Read On Her Six (Under Covers) Online

Authors: Christina Elle

On Her Six (Under Covers) (27 page)

BOOK: On Her Six (Under Covers)
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One month later…

Sam bit her bottom lip, glancing out the passenger window at the gray stone building. It was more imposing than she’d expected. She’d seen it before, of course. But now that she’d be attending the academy as a student it took on new meaning.

A swarm of crazy butterflies circled her belly. This was it. What she’d been waiting for.

“You ready?” Ash’s voice said beside her. He sat in the driver’s side of her new Honda. She’d finally agreed that her old girl had been through enough for one lifetime. It was time for a fresh start.

When her leg started to bob, he lifted her hand and placed a soft kiss on her palm.

“I think so.” She turned to him, squaring her shoulders and stilling her leg. “No. I
I am.”

“That’s my girl,” her father said from the back seat. He leaned forward, resting a hand on her headrest and grinned. “I’m so proud of you, Sammie.”

After they’d gotten the call from Director Landry about the blood thinners, the DEA had been able to cure almost all Vamps around the city. After weeks of trial and error, increasing and decreasing the dosage of Coumadin to her father, he had finally returned to normal. Or at least as normal as he could be. He was required to take the medication for the rest of his life and get a check up every six months as a precaution, but that was peanuts compared to what life had been like a month ago.

Ash stepped back in as Team Leader. According to the DEA’s latest intel, Jose Serrano was still manufacturing drugs in his home country, so until he was stopped, the threat was very real. Like Heinrich said, there would be plenty of other people who would willingly pick up the torch and try to destroy America. Ash begged the director to allow the team to go to South America, because he was terrified once Jose Serrano found out what happened to his daughter, he’d want revenge.

Sam couldn’t say she wasn’t worried about Ash and his team, but she looked forward to the day when the threat of Viktor Heinrich, Jose Serrano, and whomever else wanted to do her family harm, was over.

For now she looked forward to each day spent with the people she loved. She had her father back. Rose had her son back. They were a family again. And there wasn’t anything in the world that felt better than that.

Except maybe the man next to her, who had stood by her through thick and thin. Believed in her, though maybe not as she’d thought she wanted, but as she’d needed. Ash loved her for her. And accepted all of her. Even that stubborn Harper side.

“Do you have everything you need?” Ash asked.

Peering down at her lap, she surveyed the items she was told to bring on her first day—blue sweat pants, blue sweatshirt, and tennis shoes with white laces.

She was ready for this. More than ready.


Her leg started to bounce in place again, the movement more erratic, causing the items on top to shift. She laid her hand over them to keep them from falling onto the floor.

“Sam,” Ash said, all humor gone from his tone. “Sam, look at me.”

She paused, nibbling on her bottom lip before turning.

He dropped his chin so their eyes were level, pinning her with his gaze. “You’re going to do great. You were made for this.” He leaned closer. “Remember, it’s in your blood.”

When she caught his meaning, her insides lit up. She looked back at her dad, whose blue eyes gleamed with delight. Damn straight. She was ready to follow in her father’s and grandfather’s footsteps and become a Baltimore City Police Officer. It was her turn to keep the long-standing tradition alive.

Gripping the handle with more determination, she shoved the door open and slid out.

Ash came around to her side, took the items from her arms, and placed them on the car’s hood. Dad got out next and awkwardly backpeddled, looking down at the grass.

She turned to her father.

He slid a glance at Ash, so she followed his gaze.

Ash wasn’t in her line of sight. Instead, he was low enough to stare at her bellybutton.

She zipped a look at her dad, then at Ash, then back at her dad. “What’s going on?”

Dad winked. “Just go with it, Sammie.”

“Sam,” Ash said, his voice softer than she’d ever heard it. His Adam’s apple bobbed twice before he went on. “I know it hasn’t been that long. But I guess when you know, you know.”

“Oh my God,” she said. “Are you—?” Her gaze darted to her father. “Is he doing what I think he’s doing?”

“Not if you don’t let me get it out,” Ash grumbled.

Trying to contain an anxious smile, she squeezed her lips and nodded for him to continue. It seemed to take forever for him to start again. She bounced on her toes, waiting for the words to flow.
Just ask already!

Ash tilted his head back and held her hand in his. He stared into her eyes. In that moment she knew. It didn’t matter when the words came. Seconds, minutes, hours or days. Or not at all. They were bound. Whether he said it or not, they were linked more deeply than any words or a piece of paper could bind them. She loved this man, and he loved her. And that was all that mattered.

He did finally speak. She didn’t catch most of it because she was too excited to listen. When he paused to take a breath, she shouted “Yes!” and leaped on him. They both tumbled to the ground, her on top of him, and she kissed him. Everywhere. His lips. His forehead. His left cheek. His right cheek. His lips again. Probably longer than she should have, given that her father stood a few feet away.

“I wasn’t done yet,” Ash said, laughing.

“Whatever you were going to say, it was still ‘yes.’ It’ll always be ‘yes.’”

When they finally got up, Ash pulled the diamond solitaire out of his pocket and slid it onto her finger. She gazed down at it, sparkling in the bright sunlight. The view started to blur a little, so she blinked to clear her vision.

Dad wrapped a strong arm around her and kissed the top of her head. “You’re one of a kind, Sammie. I’m glad you found a guy who appreciates that.” He stared at Ash as if to confirm his statement. Ash nodded, then shook her father’s hand.

She glanced to her left, then to her right. Both men stood on each side. The flood of emotions was almost crippling. She had everything she wanted. Life wasn’t going to get any better than this. Grandma and the ladies were safe. Her father had come back. And she and Ash were about to start their life together.

She clasped Ash’s hand in hers, and she stepped toward her future.

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There are so many people involved in writing a novel. It’s amazing actually. All the people who had a hand in helping it come to life. The acknowledgements page is one of my favorite parts of a book. It gives the reader a wonderful glimpse into the author’s life and support system. So if you’re like me, here ya go. Below are my people. Without them, this story would have never seen the light of day.

First and foremost, BIG THANKS go to my family. From day one, my husband has been my biggest supporter. It doesn’t matter what crazy idea I come up with, he supports me 100 percent. He never second-guesses me or tells me that I’m crazy, though I do enough second-guessing and calling myself crazy for the both of us. He helped me to get the technical points in this novel correct and was my biggest cheerleader during this entire process.

To my boys, Jameson and Bennett, for showing me what it’s like to love so deep I can hardly breathe. Thank you for making me laugh and feel like superwoman, even on days when I just can’t seem to get it together. You make it all worthwhile. I hope this book shows you that you can do anything you want to. Don’t be afraid. Don’t let others tell you that you can’t. Don’t worry about what others think. Be you and do what makes you happy. Even if it’s writing romance novels.

To Mom and Dad for being hard on me when I needed it. You showed me what a strong work ethic looks like, and you taught me how to be humble through my struggles. Thank you for busting your tails in order to afford me a better life. This wouldn’t have happened without your sacrifices. I do recognize and appreciate it.

To Jessie and Jim for supporting me and reading some of my early (and really sucky) work. Thanks for not acting too surprised when I said I landed an agent and also a book deal. And thanks for your poor attempts at helping me name this book.
A Bird In Her Hand And Two In Her Bush
isn’t going to be published anytime soon. Don’t hold your breath.

To Ninny, on whom every old lady I write about is based. You are the funniest, most grounded, most realistic, off-the-wall, supportive, encouraging, polite, hotheaded, quirky, smart-mouthed old broad I’ll ever know. Thank you for teaching me to be ME no matter what.

To Misty, who is a far superior and more talented writer than I’ll ever be. Your support means more than you know. I love that we “get” each other and that we can be there for one another outside of writing. Thank you for pushing me to be better and for laughing at my jokes.

To Mary, Patty, and the rest of the Maryland Romance Writers crew. Thank you for your endless support, encouragement, and tips to make my prose shine.

To Jillian, Tiffany, and Billy for dropping everything that weekend to read this book. Thank you for your time in finding my typos and inconsistencies. Your support is beyond measure. Truly, thank you.

To Chris Hemsworth by whom every hero I write is inspired (Yes, my husband knows). Thanks for starring in so many versatile roles and giving me an endless supply of inspiration to write about. Still kinda pissed you wore a wig in Thor though, not gonna lie. It ruined the fantasy for me. For the next one, please grow your own hair out.

To my agent, Margaret, for seeing something in me and giving me a chance. Thank you for your time in reading and re-reading this story to make it the best it could be. I appreciate your insight and your ability to push me to be a better writer.

To Alycia, my editor, who loves Sam and Ash as much as I do. Thank you for taking a chance on me, appreciating my kind of humor, and helping me share this story with others.

Thank you to Liz and everyone else at Entangled for their help and support in this journey. I very much appreciate your knowledge and expertise.

And last, but most definitely not least, thank you to YOU for picking up this story and giving it a read. I love to make other people laugh, so I hope this novel brightened your day.

About the Author

believes that laughter really is the best medicine, which is why in her writing she adds a healthy dose of hilarious hijinks with gritty suspense. She lives near Baltimore with her husband and two sons, who give her an endless supply of humorous material to write about.

When she’s not writing fun contemporary romance or quirky romantic suspense, Christina can be found devouring books in every genre, watching Chris Hemsworth on TV, playing board games with her family, working out, watching Chris Hemsworth on TV, napping, baking, watching Chris Hemsworth on TV, and shopping…for Chris Hemsworth’s latest DVD.

She is a member of Romance Writers of America and Maryland Romance Writers. This is her first novel.

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