Read Of Darkness and Crowns Online

Authors: Trisha Wolfe

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Horror, #Dark Fantasy, #Romance, #Fantasy, #New Adult & College, #;

Of Darkness and Crowns (5 page)

BOOK: Of Darkness and Crowns
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With one final step to close the distance between us, I try a bold move. Slipping my sword into its scabbard at my hip, I say, “Nothing would give me greater pleasure than to fight you here and now. But I’m willing to make a bargain.”

She scoffs. “You’re not leaving here. No matter what, this ends tonight. No bargains. No deals.” Kicking the dead Otherworlder’s leg aside, she plants her feet firmly in defense position. Then she raises her sword between us. “If you
, I taught you everything you know about sword play, dear prince. Let the best determine this outcome.”

I shake my head. “Oh, Kal.” Reaching again for my sword, I draw it and slide the blade along hers. The shrill ring of the swords sends a thrill through me. “You’ve already made your first mistake.”

Her eyebrows pull together. She’d be a horrible gambler. I extend my hand to caress her dark hair. She flinches yet holds her stance as my fingers take in its softness. I sigh. “You only claimed I’m not leaving here. Not that I’m not leaving here
. You’re not ready to kill me, love. You can’t.”

Yanking my hand back, I push my sword against hers, driving her backward. She’s taken off-guard only for a second before she rebounds, matching my force. She groans as she shoves against my weapon, and I’m sure she’s surprised by the power she’s up against. She’s no longer the only one with unnatural strength.

As she pulls back enough to strike my blade, she says, “I’m prepared to do what I must. Be assured of that.”

I block her blow and come at her from above, forcing her to deflect my attacks at an awkward angle for her petite stature. My smile spreads. “We can dance like this all night, but I’d rather our time be spent more usefully.” I lunge and slash, making it tiring for her to defend herself. “Take me to the goddess relic, and I’ll let you
your empress live…for the time being.” I grunt as she snakes a cheap shot to my wrist.

She’s not amused by the slight damage she’s inflicted. Rather, as her gaze traps my broken skin, she looks mortified. Everything I’ve waited for is falling apart. I can’t have her die at the end of my sword while mourning the loss of her prince. She needs anger. Wrath. Disgust.

Those are the emotions that will drive her to face me full-on and not hold back.

I could end this now—slice her open and turn my back on her forever. Find the relic easily for myself and what else I came here for and then be gone. But something inside me refuses to accept a simple defeat. Not from the woman who has tormented my thoughts with weakness and regret.

She’s the last thing in this world that threatens my power. And I refuse to destroy her in this state, only to have her haunt me from the grave. I need a worthy foe—a vicious opponent—to defeat.

Not a heartbroken girl.

“This won’t do.” I growl as I back her against the wall, my swings becoming sloppy with my rage. As if she knows what she’s doing to me, she smiles. The first one I’ve seen in so long…and she’s beautiful. Heart stopping. It infuriates me.

I shout and thrust my sword, knocking hers aside as I move into her personal space. Realization washes over her face, and she quickly brings up her arm to guard against my fist. I stop short, my balled hand an inch from her cheek.

My breaths are hot and quick as they leave my mouth in heavy puffs. My gaze flicks over Kal’s shocked face, her trembling lips. And my fingers uncurl. I press closer and trace my fingertips along her soft skin…

Kill her

With a jerk of my head, I hush the dark goddess’s voice. Then I seize Kal’s wrist and slam the back of her hand against the stone wall. She’s as stubborn as ever, keeping a tight grip on her weapon. I knock her arm against the wall again. And again, until she releases a cry and her sword clatters to the floor.

I drop my own and grab the arm still held up as a shield, then pin both her wrists to the wall. “Look at me,” I order, my tone giving away my frustration. Impatience grips my nerves, and I drop one hand to grasp her face, forcing her eyes to meet mine.

As she drinks me in hungrily, like she’s only just now truly seeing me, something stirs beneath my skin. The white power crackles over my hands, healing the wound on my wrist, and Kal’s eyes widen.

The last time she encountered my power, when she was trapped by the glowing tentacles, she suffered tremendous pain, I’m sure. And though something inside me is screaming to unleash that power on her now, I rein it in. I don’t want our dance to end so soon.

As the power recedes, leaving my skin unblemished, I caress her face. Run my palm and fingers along her soft flesh. Down her jawline. All the while, her eyes hold me, ensnaring me. This is
power—her spell over me. It’s the reason why she must die.

I have to be free of her.

Yet, I can’t help wanting to inhale her, taste her, quench my thirst of her one last time. And maybe that will even spark the fury within her to fight. Bring the old Kal back, the one who would rather put a blade through a man’s heart than be victim to his charms.

Pushing my body against hers, I revel in the feel of her curves, and know that I’m lying to myself. It’s completely selfish what I’m craving, but the lie is all too tempting. Just like her.

I lower my head and place my lips to her neck, breathe her in. Then, trailing them along her slick skin, my tongue flicking out to taste the mix of sweetness and salt, I move next to her ear. Her breaths deepen, pressing her sultry chest to mine.

“Let me in, Kal,” I whisper, loving how my words cause her to shiver. “It’s what you want.”

Pulling back, I lock gazes with her. The desire in her eyes urges my lips to trap hers, and I move in. Wanting to caress them as much as the yearning demands to hurt them.

“Caben,” she says, low and breathy. I halt my descent. She bites down on her lip, and my arousal hardens painfully against my pants.

“What, love?”

A slow smile curls her lips. “Fuck off.” Then she spits in my face.




brighter, transforming them into near silver beams, as rage them. My spittle trails his face. He bears down harder on my trapped hands, his frame going rigid, and I can feel the tremble in his body. I squirm under his hold, angered that even at my full strength, he seems to be more powerful.

As his gaze flicks over me, his lips part and he runs his tongue over his bottom lip, taking in some of my saliva. I should cringe, but the heated look in his eyes causes me to halt my movements.

“I’ve been dying to taste you,” he says, his words sending a shiver down my spine. “But I’m afraid that won’t be enough.” He wipes his face clean with his free hand, keeping a firm grip on my wrists with the other. Then he reaches down and grasps my thigh, bringing it up around his hip. His body presses into mine, and the feel of his hardness against my center spikes me with fear—and longing.

I close my eyes, trying to block out the conflicting emotions swirling within me.
This isn’t Caben. This isn’t Caben.

His stubbled cheek scratches at the side of my face as he leans in…his lips caressing my neck…
This isn’t Caben
. I chant louder in my head. Refusing to accept that this is the man I love. If Caben is inside, buried beneath the evil, Bale has stripped him of everything I once admired.

I can’t allow my emotions, my feelings for the man who is lost, to factor into my duty.

This is

His warm breath rolls over my skin as his lips trail the column of my neck. My stomach tightens with anticipation and
. It’s painful and pleasurable, and the mix of fire and nausea war within me. I swallow as he thrusts harder, his fingers digging into my flesh, gripping me closer as his arousal hardens.

Against my will, my body responds, heat igniting between my thighs. I open my eyes; see Caben. Feel him.

Curse the goddesses. Curse everything and everyone. My fingers close around his, and my leg pulls his body seamless along mine. No air between us to breathe, to allow oxygen to my brain to think and rationalize.

Caben flicks his tongue out against my skin, and I close my eyes. “Let me in, Kal.” His hand moves along my leg to caress the back of my thigh as he tightens his hold. The heat from his palm creates a pleasing friction, and I suddenly wish there was nothing between us—no barrier of clothing keeping his skin from touching mine.

As his lips track a path higher, my body continues to betray me. A moan escapes my lips, and as he brushes his against mine, I feel him smile. Just a second before his mouth is crushing mine.

All thoughts are lost. Cast into the deepest part of the sea. So many times I’ve imagined the moment when Caben would kiss me again. When he was back. A tear trickles from the corner of my eye. I feel it slip down my cheek.

But this kiss…it’s not the kiss of Caben returning to me. It’s hungry and violent and demanding. His lips work hard against mine as his tongue darts inside my mouth, consuming and controlling. Trying to own me. Possess me.

As my lids slowly open, I see a faint red glow in his pupils, and I’m here. Yanked out of my desire and back into reality. The sadistic, wrong reality that is now the truth of us. Guilt and hurt replace the lust fueling our moment, and I wrench my mouth free.

“No,” I bite out, jerking my head sideways.

He groans and then grips my jaw, forcing me to look at him. “No?” A wicked smile tilts his lips. “That’s not what your body says, Kal.” He releases his grasp on my chin, and his hand roams the length of my leg until his fingers find the top of my uniform pants. Then, with a sudden motion, he dips his fingers beneath the band. The feel of his skin finally connecting with mine sends a current through my body.

Fighting the want pulling me under, my legs buckling, my will being rendered helpless, I shake my head. “Not like this,” I whisper.

I hear his deep chuckle, and as he works the button on my pants, his body thrusting more demandingly against mine—I know it’s wrong, but I only wish to be lost for one moment more. Just forget the world of goddesses and dark magics and fall into Caben.

But the possessive gleam in his eyes releases me from that craving. And I realize with a sobering clarity that it’s not fully Caben’s allure enticing me. The power radiating off him in waves has to be affecting me, and I need to get far away from him. From it.

The zipper gives, and he’s yanking my hips forward. “Spread your legs,” he whispers near my ear. “I want inside. Now.”

I lick my lips, earning an appreciative look from Caben, and then I kiss him. Slowly. Tenderly. Then pulling back, I say, “Never like this.” Pushing my back off the wall, I ram my forehead into his and then drive my knee into his crotch.

His hold on my wrists releases as he grabs himself and bends over. Not giving him time to recover, I haul back and punch him hard. My knuckles explode with pain, but I land another blow with my elbow to his nose.

“Bitch!” he shouts.

My chest aches like
been punched. I hate that such a simple word uttered by this man can wound me so deeply. But I don’t retaliate with my own venomous words. Getting free of his power is my only thought.

Quickly buttoning my pants, I force my legs to run, only stopping long enough to retrieve my discarded sword. When the sounds of the battle hit my ears, the fog lifts from my brain, and I’m disgusted that I’d forgotten about everyone and everything while under Caben’s spell.

But that thought is short-lived as Caben’s angered shout follows me down the corridor.

“You will submit, Kal. Or you will die.”

My feet stumble as I round the last corner toward the chapel. Before I’m through the secret door and on my way to my companions and empress, his words reach me one last time, filling me with dread. And with shame—I admit—

“I swear it. You will be mine.”

“The army is forcing them out,” Lilly says as she clips her transmitter to her harness. “It’s almost over.”

I nod, my eyes absently scanning the inner-court grounds of the palace as the last of the Otherworlders flee. Her words should be comforting. Instead, a hollowness settles in my chest that I don’t want to understand.

BOOK: Of Darkness and Crowns
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