were stressing.” Cort shook his head. “They’re
a handful.”

“They’re amazing but four is a challenge and I’m…” Pat

“Tired.” Finn knew how to finish that sentence.

“Well, they’re safe here,” Cort told them. “You can just
lock the door and let them go nuts.”

“Maybe you can sleep in the hallway,” Finn teased.

Pat gave him a look. “Don’t make me punch you again.”

He stuck his tongue out at Pat and the others cracked up.

“Are we going to have a meal together?” Cort asked. “I can
call for steak. Or chicken if you’re sick of steak, pup.”

“There’s venison in the kitchen. I saw the menu.” Pat licked
his lips. “Venison roast.”

Cort’s stomach growled loudly. “They must have brought it in
special for the moon.”

“The thought of it makes my mouth water.” Pat held one hand
out to Cort. “We never really got to meet.”

Oh. Oh, his good twin. Finn was so proud.

Cort offered his hand over as well. “Cort. Finn’s mate. Good
to meet you.”

“Pat. Finn’s twin.” Pat’s eyes twinkled. “You like him, huh?”

“Just a little.” Cort gave Finn a wink.

Finn relaxed and went to see his pack brothers, the four of
them admiring his new clothes, his new mate.

“Is he really all yours?” Little Red asked, eyes just huge.

Finn nodded. “I know, right? We bonded, mated. Really.”

“What was that like?” Little Red asked in a whisper.

“Amazing. Like I didn’t even know I wanted that so much.”

“Oh.” Little Red hugged him.

He was surrounded by hugs, by his best friends and pack
brothers, and he held on tight.

“Well, are we going to watch a movie or something?” Pat

“Do we have time before the moon?” Finn didn’t want to go
yet if they could stay.

Pat nodded. “And it’ll keep us from snapping at each other.”

Cort came and stood by the couch, not quite glaring but
definitely making his presence known, until the pups made room for him to sit
next to Finn. Finn curled in, snuggling into Cort’s side, Pat on the other
side. They were all piled together and it was easy, good. Warm.

He wasn’t sure how he’d gotten to be so lucky. But he wasn’t
going to question it.

BOOK: Pack and Mate
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