Once with a Cowboy: Loving Day Collection (One Night Only Book 1) (5 page)

BOOK: Once with a Cowboy: Loving Day Collection (One Night Only Book 1)
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              “Ty,” she pushed her hips up. Despite the now cool water, her temperature climbed by slow increments. “Can’t…want…”

              “Tell me what you want, baby. God, you’re gorgeous when you’re turned on.” His rhythm increased.

              “I want you…inside of me.” She gasped when she touched the vibrator to her clit. A flash of lightning lit up her body, setting off a small orgasm that shook her from head to toe. Anticipation increased, sparks burst in her body. Her hips and chest pushed forward as her back arched.

              “Can’t…” The single word came out on a gasp. Her toes curled as she closed her eyes, clinging to the delicious sensations coasting along her limbs. Her heartbeat kicked up. Her lungs burned. For a single crystalline moment she hung in between pleasure and lassitude. Her arms and legs grew heavy.


              His strained voice drew her attention. She turned her heavy head toward him, as the sweet rush of pleasure drifted in her veins. “Come for me, Ty,” she whispered, voice hoarse and low.

              The veins in his neck stood out, a red flush spread across his chest, up his throat and covered his face and ears. Face strained, eyes shut, his hand moved faster as he came, dribbles of creamy seed spilled over his hand and jets flew into the air to land on the rim and in the tub.

              The vibrator sat the bottom of the tub, having rolled out of her limp hand. She laughed at the muted sound of the device shaking against the porcelain.

              “Give me a few minutes and then we can take a shower.” He leaned over the tub and rinsed his hand off, his breath coming out in soft pants.

              She stood up, legs shaking and allowed him to help her out. Goosebumps broke out on her skin. She moved to the shower and turned on the spray, allowing the water to heat up as she waited for him to recover. Ty unplugged the tub and let the water drain while she watched through dark lashes. “We’ll make it, don’t worry.” He got up and shuffled over to her, slower than his usual gait.

              She snorted. “How do you have any energy right now?”

              “I snuck some of your fries.”              

              She wanted to smack his hand but couldn’t get up the energy. “You owe me more fries.”             

              “How about homemade French Fries for Sunday night dinner?”


              When fog billowed over the door, Ty helped her to stand and shuffled her toward the cubicle, ushering her in. She sank down on the little bench and allowed him to pamper her. “By the time I leave, I’m gonna be a prune.”

              “A gorgeous prune.” He pressed a kiss to the tip of her nose.

              Emotions filled her chest as she became warm for a whole new reason. By the time he was done with both of them, he turned off the downpour, left and returned towel in hand, drying her with gentle strokes before doing himself. He then scooped her up and carried her to the bed. His hold on her body strong and sure. “I’ll bring back the food. You just rest.”


              As soon as he was gone, she rushed back to the bathroom, took care of business and got back into bed. Once settled against the pile of pillows and the desire had died away, the email rose up like a serpent to remind her that once this weekend was over, she would have to decide whether to stay or go and how to explain it all to him. She could rationalize that Ty wasn’t her jerk of an ex or her parents who would see her quitting the bar as another reason she was a failure. Unease dampened the mood.

              A small voice reminded her of all the kindness she’d seen over the last year but that didn’t mean he would be happy if she left him. Her ex had always had an issue with her being a better programmer than him. She slumped down against the pillows.
What am I supposed to do?
The more she tried to figure it out, the more muddled things got. Thuds drew her out of her thoughts.
Focus on the happy for now, worry later.
She told herself, pasting a smile on her face at the sound of Ty's footsteps.

















Chapter Four


              Ty woke up with a start. A dull buzzing reached his ears. For a second his blood pressure spiked and his heart pumped hard as he struggled to breathe. Nessa grabbed his arm. He peeked over his shoulder. She lay on her side, facing him, eyes closed, breathing slow and steady but her hand clasped him with strength but without clinging to him. He shut his eyes and focused on breathing in and out, slow and steady. She gave him a squeeze but didn’t withdraw her touch.

              “You okay?” her voice came out muffled by the pillow.

              He nodded his head and opened his eyes. “Yeah, bad dream.” He ran a hand over his face, his palm scraped over his stubble.

              The sheets moved next to him and she sat up on her heels, naked, exposed and gorgeous. Her breasts hung heavy, dark nipples tightened due to the cool air. Her curls a mess, tangled around her face but they still called for him to sink his fingers in and hold on tight. His gaze swept over her, taking her all in. All of her, his for the taking if he’d ask. He just wished she belonged to him heart and soul. Despite their usual banter and the incredible act of openness in the bathroom last night, he couldn’t help but sense a distance had risen up between them recently.

              She leaned forward, reached out and cupped his face. Her thumb brushed across his bottom lip, a soft smile on her mouth. “Anything I can do?”

              He shook his head and kissed the pad of her finger. “Nope, just an old recurring dream. I’m late for practice and get cut from the team, oh, and I’m naked. Do programmers have dreams like that?”

              She chuckled. “We have coding hell or clients that change their minds last minute.”

              “Heh, I think I can relate when I’m hosting parties and the customers want fancy food or decorations or they invite more people than we can handle, but then again you know that.” He grinned, pleased to be able to share something in common with her. 

              He reached up and molded his palm around her hand, just holding it there. She lifted her head, watching him through the thick fan of her lashes. “Yeah, which reminds me we have to discuss what we still have left to do. But I think I’d rather help you move past your bad dream.”

              “Oh yeah?” He scooted closer to her. “How would you do that?”

              “Well,” she moved toward him but stopped just short of touching him. She pounced on him, pushing him down onto the mattress, straddling him before he could figure out a way to counter her. “Well, I’d start with your chest.”

              She traced sneaky fingers over his pectorals, outlining his nipples like he had last night before pinching him. A shot of lightening zipped to his groin, setting him on fire as it went. His half-hard cock thickened as heat flooded his shaft. He bucked. She grabbed onto his shoulders and held on until he settled once more.

              “Careful, honey.” He gripped her hips tighter just in case.

              “I know.” She pushed back and bent down to lick his nipple with quick flicks. “Now sometimes I find myself so caught up in how strong you are, reminding me of all the times I’ve kissed my way across this strong…wide…chest,” her words were interspersed with kisses as she traced the tattoo of prowling storm clouds down his side. He tried to keep still and not pull away but failed when she got to the part of his chest where the ribs ended. He let out a yelp and laughed.

              “Whoa, there, baby. I’m sorry.”

              She chortled and placed her hands on his chest, drawing his attention to the way her breasts plumped together. “I’m sorry, I did it on purpose. Ready for more, or do you need a minute?”

              He shook his head. “Keep going, baby.” Even though he wanted to stop her, lift up her breasts and suck on her nipples until he could have her squirming and panting for him.

              Their phones buzzed; his from the nightstand and hers from the purse. Annoyance rose up. He glanced at the clock, seven in the morning and sent up a silent prayer it wasn’t his mom warning him of one of his aunt’s impromptu drive-bys. This was not the way he wanted to start off his day.

              He reached over and grabbed his phone while she scrambled off the bed. They answered at the same time.

              “Hey pumpkin, sorry to call you so early, but your Aunt Patty is coming by.” The doorbell rang, drowning out his mothers words.
Aw hell!

              “Mom! Shit!” Ty leapt off the mattress only to fall, hitting his head on the floor as his legs got tangled up in the sheets.

              “Tyler Alexander Smith, don’t you take that tone with me. I am your mother and I will not hesitate to drive all the way from San Antonio to come whoop your butt with a switch.”

              Shame burned inside of him, setting his face aflame. “Sorry, Momma,” he muttered.

              “I didn’t hear you.” Her tone brokered no argument.

              “I’m sorry, Momma.” His voice came out low and pitiful as the bell pealed again.

              “Apology accepted, now go answer the door for your Aunt Patsy. She brought over some fresh biscuits with that awful fake butter. Lord, knows she needs to lose weight and all, but really? Subjecting us to that health stuff they call butter.” His mother snorted. “Anyway, I just called to warn you. Have fun with Vanessa.”

              “I will, Momma.” He hung up, tossed the phone on the bed, grabbed his pants and pulled them on.

              Vanessa paced on the far side of the room, head down, conversation in muted tones. She glanced up. “I’ll join you in a second.” Worry creased the corner of her eyes and formed brackets at the end of her mouth. It was too early in the day for her to be this worried. She must be talking to her family, he thought. It was the only reason he could think of to put her in so foul a mood this early. He rushed over and, pressed a kiss to her cheek. “I’ll rush right back and make that frown disappear.”

              She never spoke of her parents but he knew based on past experience she either shut the talk down, refusing to speak to them when they called the bar for her or avoided speaking about them all together.

              “You better,” she whispered.

              He pounded down the stairs to find his aunt hammering on the door. “Boy, wake up, don’t you leave family out here in the cold!”

              Ty shut his eyes and took a moment as a stone formed in the pit of his stomach.
Please let this day get better after she leaves.
With a sigh, he headed to the door, unlocked it and threw it open, a smile on his face. “Aunt Patsy!”

              Aunt Patsy’s coral red painted lips curved into a shining smile. “Tyler, Tess told me that you were at the ranch this weekend with your new girlfriend. Child, put on a shirt. This is no way to greet your favorite aunt.”

              She brushed past him into the foyer, head swiveling this way and that, gaze roving over the empty living room and sitting room.

              “Where is she? I brought some biscuits, fresh from the oven and thought I’d make you both breakfast while I get to know her.”

              Before his aunt got the bright idea of searching the house for Nessa, he decided to head her off at the pass. “I’ll go get her. Why don’t you go on into the kitchen and get started? We can’t wait to have breakfast with you.” The lie came out rushed, but if his aunt noticed she didn’t say anything. Instead, she shuffled on her way, taking in every piece of furniture.

              “You should really get a new decorator, dear, everything looks so generic,” she sniffled.

              Ty rolled his eyes. “I’ll think about it, Aunty Patsy.”

              “Good, maybe I could do it. You should also think about opening this place up, make it a bed and breakfast. My friend…”

              Her voice trailed off as he tiptoed upstairs and back into the room to find Vanessa dressing, her phone on the nightstand. She glanced up at him, her features unemotional, guarded. His heart stuttered as he took in that look. It was the same one she’d worn when she’d applied for the job at his bar. She’d been so low, hesitant, like a person who'd been brought down and feared never seeing the light again. His heart had ached at the sight. When Candi had asked him for a favor; to interview her friend for the bartender gig—even though her friend had no experience—he’d done it because he remembered what it was like to have someone take a chance on him when he'd been at his lowest point. When she’d walked through the door, looking so nervous and downtrodden he’d wanted to protect her, lift her up and worship her, all at first glance. After the interview, he’d wanted to fuck her sideways. Despite their chemistry she’d kept a wall between them, keeping things both friendly and sexy but making no further commitment to a relationship. He’d accepted it to give her time to recover from what life had handed before she’d entered his world.

              Without a word he went to her, enfolded her in his arms. She hugged him back, holding onto him as if she were gripping the edge of a cliff, expecting to slip off at any moment. “Whatever is going on, I’m here for you and whatever you need is yours. I’m here for you.”

              She let out a sob that racked her body but he felt no moisture on his shoulder. “Thank you,” she whispered. She sniffed and stepped back far too soon for his liking and continued to dress. “Who was at the door?”

              Her eyes sparkled with unshed tears, ripping his heart up into little pieces. Below them he could hear Aunt Patsy banging around the kitchen. Each clang and thud reminded him that he’d have to deal with whatever was going on later. He cursed his nosy relative and kissed Nessa on the tip of her nose. “We’ll talk later. My Aunt Patsy is here to make us breakfast. She’s on a health kick to lose weight, and her version of healthy is light on flavor. I promise, once she’s gone to make you a proper breakfast but for now just smile and nod. In the meantime you can watch me dress or allow yourself to be used like a pump handle by my aunt.”

              He waited for her to turn, rush back to the bedroom pack her things and return to demand he take her home. Instead, she sat down on the bed, pulled on her socks and boots and gave him a small smile. “I can deal with your aunt. I’ve had worse encounters with relatives.”

              He let the last remark slide and said, “And that flood Noah had to deal with was a little bit of rain. Okay, just be warned, don’t let her upset you okay? If it gets too much, it’s okay to come get me. I won’t be long.” He kissed her, this time on the lips and moved around her, taking care to brush his body against hers, reminding her they weren’t done with the fun they’d started earlier.

              “I know. See you downstairs.” She brushed passed him and shut the door behind her. 

              He changed into a fresh pair of jeans, a T-shirt and work boots and rushed downstairs to join them.

              “You do know how to make a pitcher of sweet tea, don’t you?” Aunt Patsy asked.

              “Of course. I may have only lived in Texas for a year but I had to learn quickly. Ty loves the stuff.”

              He heard the thud of the pitcher on the counter.

              “Not as much as he loves you, obviously.” Aunt Patsy laughed maniacally.

              Ty’s heart stuttered before it began to beat again. He skidded to a stop at the entrance of the kitchen but his feet didn’t get the memo and he stumbled forward, crashing into one of the barstools at the island.

              Vanessa’s eyes were wide, fear etched on every line in her face, her mouth agape, color drained from her face.

              “Nessa?” Ty took a step forward only to be stopped by another barstool, which turned into him rushing around the island.

              “I’m sorry,” she whispered before she turned and rushed through the mud room.

              “Well! You sure know how to pick ‘em, Tyler. Rude!” Aunt Patsy glared after Nessa.

              “Aunt Patsy, I love you, but you show up here unannounced and she’s going through something right now. I think it’s best if you come back later,
.” He waited for the red head from a bottle to say something.

              She narrowed her eyes to slits, her ruby colored lips thinned. “Well—”  she lifted her head and plastered a fake smile on her face. “I’ll take my leave. At least your bother Daniel knows how to be a good host–unlike you.” She sniffed, turned off the stove, picked up her basket of biscuits and brushed past him. “I’ll see myself out. You call me when you’ve learned manners, boy.”

              He didn’t pause to see if that was true. Knowing his aunt, she’d pretend to leave only to sneak around the side of the house and, under the guise of admiring the gardening, eavesdrop on him. He pushed out into the early morning sunshine, a light heat filled the air already. The chirp of birds and rustle of vegetation filled the air. He breathed deeply, the sweet perfume of sunflowers planted on the side of the house drifted past on him a soft breeze.

              He spotted Nessa’s retreating figure heading towards one of the beds of lavender furthest from the house that formed the border between the fields of flat grass and the start of the backyard.

BOOK: Once with a Cowboy: Loving Day Collection (One Night Only Book 1)
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