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Authors: Jenika Snow

Tags: #Erotic Fiction, #Science Fiction, #Romance

Own Her (6 page)

BOOK: Own Her
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he harm you badly?” Viktor asked in a low, deep and threatening voice.

didn’t respond at first, but did stare at him, thinking about his question.
didn’t want to talk about this, didn’t want to
bring up what her life had been like. She was free now, as they had said to
her, and so she exercised that right, hoping it didn’t backfire on her.

I would really prefer not to talk about that.” She looked at him, feeling
unusual for speaking her mind at all. Although she had never done so in her
entire life,
did see herself a strong female.
She was no longer in that situation, felt
starting to become even stronger still as each hour passed and she was moving
further away from

turned and faced her, and for several minutes he just watched her, not speaking,
just breathing evenly. There was this hint of anger on his face, but she could
scent that it wasn’t directed toward her.

should have killed him when we were there. Letting him live was the worst
mistake I’ve made.”

statement touched something so deep inside of her that she knew these three men
would forever be engrained in her. Without thinking she lifted her hand and
cupped his face. His flesh was slightly stubble covered on his cheeks, but warm
to the touch. He also leaned into her hold, and this wave of emotion moved
through her.

may have just come into each other’s lives, but, female,” he paused a moment,
“you have no idea how much control you have over us.”

heart slammed into her ribs, threatening to burst free. “Those are strong
words, warrior.” Her throat was dry, closing in and making it difficult to

but they are the truth. We knew as soon as we saw you that you were to be ours
to claim,”
said from behind her, and she
looked over her shoulder. Fillip and
in the entryway. For some reason she wasn’t nervous or surprised to see them,
their bodies damp from bathing, and their focuses right on her. Before she
could answer Viktor had his thumb and forefinger on her chin. He turned her
head so she faced him again, and claimed her mouth.

“You are
, but you hold so much power over us,” he
murmured against her lips. Viktor pressed her back to the glass, and continued
to kiss her. He started a slow pump and grind against her, and dammit she was
helpless against the onslaught of his passion. When she opened her eyes she
watched as
and Fillip stared at them,
observing the entire encounter. The dampness from Viktor’s recent bath coated
his flesh, moved along her arms and neck because he was so close to her, and
had her gently moaning into his mouth.

This drug-like feeling swarmed through her. He
started licking and sucking at her lips, and then moved his mouth lower to
repeat that action at her throat. She rested her head on the glass, stared at
the brothers, and felt this voyeuristic energy fill her. When Viktor moved his
hand down her hip and grabbed the gown she wore. He moved it up her thigh, and
kept it bunched at her waist.

“This is okay,

She was stunned that he had even asked her if it was
okay to touch her, but even more shocked that he had called her the Hades word
for little flower. He pulled back so he could look in her face, and she stared
into his dark eyes. After she nodded and whispered that she wanted this, he
placed his hand on her pussy. She wore no undergarments, and the feel of his
warm, thick fingers had a gasp leaving her. It was like that one sound, and her
acceptance of this, started something monumental.
and Fillip groaned deeply, and Viktor pressed his fingers harder against her

A cry of pleasure left her when he slipped a thick
finger between her folds. He stroked her while sucking at the flesh at the base
of her throat. He slipped that finger into her body, stretching to the point pleasure
and pain consumed her. He pumped that digit into her, slow and easily, but then
started thrusting that erection into her belly. Viktor pressed his thumb
against her clit hard enough to have stars dancing behind her vision. It was
agony and ecstasy all rolled into one ball. She reached out and held tightly to
his biceps, and curled her nails into his flesh.

“That’s it,
. Let
go and I’ll make you feel so good,” he whispered against her neck. He pressed
the pad of his finger deeper inside of her.

“Oh gods—”

“A Hades male likes it rough, hard, and fast. We
fuck with determination, want our female to scream out as she comes around our
cocks.” His voice was low, and she heard his brothers groan, as if they were
confirming what Viktor said. He leaned in, and his humid, sweet breath brushed
along her cheek. “I want you a trembling mess under me, want you sucking
cock while Fillip fucks your ass,” he groaned.
“Fuck, we want you any and all ways we can get you,
.” He ground himself into
her faster, with more power. “I can smell how wet you are for us, and know you
like my brothers watching as I bring you pleasure.”

She bit her lip hard enough she tasted blood, and
nodded. His cock gave a mighty jerk, and she gasped when he ran his tongue over
her lip and licked the blood off.
dug her
nails deeper into his skin, and before she could beg him for more Viktor had
her in his arms and strode out of the library. Tonight she’d give herself to
these males, and there would be no stopping it.



stared at these three men, ones
that watched her like they were consumed by the sight of her. They kept
breathing heavier, inhaling deeply, and she knew these Hades warriors took in
the scent of her. She didn’t know an extensive back history of their kind, but
what she did know was that they had no Hades females. That meant they had to
purchase women from the auctions, or acquire them other ways.

stared at her with hooded eyelids. He clenched his hands at his sides, over and
over again, releasing and flexing as if he were trying to calm himself. The
middle brother,
, stood to Viktor’s right,
this low, growling sound leaving him as he watched her as well. And then there
was the youngest Hades warrior, Fillip. He already had his hand down his
leathers, and she could see the way he touched himself lewdly, erotically, and
to the point that she was getting even more aroused.

red flesh covered their massive frames. At seven feet in height they were the
tallest humanoid species in the galaxy. Their muscles were pronounced, their
strength and power evident. Dark, tribal Hades ink circled their biceps, and
although each was similar in appearance because they shared the same bloodline,
they were distinctly different as well. Viktor and
had shorter black hair, whereas Fillip had longer hair that brushed his
shoulders. They all had the same onyx colored eyes and fangs that lightly
brushed the bottom of their lips. And their claws, gods, the black claws they
had on the tips of their fingers had these images of them naked and sweaty, and
marks covering her flesh. A shiver worked through her at the thought.

heart rate and breathing increased just knowing that the three warrior brothers
were a few feet from her. A high unlike anything she had ever known filled her,
causing a dizzying sensation to nearly claim
Her pulse seemed to beat everywhere, but was far more pronounced in her clit.
She wanted these three warriors, and not because they had purchased her from
her former master, and saved her from a life of servitude, but because her body
lit up just in their presence.

they watched her with gazes so primal her knees nearly buckled,
felt her heart beat in her throat. Her pussy was
wet, embarrassingly so, and although she had been used sexually by some of the
guards, with permission from her Master, this was the first time she had
to be touched by a male.

was the first to step forward. The small room seemed to shrink even more, and
the warmth increased to a fever pitch. “You’re afraid.” It wasn’t a question,
wasn’t an accusation, but more of a lust thickened response from him. Yes she
was, but not in the way he clearly thought. These three brothers were brutal,
feral, and savage.

took another step forward, and another, until if he inhaled deeply his chest
would brush against hers. She saw
Fillip move closer as well. She forced her eyes to stay open, forced herself to
keep his gaze, and told herself not to crumble under his carnal pheromones.
These three Hades males were compelling, and although being with them toed the
line of danger, she wasn’t afraid.

“You should be afraid, only because our
species is far stronger than you, hybrid. But you have nothing to fear from us.”
His baritone voice wrapped around her, and an obscene amount of wetness slipped
from her pussy. He inhaled deeply, and this animalistic growl left him. “We
didn’t buy you from that bastard of a Master because we wish to own a slave,”
he said in a low, husky voice. “We purchased you because we wanted you from the
moment we saw you.” He lifted his hand and snagged a lock of her hair. “And
then I saw him put his hand on you, dare to think touching a female in such a
way was appropriate.” This chill came from him in a tidal wave. “I could have
killed him right then and there,
. I could
have torn his limbs from his body without even thinking.”

entire life she had been nothing but a piece of property.
had been beaten, discarded when she was done being used, and looked upon as
some kind of freak because of her mixed species bloodline. She had always been
no one, yet right now she felt like she was something important. She hadn’t
even known these males for very long, didn’t know their backgrounds, or their
personalities well enough to know if they were genuine. But what she felt was
real, and that was that these males had saved her, meant her no harm, and were
trying to take care of her. To them she was someone special.

she could say anything Viktor pushed her up against the wall, and wedged his
knee between her thighs. She should have fought perhaps, but even if she had
wanted to, which she didn’t, he was too strong, too powerful. Although she
wasn’t small by human standards, and was a thick weight and average height for
a human female, this male overpowered her to the nth degree.

don’t want this,
?” He leaned down, ran the
tip of his nose up her throat. He growled once more when he reached her ear.
“Because even if you say no, I can smell the wetness spilling from your cunt,
and know you’ll be lying. But I’d stop in an instant.”

shiver worked its way through her entire body. Before she could respond he had
his hand between her legs and was tearing the flimsy material of her gown away.
Using his knee he pushed her thighs farther apart and placed his hand right
over her pussy. Everything happened so fast, and the truth was
wanted this desperately. She might have been born
into slavery, but she was accepting this right now of her own free will. At the
first touch of his fingers on her pussy folds she let her head fall back and
closed her eyes as pleasure consumed her.

do want this,” she breathed out. “I do want to be free to make my own decision
I am with.” When she opened her eyes a small
sound left her at the fact
and Fillip had
moved closer. They were mere feet from her now, their scents invading her head,
filling every pore in her body, and claiming every inch of her. This was what
it felt like to actually feel desire, to want something so badly she could
literally taste it in the air and feel it on her flesh.

can feel how much you want us, can scent it in the air, feel it on my body, and
won’t deny any of us.” He ran the pad of his thumb along her clit, rubbed the
bundle of nerves back and forth, and rumbled deeply. “Just tell me you’re ours,
that you give yourself to us freely, and we will never let anyone hurt you

pleasure that took control of her body was mind-numbing and stole her breath.

us that you surrender, that you’ll be our mate, and we’ll show you what it
means to be with Hades warriors.” He continued to rub her clit over and over
again until she found herself gripping onto his bulging biceps and digging her
nails into his flesh. He was just so much bigger than she was, they all were,
and she felt like this tiny, small being compared to them. A gasp left her as a
spark of pleasure assaulted her. He was relentless in his erotic onslaught.
When he slipped a thick digit down her cleft, ran circles around her opening,
and slowly penetrated her, a moan spilled out.

Viktor hissed out, and the sound of his brothers breathing heavily close by
drowned out the sound of the spacecraft.

BOOK: Own Her
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