One Night Stand: One Night Stand: Book One (8 page)

BOOK: One Night Stand: One Night Stand: Book One
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Lisa kissed John, probing deeply with her tongue. "I never did give you the world's greatest blow job," she reminded 61

One Night Stand

by Veronica Tower

him. Her lips moved to his cheek, then to his neck and onto his shoulder.

She stopped kissing.

"Oh my, I really did a number on your shoulder last night."

John looked down and saw a mass of purple bruises. His shoulder did hurt, but he had no idea that her bites had left marks upon him.

Lisa tenderly kissed the blemishes. "I guess I'll just have to make that up to you."

John laughed. "I can think of a few ways."

Lisa scooted back off him, working her mouth down his stomach. "So can I."

When she reached his groin, Lisa carefully avoided touching John's penis. He could feel her hot breath on his rod, but her lips and tongue would only touch his inner thighs and balls. His penis stirred, but would not harden. He felt mortified and frustrated.

"I'm sorry. I guess last night was too much for me."

Lisa looked up at him, trailing her flat tongue the length of his flaccid rod. She looked so damn sexy, her delicate brown face atop his white cock. Then she sucked his dick and lay down with her cheek on his stomach, looking toward his toes.

Her mouth felt deliciously warm and inviting, but she did not use her tongue. Instead Lisa teased John's testicles with slow, unhurried strokes of her fingernails; apparently content to lay with his dick in her mouth all morning.

John found his penis growing solid again.

Lisa began to work her lips on his shaft. Not pumping him, but pushing her saliva out onto his dick beyond her luscious 62

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by Veronica Tower

lips. Ever so gently, she rubbed the saliva into his skin with her thumb.

John's balls began to tighten and Lisa's lips began to suck rhythmically on his shaft. John stroked Lisa's hair back away from her face. "Let me—"

"No!" His cock in her mouth muffled Lisa's response, but the meaning could not be mistaken.

John closed his eyes and concentrated on the orgasm building in his balls. He had only ejaculate in a woman's mouth once before, and that had been more hand job than mouth action—all frenzy—not this incredible slow mounting of pressure.

It almost caught him by surprise. One moment the pressure was building toward crescendo. Then he barely had time to gasp Lisa's name before his penis spit forth one last magnificent orgasm.

Lisa just kept sucking, milking his dick with her mouth.

* * * *

* * * *

Lisa felt good about giving John one last orgasm before she hit him with her plan. He wasn't going to be happy about it, but she was pretty certain she had thought of a way to distract him while still leaving the door cracked open, in case she really needed to race back down here and get John to rock her world again.


One Night Stand

by Veronica Tower

She snuggled up the length of his body and let his hand find its way to her breast.

"You are incredible," he told her. "Give me a few moments to pull myself together, and I'll return the favor."

Lisa burrowed even closer against him. "John, baby, tell me about Robin."

John stopped squeezing Lisa's breast. "What?"

"You heard me. Is she pretty?"

"Why are you asking me this?"

Lisa punched him lightly on the shoulder. She had to get him talking about Robin. "Because I want to know. Is she pretty?"

John sighed. "Yes."

The sudden stab of jealousy surprised Lisa. She hadn't expected to feel jealous. "Prettier than me?"

"No comparison."

Lisa arched her eyebrow. "Meaning?"

"Meaning there is no comparison. You are beautiful, Robin is only pretty."

That was a good answer, but Lisa couldn't let herself get distracted. "So what's wrong with her?"

John took his hand completely off Lisa's breast and propped himself up on one elbow. "Lisa, what's going on?"

"I just want to know. Is she white?"

"Lisa, what's bothering you? Does it really matter if she's black or white?"

Actually, it might matter. Lisa would have to think about that later. But for now, she just wanted to get John talking 64

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by Veronica Tower

about Robin. She tried another tactic. "Tell me about her breasts."


"What do they look like? Are they bigger than mine or smaller?" She hadn't planned to make a comparison to herself and she had to be careful not to get angry at his answers.

The plan called for sexy, not angry.


She slid her hand up John's chest and smiled as seductively as she could. "I just want to know what you like."

"I like you!"

"I know that, baby, but what else do you like? Are her breasts bigger or smaller? Does she have sweet cherry nipples or dark chocolate ones like mine?"

"I don't like—"

Lisa put her finger to John's lips. When she took her finger away he said, "Bigger."


"Robin is white."

Lisa smiled and kissed his neck. She liked getting her way.

"And her aureoles?" she asked.

John's voice sounded odd. "I've never really seen them."

"But you've seen her nipples poking through her shirt?"

John got quieter. "Yes."

"And they're large?"


Incredibly, John's cock began to get hard again. Lisa's plan couldn't be working better. "Have you ever touched them?"

She had to strain to hear his answer.


One Night Stand

by Veronica Tower


"But you've wanted to, haven't you?"


His cock became stiff enough to fuck—not completely rigid, but engorged enough for action. Lisa couldn't believe things were working out so well. "But you've dreamed about touching them. Haven't you, John?"

Lisa wasn't really asking questions anymore, but telling John about his desires and he agreed with her. "Oh, yes."

Her hand gripped his quivering cock.

"Dreamed about freeing them from her bra?"


Lisa began to slowly pump him, running her hand up and down his hard again shaft. "About licking her nipples?"

"God yes."

"Running your fingers through her hair?"

His breath grew harsher. "Yes!"

"What color is her hair, John?"

She had him panting now, breathing in time with the up and down motion of her hand.

"Dark blond."

"Is it natural? Is that the color of hair you'll find on her pussy, John?"

"I don't know!"

Lisa leaned forward, erect nipples dangling against his chest, and whispered in his ear while her hand glided up and down the length of his cock. "I have an assignment for you, John."


One Night Stand

by Veronica Tower

His breath came in huge ragged gasps. His face flushed scarlet and he looked to be feeling more pain than pleasure from the motion of her hand on his erection.

"This weekend," Lisa continued, "I want you to find out what color hair Robin has on her pussy."

The shocked look that flashed across John's face delighted Lisa into laughter.


Lisa didn't stop pumping. "You heard me."

John struggled to form his sentences. His body still moved in rhythm with Lisa's hand. "I know I heard you, but I don't understand why?"

Now she had to hurt John a little. Just enough to help him turn away. She stopped pumping his dick, but kept holding onto him. "John, do you know what happened here tonight?"

"Of course!" John continued to strain against Lisa, trying to keep his dick moving between her fingers. "We just shared the most incredible night of sex in our entire lives."

At least he hadn't called it making love. As a reward, Lisa slowly began pumping him again. "That's right. We had a one-night stand. An incredibly wonderful one-night stand, but now it's time to get on with our lives, and I think Robin belongs in yours." It surprised Lisa how much it hurt to say those words. As much as she feared John getting too close to her, neither did she truly want to turn him over to another woman, especially this white friend of his.

"Lisa, that's nonsense!"

She stopped pumping again when he protested, but John kept right on talking.


One Night Stand

by Veronica Tower

"A night like we just shared doesn't happen along very often. We owe it to ourselves to see if it means something more. We should give ourselves a chance to get to know each other better. At the very least, we'll have more incredible sex.

Who knows what might develop from there?"

John had just touched the heart of Lisa's fears. Last night had been too fabulous to ever be repeated. If they didn't accept that, didn't try and move on, they were just going to be disappointed. No one could live up to last night's expectations. If Lisa could just turn John's attention to Robin, he'd find happiness dating his old friend, and she wouldn't have to risk being hurt by another man.

"John, we live in different cities."

"It's just New York and Hartford. What are they? An hour, ninety minutes apart?"

The conversation had veered starkly away from the direction she had planned. The focus of their discussion had shifted to John and Lisa. She had to move it back to John and Robin.

"Look, John, I'm not saying we can never see each other again. I'm just saying that I'm not ready to have a long distance relationship."

John ran a finger down Lisa's hip, setting off sparklers inside of her. "You know," he told her, "we don't have to jump into a full-fledged relationship. It's Friday. I'll call in sick. You stay the weekend. We'll get to know each other better and have some more fun. There will be plenty of time to worry if all of this means anything after that."


One Night Stand

by Veronica Tower

Tempting, Lisa admitted to herself, but if she backed down now, she knew she would never get the conversation back to this point later.

"Look, John, I like you. You're incredible in bed—er, on the floor—but I'm just not ready for anything serious. And every word you say convinces me that that is what you really want."

She expected this to be a tough point for John because it was clear to Lisa that he really did think he wanted to get serious with her. Unfortunately, he knew precisely how to counter her concern. He sat up, took a figurative step back, and started counting off points on his fingers.

"So what you're saying is: one, you don't want to get married; two, you don't want to move in together; three, neither of us should quit our jobs or give up our apartments and move to each other's city; and finally four, we shouldn't even consider ourselves going steady."

Lisa couldn't suppress a smile. She really did like this guy, which was what made him so dangerous. She stiffened her resolve. "That just about covers it. That's—"

John interrupted her. "Now let's consider what I want!" He lifted a single finger on his other hand. "One, I want to keep fucking you!" He looked from the one raised finger on his left hand to the four on his right. "Is there something incompatible between these positions?" He folded the fingers of the right around the one on his left and pumped that finger in and out of the others.

Lisa eyed the hands, fighting to suppress a chuckle. She thought she had resolved this point in her mind.


One Night Stand

by Veronica Tower

Unfortunately, she really wanted to keep fucking John, too.

She just needed to be certain he would not press for something more. She wasn't going to get all tangled up in this guy so she could get hurt again. "All right, our desires are not incompatible so long as you agree to meet my conditions."

Pure happiness radiated from John's smile. It frightened her how much this man seemed to want her. She had believed Billy wanted her too.

"I agree," John told her.

Lisa didn't think she believed him. Fortunately, it would be easy to test his assertion. "Good, I want you to find out what color hair Robin has on her pussy!"

"What? This again?"

"That's my condition."

John made a visible effort to calm himself, and then took Lisa's hands into his. "Honey, I don't understand, but I'm willing to let you set the rules. You can decide when we get together. You can decide when we talk on the phone. I won't ask you for any kind of a commitment. Hell, let's be honest, I don't know you well enough to know if I want to commit. But let's keep Robin out of this."

That proposition was so seductively reasonable that Lisa almost let herself consider it. But reasonable could be dangerous in affairs of the heart, so she stuck doggedly to her original plan, no matter how irrational it had begun to feel.

"No! Robin is the proof that you're not too serious about me. As long as you're pursuing other women, I'll know you 70

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by Veronica Tower

don't expect too much from me."
And I'll know not to expect
too much from you.

BOOK: One Night Stand: One Night Stand: Book One
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