Read NorthernPassion Online

Authors: Cynnamon Foster

NorthernPassion (2 page)

BOOK: NorthernPassion
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Gently, she ran her tongue around the head of his dick. He
groaned again and Desiree gently slid her lips over the top of his cock, moving
slowly down until he almost touched the back of her throat. She closed her
mouth and moved first up toward the tip, then back toward the base.

Desiree sucked, increasing the force with each pass. Tension
built inside her as she worked him, moving her tongue around and around his shaft,
following her sucking motions with her hand and fondling his balls with the
other hand. She wanted him badly. If this was unbearable for him, it was almost
impossible for her too, as her body reacted to the suction. If she weren’t in
the shower, she still would be dripping wet.

Sam pushed Desiree gently away, forcing her to release his
penis from between her lips, then spun her around and pulled her into him,
wrapping one hand around her body and letting his arm trail down her body,
across her midsection. He fondled her clitoris with one hand and pinched her
right nipple with the other.

The contrast of the pleasure and pain was intense and
beautiful to Desiree. She gasped, enjoying the juxtaposition of the two
sensations. He pinched her nipple hard again and it sent sparks of electricity
through her. She pushed her pelvis forward to try to meet the bottom of his

“We’re wasting water,” she said.

Sam grunted. “I don’t care. You shouldn’t either.”

“Don’t you care about the environment?” Desiree’s breath
came in gasps.

“Normally,” Sam said. “Just not now. Not now.” He pushed
forward, thrusting two fingers inside her pussy. He moved them in and out and
she reacted to his rhythm, pushing her rear backward against his pelvis at the
same time.

Sam turned them around in the small shower so the water was
behind him. He pushed forward, bending Desiree at the waist. In one movement,
he thrust himself inside her, filling her from behind.

Desiree reached out and steadied herself against the wall of
the shower stall. He filled her completely and the closeness of his body put
her into a dreamlike state.

They paused for a moment, then Sam pinched both of her
nipples simultaneously. Desiree cried out and he moved his hand down to the
tops of her hips, holding her there and then he began to move, guiding her with
his hand. Sam moved deliberately, taking the time to make sure she enjoyed the
full length of his shaft.

Desiree pushed her hips back to meet each thrust with her
own, letting him slap their naked, wet bodies together. She winced a bit at the
top of each stroke, savoring the small touch of pain from him being so deep
inside her. Sam released one hip and caressed her cheek in time with his
strokes, running his fingers over Desiree’s lips.

She sucked on his forefinger. Sam moaned, speeding up his
strokes again. Fire built in her and she squeezed her eyes shut tight. She was
about to explode. “Oh Sam,” she moaned.

He stopped moving and Desiree felt him pull away from her. “No,
please,” she said. “You can’t stop now.”

“I’m not stopping. Let’s go to the bedroom. Turn off the
shower.” Playtime seemed to be over. He gave Desiree direct orders now.

Her legs were like jelly, but Desiree did as she was told,
letting him wrap her body in a too-small towel. The space between her legs
throbbed as Sam led her to the bed. The anticipation was almost too much. He
pushed her down on her back and then grabbed the back of her knees, pulling her
to him.

Sam stood over her and she blushed. “You are so beautiful,”
he said. “All of you. You shouldn’t be ashamed, Dez. Sometimes I can’t believe
we’re together.”

“I can’t believe it either.” Desiree wet her lips in
anticipation. His face was so close to her thighs, she knew what was coming
next. His hot breath caressed her sex. She lifted her hips in anticipation.

And Sam did not disappoint her. He went down on his knees
and buried his head between her lips, immediately licking her hot spot. Sam was
skillful. He licked her clit and thrust two fingers inside her. He moved them
in and out as he licked her button up and down and then in circles. Desiree put
her hands on his head, holding him in place. He could stay down there forever
and she wouldn’t complain.

Pressure started to build far too quickly. She wanted to cry
out but bit her lip instead.

“Don’t hold back,” Sam told her. “Just let go. Don’t hold
back on me.”

“People will hear.”

“The only people who matter are you and me.”

Desiree didn’t need too much convincing. Electricity pulsed
through her body, building steadily, until finally the room went white as she
exploded. Sam pushed more forcefully with his tongue as she thrust her hips
upward at the same time. Desiree tried in vain to close her knees, but Sam was
merciless. He tasted her until she shuddered, moaning his name at the same
time. “Sam, please.”

Finally, he relented, releasing Desiree, falling onto the
bed beside her. “The race isn’t over yet, lover.”

Desiree didn’t think she could take anymore. “But I’m beat.”

Sam shook his head, then lifted himself over her, kissing
her on the neck. “No, every athlete has just a little more in them. That’s when
they reach down deep.” He guided her hand down to his penis. He was still hard
as granite. Sam kissed Desiree on the neck, then hovered over her for a minute,
finally guiding himself slowly inside her.

She arched her back and raised her legs, savoring the
feeling of him slowly filling her. Things moved in slow motion for her when she
and Sam were this close. Her lips parted slowly and her breath was loud in her
head. She enjoyed every inch of sensation as the two of them moved together.

Her hips moved opposite his. The tension was building again
and Desiree was aware of every sensation, every breath Sam took. This was her
man and when they were together, their connection was so deep time practically
stood still.

Sam’s breath came faster now. “I can’t hold it anymore,” he

Desiree moved her hips faster, kissing his neck. “Don’t hold
it,” she whispered. “I’m there too.”

All of their muscles tensed as wave after wave of pleasure
washed over them. Once again, everything exploded into light and they relaxed
onto each other, spent.

Chapter Two

A Little Feeling


When Desiree awoke from her short nap, Sam lay next to her,
naked, his head on one elbow. He’d obviously been awake for some time. “How
long have you been watching me?”

“Not long. Just enjoying your beauty. I hope you don’t mind.”

“Would you stop if I did?” she asked. She wasn’t
complaining. Sam wasn’t too bad to wake up to either. She ran her gaze along
his jaw—the square shape of it made her shiver.

Sam grinned, shaking his head. “Nope. And there’s nothing
you can do about it. You’re asleep when I do it. How’s that make you feel?”

Desiree leaned in to receive his kiss. “Hungry.” She kissed
him again, then hopped off the bed. “Hopefully we aren’t too late to use our
free breakfast coupon.”

Sam looked disappointed. “You sure you don’t want to come
back to bed. You have a little too much energy.”

“I’m gonna wash and then we’re going to go. I’m not about to
let anything free slip through my fingers. Not here. It’s too expensive. And
you know what they say, there’s nothing like a little loving to get you going.”

Sam sighed but got up anyway. “I don’t know who ‘they’ is,
but I’ve never heard that at all.”

“C’mon,” Desiree said. “Keep up, Comfort. We can pick up
where we left off later.”

Instead of the bustling center of activity it had been
earlier, the lobby was nearly deserted. Both Sam and Desiree were surprised.
They looked at each other with puzzled expressions. The hairs on the back of
Desiree’s neck stood at alert. The unexpected emptiness, though welcome, made
her feel as if something were suddenly wrong.

“I guess all the bridal party men finally got settled.”
Desiree followed two steps behind Sam as they made their way to the small
restaurant off the lobby. It was off a hallway running down the side of the
building, built out onto a deck covered by a retractable awning. The deck was
surrounded by flowers, giving the impression of dining in the middle of an
elaborate European-style garden.

There was no one at the hostess podium to greet them.
Desiree peered into the dining room. There seemed to be no one around at all.
She smiled slowly. “Looks as if we’re going to have the place to ourselves
again.” She wasn’t going to complain. She actually preferred it that way. This
could be her and Sam’s own private veranda.

“I was a little worried earlier,” Sam said. “I thought our
secluded paradise had been overrun with tourists.”

Desiree frowned. “It’s weird though. The place is almost
deserted now. The whole group went on a tour?” It seemed strange. Even in the most
cohesive group, there was always one person who didn’t go along with the plan.

“Works for me. I kind of like the quiet,” Sam said.

Desiree followed Sam to what had become their favorite
table, a small one for two in the back corner of the room. It was nudged right
up against the window and gave her the feeling they were alone. Just as they
rounded the corner in the odd-shaped room, she caught sight of where everyone
was. A group of five employees were huddled together, whispering. They
scattered as soon as they caught sight of Sam and Desiree.

“What do you think that was about?” She had an uneasy
feeling quivering through her. She couldn’t shake the idea their paradise was
about to be interrupted.

Sam slid into his seat across from her. “I’m not going to
worry. We’re on vacation, or did you forget? If it’s for us to know, we’ll find
out soon enough.”

For the few minutes they waited, there was little, if any
activity in the dining room. Desiree stared out into the garden, making it
obvious she was thinking hard. Finally, a waitress came over to their table and
greeted them. “
Bonjour, voulez-vous boire quelque chose?

Sam looked to Desiree for help and she smiled. He was a
smart man, but languages were not one of his strengths. “She asked if we’d like
anything to drink. I can’t believe you haven’t at least learned that while we
were here.” Desiree studied the face of the waitress while she spoke. There was
definitely something amiss.

“You know I just don’t do languages,” Sam said. “That’s why
I have you, Miss High School French whiz.”

“I’m no whiz. Just a quick study.” Desiree had a knack for
technology and languages and it helped that her grandmother had spoken some
Spanish to her. “Coffee?”

Sam nodded.

Deux cafés américains, s’il vous plaît.

The woman scribbled on her pad, then scurried away.

Sam reached across the table to take Desiree’s hand as she
watched the woman leave. “Did you notice anything strange about her?”

Sam shrugged. “Not really. She talked funny?”

Desiree slapped the back of Sam’s hand playfully. “You
always have jokes,” she said. “No, she’d been crying.”

“And why is that unusual?”

“By itself? It’s not. But combined with the whispering
French people in the corner and how deserted the lobby is, my gut says
something is up.”

A heavy sighed escaped Sam’s lips. “And I’m guessing you’re
going to tell me what you think it is. We are on vacation, remember?”

She smiled. “How could I forget that? And it’s been a
wonderful one.” Desiree stood and headed toward the lobby.

Sam shook his head but hopped up and followed her. If he
knew anything about Desiree, once she made up her mind about something, she
wouldn’t rest until she accomplished whatever it was. She didn’t have to say
but he could tell she was hell-bent on finding what had everyone acting out of
sorts. He got the feeling their short time in paradise was coming to an end.

Desiree marched straight to the front desk. Like the
restaurant, there was no one there. She didn’t hesitate to ring the small bell
on the counter. Sam cringed as she tapped it. The indignant sound reverberated
through the small space.

“Really?” he said.

Her eyes were playful as she blew a kiss at her lover. Her
favorite desk clerk emerged from the small office behind the desk. His face was
full of questions and he looked as tired and stressed as the employees in the
restaurant had.

,” he said. “How may I help you,

Desiree pulled out her best smile. “I, we, didn’t need
anything. I was just wondering why it was so quiet now. What happened to all of
the people who were here early this morning? The bridal party? Did they decide
to stay somewhere else?”

The clerk gasped, shaking his head slowly. He lowered his
voice. “No,
,” he said. “It is a sad thing. They met with an
accident an hour ago.”

“That is terrible,” Desiree said. They’d barely given the
man in the hallway directions much longer ago. “Will they be all right?”

A tear sprang to the poor man’s eyes. “They will never be
okay again. Their car careened into a cliff. There are no survivors. We are
waiting for the coroner now and notifying the families. It is very bad.
.” He shook his head in disbelief as he spoke.

Desiree and Sam were at a loss for words.

“Don’t you worry. You just have breakfast. There will be a
lot of red tape for me, but we will try not to alarm the other guests.”

“How horrible,” Sam said, his mouth agape. “The entire
wedding party?”

“Just the men. The females weren’t with them. They were
going on a tour for the bachelor party. I’m sorry,” The clerk appeared to fight
back tears as he shook his head. “I have to handle the phones. People will ask
questions, you know.”

Sam and Desiree turned slowly and walked back across the
hall to the restaurant. Sam was no longer hungry. His mind was on the lives cut

Desiree was as contemplative as he was. “What do you think

“What do you mean? You heard the guy just like I did. The
tour bus hit a wall. You know as well as I do how treacherous these roads
around here can be. We’ve been walking around and driving on them for the past
few weeks. We had a couple of close calls ourselves.” The roads near the inn
were dangerous, filled with hairpin turns and often barely wide enough for two
cars. Though better than Paris, driving around the area had been a tense

Their hearts were heavy as they went back into the
restaurant. By now their coffee was waiting, ready to be poured from an
exquisitely made French press. Desiree pushed the handle down slowly. Normally,
she would contemplate this was the best coffee she’d ever had as she savored
the rich smell, but she couldn’t think about her pleasure now. “True. We’ve had
some scares. But we aren’t used to the area or the roads. Neither one of us can
read the signs around here very well. What do you think the chances are their
driver wasn’t familiar with the roads? You see the way the people around here
drive at breakneck speed as if it’s nothing. Just doesn’t make sense to me.”

Sam didn’t speak. Desiree always thought there was more to
things than they knew.

“Things are never what they seem to be on the surface,
right? At least that’s what you tell me.”

Sam nodded. He hoped she wasn’t right. “Maybe the driver had
been drinking. And the roads are still wet from the morning mist.”

Desiree pursed her lips. “Really Sam? It’s late morning. And
this is France. They brush their teeth with wine, but I can’t tell you the last
time I saw a drunk person. Or even a tipsy person. And think about it, tour
operators always mind their P’s and Q’s here. When something happens to
tourists, especially American tourists, it’s just not good for the economy.”

“Yes, that’s true. But just because there’s always something
more to the story doesn’t mean there’s a conspiracy. Can I please have some
coffee?” Sam pushed his cup forward so Desiree could fill it. “There is some
random element to life. I know you don’t want to hear that, but it’s true.”

Desiree nodded. She wanted to believe him, but deep down,
something was telling her different.

BOOK: NorthernPassion
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