Read Over the Line Online

Authors: Emmy Curtis

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Women's Fiction, #Contemporary Women, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Contemporary Fiction, #Fiction / Romance / Contemporary, #Fiction / Romance / Erotica, #Fiction / Contemporary Women

Over the Line (11 page)

BOOK: Over the Line
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He waited for a second as if to see if the “but” part of the sentence was coming. After a second of silence, he claimed her mouth. In one swoop she was off her feet and pushed against the wall. Equal parts excitement and fear of the repercussions drove her hormones into overdrive. She kissed him in a frenzy of need, winding her fingers around his collar and gently scratching the back of his neck.

Groaning, he tore himself away from her. “Not here. I want you in my bed. In the shower. In the pool. Not in public.”

Before she could say anything, he picked her up again, and this time he slung her over his shoulder like he had in Afghanistan. “This feels familiar,” she gasped out between the strides he was taking toward the car. She couldn’t help but giggle, and that turned into a laugh so difficult to push out that she struggled to catch her breath.

“You all right, ma’am?” asked a man dressed in army PT clothes, coming to a stop as he passed them.

“Yes, thank you, soldier. I’m fine.” She laughed again as the soldier shook his head, smiled, and continued his run.

At the traffic light, James put her down and made a big deal of leaning against the lamppost and panting. “Sweet hell, that taco packed on the pounds. You are much heavier than I remember.”

Beth half shrieked and half laughed. “You bastard! You better run fast…”

He turned and ran. Ran for his life. At least he should have. Beth found it unreasonably easy to keep up with him, even though she was really not dressed for athleticism.

James reached for his valet ticket while still running. And Beth couldn’t really figure out why they were running. He got his beloved Audi and opened the door for her, holding her hand as she got in. Instead of going to his side, he crouched down next to her as she reached for her seatbelt. He kissed her gently on the lips, and then on the cheek. “We’ll be back in twenty-five minutes. Please don’t change your mind.”

She grinned and reached out to touch his inner thigh, stroking her nails down to his knee. “You better hurry.” He wasn’t going to know what hit him.

* * *

His dick strained against the seam of his pants as he ran around to get in the car. He was on fire for her. The excitement in the club had segued into the very physical reaction coursing through him. The car purred to life as he shifted into first gear and took off toward the GW Parkway. “You are the devil. I’m so hard right now,” he said, accelerating through the gears.

, it’s hot in here.”

Out of the corner of his eye he saw her untie her wraparound blouse. Was she serious? “What are you doing? I mean, what are you doing right now?”

“Nothing,” she whispered.

“That”—he swallowed—“doesn’t look like nothing.” He was beyond caring that his dick was tenting his pants in a way that not even the dark could hide. “You’re killing me.” He tried to keep his eyes on the road, but she was making it impossible.

She slowly unwrapped her top, first pulling it from one side, then the other, shifting slightly on her seat.

“Look!” she said.

He looked as she flashed her bra. Holy shit. Was he even going to make it back home?

“Eyes on the road,” she said in a singsong voice.

“I want you to know I am going to tease you so bad when we get back, you’ll be screaming my name, begging me to let you come.”


He looked over. She was stroking one of her breasts over her bra. Shit. His eyes were off the road a little too long and a horn blared. He swerved back into his lane and took the exit to the GW. He shifted into fifth gear and set the cruise control. With a deep breath, he reached for her. Touched her knee, softly, slowly, belying his utter need to devour her.

He stroked up her thigh to the split in her pants. His eyes remained resolutely on the road, but he was feeling his way by her suddenly labored breathing.

“What do you want?” Beth whispered, her fingers lightly caressing the back of his hand as it played with the gap in the fabric.

“I want to feel how wet you are right now. How much you want me. To feel your slickness. Coat my fingers with it and slide it around your clit. Slip a finger deep inside you and feel you grind against my hand. I want to feel you tight around my fingers. I want to hear you beg for more, for the release I can give you. I’ll never get used to you saying my name. I want to hear you say it when I’m so deep inside you I’ll need directions to get out.” He slipped his hand directly into the gap of her pants, and slowly allowed it to climb.

He reveled in the feel of her skin under his hand. After all this awkward fumbling today, he just wanted to throw her flat on the huge bed in the pool house and spend the night making her insane with desire. Then maybe tomorrow night, and the next night too. There was no way he’d ever get enough of her. His hand slipped up and the tip of his finger came in contact with the heat of her panties. She gasped out loud and tried to push against his hand, but he pulled it back to caress her inner thigh.

“You’re making me crazy,” she said.

“We’re nearly home. We have all night,” he said, cringing at the hoarseness in his voice.

“Really, you can wait that long? I’m not sure I can.” She put her hands up to her collarbone and stroked down between her breasts. Up and down, making him into a swivel-head again.

Slowly, she undid the front of her bra and sank back into the seat.

No way. No way.

He was seriously about to come. There was no way he could watch her touch herself like that. His hand left her thigh, and he shifted forward in his own seat so he could touch her. Sweeping her bra open, he exposed her to the car’s air conditioning that he’d innocently switched on when she’d first said she was hot. He couldn’t not look. He couldn’t not pull over. He did both. Put on the parking brake and dived for her, taking one sweet dark nipple in his mouth and biting gently on it.

Beth moaned, a sweet, sweet sound that filled his ears and made his body pulse with need. And then her hand made contact with his dick. She stroked him through his pants, pushing hard against it, forcing the blood to pump around it like lava.

His hand slipped up her pants again, and this time he pressed lightly against her hot, damp panties. The mere touch sent shudders through them both. He had to take charge here. He gave her nipples one last lick… and then a little more biting, until she ground herself against his hand.

“Make me come. I’m so close, James.”

He pulled away and took a breath. “I’m taking you home, sweetheart, and I will make you come as often as you want.” He wrapped her blouse over her and pulled back on to the road. He blasted through the speed limit to get them back in the minimum amount of time. He didn’t want her to change her mind, totally absorbed with getting some privacy so he could bury himself in her. Jesus. He’d been thinking about her since he’d met her. She was all he’d thought about. He was a goner.

The nighttime security guard waved them through, and he pulled up to the side of the pool house with a slight skid. He was out of the car in seconds, racing to open her door to help her out. She got out and they stared at each other for a moment before she reached for his head and kissed him, gently this time, slipping her tongue into his mouth and sliding it against his, bringing a friction when she lightly sucked on his tongue.

His hand gently brushed open her top again. He caressed her breast so lightly he could barely feel it himself, but Beth’s breath became ragged and she groaned into his mouth.

“Come,” he said, taking her hand and drawing her along the path to the pool.

“That’s what I’m counting on,” she said, walking fast behind him.

. He stopped dead and turned to her. “I’m so sorry.” He wrapped her blouse around her and tied it at her side in an approximation of where it had been before their car ride. One kiss, a revoltingly chaste kiss. Her brow furrowed at him—a little hurt, maybe?
Damn it.

He led her toward the pool. On the double lounger lay Maisie, asleep with her blanket and her childhood bunny, which had seen better days.

“I have to take her back to the house. If they miss her, the cavalry will be called.” He sat next to the girl and gently shook her. “Maisie. What are you doing here?” She mumbled in her sleep.

“It’s okay. Take her back; make sure she’s okay.”

“I’m so sorry,” he said again.

“No need to be.” Beth shook her head and ruffled Maisie’s hair as she went into the house.

He sighed and watched her slip inside the darkness of the house. He wanted to kick something.

He lifted Maisie into his arms and made his way to the main house. Halfway there, she woke up and snuggled into his neck. “Jimmy.”

“What were you doing at the pool house?” he asked, taking large strides.

“I thought you’d be coming back earlier. Jeffrey told me that you’d be back at about nine when I told him where you’d gone. I wanted to play cards or something. But you didn’t come back.”

Jeffrey? Maybe he’d been here with James’s father discussing work. That kind of made sense. Maybe that’s how he’d found them at the bar.

There was no one around at all in the residence when he deposited Maisie back in bed and closed her door behind him. He went downstairs to see Gracie, who was in the hallway. “I just put Maisie back in her bed. She was sleeping by the pool,” he told her.

“That’s no problem. I’ll go and check on her in a bit. I did worry that she’d be lonely when your parents left this evening. I think she’s feeling a little left out. Hopefully when the wedding is over, everything will get back to normal,” she said.

He was so eager to get back to Beth, he only half listened. “Thank you, Gracie. I’m going back to the pool house. If she wakes up again, call me. I guess she can sleep in the pool house for the night if she wants.”

“Of course. I’ll sit with her for a while. Good evening, sir.”

He walked back toward the door. Shit, what was he thinking? He left the main house and ran back to the pool house. The lights were still off. He half hoped to get back and find Beth waiting for him with more wine. But, no.

He let himself in and stopped for a second to listen for a clue as to where Beth was. No lights were on. He started taking off his clothes and made his way to the bedroom. “Beth?” he whispered.

No answer. He turned on a lamp. Beth was in her underwear, face down, asleep in the bed.

He stared at her for a moment, then smiled and turned the light off again, and crawled to the far side of the huge bed.

Un-fucking-believable. Cockblocked by his sister.

Chapter Ten

Beth stood in the shower, unable to believe she’d passed out so quickly the night before. She’d woken up as the sun hit the pool, and decided to creep out without waking James. The outside air was slightly chilly, but the water was deliciously warm. She tried to keep her tied-up hair dry so that she wouldn’t have to go looking for a hairdryer.

Damn it. She’d been so ready to have sex last night, so hot for him. What was wrong with her? She liked him and had decided to throw caution to the wind last night, but now she was convinced that it had just been adrenaline taking control of her hormones. Maybe he also had regrets. Would things be awkward now?
, she hated this shit.

“Morning, sunshine,” he said from the door to the outside shower, making her jump.

Her back was toward him, and she couldn’t bring herself to turn around. She couldn’t bear to see pity or awkwardness in his eyes. Except, if he was feeling awkward, would he have come outside when he knew she was in the shower?

“Can I join you?”

Maybe not so awkward.

Still silent, she closed her eyes. Which way to jump? She turned around slowly and slightly cocked her head at him. An unmistakable invitation.
I guess that’s my answer.

He took a second to kick off his boxers and step in, and in that second, all her insecurities rushed back. She tamped down the instinct to cover herself. But then James was reaching for her, and all room for thought disappeared.

He put his hands on either side of her face to kiss her lightly. He pulled away, just in time for her to see his smile fade.

“Wait. What’s that?” he asked, pulling away from her. He looked at her arms.

She suddenly felt very self-conscious. What was wrong with her?

“What’s what?” she asked.

“Turn around,” he said softly.

She did, worrying what he’d seen on her to break the mood.

“My God, Beth. You are black and blue. Your arms have purple hand marks on them, and your back…” His cleared his throat. “You’re bruised. All over.”

She turned back around and looked at her arms. “It’s nothing. I told you he was a professional. He put his knee in the small of my back while he held my arms back. I couldn’t move. If I’d seen him coming…” She paused and rubbed her hands over her bruises. “But I didn’t, and that’s just the way it goes.”

“I’m so sorry,” he whispered.

She grinned to try to snap him out of his quiet. “How sorry?”

A spark entered his eyes as he considered. “Very, very sorry?”

“I’m just saying… It says something about a man who doesn’t keep his promises,” she said, raising her eyebrows disapprovingly. “You promised me something last night and I’ve been waiting all night for your follow through.” She placed her hands on her hips. “Now,
—they keep their promises… but maybe airmen…”

He slipped his hands around her waist and pulled her in tight, nuzzling the side of her neck and making her squirm. His body was hard against her. Every part of him that she could feel was tight and firm. The water flowing between them left her rubbing her slick body against his, just to feel his muscles move under her touch.

“I remember exactly what I said last night. And I intend to keep my promise, again, and again…” He moved his lips from her neck to her mouth, but before she had time to kiss him back, he set her away from him.

She looked at him questioningly, knowing full well she was flushed with blood pounding around her body.

“I just want to look at you for a second,” he murmured, running his eyes over her body. “You are even more gorgeous than I ever imagined. And let me tell you, I imagined you a lot.”

“A lot?” She giggled as he darted toward her, ducked back under the shower and held her, careful not to touch her bruises.

“A whole lot.” He grabbed her again, and pinned her with his eyes as he slowly lowered his face to hers. He tasted her lips gently at first, but as soon as she snaked her hand around the back of his head and opened her mouth under his, he groaned and thrust his tongue against hers. After a knee-trembling minute, he gently pulled away from her, breathing heavily. A second later he’d grabbed the soap from a holder attached to the wood surrounding the outside part of the bathroom, and lathered up his hands. He kissed her again as he sudsed up her neck and shoulders, giving them one hell of a massage while his kisses turned her insides to molten lava. He reached again for the soap. “How dirty are you?” A glint flashed in his eyes.

“A whole lot,” she whispered back, mimicking him and making him laugh.

He dragged his soapy hands down her arms and took her hands in his huge ones, massaging her palms. She was in heaven, anticipating what he would do next and reveling in the feel of his strong hands on her.

“So, so dirty.” She grinned with her eyes closed, head tipped back, no longer caring about how wet her hair got. In fact, when he took the pins out of it and watched it fall down her back and over her shoulders, he groaned.

“I love your hair,” he said, reaching for the shampoo. He gently swept the hair that had fallen over her breasts over her shoulders, but her nipples pebbled as her heavy wet strands touched her.

His eyes closed and she watched with pleasure as he swallowed hard, having touched her breasts. He poured the shampoo into his hands and massaged her scalp. Pulling her into him so her forehead rested against his chin, he slid his hands down all her strands and her back until she purred.

Hot liquid flowed through her and settled between her legs. She was incredibly wet for him. She tipped her head back and kissed his chin, rising on tiptoes, nibbling at his bottom lip, sucking it gently and slowly into the heat of her mouth. Then she flickered her tongue over his lip and felt rather than heard a groan vibrate through him.

His hands left her hair at the ends and cupped her bottom, grinding himself against her. His dick lay flat against her stomach and she rotated her pelvis a little to allow him to feel her flesh all around his dick. “Tell me what you want,” he moaned against her lips.

“I want you,” she said. “I want your hands on me, I want you to feel how wet you make me. How wet I am. I want to feel you inside me.”

“Magic words,” he whispered, running his hands around from her ass to her waist. His foot nudged her legs farther apart. A frisson of excitement dashed through her as she acquiesced to his demand and opened her legs for him.

He slid a cupped hand between her legs, soapy and slick, from the front to her ass and back again. A tease of immense proportions. She stilled, waiting for his touch, the one that burned in her imagination. He paused, and with one hand tugged at her hair so she was looking up at him. “Open your eyes, sweetheart,” he whispered.

Her eyes found his as he stroked firmly along her slit, finding her clit and pressing gently on it. Her eyes fluttered closed and he pulled his hand away. “Open. I want to see you.”

She opened her eyes again, feeling his intimate stare right down to her toes. He stroked her again. “You’re so wet,” he murmured. He pushed a finger inside her and stroked the front of her channel, directly behind her clit. With his thumb, he stroked her bud until she was digging her fingers into his shoulders. She’d never felt such a brewing explosion. Her legs weakened as she felt her orgasm build like a tidal wave. She hovered on the brink of the precipice for a second. “James.
,” she gasped as it erupted in her.

His eyes bore into hers as she came, shuddering around his fingers. He leaned down to kiss her wet lips, but she pulled away. “I need you inside me. Now.” She reached down with her own soapy hands and took his dick in her hand. It was so hard, smooth, and… big. Heat continued to pulse around her, and she drew his dick down and pressed it on herself, using the tip to stroke her clit. “You’re killing me, Beth,” he groaned. “Are you… do I need to find a condom?”

She couldn’t wait. She was on the pill, and all active duty military were tested for other things fairly regularly. “No, we’re good,” she said.

He didn’t hesitate. He lifted one of her legs over his elbow, wrapped his arm around her waist to help her balance, and teased her with the tip of his dick, just pressing so slightly against her opening.

“Please, James,” she asked.

With one thrust he was buried inside her. She gasped out loud and felt her heated body expand to accommodate him. She felt complete with him inside her, a part of her.

He lifted her so her legs could wrap around his waist. She dug her heels into his ass to get as much of him inside her as she could. With her arms around his neck, she kissed his mouth, licking and sucking his tongue and lips, needing to give him what he’d given her. He groaned.

She flexed her pelvis, using her legs as her pivot point, but she wanted more. “Put me down,” she said softly.

He immediately withdrew slowly from her. “Are you all right?” he asked, a look of concern flashing across his face.

She kissed him. “Perfectly fine. I just want to feel more of you.”

He frowned until she flipped all her hair over one shoulder and turned away from him, still looking at him over her shoulder. She braced her hands on the wooden fence and slowly smiled, bending at the waist and opening her legs.

“Fuck,” he breathed, putting his hands on her waist.

“That’s the idea, Senior.” She watched as he took his dick in his hand and guided it into her in one non-stop slow thrust. She wriggled against him to get the perfect angle, and turned to face the wall. She closed her eyes and just felt. Felt him deep inside her, felt him moving inside her. With every stroke, her body, every cell came alive. Something strange was happening deep inside her brain, as well as deep inside her body.

His hands stroked her back from her waist to her ass. From her ass to where their two bodies met. She reached between their legs and stroked his balls. Immediately James started panting, and his cadence picked up. She squeezed gently, and his hands on her hips propelled her onto him faster and faster, until with a groan and a shudder, she felt him come. She waited a second, and then flexed her pelvic muscles, which made him grind out a “Beth.”

She slowly stood up and stretched her back, hands above her head. He reached around her and cupped her breasts in his hands, pressing his whole body against her back. He nuzzled her neck and kissed her jawline. She felt wanton. And she really, really liked it.

* * *

He was weak for her. His whole world had just shifted on its axis. He’d just got something he’d been craving for over a year and he didn’t feel sated. Not even a little. He wanted her again. Wanted more. Wanted to lose himself in her. He swore if she moved just a little, he would get hard again. It was like fucking an enigma. The most desirable enigma in the world. In the moment she came, he felt as if she was his. But now, minutes later, he felt as if he’d have to win her all over again.

She turned in his arms. “That was spectacular. Thank you.” She reached up and gave him a kind of chaste kiss on the lips.

“Thank you? You don’t have to thank me. I plan on giving you ‘spectacular’ any time you ask for it.” He grabbed for the soap again and lathered her breasts, reveling in how her erect nipples felt under his fingers. He soaped up again and washed her stomach and then between her legs. No lingering but, oh my God, she felt so hot and welcoming down there. As she had before, she opened her legs for him. This time she grinned at him. He slid his hand all the way around her pussy, up to her ass, pressing a finger against her, which made her expression turn from smug to surprised.

He laughed and she punched his arm. “You’re getting me excited again.”

“Really?” he said, painfully aware that his cock was transmitting signals of interest. Suddenly he heard the phone ring. “Shit, that’s the internal ring tone. If I don’t answer it, someone will come down here.”

He grabbed a towel and wrapped it around himself, then ran back into the house to grab the phone. It was his father, calling to detail the hour-by-hour plans of where he needed to be and who he would be meeting. He tried to bring up the events of the previous night, but his father cut him off, only saying that it had been handled. That wasn’t good enough. James planned on discussing it at breakfast.

As he spoke to his father and made notes about the show times for various events, Beth wandered in from the bathroom wrapped in a big towel. She settled opposite him on one of the daybeds. He smiled at her and mouthed “father,” pointing at the phone.

A few minutes later his father was still talking about who would be at that afternoon’s gathering and who he wanted James to talk to. Beth lay back and flipped open her towel, showing off her incredible body by stretching one arm behind her. Fucking amazing view. He smiled and slowly let his eyes travel the length of her, taking in the flush of stubble burn around her neck, where he had kissed her.

“Hm-mm?” he said to his father.

“James, are you listening to me?” his father barked. “It’s very important to me that the right people are looked after at this damned wedding. I have people from the office, and from important areas of government. It wouldn’t hurt you to do a bit of networking. You’ve done your time in the air force. Serving your country will look great on your résumé, and will get your foot in the door of the next chapter of your life.”

James watched Beth hold his gaze as she stroked one hand down her body. His body immediately started to react to the beautiful sight. “I’m not sure I need a new chapter. I like the one I’m in.”

“Don’t be facetious,” his father said.

She touched her nipple, circled it with her finger, and still with her eyes on his, she licked her finger and continued to play with it. His dick hardened under his towel.

He knew his father was still talking, but he felt like he’d heard the speech a couple of dozen times before, so his concentration was on Beth, as her hand slipped lower.

“Hmm-mm,” he said into the phone.

Her fingers stroked down, and down, until she deliberately opened her legs, showing herself to him. Glistening and hot. Now all he could hear was the blood rushing in his body.

BOOK: Over the Line
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