Read Owning the Beast Online

Authors: Alexa Riley

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Bdsm

Owning the Beast (3 page)

BOOK: Owning the Beast
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Griffin opened his mouth to say what I was sure to be
something nasty again, but I was onto his game now; whenever he felt
vulnerable, he lashed out like a child. Cutting him off, I asked, “What
underwear?” While it was a lie, the question fell easily from between my lips.
I took a step closer and he took a step back.

What a turn of events. It seemed like I’d be the one doing
the stalking today. I could tell that he didn’t quite know how to react to my
actions by the look on his face. He pushed and lashed out, in hopes of getting
me to back away from him. He wants me; I could see it burning in his eyes. But
only on his own terms so that he could maintain control of the situation, so
that I couldn’t get close enough to hurt him. I wanted to shatter his control.

Running my hands down his broad, firm chest, I dropped to my
knees in front of him.

“What are you doing, Bella? Stop your little games and stand
up this instance.” He growled.

Ignoring his command, I reached for his belt, unhooking it
and letting it hang open. He made no move to stop me.

“I thought you wanted a whore, sir?” I questioned innocently
as I flicked the button on his pants open. “I know I’m new at this, but the
girls at the agency told me what to do. They even made me demonstrate on toys
for them.” Peering up at Griffin through my long lashes, I slid the zipper
down, the sound unseemingly loud in empty room. Giving his waistband a slight
tug, Griffin’s hard cock sprung free, hitting me in the face, leaving a smear
of pre-cum behind. “I see I’m not the only one not wearing underwear today.” I
couldn’t help but tease him, even though I did have my panties on. I’m soaking
through them though.

I glanced up at his face, wanting to see his reaction. I
could hardly believe what I was doing but seeing the feral look on his face
made every second worth it. His eyes were wide with hunger, his chest heaving
with each deep breath he took.
. Wrapping my hand around his silky
length, I gave it a firm squeeze before stroking his cock, drawing a soft moan
from his lips.

“Are you telling me that a cock has never crossed those lips
before? No one has ever fucked this sassy mouth? Filled you up with cum?”
Griffin grunted as he thrust his hips into my hand.

“No matter what I say, I doubt you’d believe me anyway.”
Using my free hand, I tugged his pants lower before reaching in and rolling his
balls between my fingers, playing with them.

“Fuck, Bella. Please, just say it,” he rasped. Did he like
knowing that he’s my first? Was he turned on by my innocence?

“You’ll be my first,” I whispered shyly. Leaning forward, I
used my hand to bring his cock closer to my mouth. Before I could have my first
taste, Griffin twisted my hair around his hand and tugged my head up firmly.

“Your only, Bella.” He rumbled deep in his chest.

Nodding my consent, he loosened his grip on me. Taking a
deep breath of his musky scent, I flicked my tongue over his slit, tasting his
salty pre-cum before taking the tip of his cock into my mouth to better taste

“God, Bella. Your mouth feels so good. Take more of me in.
Now.” He groaned, rolling his hips. Relaxing my jaws a little more, I slowly
sank down onto his length, taking him further into my mouth. I felt his fingers
tangling into my hair, wrapping it around his hand and holding my head in
place. His touch was so unlike last night, soft yet firm. I took him in deeper
and deeper until he filled my mouth completely, hitting the back of my throat.
I could feel his soft curls tickling my nose and my lips stretched as far as
they could around his girth. Giving small, short thrusts, his cock bumped
against the back of my throat and I swallowed repeatedly, trying to keep my gag
reflex down. Griffin pulled back a little as if afraid that he might choke me.
Removing the hand on his balls, I moved to cup the firm cheeks of his ass,
kneading them lightly before pulling him fully into my mouth. Griffin let out a
loud moan. Taking that as encouragement, I tightened my lips around his cock,
sucking harder and flicking my tongue over his slit while bobbing my head up
and down his length, slowly picking up speed.

“Bella, stop!” he cried, grabbing onto one of my shoulders
while tugging at my hair gently but firmly, trying to pull me off of him.

I ignored him.

“If you don’t stop right this minute, I’m going to cum in your
mouth.” His words came out in such a rush, I almost couldn’t understand him. I
moaned around his cock, letting him know that that was what I had wanted, and I
felt his thighs tense from the sinful vibrations. I wanted him to lose control.
I wanted him to lose himself in me. I wanted to take away all the anger and
sadness he was carrying, even if it was only for just a moment.

“Or is that what you want? You want my cum? Alright I think
you’ve earned it.”

His cock swelled up slightly, stretching my lips even more
before it pulsed in my mouth as he gave one particularly hard thrust. I felt
spurts of his warm cum coating my mouth as it hit the back of my throat, hard
and fast. Swallowing quickly, I relished in his musky flavor, using my tongue
to lick him clean, stopping to nibble and nip at his balls. Feeling him soften,
I slid his cock from my mouth and gave the tip of his cock one final kiss
before standing up. I felt my heart sink when I saw the look on Griffin’s face.
He looked as livid as before.

Feeling crushed, horny, and frustrated, I turned some of my
anger on him. “Well, if I’m done being a whore for the moment, I think I’ll go
explore the house.” I snarled, turning to leave the room before he could see
the tears swimming in my eyes.



CHAPTER 4  *Griffin*


I watched as Annabella left the room. I made no move to stop
her. Reaching down, I tucked my now spent cock back in my pants. I had no idea
where that mind-blowing blowjob came from but all it did was just confuse me
even more. The women I usually hired from the agency were always in a rush to
leave as soon as the fucking was over. Granted I paid for 24 hours of service,
but it never bothered me when they left before it was up. Annabella was the
only one to have ever stayed the night.

She was the only woman I had ever allowed to sleep in my
home, much less in my bed. I couldn’t help but think back to last night.

I sank down outside the bathroom door, giving her a moment
to cry in peace. Every sob that fell from her lips tugged at my heartstrings,
slowly melting the ice around my stone cold heart. I imagine losing one’s
virginity to a beast like me must have been traumatizing. After her cries had
quietened down, I went to retrieve the skeleton key from my bedside table and
unlocked the door. There she was, lying on the bathroom rug, curled up into a
tiny ball, soft huffs of breaths ruffling her hair as she slept. Cautiously, I
slid an arm around her back and the other under her knee, tugging her into my
chest, loving how right she felt in my arms. I gently picked her up and carried
her to my bed.

Laying her down on the silk sheets, a dried patch of blood
between her thighs and on the bed caught my eye. A jolt of panic washed over me
as I tugged at my pants, looking down at my cock to find a trace of blood there
as well.

“Fuck,” I breathed out heavily.

We hadn’t used a condom. I wasn’t worried about STDs though
since the agency was always meticulous about having their employees and clients
tested. I’m sure she was on some kind of birth control as well as it was
another rule for the escorts. There was nothing for me to worry about. I just
couldn’t believe that I had forgotten to use one. I had never forgotten. Never.

In my entire life, I had never been bare with a woman
before. I felt my lips tugging up into a wolfish grin when it clicked that I
had taken her raw, that I had filled her with my seed. It pleased me more than
it should have.

Pulling the blankets over her body, tucking her in, I ran my
fingers through my hair. Sliding my hand down my neck and over my shoulder, I
winced at the sharp pain I felt there. Walking to the bathroom, I looked in the
mirror. She had bitten me on the unscarred side of my body. It felt strange to
have a mark on the side that I deemed perfect. She had bitten through the skin at
some parts, and it was red and a little bloody. It might scar but I like the
idea of having her mark on my body permanently though. It will always remind me
of the very first moment I drove into her every time I see it. Perfection.

Walking back into the bedroom, I stood over her and watched
as she slept. The bedside lamp cast a gentle glow over her, and she seemed to
resemble an angel. So fragile, so beautiful and all mine. Debating my choices,
I convinced myself that I needed to make sure she didn’t wake up alone and
afraid in an unfamiliar environment. Lying down next to her, making sure not to
touch her but close enough to breathe in her soothing scent, I settled down to
watch over her. Never once taking my eyes off of her perfection, I tried to
imprint this moment into my mind so that I would never forget her.

When the first ray of sunlight shone through the bedroom
windows, I left her alone in my bed. Showering in one of the guest rooms, I got
dressed for the day. I wasn’t sure what to say or do after last night. She
angers me, and makes me feel vulnerable. I hated her, yet I was attracted to

I still couldn’t understand why the agency would send me a
goddamn virgin. I knew what a monster I was and I suspected they sent her just
to torture me. But why give me an innocent…her? Was it meant as a punishment
for her? Maybe she wasn’t a part of their joke. Maybe she was just as much of a
victim as I was in this. She seemed so honest and sincere last night. I was
used to being treated as a monster and it’s been hard for me to open up to
anyone, or anything. I felt a sharp pain in my chest as I thought back to how I
had treated her since she arrived.
I needed to make this right.

Standing in the kitchen where she had left me, I was
absolutely clueless as to how to handle this situation. I had no idea where in
the manor she could have gone to, but I was sure one of my staff could direct

Pulling out my cell, I called Logan.

“Yeah, Boss?”

“If she asks to leave before the twenty-four hours are up,
tell her no,” I growled into the phone.

“Sure thing, Boss.”

“And stay the fuck away from her.”

I hung up before he could respond and made my way to my
office. I needed to get in touch with the agency and let them know that I
wanted an extension on Bella. I also needed to figure out what the fuck they
were playing at by sending her to me, and how to make it up to Bella after last

Plopping down behind my desk, I called the agency’s director
on her personal number. I’m a high paying client even if I took a few months
off here and there.

“Hello, Mr. Stone. How may I assist you today?”

“Cut the shit, Sheila. Why don’t you explain to me why the
fuck you sent me a goddamn virgin last night?”

Sheila Black was one tough bitch and I knew she wouldn’t
appreciate my tone, but I was beyond caring because I knew that, in the end,
money talks louder than her attitude.

“Excuse me, Mr Stone. I am not sure what Candy told you, or
what fantasy she may have been acting out, but I assure you, you were sent a
trained professional as per your usual request last night.”

“Candy? The blonde? No. You’re mistaken, Sheila. A brunette
called Annabella was sent to me last night. Or at least that’s what she said.”

I heard the rusting of papers and fingers tapping rapidly
away on a keyboard before the line went silent.

“Sheila, did you fucking hear me? I do not feel like
repeating myself. I am calling to find out why and also to request an extension
on her. I want more time to—”

“Mr. Stone,” she cut me off, “there has been a huge mistake.
I need more time to investigate further in to how this mix-up happened, but
you, sir, were not supposed to receive Annabella last night. Another client has
already purchased her as his bride. She is to remain untouched until her
wedding night.”

“What?” I roared. My hand tightened around the phone and I
felt it creak in protest under the pressure. I felt a surge of rage bubbling up
inside me when the fact that she had been promised to another man registered. I
might be damaged and even slightly bent, but she was

“I am so sorry, Mr. Stone. I had no idea. Candy was your
usual request. There must have been a mix up. She reported in last night but
made no mention of being sent to a new client.”

I remained silent, unsure of what to say. Still white
knuckling my phone, I had no idea how to process the situation.

“I can assure you that this has never happened before, Mr.
Stone, and it will never happen again. We will issue you a full refund for any
inconvenience caused. We’ll send a driver out to collect Annabella immediately.
I deeply apologize for the confusion. I understand if you wish to discontinue
our services.”

Her words shook me out of my silence, and a tickle of panic
crept up my spine at the thought of someone taking Bella away from me. In a
matter of hours, I had gone from being suspicious of her to not wanting her to
ever leave my side. Giving myself a mental smack, I pulled myself together and
spoke as smoothly as I could.

“Let’s not be so hasty, Sheila.” All I could think about was
Annabella was meant for someone else. I knew she would leave eventually, but I
wanted more time with her. I needed more time with her. I craved her.

Keeping my voice cool and casual so as to not raise any
suspicion, I continued, “Since the girl’s no longer a virgin, and that seemed
to be her selling feature, I’m willing to pay for another night of service with
her. After all, she’s already here so there’s no need to send someone new.”

I might have almost convinced myself as well after that

“That will not be necessary, Mr. Stone. Her buyer will still
want her immediately regardless of—”

“How about I quadruple your normal rate for another 24
hours?” I interrupted. “I’m sure you have enough on your plate today,
explaining to your other client how his virgin bride is no longer…pure.”

It made me physically sick just thinking about the other man
who was going to touch my angel. I won’t allow it. I wasn’t sure how everything
changed this fast, but just thinking about how this might be the last time
Bella and I would be together pulled at my stone cold heart. She had awoken
something deep inside of me that I thought was long gone.

I could hear the hesitation in her voice. “That would be
beyond our policy, Mr. Stone, and highly inappropriate. This is something that
might damage our reputation, if it were to get out.”

Oh I heard her loud and clear.

“Exactly, Sheila. This is something we need to keep between
just the two of us. I can wire you the funds immediately, and you just have to
leave the paperwork for another 24 hours. We can call it a bonus. It’s gratuity
for your discretion over the years.”

There was a long pause and I knew I had her. Sometimes you’ve
got to throw some money at the problem.

“Very well, Mr. Stone. I will send the driver tomorrow
evening to retrieve Miss Annabella. Thank you for your understanding.”

My thoughts kicked in at the use of her title ‘Miss
Annabella’ and I quickly amended my stipulation.

“Sheila, while I am wiring the funds, I would appreciate it
if you would send Annabella’s file over to me. I would like her full work-up,
seeing as how she’d be staying in my home for yet another night, and I wasn’t
fully informed of her history before allowing her entrance.”

The small threat was there, and I knew Sheila was a smart
woman. She wouldn’t refuse the information I was asking for as I was holding
all the cards. I could ruin her business with just a few well-placed phone

“Of course, Mr. Stone. I will email the documents to you

I smiled into the phone. “Until next time.”

Hanging up, I finished transferring the money. I’m willing
to bet good ol’ Sheila would sell me her grandmother for the bonus she’s about
to get. I clicked over to my email and hear the ping of a new message. Sheila’s
email contained only the file and a cursory signature at the bottom.

I opened the file and waited for it to download onto my
computer. Knowing Annabella was destined to be another man’s bride made me ill.
Maybe her file would give me some insight as to why she would sell herself in
the first place.

Her file contained basic information with a few other
details. This was something any of the agency’s clients could request. It seems
my Bella’s file is a little longer than the ones I’m used to. I wonder if it’s
because she’s meant to be a bride? The women I usually pay for only have the
basics listed. Height, weight, hair color, and sexual abilities; nothing more.

Bella’s file started off with her picture. I traced my
finger over the screen, trying to touch her beauty. Her full name is Annabella
Marie Blanco. It says that she’s only 20 years old. I knew she was young but I’m
almost 14 years older than her. I guess as time passed, age difference won’t
matter too much. That thought made me stop short. The image of a future with
her kept appearing in my mind. I had no idea where these feelings were coming
from. Shaking my head to clear my thoughts, I read on.

Height 5’3, weight 140, half Hispanic half American. No
family listed, and under sexual history in bold letters were the words “VIRGIN”.
I grinned wolfishly and thought to myself, not anymore.

It stated that she had heard of the agency from a nurse who
cared for her deceased father. There was also a letter of citizenship present;
I’m guessing this was to show she wasn’t relying on her future husband to get a
citizenship. Flipping through the pages, I found an IQ test. Jesus, how
thorough were these people? It seems like my Beauty had the brains as well. At
the back of her file contained her most recent physical along with her blood
work, stating that she was disease free. But the bottom portion had me raising
my brow though.

Birth Control: None

I might have gotten her pregnant last night. My chest warmed
and I had this sudden and overwhelming urge to go find her. I felt my dick
harden at the thought that she might be carrying my child. This is crazy.
Images of her being bound to me, round with my child came flooding into my mind
and I couldn’t help but swell with pride. I had to find her and make up for
last night. I also needed to explain to her that I wasn’t her intended husband
and that I would not let her leave me. I had to convince her to stay, to choose


~ ~ ~ ~


An hour later, I found Annabella outside in the gazebo. It
was a long way from the mansion and I felt a tickle of annoyance that she was
out here on her own, unprotected. She must have seen the annoyance on my face
as she rolled her eyes when she caught sight of me before turning back to look
out at the water. I wasn’t used to people ignoring my anger or the harsh looks
I shot at them. She acted as if they were nothing more than a pesky fly, that
they had no effect on her. It drove me crazy but it also made me want her more.
Here was a woman who was able to turn me into a docile kitten. Fuck, it’d only
been a few hours and yet I was ready to do anything she asked of me… Anything
other than letting her go of course.

BOOK: Owning the Beast
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