Read Out of Her League Online

Authors: Samantha Wayland

Tags: #Romance, #erotic romance, #contemporary romance, #academia, #celebrity

Out of Her League (26 page)

BOOK: Out of Her League
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“And I can’t wait to hear it,” she assured
him. Then she tilted her head toward the source of the still-endless strobe
lighting. “But maybe not while we have such an avid audience.”

He glanced up at the hundreds of eyes and
dozens of cameras fixed on them. “Good point.”

She took his hand. “And for what it’s
worth, I love you, too.”

“It’s worth everything,” he said quietly, threading
his fingers through hers. “Now, come on. Introduce me to your parents. I’m
pretty sure I didn’t make a very good first impression.”

She blinked innocently. “You think?”

“Well, it could have been worse,” he said
with mock defensiveness, tucking her hand in his elbow and turning toward her
parents, “It
have been windy tonight.”

Michaela stumbled, her mouth dropping open.
“You didn’t,” she breathed. “You

Lachlan grinned. “I am.” He waggled his
eyebrows at her. “Care to find a deserted coat room and conduct a proper kilt
inspection later?”

“Oh, my god,” she gasped. “I really do.”

Then she looked at all the people around
them and laughed, mouth open, head thrown back, eyes closed, and not giving one
good goddamn what the pictures would look like in the morning.


About the Author


Samantha Wayland has three great loves in
life; her family, writing books, and hockey. She is often found apologizing to
the first for how much time and attention is taken up by the latter two, but
they forgive her because they are awesome and she clearly doesn’t deserve them.

Sam lives with her family—of both the two
and four-legged variety—outside of Boston. She is a wicked passionate New
Englander (born and raised) who has been known to wax rhapsodic about the Maine
Coast, the mountains of New Hampshire and Vermont, and the sensible way in
which her local brethren don’t see a need for directional signals (blinkahs!).
When she’s not locked away in her home office, she can generally be found
tucked in the corner of the local Thai place with other socially-starved
authors and an adult beverage.

Her favorite things include mango martinis,
tiny Chihuahuas with big attitude problems, and the Oxford comma.

Sam loves to hear from readers. Email her
[email protected]
or find her on
Facebook or Twitter (@samwayland).

Also by Samantha Wayland




A man yearning to explore his sexual tastes
but afraid to turn up the heat, the woman who loves him but is hungry for more
spice…and the chef who craves them both.


When Grace, Philip and Mark find a
mobster's flash drive full of incriminating information, they are quickly
embroiled in a dangerous situation. They stay together for safety, but
proximity ignites the sparks they've long been fighting to ignore.


When three friends dare to succumb to their
appetites, they find the perfect recipe for love.





Patrick didn't think it would be a big deal
to kiss Brandon, his best friend and fellow police officer. Hell, they'd done
crazier things to escape a bar fight. But then he had no way of knowing just
how hot it would be.


Destiny Matthews is not a woman who is
afraid to ask for what she wants, and when she sees her two best friends
kissing, she knows just what she's going to ask for. Before she can convince
Patrick that he's not as straight as he likes to protest, Brandon is attacked
by an unknown enemy.


While they fight to protect each other's
lives, they prove time and again that they're even better at protecting their
own hearts.




Trick Book One


Savannah Morrison is the new athletic
trainer for the Moncton Ice Cats, a professional hockey team in the wilds of
New Brunswick. It’s a good thing she’s got plenty of knowledge and grit,
because as the only woman trainer in the league, she has to work twice as hard
to win the players’ respect. The last thing on earth she would do is date one
of them.


Twelve year hockey veteran Garrick LeBlanc
isn’t ready to hang up his skates, particularly since he hasn’t figured out
what the hell he’s planning to do next. He needs the new trainer to keep him
fit to play, and she’s got the skills to do it. Too bad he lost his mind and
hit on her the day they met. Now she hates his guts and he’s made an art of
ignoring her.


When the team is put up for sale, Garrick
and Savannah have to work together to save their jobs and their team. Somewhere
along the way, they discover Garrick isn’t just a hockey player, Savannah isn’t
only passionate about her work, and just maybe they’ve got more in common than
they thought.



Man Advantage

Trick Book Two


Rhian is working his way up the ranks of
professional hockey, with the dream of making it to the NHL getting closer
every day. He’s doing it alone—no family, no friends—and that’s the way he
likes it. Then he arrives in New Brunswick, and meets the Moncton Ice Cats.
Suddenly, he’s got friends—and even something that might be an honest-to-god


Garrick is lonely and counting the days
until his last season with the Ice Cats is over and he can move to Boston. When
his girlfriend suggests he take a lover—as long that lover is a man and Garrick
tells her all about it—he laughs it off. But damned if his buddy Rhian doesn’t
take on the starring role in his fantasies. Good thing Rhian is way too
young—and straight—for what Garrick has in mind.


Rhian takes a chance when Garrick’s
increasingly confusing signals start making sense, and soon discovers he’s
bitten off more than he can chew. Sex with strangers is simple. Sex with his
best friend? Complicated.



the Net


Mike comes to Moncton wanting nothing more
than to play for the Ice Cats and finally live on his own terms. He’s broke,
bruised, and covered from head to toe in cheap lube, but he isn’t going to let
that stop him. All he needs is a place to live and some time to figure out how
to reconcile who he really is with who everyonewants him to be.


Dumping three gallons of lube on the new
kid is just another day at the office for Alexei. He knows exactly who he is: a
goalie on the ice, a prankster in the locker room, and a man who knows better
than to share his private life with anyone. He’s let people in before and it’s
taught him that if he can’t have what he really wants, it’s better to be alone.


Despite their apparent differences, an
unlikely friendship grows. Neither of them could ever have guessed how much
have in common.



& Away


You can build a
team, but you have to find your home.


Rupert Smythe is
fond of many things. Callum Morrison isn’t one of them.


Rupert is a quiet,
thoughtful business man and, sadly, a total wimp. Maybe not the ideal candidate
to run a professional hockey team, but he signed on to do it anyway. As his
life has reminded him on an almost daily basis since, this isn’t the most brilliant
idea he’s ever had. And that was before Callum showed up.


Being in the
spotlight is just part of being a professional athlete, but Callum needs a
break. He arrives in Moncton unannounced, determined to help grow the team he
just bought, and under the assumption he’d be welcome. Possibly he should have
tried to make a better first impression.


Callum figures he
can push through the rest of the summer, never expecting two kids, a host of
friends, and his growing feelings for Rupert to derail everything he has ever
believed about what he wanted, and what he could have.

BOOK: Out of Her League
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